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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Jethro examined Chihiro's expression after his movie making suggestion. The teen smiled a bit, "Sweet. Thought you'd get a kick out of the suggestion". Yep, this was that "enhance experience" thing that was mentioned in one of the previous posts. "You got any plots in mind?" He questioned slightly raising a brow.

@Wataru @Kawaii

Suzumaki flinched at Nagisa's words and took a step back; she was confused as to whether it not the man was joking.

Crumpling the paper back up, she knelt down and stuck it in her bag, zipping it back up.

After that, the girl jumped to her feet and looked over at Jethro, "Action! Let's make it action!"

@Wataru @Kawaii @RyanJXavier
chihiro swiftly covered his brother's mouth, lest he say anything strange like okay so there's this hot alien chick ya dig and some other hot alien chick only this one has TENTACLES, as he was the type to go on about a ridiculous and lewd plot. "is there a certain genre you like?" he asked curiously, now wishing he had brought a pad of paper and his sketch pens, or something of the like. he paid no mind to the fact that his drink had run an icky, body-temperature warm in his hands, and found himself remarkably drawn in by conversation. he chuckled at suzumaki, looking up at jethro for confirmation. he wasn't a particularly big fan of action, though many found it interesting. "your verdict?" he said, voice raising slightly from his normal near-whisper.

Jethro shook his head at Chihiro, "None in particular. It's all up to you, Director. You're the head of this project Mr. I Like To Watch Movies". That really was the only reason why Jet suggested the idea. It was for Chihiro to explore and lose himself in things he liked . . . like movies. "I will gladly help you with any of your project needs though" Jet mentioned.

@Wataru @Kawaii

Suzumaki began to pout for a split second but stopped really quick. Looking up at the boy with glasses she claps her hands together, waiting to hear how things will go. You could see her gently jogging in place but barely lifting her feet from the ground.

@mikko @RyanJXavier
chihiro blinked for a second, bemused. "mr. i-like-to-watch-movies?" he said, the name rolling of his tongue in a highly curious fashion. it was slightly intimidating, having all that leeway for such a broad topic. though, admittedly, he had watched enough films to be a professional critic. though, excluding the very enthusiastic young lady with the so-called sacrilegious drawing of a chicken. that did, of course, give him a slight idea. adventure was a very simple concept, and could be incorporated with a grand many things. maybe he could take a poll of favorites? he doubted many had the fondness for old fashion noir and mystery. it was a thing for him to work on, which was nice.

"Yeah, well you didn't exact tell me your name yet so . . . " Jethro replied to Chihiro before glancing over at Suzumaki. "What movie genres do you you like, huh?" He thought that the girl would have some interesting suggestions. After all, she surprised him with her Capture the Flag skills from earlier that day.

@Wataru @Kawaii
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chihiro blinked, completely baffled at the sheer notion of him forgetting to mention something so important. had he truly been so immersed in thought? "oh! i'm sorry!" he exclaimed, bowing his head in embarrassment. "i'm chihiro. it's a pleasure to meet you!" he brought his head up to smile, unsure of what to say or do next. that was a thoughtlessly awkward encounter, which was wholly his fault. thankfully, he doubted jethro was expecting much more of a response than that, though.

@Wataru , @Kawaii​
"Director Chihiro" Jethro said before pausing for a moment. He made a face as if to study what he had just said. "Has a nice ring to it, right? Well, at least I think so" The teen stated briefly looking away to try and formulate some more ideas. His eyes shifted over to the sensei, "Sensei, what movie genres interest you?" The project was after all going to be graded by him.

Rin see a group of people in the distance and decided to see what they were talking about.She found out later though,that some of them are people she knew!But,upon closer investigation,she find two new people.Both boys.Taking a deep breath,she walks towards them and asks Jethro who these dudes are.


chihiro grinned, giving a slight bow. how kind! though, his name was distastefully feminine, in his head. it was scarce he encountered a male with the same one. it was pretty embarrassing when he was told that it suited him, and now it was extra embarrassing, considering no one denounced him being a middle aged woman. though, that, in truth, was more insulting than anything. chihiro's eyes widened when jethro asked the question, mouth forming a "don'–!!" but, unfortunately, it was too late.

nagisa had no idea as to why he was still there. he was doing nothing, simply playing with the sleeves of his cardigan and playing a game on his phone, though he had not moved. his excitement piqued when blondie asked him the question, mouth quirking into an easy smirk. "what do i like? nothing i can make students act out. but, if you'd like to know something a bit less on the adult side of town, i like horror. a bit a blood, a little bone, maybe some intestines. y'know. the cute stuff." he smiled good naturedly, despite what he said, and shrugged. "but who cares what i like? do you and you'll do fine."

Jethro's green eyes shifted over to Rin for a bit, "This is Chihiro, and sensei". The teen momentarily looked at the brothers and introduced Rin, "This is Rin". Jet listened to Nagisa's response before raising a brow, " . . . okay. Yo Chihiro, this is your project. Remember that, 'kay? I don't even have your brother as my teacher so it is whatever you want it to be" He mentioned after hearing the older guy talk about "doing you".

@Zyra Charlotte @mikko

chihiro waved at rin, smiling. he noted offhandedly that this might be the most he's smiled in quite some time, though it was merely a momentary muse. "hello, rin! it's very nice to meet you." he found her stutter vaguely endearing, as it certainly meant she was shy; perhaps even shyer than chihiro himself. he nodded in response to jethro, mind already whirring with a variety of possible ideas. there were some he favored more than others, so once they were written down and comprehensible, he'd present them. "will do," he chirped, beginning to have at least the smallest amount of confidence in himself.

@Zyra Charlotte , @RyanJXavier
"Cool, we can meet after school then if ya want. So we can talk about that movie" Jethro suggested looking at Chihiro with the hidden hope of being able to help Chihiro out in someway. Their bro squad in the making could get stronger with this new challenge in their hands. He actually found the whole movie making idea to be really interesting. It was probably one of his best ideas yet . . . wait no, that one prank was even better.


chihiro nodded enthusiastically, eyes nearly sparkling in excitement. "yeah, that sounds great!" he enthused, pleased. his first friends made here, and nearly so effortlessly! he had to do well, for the sake and ingenuity of new friendship. perhaps he could spare a bit of time in class for plots? provided he listened for the majority of the class period, it should be fine. some people left class in the middle, anyway. this academy was strange in the teachers they hired, considering none that he had seen seemed horribly strict.

"Aw, I'm flattered!" Hinata flushed an unhealthy shade of red as he smiled at the other male. "Glad I'm making it worth your while, though," he laughed softly, nudging the other as he neared to a stop. "Here we have it, home sweet home."

Kenta smiled back and turned red after the nudge. Once the door opened, Kenta followed Hinata inside and looked around. "Whoa" he managed to say as he appreciated the look of the room. @Zero Gravity
drummerboi said:
Connor flinched slightly he was uncomfterble people touching him unless he knows them on a more personal leval ie frainds. He did look uncomfterble when she hugged him he then gave another look to yumi as he then continued to look at the ground "im sorry......" He said again as he then continued to look at the ground. He continued to look at the ground as if he deserves this
@Leaf Fi

(by the way is it weard that i ship Connor and rin)
Matoko's Expression changed from confused, to a weird mix of Scare, and worriness, and then back to the previous, confused face, listening to the female on the other side... who had an oddly familar voice. Found something in my bag?... i only Keep... School stuff in there.... and what the hell is the 'Bag Police!' The Boy rubbed the back of his head, and was about to turn his head towards Suzumaki again, when he noticed that she.. left. Huh, she probably had to go. He stood up from the bench, and walked back inside the Building, heading for the principal's Office, When he actually found Riika, Standing in front of it. "...What are you doing he-..." I KNOW WHO THAT VOICE WAS NOW! "THAT WAS YOUR SISTER ON THE PHONE!" He yelled, stating his thoughts. There was no doubt about it, the Person calling him was Riika's sister... Izumi. Did Riika give her my phone number? Nah... that wouldn't make any sense. He noticed now, how loud he was actually yelling, and cleared his throat as a Response to it. "So... uhmm... The bag Police?" The male rubbed the back of his head once more, and stepped a Little closer to Riika, since the gap between them was still quite noticable.

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BobbyW said:
Matoko's Expression changed from confused, to a weird mix of Scare, and worriness, and then back to the previous, confused face, listening to the female on the other side... who had an oddly familar voice. Found something in my bag?... i only Keep... School stuff in there.... and what the hell is the 'Bag Police!' The Boy rubbed the back of his head, and was about to turn his head towards Suzumaki again, when he noticed that she.. left. Huh, she probably had to go. He stood up from the bench, and walked back inside the Building, heading for the principal's Office, When he actually found Riika, Standing in front of it. "...What are you doing he-..." I KNOW WHO THAT VOICE WAS NOW! "THAT WAS YOUR SISTER ON THE PHONE!" He yelled, stating his thoughts. There was no doubt about it, the Person calling him was Riika's sister... Izumi. Did Riika give her my phone number? Nah... that wouldn't make any sense. He noticed now, how loud he was actually yelling, and cleared his throat as a Response to it. "So... uhmm... The bag Police?" The male rubbed the back of his head once more, and stepped a Little closer to Riika, since the gap between them was still quite noticable.
Riika leaned against the cold wall and had her eyes closed. I suppose he didn't believe it.' She chuckled and let her bag slip from her shoulders. When she suddenly heard a familiar voice. The girl opened one eyes and wanted to answer when the boy actually yelled. Now she couldn't hold in her laughter any more and she leaned against the wall for support, otherwise she would fall to the ground. 'I.Am sorry..I-Izumi grabbed the p-phone and I..' She tried to say between the gasps she had to take from laughing. 'Your face!' Now she was sitting against the wall and calmed down a bit. 'Don't ask me, she came with the idea.' She could feel another laughter come up and quickly got on her feet. 'Well anyway it was nonsense of course. I am sorry if I pulled you away from Suzumaki." Riika rubbed her head and grinned sheepishly. 'It seems you don't have a chance to meet others when I am around huh?' She chuckled and grabbed her bag.
"I know right? It's great!" Hinata smiled, shutting the door behind him. The room was decorated with posters, plants, and bountiful colors. There were stuffed animals, as well as small signs with words hanging everywhere. There was also pictures of him with friends, family, and different things. However, even though it was nice looking, his desk space was very cluttered, and you could almost tell that he was a messy person.


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