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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

Jethro furrowed his brows a bit while trying to figure out what was going on with Koichi. "You sounded like you were reciting lyrics from a song" He stated before laughing a bit. "Maybe Jean knows what's up with you" The teen suggested. Perhaps Koichi was on drugs? Jet paused for a moment and mentally shrugged that idea away. Nah, he doesn't seem like that kind of guy. He thought to himself.


(it's okay)
"Sorry, let me slow down. Gym kills my legs too," Hinata stated, giving a small apologetic smile and slowing down to match pace with the other," Hinata stated, cradling his cactus safely to the point where he wouldn't drop it, and where it wouldn't prick him either.



Ryuzaki furrowed his brow as the boy yelled towards him...he calmly removed his hands from his pockets and stepped towards him with a sigh.

"Enough of this shit.." he thought to himself as he jerked the boy up and knocked him right across the jaw, sending him to the ground once again.

He then knelt down towards the boy; furious, "Don't assume shit when you don't know shit." Ryuzaki now knows that he and Connor have similar backstories...but he's just to prideful to speak about his own past.

Standing back up and turning away he paused but continued to look away from Connor, "Don't come out until you're done crying. She'll worry." specifically speaking, Yumi.

Ryuzaki then walked away and headed back towards the cafeteria; leaving Connor to console himself...he was beginning to think that maybe Connor wasn't too bad...just annoying.

@drummerboi @Leaf Fi

((Not really annoying! Don't get butt hurt xD love ya Drums!))
"You workout?" Kenta asked eagerly. "Yeah legs days make me walk like a baby giraffe." He said laughing. "Want me carry your bag for you so you can carry the cactus? Sorry I should have offered sooner." Kenta added walking next to Hinata @Zero Gravity

As he was coming around the corner from the back of the school building he almost ran into some blond haired girl. Looking down at her he furrowed his brow at her question then nudged her by the head to turn around and go back.

"He's fine." Ryuzaki didn't want anyone bother Connor at them moment...it'd be an uncomfortable sight.

@Zyra Charlotte
(( hay i not butt hirt im just kinda sorting my own problems at the momment....))

Connor put the hand on his jaw. Pissed off that he would punch him. But he could take a punch after all he had many thrown at him. He then continued to sit with a massive bruise on his jaw he sighed. Knowing he mucked up big time. He felt he should just leave. He caused enough damage to everyone already. He wiped his tears away and just sat there he couldn't even face Yumi after what happened. Especially after that Break down he felt he mucked up. That yumi would never like him. He also never would be able to see them haveing a relationship and she would go with ryu it's over now. he deserved to be alone. Always alone.
"I-oh! T-thank you!" Hinata blushed heavily, removing his bag with one hand and looking down at it. "Y-you don't have to if you don't want to, you know," the male murmured, still very flustered from the suggestion. "You're really nice," he chuckled sheepishly, giving off a nervous smile from being so embarrassed.

The brunette was currently huffing at the fact she was abandoned at the cafeteria alone. Of course, she would've been a little happier if there was some nice food to be friendly with... Too bad her legs were still screaming in agony. "I wonder where those two went off to..." Yumi mumbled softly in thought, resting her elbow against the table beside her, chin in the palm of her hand. She was a little worried, to be honest, but she knew she would be able to trust the two to not box the life out of the other.

@Suzumaki Arakai @drummerboi
Kenta took Hinata's bag and walked with him. "I don't mind at all." he said with a smile looking at him. As they continued to walk, Kenta asked "Do you have a good roommate?? I live alone right now. It's not bad." he said laughing. @Zero Gravity

The tall boy grit his teeth and accidentally raised his voice as he turned chibi for a second, "He's fine!" returning to normal form he stomped back to the cafeteria and grabbed ahold of Yumi; throwing her over his shoulder.

Time skip....

Pulling the girl from his shoulder he set her down with ease at the corner of the school building; one more turn and they'd be behind it.

Ryuzaki turned the girl around and nudged her hard enough to where she popped out from behind the corner and could be seen by Connor.

Once Yumi were to turn around Ryuzaki would be gone.

@Leaf Fi @drummerboi
Connor was sitting at the back of the school in silance as he had his knees to his stomach in a caccon like state starring at the floor how can he forgive himself. He felt he was horrible to her how could he act so selfish. He had to admit though Ryu was kind of honest maybe he needed to toughen up a bit. But it would be way to hard for him he needed help. he then ignored anyone comeing towards him. He then continued to look at the floor
Rin found Connor at the back of the school.She walked up to him and said a small "Hi.".She's scared she would scare him off.
"Nope, it's just me!" Hinata stated, grateful for Kenta carrying his bag, even though he said that his legs were hurting. It was awfully kind. "Just more room for decoration, I guess!" He giggled, smiling cheerfully at the other.

Connor paid no attention to her he was just sitting down wanting to be alone "im sorry but i want to be alone please" he said looking at her then looking back down "when im better il talk to you later" he said looking back at the ground again

@Zyra Charlotte
"I bet it all looks nice and matches" Kenta responded as they kept walking. "My room is just plain, nothing in there." he half smiled. "I'm a boring person usually." He added @Zero Gravity
Yumi's gaze flickered over to the door as soon as it reopened, beaming at Ryuzaki. Her mouth opened to welcome him back when, completely out if nowhere, he threw her over his shoulder and went on his merry way. That greeting completely changed; "R-Ryuzaki?! What are you doing!? Put me down!" The brunette struggled to release herself from his grip, but her efforts ended in vain. The boy was too strong.

It took her less than five minutes to completely give up on any chance of escaping. The girl simply was hanging limp off Ryuzaki's shoulder with a red face, wondering where he was taking her. Just at that moment, she was set down then pushed forward. "E-eh?! Ryuzaki, what are you..." Her sentence hung off her lips as she turned around. The boy was nowhere in sight... "Doing..."

@Zyra Charlotte
Rin sighed."When you're alone,that just makes it worse.You know,I've been through depression myself.In fact,I'm still depressed until now.I don't show my true depressed self to other people though..."She said and took a seat beside him.
(Guys, I'm sorry to interrupt, but I'm new to this site and I'm wondering if it's too late to first introduce my character to this RP and improvise from there. Still struggling to get past the ten posts part.)
Connor turned to see Yumi he then tryed to remain quiet "i think its best if you leave this is a personal matter" he said looking at the girl before looking at yumi again before continueing to look at the ground " I know your trying your best but this is something i have to do myself" He said looking at the girl next to him "thank you though" He said as he then contineud to look at the ground

@Zyra Charlotte @Leaf Fi

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