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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

(( 1. He's made friends with a group of people!

2. He have everyone tea and coffee

3. He helped Suzumaki and Hajime

4. He has a nice personality when he knows people! And he's very caring

5. He helped calm Yumi when she was upset in Capture the Flag

:3 ))
(( and here are the bad

1: he's over obsessive

2: he's quick to judge people ie ryu and that was my part

3: he's in the wrong type of rp said by aero

4: he basicly made yumi scared of him in that previeuse comment

5: he made yumi have another panic attack and im only replying because i don't want be seen as a quiter...))

Connor walked up towards her atculy quite scared as he then crouched near her "Yumi...im so sorry.....im so sorry yumi im sorry" He said begining to get upset "im so sorry yumi im sorry" He said crying he didn't know what to do he wanted to help her but he knew she would shun him. "Im so sorry yumi.....im so sorry......" He said as e then begun to rock back an forth "im sorry im sorry....." He said as he then begun to cry again... finaly his emotions come out.

@Leaf Fi
Kenta's eyes went wide when his hand was pushed. "Oh don't be sorry, thank you." he said with a laugh "I need my hands." he said smiling. "Why don't you bring your plants here? It must be a lot to take care of them." Kenta added. "Do you have any other plants here?" He asked still smiling. @Zero Gravity

Ryuzaki was in the process of throwing away his trash when suddenly someone busted open the doors to the cafeteria. Looking over he automatically knew who it was.

Shortly after she ran in, Connor came in after her and wrapped her up in his arms...the boys brow furrowed tremendously as he began stomping towards the two. Stopping directly on them; he was close enough to where Yumi could touch him without even bending her arm all the way, he looked down at Connor who was crying and wiped the boys tears...not sincerely though.

After that he pulled the two apart and grabbed Connor by the shirt; lifting him up a little but not enough to remove his feet completely from the ground.

"What'd you do?"

@Leaf Fi @drummerboi
"i did nothing i did nothing wrong i did nothing wrong" he said still crying " i did nothing wrong " He said repeating over and over again. Still crying heavily as he then continued to look at him "im sorry.....im sorry..." He said haveing flashbacks to his childhood as he rememberd he freacked a girl out by just holding her hand as he then was lifted by a boy just like he was then "im sorry i didn't mean to hirt her i didn't do aything i swear" he said as he continued to cry in front of him

@Suzumaki Arakai
RyanJXavier said:
Jethro was just walking around campus when he saw a familiar red head enter his line of sight. "Yo, Red" The teen said walking up by Koichi. " . . . What's up?" He slightly tilted his head a bit while awaiting the guy's response. Jet didn't really know him that well, but he figured that it would be nice to have a solid bro on campus. Why not check up on this guy? He thought to himself.
Koichi was roaming around aimlessly, when he heard Jethro calling him "Oh, hey there." Besides from Aiko, Jean and maybe Kameko, everyone was kind of a stranger to him, and the boy really did want to change that. "Nothing much, just trying to figure out what's happening with me these days, i feel like something odd is going on" Ichikawa said, slowing down his pace.
"Oh yeah! I've got flowers and even some lucky bamboo! I really, really like all sorts of plants!" Hinata stated, blue eyes lighting up once more. "I can show you if you want...?" The male asked, smiling softly as he placed all the pictures back in his bag. He didn't really have a ton of friends, so this was nice; talking to someone was like breathing fresh air.

Sighing,Rin decided to walk around the school.She was new after all and she needed to meet some people.She went outside and saw a guy with another guy.Not in THAT way.They seem to be talking about something. @NickOnTheReg @Zero Gravity
Yumi was exhausted. Her heartbeat was all she could hear as it rang through her ears, beating madly against her chest, almost like it was trying to escape her body. Thanks to her breathing too, she could barely even speak as she gulped as much air as she could to her oxygen deprived lungs. It was only when two feet stopped in front of her and Connor was shifted that she looked up, beginning to understand the situation. "N-no..." Shakily, like a new born deer, the girl pushed herself up to her feet, taking a step forward. Her legs buckled once more, but she latched onto Ryuzaki's arm for dear life, shaking her head. "M... My fault..." Yumi gasped out, squeezing her eyes shut. "It was... My fault..."

@Suzumaki Arakai @drummerboi
"Really?" Jethro question while slightly raising a brow. He studied the red head for a bit before continuing, "What do you mean by that?" Was there something odd going on with Koichi, or with the people around them? . . . or both? Jet wouldn't be surprised if Koichi was talking about the people around them though. The teen could feel that something was going on too. He just didn't really know what.


Ryuzaki stared at the boy for a second; he didn't look as pissed off anymore...I guess you could say he felt bad? No...he probably just isn't good with people who are crying.

After Yumi dropped down and grabbed his arm he suddenly let go of Connor and caught her with both hands, lifting her to her feet.

"Oi.." She explained how it was her own fault and he felt somewhat confused...

Looking over at Connor as he held Yumi with one arm now; only helping her with her balance, he didn't pull her close to his chest or anything.

Ryuzaki dropped his pride and placed a hand on the boys head; ruffling his hair.

"Chill out man..." He nudged the boys head downward a little to hide his crying face then returned his attention to Yumi as he helped her to a seat near the closest table.

@Leaf Fi @drummerboi
"Oh wow you have a lot of plants" Kenta responded. "I'd like to see them, though I'm kind of a reverse green thumb so I wouldn't want to kill them." He added with a laugh and a slight blush. " Your room must be so lively." @Zero Gravity
Connor begun to take out his music box and held it close "im sorry mum im sorry i didn't stop him... im sorry if i done something you would still be here....im such a failure....im sorry mum....if only i stopped dad you will still be here..." He said still crying but not as loud as the song in the music box begun to play "im sorry mum...i wish you weren't dead" He said lookking at the picture of her on the music box along with his brother. He just cried. He wasn't crying as loud but he was cring all the same.

@suzumaki @Leaf Fi
Jean blinked surprised. "Wow, I didn't think Juvia was that rash." She said. "When I met her she was just reading a book about a dog." She continued. @Kawaii
Rin took a deep breath and started to approach the two.She chickened out at the last moment though.Sulking,she went back inside and was startled when she saw a guy crying,Yumi and Suzumaki.She ran towards them,concerned.After all,what kind of girl doesn't have maternal instincts? @drummerboi @Suzumaki Arakai @Leaf Fi
"I doubt you could kill them by looking at them!" Hinata laughed, a blush arising again on his cheeks as Kenta told him that his room must be lively. "Yeah, I-I guess my room is pretty lively," he said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck with another light laugh. "Here, I can show you! Just follow me!" Hinata jumped up, smiling as he lightly grabbed the cactus, not wanting to drop it.

RyanJXavier said:
"Really?" Jethro question while slightly raising a brow. He studied the red head for a bit before continuing, "What do you mean by that?" Was there something odd going on with Koichi, or with the people around them? . . . or both? Jet wouldn't be surprised if Koichi was talking about the people around them though. The teen could feel that something was going on too. He just didn't really know what.
Even Koichi himself didn't know exactly what he meant, the only thing he knew it involved Aiko someway, but he didn't want to mention her, not yet. "So, lately, i haven't been able to focus like i did before, but at the same time i feel so... good? I never felt like this before, and i just can't get that out of my head" the boy after a few seconds, realizes what he just said "Did i sound weird just now?" he asked, laughing

((Sorry for late answer))

Ryuzaki approached Connor again after helping Yumi sit down; he picked the boy up to his feet and, again, wiped away his tears with a rough swipe of the hand. Grabbing him by the back of his blazer he then walked out of the cafeteria; dragging Connor with him.

Whether Connor told or asked him to stop he refused to let go until they were alone...Ryuzaki didn't really know where to go so now the two are behind the school building.

He let go of Connor and let him drop to the ground, roughly shoving his finger in the boys face.

"Dude. You're weak." In all reality...Ryuzaki was just trying to cheer the boy up...

He doesn't know how it feels...yet, but he doesn't think Connor should look weak in front of the girl he likes.

@drummerboi @Leaf Fi
"Knowing my luck, they would." Kenta said with a laugh as he stood up to follow him. Stretching as he did so. "Lead the way." Kenta said with a smile, trying to keep up with Hinata since his legs were still sore from the gym. @Zero Gravity
For what felt like the first time in forever, Yumi was relieved. Not only by the fact Ryuzaki had dropped Connor from his grasp, but also to the fact he didn't let her drop. Thankfully, he guided her to a nearby chair. And she gladly sat down- a little inelegantly, but who really cared at that moment- as she caught her breath. Green eyes flickered over to the boy on the ground and lips pulled downwards in a frown. Before she could do anything though, Ryuzaki 'escorted' the sobbing boy out of her view, and she couldn't do anything but stare longingly after them. 'I can't moveee!' The brunette whined inwardly, shutting her eyes. She shouldn't have pushed herself...

@Suzumaki Arakai @drummerboi
"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!!! What' it's like to be told your mother died because your farther abused her and witness it when your 5. You don't know what it's like to be bullied 16 years. All becuse you lived in poverty being called a tramp and a stain on sociaty. You don't know what it's like to be in a orphanige for 5 years seeing parents choose other people because thay don't want the fucked up one who has breackdown's evry ten seconds!!! You don't know what it's like to move half across the world because it was eather that or head out to the street. You don't know what it's like to be Broken..... and have someone fix you..." He said looking at him that last part was more said then shouted.

@Suzumaki Arakai

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