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Realistic or Modern Anime Highschool

(( by the way zyra it's best to cheack connor's backround before you talk to him it kind of explains why he's like this))
Connor flinched slightly he was uncomfterble people touching him unless he knows them on a more personal leval ie frainds. He did look uncomfterble when she hugged him he then gave another look to yumi as he then continued to look at the ground "im sorry......" He said again as he then continued to look at the ground. He continued to look at the ground as if he deserves this

(by the way is it weard that i ship Connor and rin)
((WTF dude,they just met.....well.....my friends ship me with people i just meet too....so....I guess it's not a big deal..))
"I doubt that you're a boring person!" Hinata shook his head, beaming at the other. "You seem pretty interesting!" The silver-haired boy stated, blushing a bit as he realized what he said. It came out of nowhere, and he didn't really think about it before he said it. Whoops...

Kenta smiled a bit and blushed slightly at Hinata's statement. "T-Thank you, but after awhile you'd probably see that I'm not." No one has ever really complimented him before so he didn't know what to say. "You're the interesting one, with all these pretty and neat plants." he added with a smile @Zero Gravity
Rin walks around the school,once again.Sighing,she goes to the cafeteria and sits on one of the tables,before banging her head on it.

day two. chihiro, you can do this. you can make friends. you can finally have the shimmering high school life you've always dreamt of.

admittedly, the taller of the tachibana boys believed none in the help that mantras supposedly provided, though he was a sucker for the aspect of good luck. after all, it only takes one time for your mother to text you
"is everything going well at your new school??? i hope you and your brother are doing your very bests!! chi-chan, fight-o!!! (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑" before you begin to wonder if your cheerful "yes, ma'am! (〃⌒▽⌒〃)ゝ" response was a lie. it wasn't like he had done much more than study, bake, and watch copious amounts of anime. not exactly glamorous, and he felt as if he had gained a pound or so. how lovely. the gods favored him none this year, it seemed. considering his apprehension to speaking with others, chihiro chose to simply walk around campus grounds, exploring the varied areas curiously. he was probably a sight, a small boy in a uniform at least two sizes too large, sweater pawed hand clutching shyly at a bottle of milk tea. oooohhhhh gee. this was already a failure, he could tell! perhaps it would be better to watch something in his dorm room for the remainder of the break? that sounded nice. a brilliant idea, really. he wasn't sure why he hadn't thought of it earlier, really! he took a step, prepared, to leave. but life never worked exactly how one intends it to,

"f o u n d y o u, b a b y b r o," nagisa cooed threateningly, locking an arm around his brother's neck and ruffling his hair. "where d'ya thin you're goin', chi? aren't all your precious classmates out there?" he grinned, turning his brother in the opposite direction. linking his fingers with the younger's, he dragged him to the nearest group of boys, despite the loud struggling. after deeming both of the two safe to speak to(they didn't exceed 184 cm in height, which was his only criteria), he tapped the blond gently, his charmingly boyish smile adorning his face. "excuse me, but could you help sensei a bit? see, my adorable little brother is awful shy, and he's in desperate need of some friends. think you could talk with him a bit, maybe introduce him to some people? you'd get a reward." while nagisa spoke to the two boys, chihiro flushed a pink that could battle in shade with his brother's eyes. mouthing a gentle sorry, he attempted to slink away unbeknownst, but his brother grabbed him by the collar, making him remain.

Jethro felt a tap on his shoulder which caused him to turn around and see a teacher with one of his classmates. "Sure, I'm Jethro by the way" The teen said slightly smiling at the other guy. "This is Koichi" He added while gesturing over to the red head. They could definitely be a bro group. With their mix of personalities, they could form a pretty solid friendship. Jet could just sense it.

"Aw no. I doubt you're boring, I really do! You just need to be introduced to more things!" Hinata stated, furrowing his brow as he thought about things he could show to Kenta and stuff like that. There was a ton of stuff he could show him, but he didn't know what.

"I do like seeing and trying new things. All I really know is lifting and school and food and sleep." Kenta said with a smile. "This is the most non boring thing I've done in awhile, just talking to you and seeing that cactus. haha." Kenta felt embarrassed and turned a little red with a smile @Zero Gravity
At this point Koichi was already grinning from ear to ear, he could see that the three of them were bound to be friends "Chance meetings are so incredible, wow" he thought shortly before properly greeting Chihiro "Heya! Feel free to skip the honorifics, and call me whatever" Ichikawa said, with such naturalness that it seemed that they were friends from a long time ago.

Shifting his gaze to the shorter guy, he notices that it is Tachibana-sensei, who was also the music teacher.And Koichi wanted him to help with the music club
"Sensei! I'm founding this year's music club, could you please, join as the responsible teacher? I'd be grateful" the boy's tone changed from friendly to extremely serious in a fraction of second, unaware that Nagisa wasn't a "regular" teacher.

@RyanJXavier @mikko

Suzumaki left while Motoko was on the phone to avoid further nosiness. She began wondering aimlessly around school ground when suddenly she noticed Jethro and a few others.

With a big grin she darts over to them and skids to a stop then stands up and gives a salute.

"Hallo!" She looks at the people she may or may not know.

@Wataru @mikko @BobbyW
"Ello, Suzumaki" Jethro gave a slight wave to the girl before looking over at Chihiro. "So what do you like to do, huh?" He questioned jumping straight to the point. Was that guy really shy, or was his brother just saying that? In the case that Chihiro was shy, Jet would just find something Chihiro liked to do and probably enhance that experience in some way to start off that solid bro foundation.

Ichigo said bye to Jean and walked back to the courtyard, wanting to talk again, "Jeez Ichigo, Stupid Much?" She thought as she sighed then saw a group of boys with Suzumaki jumping in. She wanted join, them but she was a girl; not to familiar with how the science of boys works. She then decided to not-so-awkwardly butt in. She walked towards them, talking to Suzumaki, "Suzumaki, That's a bit rude" She said as she accidentally made eye contact with all of them. So much for not being awkward.

@Wataru @mikko

Suzumaki looks over at the girl whom she recognizes as Ichigo and tilts her head; she didn't even get the chance to throw a smile at Jethro.

"How's it rude!?" She began giving everyone apologetic glances as she then stepped behind Jethro and looked at Ichigo; mouthing the words, "Maybe they didn't notice me?" Her expression was that of a person who was pleading.

@Kawaii @Wataru @mikko

chihiro was surprised to see how kind and generally excepting these people were, despite how obviously annoying his brother was. it was endearing, really. he nodded to both koichi and jethro, smiling warmly with a gentle, "hello!" sure, he was shy, but his brother made him seem near mute. he just wasn't prone to talking well with strangers, was all. he was prone to feeling more comfortable in small, warm groups. similar to how these two seemed, he supposed? he was startled by the arrival of a girl who was slightly... lesser in stature, though she seemed quite friendly. he chose to take his chances in greeting her. "hallo to you, too," he said kindly, grinning at her. he was startled lightly by jethro's question, pondering momentarily. "ah,,,,, a ton! cooking, eating, movies,,," he paused and flushed crimson as his brother muttered, "so, essentially, everything a middle-aged housewife who isn't getting any likes. 'cept chihiro is a virgin, o'course" before turning to, very politely, of course, ask him to please stop talking, and that was unnecessary for you to say. the arrival of yet another girl made chihiro release a slightly undignified squeak, making him hang his head in shame.

nagisa watched with slight pride as chihiro finally acted his damn age and talked to people, snickering quietly. the redhead(he believes his name was koi-something. makes sense, the kid looked sorta like a koi fish) asked him something, and he cocked his head curiously. "music club? sure, kiddo. but i dunno what you're spouting with this 'responsible teacher' shi--, um. stuff. i was gonna say stuff." he nodded his head, finishing with a just bring me a form and i'll work with you for the rest. he yelled when suzumaki approached, clapping and laughing in glee. "you're the little girl that tried to get in a fight with mr. cluckles, amirite?" he asked, laughing. "man, was i surprised! that was friggin' great, girly, lemme tell ya." he snorted again, looking down at her. that was a pleasure to do within itself, though. "i don't think she likes you too much, though, so ya better watch out."
"Strawberry" Jethro said eyeing Ichigo before nodding at her. He had met the girl the previous day before the whole group left for karaoke. " . . . I noticed you" The teen stated looking over his shoulder at Suzumaki after seeing her step behind him. He then momentarily placed his hand on her head. Jet laughed a bit at Nagisa's commentary during Chihiro's reply. Chihiro's connection to a middle-aged housewife was kind of funny to Jet. His hand moved away from Suzumaki and made its way into his pocket again. Jet thought for a few moments before making a suggestion, "Let's make a movie".

@Kawaii @Wataru

Suzumaki flinched when the people began talking to her, "They noticed!" but then she realized they were talking like normal..."So I wasn't rude?" she thought, tilting her head in question.

She then popped around from behind Jethro and nodded towards Nagisa Sensei, "Hai! Hai! I couldn't draw the chicken cause I was hungry!..." with a grin and a lifted finger, Suzumaki bent sat her bag on the ground and bent down to rummage through it; all the while her tongue hanging from her mouth.

Once she stood back up again, a crumpled paper could be seen. She unfolded it and presented it to the group..."See. I tried though...shishishi!"

She then looked up at Jethro in question; curious as to what he means by making a movie.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/L9pcYS8Ghj-12.png.ad72052c3f1761b1f0aa303a252676b5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="60043" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/L9pcYS8Ghj-12.png.ad72052c3f1761b1f0aa303a252676b5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
@Kawaii @Wataru


Ryuzaki made his way to the front of the school and sat down on the ground to wait for Yumi's return. She would notice him whether she wanted to or not.

@Leaf Fi

Miyamura Sato

Miyamura sat there with his face buried in his hands and continued to mope when suddenly Omi began to comfort him..."It's okay. He's just comfortin-...what!?" Omi's sudden words about falling in love with your best friends rang through Sato' ears as he then jumped up and backed away, "You...you're...in...love with me!?" He shielded his mouth as he said 'love'.




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chihiro frowned at the laugh in his expense, though only petulantly. he had no true issue with it, after all. he perked up at let's make a movie, though, fond childhood memories of standing with his mother on a set of one of her more child-friendly films as she directed those around her. "a movie would be nice, i think. nagisa, do you think it could count as an extra credit art project?" he asked, cocking his head. it'd at least be a fun way to start the year, he thought. he winced lightly at the interaction between the girl(suzumaki, was it?) and his brother, her sincerity paired with his playfulness making for a strange pairing.

nagisa nearly cried at the drawing of the cooked chicken, glowering. "look here, shorty. that drawing; that one right there? blasphemy. sacrilege, even. you can't disrespect your teacher like that. in fact, first assignment, i'm giving you an f." he stuck his tongue out at her, placing a hand on his hip. in response to his little brother, he merely shrugged. what did he care about what his students did with their free time? he'd accept the movie, but unless it had a hella riveting plot or, say, porn with people above the legal age, he wouldn't watch it. "knock yourself out. also, it's 'onii-sama.' i demand respect." he reached up to ruffle chihiro's hair playfully, and did the same to suzumaki(only, he got to reach down. man, was that a great feeling). admittedly, he would have done the same with the rest, but he wasn't quite tall enough...

@Wataru , @Kawaii​

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