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Fantasy Angels VS. Demons:The Eternal War

Anyone care to drop a real quick summary of the last page or so? I'm trying to type this with bad internet and a dying battery, so anything would be appreciated while I'm finishing up the form. :3
xD I'm laughing so hard at that! Wonder what Electra's reaction will be lmao

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She'll probably just think we're stupid or something. Or maybe we can't take care of ourselves. Who knows! xD
Hello there, @Bambie ! Could I reserve a role for one of the Angelic princes? I don't really mind which one I get~ I'll understand if both roles are taken or reserved. (OwO)
In behalf of her, with the lack of angels we've had recently... trust me, you're fine @WeabooTrash :) You're more then welcome to make a character and hop in.
ChristinaXIV said:
In behalf of her, with the lack of angels we've had recently... trust me, you're fine @WeabooTrash :) You're more then welcome to make a character and hop in.
Okay! I'm glad! I think that it's most likely for me to post the character sheet some time tomorrow (now it's 6:23PM here, to mention), since I attempt to draw my own characters and I'm really reaaaaaally slow when it comes specifically to that (>///<) (I'm terrible at it as well, though...). I'll do my best not to disappoint anyone!

I'd also like to ask if it's obligatory for this roleplay to follow exactly the character skeleton. I mean, I guess the certain character may have a different way of speech than that? I dunno (>~<).
Ummm... As long as it follows the same format... @Bambie Sorry if I'm putting words in your mouth... Just trying to keep things going.
ChristinaXIV said:
Ummm... As long as it follows the same format... @Bambie Sorry if I'm putting words in your mouth... Just trying to keep things going.
For each and any case I'll just follow the skeleton~ I wouldn't want to disrespect the host, for example. And I'm sure @Bambie would appreciate your (successful) attempts at keeping the roleplay alive!
Psh, as of now, behind the scene work is all I can do, I have to formulate my next post for myself... Literally having no interaction with others...
ChristinaXIV said:
Psh, as of now, behind the scene work is all I can do, I have to formulate my next post for myself... Literally having no interaction with others...
Oh... I'm sorry to read that (T~T) I admit I still haven't started reading the actual RPing to know what's going (but I will shortly, for my own reference), but why don't you try tagging the "puppetmasters" of the characters that are, so to say, in-game? I mean, then the actual people will get notifications and get reminded about that, I think. Of course, if that's what you mean by "no interaction with others". It's very likely for me to misunderstand, though, so I would appreciate further explanation, if that's the case (^u^)
Trust me... My post was... outstanding enough... Just that no one reacted due to a certain cause of action from someone else.
ChristinaXIV said:
Trust me... My post was... outstanding enough... Just that no one reacted due to a certain cause of action from someone else.
Ooooh... I would like to know more about what exactly happened, if that's okay with you!

Also, as this is a "detailed" roleplay, I wouldn't be able to scan every post of action fast without missing anything important, so is there a chance for anybody to describe a summary of what has happened up till now with the story line? From what I understood, everyone got to an epic battle and are now resting at the side, haha.
If you've seen the thirty paragraphs I managed to cough out, I think it was my most recent post, that's really all that's happened to my character. I mean, I can give you an in-depth summary over what has happened, but... I need to get a few loads of laundry started before I feel comfortable, and I gotta take my heart medicine
ChristinaXIV said:
If you've seen the thirty paragraphs I managed to cough out, I think it was my most recent post, that's really all that's happened to my character. I mean, I can give you an in-depth summary over what has happened, but... I need to get a few loads of laundry started before I feel comfortable, and I gotta take my heart medicine
For I moment I thought that post was a chapter from a novel, judging by the amount of text, and my reaction was literally like "Holy...". So appropriate for the RP, though xD I'm sure it'd take me a good 10 minutes to read all that!

Of course, I'd really appreciate it if you would explain the whole story line and all the events that have taken place in a three paragraph post (a.k.a. as short as you can, haha)! Whenever you're comfortable and, of course, if you're up to it! If not, I'll imagine I'm trying to read a book before bed and attempt to go through all the posts in the In-Character RPing section of this thread~ Or maybe first create one of the princes (more accurately, draw one of them the same way a 2nd grader would and pretend it's anatomically proportional~) and then tomorrow morning read the book-like thread (as well as your separate chapter~).
ChristinaXIV said:
Trust me... My post was... outstanding enough... Just that no one reacted due to a certain cause of action from someone else.
I was going to react but then the whole thing with the queen being killed

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xD Don't sweat it, we're all gonna make it somehow~ On top of it all, if it doesn't happen soon, I'll craft another post to keep myself entertained, or rather, you all. Perhaps I feed off of entertainment from you all... entertainment... that's fed with enthusiasm? I dunno... I don't know why I make my posts, you guys are just nice!
Your post was very entertaining! Huge thumbs up! Can't wait for your next one!

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Sorry guy's! Stuff came up. And yes @WeabooTrash , you may have the spot of whichever angel prince you would like. ^^

@ChristinaXIV ,thank you for taking over. I realize I may need a co-host for this thread to help me keep everything organized and to answer questions in my absence. Haha

I will post some time today, but I wont be on as much this weekend. Can someone fill me in on where we are? Oh, and you guys have my permission to move my character a little bit when needed so that you can keep things rolling. Just not extravagant posts or things that would deface Electra (though I know all of you would LOVE that. I kind of want to keep the face that i've created for her
xD )
Bambie said:
Sorry guy's! Stuff came up. And yes @WeabooTrash , you may have the spot of whichever angel prince you would like. ^^
@ChristinaXIV ,thank you for taking over. I realize I may need a co-host for this thread to help me keep everything organized and to answer questions in my absence. Haha

I will post some time today, but I wont be on as much this weekend. Can someone fill me in on where we are? Oh, and you guys have my permission to move my character a little bit when needed so that you can keep things rolling. Just not extravagant posts or things that would deface Electra (though I know all of you would LOVE that. I kind of want to keep the face that i've created for her
xD )
Thank you so much~ For now could I reserve the eldest angel prince as I had already started his CS? And I'll try not to fall back too much on the RP!

P.S.: Let's say the prince was sleep-fighting during the whole battle. Seems legit, eh?

Good night!

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