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Fantasy Angels VS. Demons:The Eternal War

I'm basically using the excuse that he is a Angel to cover for all of it. Accelerated Aging because he's a Angel, crazy thought process because he's a Angel, so far, so forth.

Okay, and the whacky aging.

Sorry for trying to be extremely unique. For assuming Angels are unlike Humans in their Aging Speed. Sorry.
@KurtH6355 I could help you formulate a more convincing entrance should you need one... Help you establish the character's place in the world.
No need to be sorry, I just wanted this all to be talked with the GM before hand.

Also personality is based on experience, to be what he is within 8 days is extreme.
I was already doing that, so there was no need for this arguement in the first place. She had already said the birthing thing was fine, in PM, I was just asking again because I wasn't getting the notification. We share fault, mkay? And @ChristinaXIV thanks, but I think I'm fine. I like this idea.
Ok ok I see now. Cool your titti's everyone please. Lets be civil.

So the aging is...different. Though its a cool idea I kinda agree that though he may age at a accelerated rate, his thought process would be that of a child. However, they are supernatural so it COULD work. As for his personality, that's whats going to be the issue. He IS an angel, so if he is that violent then I would say he would eventually have to fall from grace or be seduced to the dark side (which could prove as a interesting twist). Lastly, one of your powers is a tad god moddy. No one is allowed to MAKE anyone do anything you want at will. There would have to be a draw back to that power for it to be fair to everyone else who has a weakness to their power, hmm?

I'll alter his God Mode Power, and I think the whole "Come To The Dark Side" thing would be cool. But seeing as this is a War between Angels and Demons, I figured the Angels would be less Stereotypically Good and moreso just wanting to win. If killing Demon Babies to protect the world from evil, I'd figure they'd do it.
@Malphaestus he would accelerate with both the mind and the appearance, so he would obtain a personality quickly, because of his mind developing. Basically, the personality of a 8 year old with some morbid and violent thoughts that add to his personality.
EX: Light spared Deux who was a half demon, and more so, she took three knives and a sword in the back for him.
Well I mean, yes they would want to win the war at all coasts but a little 8 year old prince would not be included in the fighting and surly not allowed by his parents, am I right? Killing little babies regardless of them being demons or not, that isn't exactly a very angely thing to do. Also, to add to the fact that I think he would be better as a fallen, he is into his sister (which I have no problem with in the slightest). At only 8 days old he is already showing signs of a sinful personality. Do you see what I mean? I have no issue with your character whatsoever, but the little details need to be smoothed away a bit is all. :)
Hmm. Okay, so let's say....hmmm.....

Okay, I'll just do some changing to his Personality but make him go through some Traumatic Incident that makes him all messed up.
KurtH6355 said:
Your baby is very mischievous with a hint of hidden evil.
I gotta plan my birth. O.o .
Evil. Which goes back to me saying he would be a fallen xD
@RiahB You love your babys guuuuurl! Haha

p.s. damn you guys post fast DX

It's my turn already? Gaaaah -falls on floor and roles around-

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