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Fantasy Angels VS. Demons:The Eternal War

Sorry. Died and just been brought back to life. I'm going to be posting RIGHT NOW.

Seems that I finally get busy when all I want to do is rp
Haha, no sweat, we've all got a life anyway ;D I'm just waiting to get to another point where I can make a massive post, I wanna go even bigger and make it better. More intricate. Of course, this will take up a hell of a lot of time, so, let's see what happens :)

Ahaha, @Malphaestus , Thanks, I'm gonna play some FF XIII and then reply whenever @Bambie is done
Wish I could do that :T

Though I know with me not feeling to well today and people bothering me that wont happen, Haha
@ChristinaXIV , Sooo it's a really short and not so detailed post but it's a start. I'm still not fully awake and i'm kinda out of it at the moment plus writer's block. Hope you can work with it doll.
Hey, it needs to be a shortened back and forth thing between us, it's a fight, not a monologue... Unless you wanna throw one in there ;) Still, I'm completely OKAY with your post, it opens me up to things, no matter how long or detailed it is.

Hehe, sorry, a truly massive post cannot come until either Light or Deux are on their own, or together... Which may not happen for quite some time.
Ok I need to address something with everyone. Firstly, how is it that the angels and the demons are going back and forth from hell and heaven so easily?

Demons are NOT suppose to be able to just poof into heaven and vise versa for angel's. That's why the strict portal system was created in the (semi) beginning of the RP.

I made that so for a reason; so that the demons couldn't easily raid heaven (Because you all know that Electra would have done that a long time ago if it was THAT easy) and same for the angels raiding hell. It was put into place so that Idea's and detailed posts would flow and so that the RP would be that much more of a challenge. Unless of course everyone is in agreement to banish this idea all together?

@Malphaestus @WeabooTrash @gogojojo331 @Guilded Clover @s o l o


Bambie said:
Ok I need to address something with everyone. Firstly, how is it that the angels and the demons are going back and forth from hell and heaven so easily?
Demons are NOT suppose to be able to just poof into heaven and vise versa for angel's. That's why the strict portal system was created in the (semi) beginning of the RP.

I made that so for a reason; so that the demons couldn't easily raid heaven (Because you all know that Electra would have done that a long time ago if it was THAT easy) and same for the angels raiding hell. It was put into place so that Idea's and detailed posts would flow and so that the RP would be that much more of a challenge. Unless of course everyone is in agreement to banish this idea all together?

I never expected the attack on Hell to be so easy, hence the fact that we have a military gathering at the Throne Room to device a proper stratagem
Woah... Okay, @Bambie Sorry if I've broken this strict portal system, I like it due to the restraint it can have, it keeps things flowing a little more naturally, and I'm really sorry again if I have upset you...
Bambie said:
^ My point.
It's. To. easy.
I agree completely, that's why I created Light as someone who is unable to summon portals... Didn't wanna get mixed up in all of that.
ChristinaXIV said:
Woah... Okay, @Bambie Sorry if I've broken this strict portal system, I like it due to the restraint it can have, it keeps things flowing a little more naturally, and I'm really sorry again if I have upset you...
No no, its ok. Honestly you weren't the issue. I can understand a warrior having the ability to portal jump. Plus, you are a ROYAL warrior. Your fine love. Carry on with what you are doing.
Bambie said:
Ok I need to address something with everyone. Firstly, how is it that the angels and the demons are going back and forth from hell and heaven so easily?
Demons are NOT suppose to be able to just poof into heaven and vise versa for angel's. That's why the strict portal system was created in the (semi) beginning of the RP.

I made that so for a reason; so that the demons couldn't easily raid heaven (Because you all know that Electra would have done that a long time ago if it was THAT easy) and same for the angels raiding hell. It was put into place so that Idea's and detailed posts would flow and so that the RP would be that much more of a challenge. Unless of course everyone is in agreement to banish this idea all together?

@Malphaestus @WeabooTrash @gogojojo331 @Guilded Clover @s o l o
Well, I was trying to follow that portal system and make Hael, that one foolish prince, incapable of leaving Heaven. That's why he still hasn't left to Earth and is waiting for that one volunteer to attempt and open such a portal (which may most probably fail, but yay for conveniences~).

Also, I was inactive today due to social life (OMG, I ACTUALLY HAVE A SOCIAL LIFE?! AND FRIENDS AS WELL?!??!? OH, WHAT A SHOCK!! ('A'))
Ok, I think I need to elaborate on the portal system. So...

ROYALS and select warriors may pass through the portal to heaven and go to EARTH whenever they so choose (although the prince's and princesses are forbidden to go[or at least alone]due to the war going on). Angel's are NOT however, able to go to hell at will unless they: A. Find the passage way to the gates of hell. or B. Hitch a ride from a demon who knows the way or has a their own personal way of getting through the portal (Like Electra and her dragon).

ROYALS are also allowed to go to earth and back at will but can NOT penetrate the gates of heaven without either: A. The talesmen that all angel royals have in there own form (for example, A'Meries is a necklace). or B. Also hitching a ride from another angel.

Is this more clear?
Thanks :) It's the effect I was going for :)

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