Angeloids on earth (Zhia and Bluegem, French-Frey too! ^^)

Tyler looked up from his fry towards Skye and the ends of his mouth tugged up in a little smile. He then looked over at Summer out of the corner of his eye in a way that seemed to say ":tongue: ".

(Your fine. xD )
I should ask Skye about telling Tyler later, I feel like I've scolded him for touching a hot stove burner. She caught him fiddling with his food; great, now I feel even worse, she thought pushing her plate to the side uninterested. At least Skye diffused the situation.
"If you don't mind me asking," he said, stressing the word 'mind' and looking over at Summer. "I may have heard of it. I don't want to pressure you, I'm just interested." He sat up a little.
Rolling her eyes Summer put her elbow on the table and resting her chin on her hand, hoping to mask her red cheeks. If he knew why I was rude, he wouldn't be doing this, she thought as she listened.
(Anybody else think it would be an interesting twist to make Elliot an Angel? O.o I think it'd make all this a lot more interesting...haha he could be like dongju from My GF is a Nine tailed fox...)

Skye sat there quietly after that playing with the ends of her hair. She looked up, "I really don't think you'd know it...." She said.

Elliot looked over at Skye and smiled. She's so innocent..and naive. He chuckled to himself.
Skye looked down at the table, unsure of what to say or do.

Elliot smirked. Humans. Always wanting to pry into things that has nothing to do with them. He looked over at Skye noticing how uncomfortable the situation had made her. He smiled at her. "I moved here a while back from a small town too." He said to her. In a way it wasn't a lie but in a way it was. As far as his "human form" went he'd always lived there, but in reality he'd come from Synapse too.
Summer smiled when she realized that Elliot had taken a liking to Skye, or at least that is what it seemed like. He's trying to spark a conversation with her, she thought, that is going to be fun to watch. She tried to patch things with Tyler, "I was wonder if you wanted to come to my place after school?"
Skye looked at Elliot. Something was a little off about him she could tell. "" she said. Elliot smiled wider. "I think you and I have a lot in common." He said, flashing between his true form and his human form quickly- quicker than humans could see- so she'd get what he meant. Skye's eyes went wide. "You..." Shhh. Not here. Elliot thought towards her. He overheard Summer asking Tyler to hang out. "Perhaps we should get together after school as well..." he said.
Tyler glanced over at Elliot. What a weird thing to say...probably to make her feel better. He shrugged off his inquiry and began eating again, when he noticed Summer had asked him a question. "Sorry, what? I blanked out for a second."
"Oh," Summer said, blushing again realizing he hadn't been paying attention. "I was wondering if you wanted to come to my place after school?" Catching what Elliot said between sentences she added, "Skye's coming over and possibly Elliot so, what do ya say?"
Skye nodded. Obviously they had a lot to talk about. She certainly hadn't been expecting to meet an Angel at school.

Elliot smiled. He looked forward to this afternoon
"That's, that," Summer said smiling back at him, "So, what's the rest of the day look like for you guys?"
(Last post of the night for me)

"I've got music. Which reminds me, I've got to go and give my notes to Mr. Bartlett." He stood up and slung his backpack over his shoulder. "See ya after school." He hurried off, disposing of his tray by accident and not even bothering to turn around and dig in the trash to fish it out.
Skye looked at her. But she already knows. She thought.

Elliot smirked. "I think...I might have to get a schedule change. Some of my classes just don't work out." He said glancing at Skye. If things were like he thought they were, he'd need to stay as close to her as possible for the time being.

(k night frey)
Summer glanced up at the clock mounted on the wall of the room. "Its about time for the bell so we should toss our food and head out," She said to Skye. She stood and asked Elliot, "What do you have next period? Anything close to room 105?"
"Ha, well that's cool." Summer walked towards the trash cans and tossed her plates, glancing back at times to see if Skye was following. Elliot seemed to be keeping close to Skye. That's sweet, Summer thought as she placed her tray on the return line.
Elliot walked next to Skye to there next class. When Summer went and sat with her friends before Skye followed he said "Let's sit here." It was pretty much behind where Summer and her friends sat. It was close enough to not get Summer suspicious but also perfect so they could talk.
Summer sat a next to her friends, Skye and Elliot went a desk or so back. I hope she doesn't say anything off, Summer thought as she watched them both sit down. She talked with her friends about their summers and what was happening around school.
"So, there are a lot of things I want to ask you." Elliot said. Skye nodded. "Me too." she said. "I'll go first then. Hmm... Why are you with the human? Do you serve her or something?" He almost laughed when he said that. An angeloid serving a human, so ridi- Skye nodded. Elliot was wide eyed. "What the-" he said a little to loudly then shut up when he saw he caught the attention of other people in the room.

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