Angeloids on earth (Zhia and Bluegem, French-Frey too! ^^)

Summer sat on the bed and reached for the tv remote on the night stand. "I have to admit, my games are kind of old but their multiplayer and fun so," Her voice trailed off. Its not that she didn't know Elliot, its that he didn't seem to want to talk at all. She flipped the tv on and then heard footsteps on the stairs. "I would suggest Mariokart, but that's just me," she added, waiting for Tyler to get in the room. Hopefully Elliot will actually talk with him rather than just stand and judge, she thought grudgingly.
Tyler followed the sounds of video games into Summer's room. He sat down on one of the chairs and relaxed. "What's the game today?" He asked.
Elliot walked in and stood over by Skye. "How'd you like school today?" He asked her casually, both to look normal and because he actually was sort of curious.

"It was fun." She said smiling a little
"Apparently its my pick, so Mariokart," Summer said grabbing a few of the controllers off the table next to the tv. "Want to join me?" She asked Tyler. "I have other controllers if either of you want to play," she added speaking to the two lovebirds who were talking quietly next to her desk. At least he's getting her to smile, she thought heading back to the bed with the controllers.
Elliot looked over at Summer. "Nah, I'm good." Skye nodded in agreement. They could finally talk now, quietly but it was better than nothing. Elliot turned his focus back on Skye. "So where do we start?" he asked honestly not even knowing where to begin. Skye shrugged. "What did you want to know?" She asked quietly glancing at Tyler and Summer to make sure they weren't listening to them or anything.
Tyler picked one up and moved closer to the tv. "Just so you know," he said to Summer, selecting Yoshi as his character. "Yours going down."
"Oh, we'll see," Summer said choosing Luigi as her driver. Getting the race going she tried to multitask and listen for conversation from the others in the room, but all she managed to do was fail at the game.
"Oh come on, that stupid cow I swear," Summer complained when Tyler reached the finish before her. "Best two out of three it is," She said lining up the game for another race.
(Last post for tonight!)

Tyler sat forward as the countdown started. His finger hovered over the button to go forward and he kept his eyes glued to the screen. As soon as the countdown hit "2" he pressed the button in order to get a head start without burning out.
(night Frey alright Zhia)

Summer timed the start just right to get that boost from it, but when she did she instantly ran into the back of another kart, making her lose the head start she had. Slipping through the ranks of computers easily she reached the top three, where Tyler was racing with the other computers.
Tyler had been saving a power up for this moment. He released his weapon - oil slick followed by a red shell. He glanced to the side at Summer.
Summer complained, "Oh that is so unfair." She tossed her controller backwards onto the bed, "You'd think as the owner I would have some skill at this game," she said watching as Tyler finished the race.
Skye explained from the beginning, how she fell and met Summer all the way to her current situation. Elliot wasn't to surprised by it but it fascinated him. It had been a while since he'd seen another Angeloid.
Tyler just set his controller down in his lap and stretched backwards. "Yeah, you'd think." He looked over at Summer and smiled. "Did you think I'd be a gentleman and let you win?"
"Ha, like that would ever happen," Summer laughed. She paused for a moment before asking, "What classes are you taking this semester? Anything fun?"
Tyler shook his head. "Music. But if that's not fun to you, I understand." He hadn't really talked much to. summer about his piano playing other than he had one at his house and she knew he could play a few scales. Truth was, he could do a lot more.
"So, you're just trying to fit in then, no other plans?" Elliot asked her. Skye shook her head saying "Not much else I can do at the moment. And I want to be like them." She glanced over at Tyler and Summer. Elliot narrowed his eyes. "You can't ever really be like them, you know that right?" he said. Skye nodded sadly. "I know." she said
(Thanks for the well wishes guys, much better this morning.)

"Ah," Summer said nodding, "How is the whole piano thing, going?" With that she took a second to check her cell for messages.

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