Angeloids on earth (Zhia and Bluegem, French-Frey too! ^^)

Summer glanced back when she caught Elliot's voice hoping to hear some of the conversation, but he simply stopped talking. She shrugged it off, assuming he didn't want to be heard hitting on somebody. Shifting her attention back to the people around her she tried to think the day was normal for a change.
(There's a storm here so I'm up and awake now...)

Tyler had sat down at the piano and had begun to play. He was barely looking at the sheet music - he'd memorized them in the past two weeks.
Tyler waited by the door to school. He had sunglasses on, skateboard in hand,, and was leaning on the side, waiting for the others to come out. He said hi to a couple of the his sports friends.

(Gotta go! Sorry, sucky place for me to leave you guys... <3 )
Summer wound her way through the crowds leaving the school after the bell. She glanced back to see if Skye and Elliot were following, but they were lost in the crowd. Exiting the door she caught sight of Tyler and walked over to him, looking back to watch for the others.
Skye was obviously confused and flustered by the rush of the crowd of students. Elliot grabbed her hand so she didn't get lost. "Stay by me, kay?" he said. As they headed towards the door, Elliot smiled and said hi to a few friends. They all looked at him and Skye together, some in awe, some impressed. They eventually made it out of the school and found Summer and Tyler.
Summer brushed some of her hair out of her face as they approached and said, "I brought my car today, so I can drive some people. Elliot you ride the bus or..?" Summer looked down to see Elliot had Skye's hand. He had the entire rest of the day with the same classes as us, she thought looking him over. If I didn't know better I would say he had switched into them just to hit on her.
"Nah, I'd usually just walk." Elliot said glancing at Skye. He smiled to himself, The human thinks I like her{skye}. Well that's better than her thinking the truth about me. He paused momentarily in his thoughts. She is kind of cute though. He added as an afterthought.

Skye gently pulled her hand away from Elliot's. She glanced between him and Summer wondering if she'd have to make a choice between who to listen to and follow. She wanted to stay loyal to Summer but Elliot was an angel and could really help her out.
"Okay, looks like I'm driving then," she said walking towards the parking lot.

(Shall we skip forward to the house?)
Skye and Elliot got out of the car too. I'm guessing you live here too? Elliot inquired, speaking silently only to her. Skye nodded once, trying not to be obvious about it. He walked closely by her side eagerly awaiting the interesting conversation they'd have. He had so much to ask her.
When the car pulled into the driveway Summer's sister was in the yard. Seeing people pile out of the car, the younger girl ran inside. Great already have her tattling on me, Summer thought killing the engine and heading for the door. Opening the door she heard her sister telling her mother, "She brought like five people home with her without asking you." Summer turned the corner into the kitchen saying, "I just brought them to hang out for a while, they aren't staying for dinner." It was partially a lie, Skye would be staying, but that could discussed later. She continued as she hung the keys on the hook, "Besides its just Ty and a couple others." Her mother just shook her head and said, "Alright, just keep the noise down and don't get into trouble." With that done Summer glanced back to see if the others had followed inside.
Tyler walked in and took off his shoes. He placed his skateboard by the door. Tyler smiled and waved to Summer's mom. "Hi, Ms. Kay. How are you?"
Skye and Elliot both also walked in. Elliot looked around curiously and after hearing Summer's explanation to her mam about her friends she smirked. Guess she hasn't told them yet. He thought.
"I'm good Tyler. How is your family?" Summer's mom replied while the kids came in the door. Summer went back to the foyer and put her backpack down by the door as well. "I have games upstairs, and a tv and such," she said, more for Elliot's benefit than anyone else's. "So once your stuff is out of the way we can head up."
"We are doing fine." He said, a little bit of doubt in his voice - he hoped it wasn't too revealing. He turned to Summer to distract to himself and hopefully other people who had heard the falter. "I'm ready when you are."
Summer stepped around the corner to the kitchen for a moment to tell Tyler, "We're heading up to my room," she then went back to the hall to show Elliot and Skye up.

"That's great," Summer's mom replied to Tyler, but she didn't pick back up the magazine she'd been reading.

Leading Elliot and Skye upstairs to her room Summer said, "I hope you don't mind a little mess. I haven't cleaned in a while." Really it wasn't that messy, but it was what you said. She opened the door and entered, going right to the bed to throw it together.
"It's fine." Elliot said hoping she'd go leave to find Tyler right away. We might not get to talk if the humans keep hanging around. He thought frustrated. Skye, who was already familiar with the room walked in and sat down at the chair near the desk.

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