Angeloids on earth (Zhia and Bluegem, French-Frey too! ^^)

(Hey heading off for the night after this post)

Summer shoved the syllabus down into her pack as she discussed a tv show with a friend. She wondered, Skye fell from Synapse for a reason. I've been so focused on what I needed to get done I hadn't considered what shes going through. She glanced over to spot her reading the class rules and thought, hopefully it was a clerical error.
Tyler walked into his class and sat with his usual crowd. The boys were all talking about baseball, the MLB, and other stuff like that. He joined in casually, laughing at some jokes the boys made. Suddenly, one of them, named Brett, happened to mention Summer. He straightened up a bit at the mention of her name. "What about her?" He asked, trying to keep his tone calm and uninterested. Brett smirked a little. "That new girl she's with, she's kinda hot. Maybe an 8 or a 9." Some other boys agreed. Tyler hadn't really gotten that good of a look at her when he had met Skye, but pretended to be on board with the group. The shushed them and they all grew silent.
(Imma skip ahead to the next class...Sorry if I'm controlling Summer a little...Tyler can be in this class to make the rp a lil easier if you want ^^)

The bell rang and everyone got up and walked out. Skye of course followed Summer to the next class. The teacher called role and when Skye's name wasn't called she figured she had to do the same as last time, so she did. The teacher then continued to go over rules and class expectations and handed out the syllabus for that class. Another one? Skye thought. She read it over. It's just the same thing. Why do we need two? It confused her.
(Sounds like a plan! Also, I pitched an idea in the RP Ideas category and ws wondering if either of you would be interested in it)

Tyler stuffed his syllabus into his bag the second the teacher gave it to to him. He had taken a seat by the window, and turned his head to look out at the world. He sighed and looked forward. He had sat behind Summer.
(I'll go read it^^ Did you see my message about creating 2nd characters? You had asked about that when you first joined and the more I thought on it the better an idea it seemed)

Skye set the syllabus on top of her other one and looked around. All the kids were talking to one another, catching up about things, talking about the past summer. She sighed as she sat their alone. I will make a friend soon..Just be patient. She told herself.
Tyler looked over at Skye and really looked her over. She was pretty, he thought to himself. Then he looked at the back of Summer's head. Even though she was turned around, he could see in his head her facial features. He smiled himself at the thought of it.
(I think I'll stick to one character for a while longer, I may eventually make another character, but not right now)

Summer slid her syllabus into her pack as she listened to the talk of the room around her. The classroom had a sort of ebb and flow when it came to volume, at times it was loud at others quiet. She let the conversations wash over her for a minute while she thought of the situation. Skye seems to like school, don't get it but wont question it. I wonder how well the school checks records. Either way she maybe able to sneak in, thats a bit much to hope, but not impossible. She sighed and turned sideways in her chair to face Skye and Tyler. "So hows you guy's mornings going then?" she asked.
(k that's cool, I made another so if you not on I can do more with Frey's character, I haven't even started using him yet haha I might soon though, i really like him ^^)

Skye just looked at her. I've been with her all morning why is she asking me that? Skye wondered. She supposed the question was more directed at Tyler than at her. Should I answer anyways? Is that what a human would do? Skye smiled a little. "It's been pretty good." She said.
"Pretty boring. It's only the first day, though." Tyler said, leaning back to stretch. "You never know what Wil happen at school."
"Cool, cool," Summer said crossing her legs, "I'm just ready for today to be over, first day is always boring." I'm not having to worry over Skye as much as I thought I would, she thought as she glanced between them, I wonder if she would consider telling Tyler. It wouldn't hurt to have someone to discuss this stuff with other than Skye.
This is boring? Skye thought to herself. She actually found it pretty exciting. Does that mean it gets more exciting? She wondered. The possibility of the rest of the school year being more exciting brought extreme joy to Skye. She smiled a little to herself.
Tyler looked at Summer. It looked as if she was trying to make a decision. "You all right? You look confused about something." He turned in his chair so his legs were in the aisle.
Skye looked over at Summer. Is something wrong with master? She thought. She doesn't look sick.... Maybe nervous? "Are you all right?" Skye asked her worried. 
(introducing my other character, out of convenience...)

Elliot was laughing at the jokes and crazy stories from summer his friends talked about when he spotted Tyler talking to Summer and a girl who he hadn't seen around before. "Hey, who's that?" He asked pointing. All of them looked. "New girl." Trey said. there were some mumbles of "she's pretty hot." and "must be summer's friend" and things like that. Hmm.. Elliot thought and decided to go over and say hi. "See ya later guys." he said to his friends and walked over to where Tyler, Summer and the other girl was. "Hey Tyler, Summer" He said to them. "Hey." he said to the other girl.
Tyler looked up, momentarily distracted from his previous inquiry. "'Sup, Eli?" He gestured a hello with a nod of his head. "You remember Summer, right?"
Elliot nodded. "Yeah, Hey," He said to Summer smiling. He looked at the other girl. "Who are you?" he asked only realizing afterwards that might've sounded a little rude.

Skye looked at the guy. "My name's Skye." she said quietly looking at Summer wondering if that was a correct response.
Summer smiled and waved, "Hey Elliot," she said shifting in her seat. "Hows the summer treated you?"
"It was good. How was yours?" He asked and smiled.

Skye watched them converse. Everyone seems to know everyone. She noted in her thoughts. "What about you..uh Skye was it? How was your summer? Oh and welcome to the school." Elliot said. Skye looked at him not knowing how to answer. "Um.." She looked over at Summer for help.
Tyler looked at how confused Skye was and shook his head slightly, smiling a little. "Take it easy there, Slick." He joked quietly.
"My vacation was great," Summer said, then seeing Skye's face tossed in, "since Skye just moved here I'm sure her summer was mostly moving and such huh?" We really need to discuss these kinds of things beforehand, Summer thought as she waited to see what Skye was going to do.
Skye just nodded agreeing. "Yeah..." she said quietly assuming that was an appropriate answer.

Elliot laughed. "Sorry to spring so much on you Skye. Didn't mean to make ya nervous or anything.." he said 
(if you guys wanna bunny elliot a little you can I don't mind, he mostly there just to have a connection with all the characters and be able to talk and interact with thm at any time no matter who's on)
Tyler just shook his head and stretched out over the back of his chair. He looked out the window again, trying to pass the time. His next class was going to seemed so far away. He tapped invisible piano keys on his desk and hummed a song in his head.
Everyone laughed that off, Summer thought as she checked the time on the wall. The class was close to ending, only a couple more until lunch, she added turning back around in her seat.
Skye nodded and asked Summer curiously "What class do we have next?"

Elliot looked surprised when he heard Skye ask that. Wasn't lunch next? I guess she doesn't know the schedule to well yet. Or she could've meant the class after lunch..  
(kay ^^ cool I'l check it out)

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