Angeloids on earth (Zhia and Bluegem, French-Frey too! ^^)

Tyler grabbed his baseball duffel and crammed a piece of toast in his mouth. "Bye merm!" He yelled, muffled by the bread. He quickly slung his bag over his shoulder and lightly jogged out of the door to their apartment. He was late for the city bus - yet again. He got his skateboard from the lawn and managed to get to the bus on time. This was how he maintained appearances - rode the bus, got off two blocks from school, and rode his skateboard the rest of the way.
Skye simply nodded as a response as she followed Summer out the door.

(should we skip to being at school? Not much more we can do here and then Frey can join in more and interact wit us ^^)
(Sure that's fine, but I'm unsure how to do that so perhaps Frey should take the lead on that end of things?)
(yeah which means you'll have to do a sorta beginning post type thing to start us off at school, not as much trouble since it's not the actual beginning post but still kinda hard to get headed in the direction u wanna go, if ya get what I mean. Ack it's late, can we finish up for the night and continue tommorow? Sorry...)
Tyler got off the bus and quickly mounted his skateboard. He checked his watch - back on schedule. He smiled as he pulled up to his friends who were hanging out in the school parking lot before school. He gave a few bro-hugs and laughed at their jokes, agreeing whole-heartedly at...whatever they were talking about. He kept his eye out for Summer, hopefully as a way to get out of the meaningless conversation.

(And yeah, it's 2:00 am where i am :P
(Yeah, once a good stopping point comes up I'll be heading to bed. Thanks for tips btw)

Summer pulled her car into the lot a few minutes later than usual. Not bad for the first day, she thought, no disasters yet. She killed the engine and stepped out saying, "We'll talk with some people and then get you settled with the office and all."
(your welcome perhaps we'll stop after getting Skye enrolled for the day, shouldnt take to long)

Skye nodded excitedly looking around at everything and everyone. So this is what school is like. She thought almost dreamily. It's better than I expected. SShe followed Summer towards the building
Summer led Skye into the school's main office. She said hello in passing to a few people on their way, but didn't stop to talk. Slipping into the office from the hall Summer checked around for the secretary. Summer spotted her in the back making copies and said, "Excuse me." When the secretary returned to her desk Summer began to explain, "I have a friend here who is new in town. She doesn't have all her paper work here yet, what kind of process does it take to enroll?" The secretary began to lay out a set of papers saying, "Well, we don't need all the paper work for the first week of school so that's fine, just fill these out and take this home to your parents."
Tyler caught a glimpse of Summer walking into school with someone he didn't recognize. He didn't remember Summer having another sister but he figured he'd go find out any way. He said goodbye to his friends, did a 'complicated' handshake with one of them and walked off in the direction Summer had gone. 
(are we allowed to talk for other "non-main/non-official" characters, like Tyler's jerk friends?)
(Yeah sure. It's controlling other people's characters that most people get picky about. I honestly don't mind too much but some people will really bite your head off over it. )
Zhia said:
(Yeah sure. It's controlling other people's characters that most people get picky about. I honestly don't mind too much but some people will really bite your head off over it. )
aweseome! thnks for clearing tht up :P
BlueGem said:
Summer led Skye into the school's main office. She said hello in passing to a few people on their way, but didn't stop to talk. Slipping into the office from the hall Summer checked around for the secretary. Summer spotted her in the back making copies and said, "Excuse me." When the secretary returned to her desk Summer began to explain, "I have a friend here who is new in town. She doesn't have all her paper work here yet, what kind of process does it take to enroll?" The secretary began to lay out a set of papers saying, "Well, we don't need all the paper work for the first week of school so that's fine, just fill these out and take this home to your parents."
Skye looked over Summer's shoulder and caught a glimpse of the papers. Why do we need those? She wondered. Wasn't all she had to do was show up? Did humans get those too or were those papers to fill out because she wasn't human? "What are those for?" She whispered to Summer.
Summer continued to nod to the secretary as she listed the various forms she was giving them. "Just papers to get you into classes," Summer replied quietly. Hopefully she doesn't want these filled out right now, she thought as she began to gather them into a stack on the desk. "And now you just need to pick your classes," the secretary said her attention changing from the papers to Skye.
Skye's eyes widened as the ladies attention was focused on her. What am I supposed to say? she thought. She did not know, so she chose to just smile and nod. "Okay." She looked over to Summer as if to say, What do I do now? Why did getting into school have to be so complicated?
Tyler walked into school and saw that Summer and her friend had entered the secretary's office. He sat down on one of the chairs outside and waited for them to come out. He messed around with the wheels on his skateboard to pass the time.
The wide-eyed look Skye was giving her told Summer she had no idea what she was doing. "Ms. Diana, I know its kind of ridiculous for a high school student to be requesting this, but could she just sign up for my classes? I think we'd both be more comfortable that way," Summer said smiling hopefully, maybe they'll still have a few seats she thought. Probably not, but I can hope right? Summer thought as the secretary looked at her puzzled for a moment. She then went over to her computer and asked for Summer's name. After a few quick keystrokes she got to the page she needed and said, "You're in luck most of the classes have seats, I'm assuming that you have the prerequisites?"
Prerequisites? Skye thought, having no idea what the lady was talking about. But she nodded anyways. The secretary smiled. "Okay then. You're all set for today but make sure to have those papers turned in soon." Skye simply nodded again. Yay I'm all ready for school now. She thought to herself as they left the office.
As she and Skye exited the office, Summer spotted Tyler sitting in on of the chairs. Seeing him she immediately called out "Hey Ty," and waved. First ordinary thing to happen today, she thought as she approached him.
Skye watched as Summer and the guy hugged and greeted each other. That must be master's friend. She thought to herself. She walked over to stand by Summer.
Summer smiled as she responded, "Oh you know, same old, same old." Summer paused as she wondered, how should I introduce Skye. Not like the truth is much of an option. "Tyler this is Skye, shes new. I'm showing her around," she said motioning to Skye at her side.
Tyler looked over at Skye. She had an out-of-comfort-zone look on her face. "Nice to meet ya, Skye." He held out a hand for Skye to shake.

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