Angeloids on earth (Zhia and Bluegem, French-Frey too! ^^)

Skye nodded and shook his hand after luckily remembering that's one one of the way humans greet each other. What am I supposed to say? she wondered and then decided it was best just to stay quiet.
Breathing a sigh of relief when Skye shook Tyler's hand Summer thought, thank god I don't have to explain that to Tyler. "How was your summer?" She asked when she realized Skye had elected to stay quiet.
Tyler shrugged. "Oh, you know. I did a stay-cation. Nothing too fancy. The biggest thing I probably did was improve my batting average. What about you?"
While the two conversed, Skye decided to walk around a little. Such long hallways. She thought. She looked at all the lockers along the wall. What are those for? She wondered and tried to open one. It's locked. Something important-or dangerous- must be in there. She thought suspiciously.
Shaking her head Summer said, "My sister insisted on going on dates with her boyfriend all summer. Ever since I got my license I've been forced to drive her. But hey, free movies and such." She paused as she adjusted the straps of her backpack, "Other than that I tried to lower my time on the mile. Got it down to about 6 and half minutes."
Tyler nodded and congratulated her. He looked up as Skye trailed off. "So your friend, Skye? Is she nervous? She looked a little...out of place there, maybe a little sick?"
"Not sick, just uh...Really shy I guess," Summer said as she watched Skye mess with the lockers. Please don't try the door again, she hoped as she continued her explanation, "She's new doesn't know many people here." She continued to watch Skye as she admitted with a shrug, "At least I guess that's what it is."
Skye continued to wander and look around a little bit more and then walked back over to Summer still looking at everything with wide eyes.
Giving a half-hearted laugh Summer said, "Yeah, well lockers do house mysteries." She was practically tripping over her words trying to explain away odd behavior. If there was a god he'd save me now, she thought as she checked the time on her phone. "Our first class is on the far side of the building," Summer said as she shoved the cell back into her pocket, "don't want to be late on the first day." She waved and started off in the direction of class with Skye before saying, "See ya at lunch."
Skye followed Summer eagerly towards the classroom. She decided to ask Summer about the lockers. "Why are all the cabinets against the walls locked?" She asked pointing at them.
Tyler waved a goodbye to her back and let his hand fall to his sides before stuffing it in his pocket. They were an odd pair...He smirked to himself and shook his head before heading off to his locker and then going to class.

(I'm going to bed guys, it's almost 11 here and I got school tomorrow. Feel free to go as far as you want without me! :)
Summer smiled and waved at people as she passed them on the way to class. Leaning close and speaking quietly she tried to answer Skye's question. "They are to hold the books people don't need at home, they're locked because people don't want their books to be taken."

(Night Frey. Its fine if you need to head off as well Zhia, just mention it when you do)
Skye smiled. That makes sense. So books must be really important. She followed Summer into the classroom and looked around at all the desks and the whiteboard fascinated by every aspect of the classroom.
Summer walked towards the middle of the desks. As she did the bells in the halls went off signifying the day was about to start. It was with this that Summer realized that the teacher was going to need Skye's full name. She slid her back back off thinking, and now she has to pick a name, great. She paused before reaching the seats and said quietly to Skye, "She's going to take roll and ask for your full name."
Skye nodded. "I know my name. It's Skye, so I just tell her that right?" She said to Summer. She looked down at the desk. This must be where we sit. She looked around at all the other students starting to enter the class and sit at the desks.
"No, humans have two. You can't just be Skye. You have to be Skye something," Summer pulled her back pack off setting it on one of the desks near her. "You have to have a last name too," she said sitting down at the the desk.
Skye looked at Summer confused. "So what is my last name then?" She asked sitting in the seat next to Summer. She glanced to the side as the seat next to her was taken by another student.
Summer leaned across the gap in the desks quietly saying, "Well you get your last name from family generally. You have anyone particular you'd think of that way?" The class was filling up with people, a few Summer knew were starting to sit in seats near her, demanding attention from her. She ignored their greetings for the moment, focused on Skye.
Skye looked at her. "Just you.." She said simply. She didn't know anyone else really, except for other Angeloids and Angels in Synapse. But Summer was the only person she knew with a last name.
"...Uh, well she'll go through the whole roll then ask if there was anyone she didn't call." Summer said watching the teacher grab her roll book. "When she asks you should tell her you just moved here, and then give her a name. Choose one you like from what she calls out." I would hate to just tell her to what to use, Summer thought, I mean I hate my name and would love to choose it. But she may choose a weird one that hardly anyone has. The class was going quiet as the teacher started to place things onto the podium. "Or go with Smith," she added as she leaned back into her seat.
Skye nodded and listened as the teacher went through and called everyone's name to which they all raised their hand and replied with "here". When she got done she asked if there was anyone's name she missed, just as Summer said she would. Skye raised her hand, thinking it as the appropriate thing to do. "What's you name?" The teacher asked her. "Skye Smith...I just moved here..." Skye said quietly.
Summer breathed a sigh of relief when Skye didn't say something ridiculous. Well, no one will ever question that then, she thought as she smiled and did a small thumbs up to Skye before the teacher went on to the class related things of the day. The to-do mostly consisted of the teacher talking about policies, rules, and what the class was going to cover. Then syllabus was passed out and the class dissolved into people talking about their summers with friends. Summer finally spoke with the friends who she had ignored earlier.
Skye sat there busy reading the syllabus. These are the rules we must follow. She thought as she read it very thoroughly. Many of the others have already broke the rules. She thought glancing up at the class around her. "You know," said the guy next to her. "You don't actually have to read that..."

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