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Futuristic Angelic Dome

"You are a fast one." Conner said once he recovered. He wasn't going to give up that easily however. Once more he rushed the opposing Angel, again seeking that hug. His armor was cooling down quickly, one of the effects when in a colder enviroment, and it helped keep th motors cool.
Miki darted around, narrowly avoiding the second attempt to hug her. He really wanted to melt her armor together, but it was her intention to stop that. She created another range attack, sending ice this time, across the floor.
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"Why? Its cold enough in here without yo adding to it."

As the cold air hit his armor, there was a hiss and a cloud of stea. Stepping out of the cloud, he nearly falls flat on his face by slipping on the ice. Now he couldn't rush her without falling down. And he would be at a disadvantage on it. So, instead he once more braced himself in the middle of the melted ice that the heat from his armor made before it cooled. And once more he would make a grab at her to keep her deom moving. Or hit the deck if she shot something else at him.
Miki smiled. He couldn't charge her now. She added a bit of a heat spell to melt the ice around her. She launched another ice attack. This time, a column of ice cam down from the top of the dome and headed strait for him.
Shade shrugs. "I don't really feel tired, but then again, me and Raven's fight wasn't really a full fight." Shade responds, he then notices Raven walking from the control room. "Hey Raven, that was a fun fight, let's do that again sometime." He calls out.
Divinng out of the way of the column, Conner slides across the ice like a penguin for a few feet before once more getting back on his feet. What just happened decided for him what he had to do. The problem was he couldn't ho full pelt right from the start. What had to do, was gather speed sliwly and let momentum carry him through whatever she threw at him. And once he hot. Once he got close enough, a good swing might do the trick in rattling her.
Miki slid across the ice. She used her metallic wings to hover a few inches above the ground, preventing her from slipping. She couldn't go any higher, but that's all she needed to stay upright. She launched herself at him, using her speed to propel herself at him, launching into a series of rapid-fire kicks.
As Conner flew past her, he began to turn around to try again, but the little she devil came at him instead. He was kicked a couple times, more really, before he could react. She gave him th chance he wanted. As another kick came towards him, he opened up his arm and tried to grab it. If he did, he would use his weight to his advantage, swing her around or just fall On her he didn't know yet. Or he might just aim a few jabs at the possible leg in his arm. You know, whatever he felt like, if he grabbed her.
Miki felt her leg being caught. She looked at the man who was currently holding her leg. She smiled, as she unleashed an energy ball on his defenseless chest.
The energy hit him square in the chest. It hurt, no doubt about it, yet he hung on. Sparks was designed to take a hit, even one like that. He could keep fighting, but if he took a few more ghongs like that, he would be out. Now using his size and weight, Conner swings her around in front of him, and promptly tries to fall on her. If he was able to do that, he would chalk this spar up for a victory to him. He didn't want the Angels to get to messed up in only a spar. That would be for the tournoment.
Miki watched as she was helplessly swung around. She landed on the floor, just to see the incoming Angel above. She rolled to her right, causing her to slide along the slippery floor. She tried to regain balance. She stood and hovered just over the ice. Miki winced, feeling the pain on her back. She looked at her health. It was low, but not to dangerous levels.
The little devil was able wriggle free and roll out before he was able to land on her. Grunting on impact, Conner looks at his health as he rises. It was just inside the yellow, the armor was certainly doing its job. Now all he had to do was get close again and see if he could finish it. He rally needed to install some range on Sparks.
Miki charged her power, creating a giant energy ball. If this worked, the fight would be hers. If not, she will have to rely on her less powerful attacks. Miki releases the energy ball, sending it hurtling across the arena.
'Crap' was all Conner was able to think before the energy ball hit him. He was sent hurtling acros the areana into the wall. And just like that, his health dropped to zero. "Damn it!" Conner shouted as he ripped off goggles. Then he remembered that Sparks would needed some looking at. Huridley donning his regular clothes and parka, Conner hurries out to see Sparks already out and waiting with a rather frustated face. "Don't sweat it bud, we improved. Win or lose may we improve I say." As he was saying this, ue was clambering over Sparks, inspecting the dents and scratches. "That was a good fight. My gues is that you stand a good chance. Names Coner by the way" he said to the girl. That now said, he puts on his headphones, cranks up the music, uncovers one ear proceedes to examine Sparks for any serious damage

(ooc) Sparks facial expressions are like the faces you do in texts, only the right way round. Ex. XC
Miki took of her glasses. She ran out to see Mariki. "Hey, nice job. You ok?" Miki asked. "Yeah, a few scratches but nothing to bad." Mariki said. Miki walked around to her back. There were a few paint scratches. "Easy fix." Miki said. She walked over to the person she fought. "Nice job. He ok?" She asked.
"Ya, he's fine. Just being a baby about losing." Sparks gave him a little shake for saying that, but that was it. "How's yours? It shouldn't be that bad, he only had one hit in. Th joints in the legs may be a little strained to, but that should be it." conner was good with machines. The most advanced thing he worked on back home was a hover tractor though. He knew the basics about how they work, wings were alien knowledge though. "I don't believe you told me your name. Were I come from, its rude to not give your name once someone has given theirs. And I think Sparks would like to know as well." Sparks gave a quick nod at that last part.
"Miki. My Angel is Mariki." Miki said, brushing a strand of magenta hair out of the way. She ran her hand over her hair in attempt to smooth out the strands that were sticking out. She smiled. "Your a good sparing partner." Miki commented.
"Thanks. I kinda designed Sparks off of an old sparring bot design I saw in a book. Needs something for distance though. I haven't seen any Angels that used diferent elements to fight at a distance. Ice alone was a surprise. Usually they use fire or a gun. And how were you able to generate both of those?" Conner wasn't familiar with magic. Sparks, meanwhile, was studying Miki and Mariki. He liked the girl. The Angel he had some hard feeling towards, but that eas probably be ause she beat him. Sparks hasn't spoken in a while either, Conner also noticed this. Perhaps audio files were curropted, he'd fix that while was up there. Then again he kinda liked this quiet Sparks.
"Honestly, this was my first time piloting. I just did what felt natural and something happened." Miki said, giving a shrug. "But I believe that my robot actually has a different source of power for her range attacks." Miki said, looking at Mariki. Miki would have to ask her later, but for now she wanted to keep most of her bots build design a secret.
"Something good. A different source you say? I should look into that. But moving on, how quickly she moved. Is she made out of titanium, or platinum. It could. Be a heavier metal as long as the motors are stronger. Overall though, you have a very beautifully built Angel."

Conner got a bit carried away in inspecting the other Angel. To bring him back from the land of engineering, Sparks reached up and gave him a little smack on the back of his head. Once back to reality, Conner got back to inspecting Sparks for any serious damage
Miki laughed, her hair bouncing up and down as she did so. "Thanks. Your angels is cool too. Very strong. Since this was my first time fighting, I say you are a worthy opponent." Miki said, giving a smile. She liked this kid, he was a smart engineer but sweet at the same time.
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"Thank you. I'm sure Sparks appreciates the compliments to. Right Sparks." Sparks gave a nod. Yes, it did seem Sparks did like this girl

"Hey, when I'm done making sure Sparks is fine, you want to get something to eat? I'm kinda surprised at how humgry you can get after a fight." Something spicy, just because his body had to be cold difn't mean his mouth had to suffer as well from it.
"Sure. Sounds great." Miki said, smiling. She walked over to Mariki, waving as she did so. She looked at her Angel from all angles. She had no apparent damage and looked good. "You look great." Miki said to Mariki.
"See you then. Now, lets lets see if I can get your voice working again." Now with both headphones on, most of the world as toned out and lost in the beats. He needed to get a shock faster, but how? Then an idea came to him. He could pre-build the charge. And he might as well have some fun with it and put on a show, he had some good music to listen to.

"There, that should do it." Conner said after a while as he once more moved one side of his headphones off his ear. In response,Sparks held up his hand, and said "Fingers."
Miki chuckled at what Sparks said. "Yes fingers." Miki repeated. Miki jumped onto Mariki's palm, kicking her feet. She watched Conner work with intense concentration.

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