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Futuristic Angelic Dome

( OOC :afK, sorry food i will come back soon ) 
Raven aimed his sniper aiming towards the angel's torso. The claws on his feet had digged deep in the soil and his jets were ready for high speed maneuvering. " well then lets start!" he yelled firing the shot at the same moment hitting the torso, surely he gained the element of surprise now. A grin covered his face as the huge barrel of the shot fell from the sniper, " round two " he muttered to himself. reloading his sniper again and aiming this time for the leg of the colossal angel.

( well u did say ready so kaboom ! :D )
After Raven fired off his first round, Shade was surprised by the suddenness of Raven's attack, the bullet hits shade dead in the chest and sends him flying into the wall behind him, leaving a large crater on the wall and denting the armor on dragneel's back. "Ow, those rounds pack quite a punch." Shade complains. He then notices that Raven has began reloading, and starts charging at Raven's position.
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"Aww did i miss, or was it intentional " he said with a smirk. He did not move from his position even though the other angel approached him, he had a surprise ready in this shot. " target locked" he said with a smile. He did not fire yet, maybe he was tormenting Shade or was it a plan who knows.
Shade decided to continue blindly rushing at Raven's sniper toting angel in an attempt to reach his position, which he oddly isn't moving from. "You scared stiff over there!!!" Shade taunts. He draws back his sword and prepares to cleave the Raven's angel in half.
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He fired another shot when he saw him rise the sword, it hit directly at the torso of his angle creating not much of a creator but the shot remained there. Thanatos's claws pulls back almost instantly as his jests threw him back in a attempt to avoid the strike. The jets that were in his feet fired up as the angel rose in the air. The shell fell on the ground with a huge thud. He began to reload yet again. " So slow you are fatty " he comment with a smile.
Using the momentum from swinging his sword, Shade spins so that the blade is quickly returned to striking position. He then lunges upward in an attempt to impale Raven's angel.

"Nice try, but your not escaping." Shade calls out smugly.
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Then, from the sky the remains of two shattered and broken angels crash between them, and a third angel drops at the other side of the stadium, my robot Khaos. My voice echoes to the two pilots "May i join in this? You kinda stole my spot for MY spar..."
Nidelia smirked seeing the other Angel jump in. Three ways were boring, so she took this as her queue. She entered the syncing room and quickly synced up.

Once she was synced up Zabaione walked in. "Come now, if you'd like I'll spar you," she says to Khaos smirking with a wink from the eye not covered by an eye viewer. The Angels pigtails bounced in the air flow and her wings spread wide in preparation.
Gus said "With pleasure my princess..." Khaos lifts up both his hands... and the ozone in the atmosphere increases significantly. Gus screamed "CHOKE ON OZONE!" before the palms of his robot unleashed two bursts of lightning at her, while Khaos charges her.
Nidelia watched him closely to calculate what he was doing. When he shot the charges at her and was following them she quickly flew up into the air in s very nice twirl, then just stopped, staring to fall out of the air, but just as she was in front of him her wings flapped enough to upright her and twirl in a round house kick towards him.
Gus knew what she was doing, so Khaos electrocuted his claws, and grabbed onto his leg, while he used his other hand to do a point blank blast into her wing, to paralyze the joint and shut it down. Gus screamed "If you expect a round house kick can stop me, then you don't deserve your wings! Nor the name of angel!"
She smirks as he grabs her and ignores the stun in the wing. "And if you thought that's why I did it your analyzation needs work," she says as both arms raised and her hands were coming down in a double sided karate chop on both sides of his neck, while her leg took advantage of his grip and pulled his arm into a leg grip with surprising strength.
" well that was unexpected " he said. He looked away. He secretly aimed the sniper. " you want to continue?" he asked
Gus roared, the attacks were doing damage, but unlike her mine was made for Heavy combat. He screamed "Enough... Plasma Claws..." His claws became coated in teal blue energy, his lightning field was at half its temperature but it now allowed him to grab onto her. He took all the pain she could dish out, and stabbed his claws into the between of the legs, and the chest and said, "Your bot is experiencing temperatures twice as hot as the sun..." his claws slowly started to rotate, this would be the finisher if it worked.
( Ooc : i think i have to go now, soif its not a big deal just decline to continue, or freeze cause i might come back soon)
"Nah, this fights too entertaining." Shade responded calmly. "There's also the fact that my sword is lodged under the two robots the other guy dropped on us, so I don't stand a chance." He added.
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Her eyes narrowed at him. Was he attempting to control her? She wondered as she grabbed a hold of him and fell back onto her back and threw him off of her. She then stood and tentatively moved the previously stunned wing. She then flexed her injured leg, wincing, so she quickly took to the air again.

He was a punching bag, but his joints would be his downfall.
Icefox11 updated Angelic Dome with a new update entry:


I have noticed some people are already forgetting the rules. Please review the rules. I have also added a new rule so please take that into consideration.
Read the rest of this update entry... 
Miki followed Cory, not entirely sure what to do. She just followed the people that were going to battle and watched them fight. "So, which do you think will win?" She asked Cory.
Khaos leaped up, his chest opening and revealing hundreds of gun barrels, which begin firing explosive rounds into his attacker, while he lifted up his hands to fire lightning, his wrists opening and marking her for better accuracy, and his cape expanding backwards in a dome like pose.
Cory began to smile "Honestly I don't know. Both of their angels seem impressive. However it's all up to the master, you could have the best Angel in the world and still lose. It's all up to the master."

He looked back at her still smiling "but that's just my opinion."
"Yeah. To be honest this seems like fun." Miki said, starting to smile. "I think maybe I should try piloting Mariki for the first time." Miki said, standing and giving a stretch. "You wana come?" Miki asked, looking at him and giving him a smile.
Cory's smile began to fade "challenging me isn't the greatest ideas. I'm not exactly me when I'm in combat. To be perfectly honest I hope we don't meet in the arena."
"Well then, that's a first..." Miki mumbled. "I was actually hoping we could spar, but if you really don't want to face me, that's fine..." Miki said, a bit deflated. She was looking forward to piloting.
"Trust me, fighting me isn't a really good idea. I'm one of those people who have a split personality. Thing is he only comes out when I've been in combat to long. He's also sort of a crazy psychopath, which is why I wouldn't want him in any of my fights. Especially with anyone I know? 
"Trust me, fighting me isn't a really good idea. I'm one of those people who have a split personality. Thing is he only comes out when I've been in combat to long. He's also sort of a crazy psychopath, which is why I wouldn't want him in any of my fights. Especially with anyone I know?
Nidelia gasped and quickly spread her wings and covered her front with them, blocking the bullets. She quickly started racing towards him, unable to see, if she reached him in time she would slam into him hard.

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