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Futuristic Angelic Dome

"Well psychopath is an adjective that doesn't describe your current self, that's for sure." Miki said, looking at him. "I won't judge you by the way. Your to nice." Miki said, giving a playful smile. She thought she would get revenge this way.
Gus then played his trump card, that would ensure him victory. all the tubes reveal to be a giant hexagon cannon, and a teal core is shown producing the bullets, where extra energy is generating in steel wires. In the core 2 isotopes of hydrogen become heated, and the wire fires the isotope's plasma result, which is heated to 270 million degrees Fahrenheit! (That is 10 times hotter then the core of the sun, and 27 times hotter then the surface(lightning is 5 times hotter then the surface): And yes this is possible) While they were charging at each other, the lasers on his shoulder were diverting their main power to the magnetic field, which abruptly shifts and the plasma stream turns into a jet stream straight into Nidelia, melting her with the insane temperatures. (Steel melts at 2500°F)
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Cory let out a deep sigh "if only you knew, I get judged a lot based on my second self. I might be nice now, but when he comes out its a whole new ball game."
Shade steps out of the control room just as Gus's angel pulls out an odd hexagon shade weapon, then fires a beam at nidelia. "...that gun makes ravens look like a pea-shooter." He exclaims to the empty room.
Conner already loved tbe city. It was a bit colder then he would like, a lot really, but his parka certainly solved that problem. And the view, that was one of the better thing.

As he approached his apartment, in a rather nice if not high end hotel, Conner fumbled in his pockets, and mistakenly pulled out his music player. After quickly putting it back, and changing the song, he then pulled out the keys he was looking for and opened the door. The room that he saw was a blank canvas to him, white walls and tiled floor. Soon it would reflect him.

After getting everything he had just right, he pulled out the money he was going to ise to make his angel. Je went down to Angel Shop, paid the fee, and picked out the pieces that looked right. What came out, was Sparks.

'Now all I have to do is register and then maybe practice a little. "Comon, Sparks. Lets get us signned up."

"Ya, lets go" Spark said as he grabbed Conner and set him on his shoulder. "Fingers." Spark said once he set Conner on his shoulder, also leaving his hand up for the high five. Conner downloaded a personality to Sparks, and it seemed some bigs jad to be worked out. Or he might leave it, that would give Sparks some personality of its own. So, as they walkesd out of the shop to sign up, Conner gave him that high five.

After signimg ip, Conner did decide to go to the sparing area. And after wandering around for a bit found it. He was a bit surprised that people, a good crowd, were. Oth fightinng and watching. "Set me down here, Sparks". He was settling down to watch this himself, and listen to some music.

(ooc) This may be the only post I make, maybe one more. It's late where I'm at.
Nidelia desynced sighing softly and stretched yawning and walked out and sat on a bench sleepily. Zabaione walked out of the arena to join her.
Shade see's nidelia exit the control room in a tired fashion, and after a moment, moves to sit next to her on the bench. Dragneel follows and, after a brief stare at the now full bench, decides to stand next to Shade.
Nidelia smiles at Shade. "Hi," she says cheerfully. "Fighting takes a lot out of you," she says with a chuckle and let's out a huge yawn.
Raven could feel a little bit wet near his nose. Raven hurriedly pulled his glasses off and whipped it off, it was indeed dark red blood. " Dam!" he said as he paused closing the programming hurriedly and commencing a de-sync. He left the room with a smile as if nothing happened. His eyes were peeking around soon he could see the duo at a bench he rushed there, Thanatos had just entered behind and walked behind its master. " Hi! guys, the battle was fun! " he said with a grin. It seemed as if Raven had no memory of what had just happened and had gone into his merry ol style again.
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Gus after dysynching, limped out of the battle arena, and was moaning in pain, and spoke in a raspy voice "...Where is the damn hospital.." as he limped out of the building, his neck glowing red from hurt flesh, his leg looks like he feel and broke something.
Conner was a little disappointed at how quickly the fight was over, he just got there and they were already de-syncing. Well, on the one hand one seemed to have been trying to destroy the others. Lightning, he understood. It would most lokely be used to paralyze the other bots. But something so hot that he was cooking in his parka from that distance, that was certainly used to kill.

"Did you see what he did Sparks? If we have to fight him, lets hope he realizzed by then that most of us would like to keep our angels in tact." Conner sure hoped that he did. He liked Sparks, even though he just made him. To the crowd that was the fighters, "That was a good fight. In all honesty, I'm not sure if I want you knocked out early, or do it myself." And he wasn't. If they were knocked out early, that means Conner would have to fight someone better then these people, or haveing to fight them early, they did seem good.
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"My angel will probably avoid attacks like that." Miki said, looking at the angel. The guy had obviously seriously injured himself and needed medical attention, but it was his fault for using all his power. She stood and walked to the door. "Want to go?" Miki asked.
""I'd love to, after I get some practice in. Do they use a practice AI, or are the practice Angels controled by other pilots. And you'd think you would have to pay to practice, guess that's covered in the tournoment sign up". As he said this, Conner was moving around, making sure he had everything he needed. He also had to get Sparks attention away from the girl who spoke. It seemed that Sparks liked people, new people that might talk to him at any rate.

"And never assume, nothing is certain, especially in a fight. Comon Sparks, we need to practice. Sparks? Oie, down here buddy. You got to focus now. You can talk to her later. Sparks? Get back here! Spark!" the last few sentences were shouted as Sparks walked away, apparently to say hello.
"K~" Miki chimed. "Practicing actually sounds like a good idea. I might have to do that myself." Miki comented, walking towards the practice room. She opened the door and slipped on the tight suit.
After unceromonially getting Sparks attention, accomplished by jumping and clining onto one of the legs, Conner led him to the Angel arena before slipping into the sync room. The room was rather high tech, he could stay in there all day just trying to figure out how it works. But he was here to practice, so he quickly slipped into the sync suit, all the time wondering why it was so cold.

In the blink of an eye, Conner went from in the room, to seeing what Sparks saw. He bet that the 2-D 64 bit face that was now his had a smile on it. This was better then be thought. He felt invincible, able to take on anything. He had to check something, see jf it would work. He rubbed one hand on the arm of the other, and could feel the static charge build ip. It would be. Othing like that one Angel's, he would actually have to touch the other Angel to do anything. And even then it would only paralyze the angel for, not even a second when he thougt about, unless it was a big charge. Oh well, guess it would be an end game thing.
Miki slipped on her head set, which had large wings on the ends, and pressed the on button, making the wings glow. Her field of vision started booting up, giving her a vision of a dark tube with blue lights in a strait vertical line. The doors in front of her opened to reveal a large dome arena in front of her. She started walking forward around the arena. Her footsteps were similar. She smiled and starts running.
"So, when do we start fighting? Does someone say go or-" his question was cut short when the other angel started running. Who knew what she would do, and sh was fast. If he tried to bring the fight to her, he may end up running around in circles. So, Conner got into a fighting stance, very much like a boxer's, and braced for impact.
Miki smiled, and jumped off his hands and flew into the sky. She flipped and smashed on top of his head, jumping back to the ground. She smiled inside the simulation room.
Conner barely moved his neck. It seemed that nothing much happened. After all, he did design it to take a hit. Now he was ready. Next time she tried anything, punch, kick, or whatever, he would try to grab her. What he would do next is simply show her how you are supposed to hit and how it should feel.

(OOC) It's a personal pet peeve of mine when people don't give others the chance to dodge a hit. Please, for everyone, in the future give others a chance to dodge.
Miki smiled, waiting for him to make the next move. She thought if she kicked out, he would be expecting it. She played defensive, thinking of a strategy.
'Alright, if you won't do anything, I will.' Conner thought before advancing, with his arms still up. Once he got close enough, as quickly as he could he aimed a right jab, the. A left, and another, a hook, and an uppercut. These kept coming, as quickly as Sparks' motors would allow. His goal was to force her into a corner, or something along those lines since thay are in a dome. All the while je was collecting a static charge. If any hit right now, nothing much would happen and Conner would have to rebuild the charge. But if he was able land a hit later, then the effects would be much more moticable.
Miki got hit the first time, but dodged the rest by sliding underneath his exposed arm. She slipped out behind him and stood. She collected energy, charging herself for a long range blast. She released a fireball at her intended target, leaping backwards. The fire shone like a blue ball of gas.
Cory was very interested in this battle, "Now let's see what these two can do." He watched very closely at how they moved. "This is gonna be a fun tournament."
'What can fire do to me.' was what conner thought before being engulfed by it. To his surprise, it hit like a brick. The heat from the fire didn't do much as he excpected, it did heat his armor up to a redish orange color and delightfully warmed him up in the sync room. Stumbling backwards, Conner recovers and re-evaluates his opponent. A ranged attack, uh-oh. Well then, just don't let her get far away. So, he rushed her. Once more he waslooking to give her a hug. That would certainly keep her close.
Miki watched him approach, his armor red hot. Her eyes widened and she jumped over him, landing gracefully on the other side. She exhaled a bit as she took up her defensive stance again.

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