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Futuristic Angelic Dome

Giving the high five Sparks wanted, directs his attention to Miki and explains what Sparks meant by fingers. "He means high five. I think a wording program is curropted. But it gives him some character."
Miki giggled. "Sounds fun. I'm pretty sure that her speech is fine considering she is relatively new." Miki said. She smiled at him and started kicking her feet again. Everyone she had meet so far was a guy, and all of them were nice, aside from that one guy that tried to tease her. She was glad that she had taken Karate as a kid.
"Thats cool, dragneel here doesn't have a voice module, he's as quiet as a mouse." Shade says from his spot on the bench on the edge of room. "He definitely knows how to convey his ideas though."
"Ya, fun. For all I know, he might say F you and mean it as an apology. Guess that is what I get for not getting it from a reliable source. But I think its just the one phrase that he mixed up. And he's new to this world to. Programs can make a bot grow up so fast, can't they Sparks." he said patting Sparks on the head, which was returned by Sparks almost shaking him off.
Cory began to walk towards them while clapping "great job you two." Cory began to smile at both of them "that was a most entertaining battle, you both are sure to give him a heard time if we meet in the tournament." He gave a little wink at Miki thinking that she knew when he said he.
"Yeah hope not. I might actually give you a run for your money pretty boy." Miki said, jumping of her Angel's palm. She walked over to him and rubbed his hair all over the place, making it stick up at odd angles. "That's for earlier." Miki said, letting him go.
"Hopefully you do. It's been a while since he's had a good fight. In fact I could feel him trying to come out while watching your fight." Cory began to fix his hair to were it was before Miki messed it up. "By the way does anyone know when the tournament begins? I sorta forgot."
"Huh, hey Cory, when did you get here, you missed me and Raven's battle." Shade calls out to the newly arrived spectator. "We kinda had to call it a draw though." He remembered sadly.
"I think in a day or two. I need to get my master card before we enter." Miki said, absentmindedly. That card could by her anything anywhere in this city. It was amazing.
"Well I have mine with me now" he pulled out his wallet and showed her his card. "I use this more than anything else." He eventually spotted Lancelot peaking out from a wall. "Lancelot, why don't you come out and meet everyone."

Cory then looked at shade, "I wished I could have been there, I like to get a good look at my competition."
Conner was interested in the two new mechs. This Dragneel and the other, Lancelot, where very different from Sparks. As a result, he studied them intently, wondering what they were made of, and the reason behind their design.
Jack sighed, looking at the city over a bridge. He couldn't take it anymore....He was an invisible man, so no one world care if he just... He llooked down, hearing the talk of a girl (miki).
Miki had walked outside to get some fresh air. She sat underneath a bridge, close to the water. She sighed and commented to herself, "You sure do sweat when piloting a robot."
Conner followed Miki out, still riding Sparks. He thought they were going to get something to eat, since they were both done inspecting their Angels. He was a bit surprised when she sat down by a man-mae lake and said how sweaty piloting the Angels are. "How could you sweat when its so cold. I'd much rather be hot and sweaty then cold and shivering."
Miki smiled. "The friction caused by running inside a cramped room makes you sweat." Miki said, whipping her forehead. She took the nearest rock and skipped it across the water. Miki looked at Conner. "Sorry about freezing you there buddy but I didn't really want to have to figure out how to repair melted armor." Miki said with a smile.
"It wouldn't be that bad. At most it you would have to do something about the liquid metal freezing in the joints. And you have that master card, or will. You could get new parts and have a professional take a look."

He hadn't thought about the armor melting. He forgot that some Angel's armor wasn't as heavy duty as his.
"Well yeah, but as I said, that was my first time piloting. I did pretty good if I do say so myself." Miki said, looking at the water. She took a strand of hair and twirled it around her finger as she looked over the darkening sky. The sun shining in the distance, it made the city look like a floating ball of white gas with a waterfall at the end of the lake running over it.
"Oh. Well anyway, I'm off to get something to eat. You can stay here and freeze. See you around." And with that, Conner hopped off and motioned Sparks to follow. Then he walked off to find the spiciest food he could find
Cory eventually came outside to see Conner leaving. He then walked over to Miki "so still up for some ice cream?"
"Sure." Miki said, smiling. She stood up and walked towards the store. "I'm going to change out of my suit, be back." She said, disappearing inside. She changed after a quick shower and came out with her hair up in it's ponytails and her skirt and shirt back on. 'Ready?" She asked.
He gave a little smile "sure let's go" he called for Lancelot and when he arrived he got on top of him. " are you gonna ride your angel?"
"Yeah hold on." Miki said. She pressed a button on her wrist band and Mariki came flying out after her. Miki jumped from the ground onto her palm and sat down. "Ready!" She shouted.
He began to laugh "are you that comfortable? Are you not afraid to fall down?" He said standing high and mighty on top of Lancelot.
"Nope. I embrace the heights." Miki said, standing up. "I'm never afraid!" She said boldly. She held her fist up in the air like a superhero.
"Well that's cute" he said giving her a big smile. "Have you ever tried angel surfing?" He said this with a big smile on his face. "Its actually pretty fun if your brave."

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