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Futuristic Angelic Dome

"Nope never. It's my first day with my Angel, remember?" Miki said nonchalantly. People all around here kept forgetting that she wasn't that experienced. She smiled. 'Maybe I'm just that good.' She thought.
"Well I've only had Lancelot for 2 days so I guess that technically you should know this. I did it my first day with Lance. Want me to teach yeah how?"
"Sure!" Miki said, giving a smile. She swayed back and forth, tapping her feet. "So how do you do this Angel surfing?" Miki asked.
"Its pretty simple, your angle gets in a push up like position and you simply stand on their back as though it was a surf board. Don't go to fast or else you'll fall off and always lean forward. The wind is constantly pushing you so standing up isn't wise." Cory and Lancelot began to demonstrate he got on Lancelot's back and then took off.
"Cool..." Miki muttered watching him fly around. She leaped onto Mariki's back and said, "Onward!" As her angle lurched forward. She leaned forward, the wind in her face as she cruised after him.
Conner and Sparks where having a good enough time hunting for a good restraint or food vendor or anything that sold food. As he walked away from yet another disappointing vendor, Conner heard a distant droning. As it got closer, the noise and pitch change. Suddenly, an Angel and rider fly right over his head. Conner and Sparks reflexively ducked, and looked around. He just straightened back out when another flew by. Why did the pilots with flying Angels think that they could do just about anything? Sparks was great as he was, he didn't need any wings. Mental rant over, he gets back to looking for a good place to eat.
(Mind if i reuse a bit)

Jack sighed, looking at the city over a bridge. He couldn't take it anymore....He was an invisible man, so no one world care if he just... He ooked down, hearing the talk of a girl. No... he thought. Not in front o them...
Miki smiled and flew back to the bridge, passing over it. She passed just low enough to see someone on the bridge. She circled back and landed on the bridge. Miki stepped of her Angle to greet the person. "Hello!" She said, cheery as ever.
"Umm..." He looked away. "Hi...." She noticed me? His face was blocked by his hood. "C..can you go...." he shivered. His foot slipped, and he was about to fall. He didn't want her to see this...
"Why?" Miki said, cocking her head to the side. Strands of her hair fell over her face, causing his picture to have purple streaks though his body. She moved her hair out of the way, awaiting a response.
"Umm...." He said. "Because.... I... I don't want you to see such a pathetic worm like me end it..." He looked down at the waters below.
Miki looked at him. "Why would you end it? You seem perfectly fine to me." Miki said, raising her head. She blinked a couple of times, her eyelashes touching her bangs.
"Cause...." He looked down. "I'm an invisible person... no one ever notices what i do..." he felt the water calling out to him...
"Well I just did." Miki said, poking his nose. She smiled and twirled around playfully. She grinned at him, rocking on her heels.
"Well that depends on what you want." Miki said. She rocked back on her heels again. She thought of all the things she could do for him.
"Well then, not dying gives you a chance to figure things out." Miki said, smiling. Miki walked to the edge and fell off. The secret he didn't know it her angle was flying just underneath the bridge. She lands on Mariki's back and soars back up to the bridge.
"Wha-" He looked at her transfixed on her presence. "How are you-" he edged closer. "Are you...my angel?" he got so close, he started to fall. He didn't seem to mind. He saw his angel.

(can i modify my angel?)
Miki looked at him, a bit confused. She looked nothing like and angel, she looked more like a cat. Plus the purple hair wasn't exactly angelic. 
Miki suddenly realized that he was falling off the edge and made Mariki dive to grab him in time and place him on the pavement. "Hey, you ok?" She asked leaning over him.
"Thank you...." He looked at her with the utmost adoration. "Are you my angel?" He said, with a light of hope. "you were sent here to protect me?"
"I have no idea but probably not. That's my Angel." Miki said, pointing to the giant robot behind her. She shook her head. "Your delusional or something. I most certainly have no wings." Miki said, confused. She twirled her hair, looking around. In the distance she spotted a ad for musical talent. She thought she needed a job, maybe that would work. Then again, maybe not.
"Oh..." He said, with a look of disdain. "I guess I must be.." He looked at her. "This is an angel...." He looked at it. "Where did you- how did you receive it?"
"I bought it. " Miki said, hopping onto her palm. "I designed her from scratch and gave her a name. "Her name is Mariki. My name's Miki." she said, grinning. She swung her feet off the edge of Mariki's palm for fun as she sat there.

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