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Futuristic Angelic Dome

"You press the start button." Miki stated, quite amused. "Then you choose type." Miki said. "Then you individualize." Miki said.
"Ummm...." His hand pressed the button, and hundreds of images flashed on the screen. "So... So many...." he looked at her. "Help?"
"It's easy. Pick which stands out the most." Miki said. There were all different combos of stats. Miki giggled as he fumbled with all the buttons.
'just feel the robot with your soul." Miki said. "Create the robot your heart desires to fight with." She said. It was funny to watch him.
"Nice." Miki said. His robot was clearly a speed type by the way he was building it. She watched it take form in front of her eyes.
He opend his eyes. "Its finished..." He finished humming the tune (Song from Vid) and looked at it. "Its beautiful.."
"It is." Miki said. She pressed the finish button and the tank began to drain. The doors open and out came his Angel. "Now you name it." She said.
"Gypsy..." He similed for the first time in years... "Gypsy Smile..." He looked at her. "Thank you..." He hugged her
Miki pointed to the second room as she walked in the first. She slipped on her suit and her head set. She started booting up her vision "Ready?" She asked.
"I didn't either until two hours ago!" She yelled as the countdown reached zero and the doors opened. She waited for him to make the first move. After all, he was a newbie.
"No, you watch closer." Miki said as she powered up. Fireballs started forming around her. She smiled and launched them at him.
Screams could be heard outside of the pod, as if she herself was drilling a hole in him. He reached for anything that could save him.

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