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Futuristic Angelic Dome

"Ah, well you might be in luck there. There is a competition coming up and I believe there is a program to aid you in buying one if you are totally broke." Miki said, smiling. She acted so childish around most people. She was starting to seriously consider becoming a singer.
"I guess that's what you'd call me..." He said, looking down. "Broke..." He envied her peppiness, her Child-like wonder.
Miki looked at him. "Why are you so down. Happiness is the key to recovery!" Miki beamed. "Here, songs always make me feel better." Miki said, preparing herself. She began singing Metor by Hatsune Miku.
"That's beautiful..." He said. He got a little bit of a smile back. "Do you want to know why I..." He looked at her. "You know... Attempted?"
"Sure. Everyone has a weak point." Miki pointed out, looking at him. She smiled at him. He seemed lost but not lost beyond repair.
"I..." He started. "I fell off the societal ladder when I was a kid... Cause to take care of my grandpa my family had to move... It forced me to be homeschooled for 1.5 years... I returned a nobody.... A loser... I was ridiculed every day... Until..." He seemed to regress into despair again. "Her..."
"Her?" Miki was confused. Did someone chuck him off a cliff or something. Maybe he got throw into a river.
"She was my friend when all the others left me..." He said. "She understood I suffered from depression...even gave me help... But yesterday..." Tears formed. "Yesterday..."
"Yesterday...." Miki said, wondering why he kept cutting off his sentences. Honestly, who does that? She looked at him intently, waiting for the rest.
Miki frowned. "Well that wasn't very nice. People should be nice to the pitiful." Miki declared, not trying to be hurtful. She was a bit surprised at what had happened to him, but she wanted to make it better. She had an idea, but if she left him, he would probably jump.
He looked like he was regressing back into his suicidal state. He looked empty, devoid of all emotion. "She left me..." He said, as it echoed again in his head.
"Don't be sad." Miki chimed. "Here. this outa do." Miki said, giving him a piece of candy. She gave him the piece sign.
"If you want me to stay then I can stay, but if not I got something to do." Miki said. She smiled at him. She giggled a bit, waiting for a reply.
"Can...." He said, looking at her. "Can I go with you?" he looked at her. "You said there is a place for me... t get these things....and..." he looked away, as shame for his pleading,
"Yeah. It's right there." Miki said, pointing down the bridge to the right. "You can fight me when you finish assembling your robot." Miki said, swinging her feet. She smiled.
"You create it. it's your own idea." Miki said. She hopped off Mariki's palm and walked up to him. She grabbed his hand and pulled him up to her palm. "Onward Mariki!" Miki yelled as her Angel took off.
"AAAAAGGHHH!!!" He yelled, as he flew, like a bird. "We....WE are flying!!!" He was blown away at the force of the flights
"Well duh." Miki said. She swayed in the wind, letting her hands fly into the air. They finally settled down in front of the Angelic Store. "Here we are!" she announced.
"The control room is cooler." Miki said, gesturing to the back of the store. "I'll wait until you finish." Miki said, walking to the counter. "can I register a master card." Miki said to the cashier.
"Where do I go?" He mumbled, looking around. "Um..." He looked at miki. "Wait! Where do I go?" He said, looking at her, with regret for making her do this.
"You go to the creation machine!" Miki yelled. She turned back to the counter and grabbed her card. She turned around and watched him fumble.

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