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Futuristic Angelic Dome

"And you weren't before? Hey buddy, quick tip, don't let her get away unless you got something for range." Conner said then gave him a pat on the shoulder and a little shove in the right direction. "Now get going, and do your best."
Miki watched the doors open. She immediately launched the ice attack, hovering above the ground to keep of the ice. There was no way he was slipping from her fingertips.
He waved his hand, and out came a blade from the arm, and flew into the air. In a matter of seconds, he was behind her, and prepared a slice. He was humming a song in his head.

( Song:

Miki flashed to the other side of the arena. She smiled looking at him. She pulled out a blade she didn't know she had and set it ablaze. She started singing the words to a song softly inside her pod, the volume growing as she fought. She charged at him, clashing with his blade.

(Song of choice:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHvA8nld8kk)
Miki leapt into the air, escaping the circle of bullets. She swung her sword in his direction, causing a band of flame to shoot after him. She changed the song, turning into a different language.

(This will make about zero sense to people who don't know the song but, screw it:

He dodged it, and came at her with a decoy to throw her off balance. He went around, and prepared to punch her in the side with the gauntlet. He could feel the bond with his Angel getting stronger... Maybe this is what he was Made for... 
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Miki dogged his punch. Miki grabbed his outreached fist. She twirled around it in mid air, sending a kick to his face. She was deep into song now.
He winced at the hit. "N-not yet!" He yelled, and raised his sword hand, attempting to cut the holding arm off. He needed to foucus more... That kick made him slip...
Miki smiled and pushed off his arm. The blade sliced her finger in the process. Miki took a second to look at her finger. She had stopped singing at this point. "Bastard. You'll pay for that." Miki said, looking at him with murderous intent. She placed the blade back at her side and launched a fireball at him.
He dodged the blast. She was losing foucus... He smiled, and continued humming. He waited, playing defensive. Wait.... He told himself.
Miki took a moment. She refocused. She looked at him. He was waiting for her move. She switched to defensive, waiting for him to move.
It was a battle of focus... He knew that now. He breathed in and out, slowly. He tensed his mucles, and shot forward, knowing his strategy.
Miki shot upwards, seeing him rush at her. She used the surprise to fall strait back down. She hoped to flatten him like last time.
He stopped, and moved back, as the decoy he had in front of him took the hit, as she slammed to the floor. "Take this!" He was going to slam on her, blade drawn, to pirce the stomach. He advanced quickly due to his speed, pinning her, and raises the blade.
She slammed into the ground on impact. "Shit." Was all she had time for as she kicked his stomach. Hopefully it would be enough to send him up into the air.
The blade shifted, to strike her knee, wich was closer. It inched and inched. He felt himself getting stronger...
'This fight is better, certainly better than the last one.' Conner was sitting and watching the fight. It was actually rather graceful, almost like it's a dance.
Fia walks up behind Conner. " It's like a dance right? We call this battle but to me it looks like art." She looks down at him "you only need a creative mind to see it." She moves a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Mind if I sit?" she asks.
Conner jumped when the girl first spoke before scooting over and patting the spot next to him. "Free country, I think. Sparks, a little warning would have been nice." To that last part, his robot just shrugged, thinking that he was just over reacting. "Some fights look like a dance, others are just messy. These two that are fighting are built for speed, each one strikes and dodge like lightning. I fought one of them before and it wasn't pretty."
She smiles politely and sits next to the young man. "Sorry about the scare" she said she is not used to people, she forgot how some are unused to instant conversation unlike the robots she grew up with. "You fought one? Oh you must be a Master too! I'm new at the competitive stuff but I say I have done pretty well in training" she smiles brightly. Wow a real Master right next to me I am so lucky I can get pointers from him about combat in the dome. "Was it really hard fighting a speed type how did you manage on winning?" she asked curiously.

(sorry for my lateness finals are everywhere this week)
"Well, you see that was the first time I piloted an Angel. And I didn't exactly win. But I did learn that if you are able to keep them still you will win." Conner told her truthfully, wanting to cover his ears with his headphones and pretend like she didn't ask that question. Well, it wasn't his fault for her thinking he was a master.

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