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Futuristic Angelic Dome

She pulled Athena out of the books and gave her a glare. "What?" Athena said in a the sassiest way a flat tone could. "Were about to fight are you ready I don't want any problems you ready?" Athena steps out of the box and walks past her "I was made ready" she walks out into place. Fia rolls her eyes, why is she so sassy I KNOW I did not program that in her she sighs "I hope this doesn't end in a dud that would be a waste of training." She enters the sync room, god please don't let Athena attack the stands.
He looked at the two pilots. "Miki...." He said to her, his voice in a tone that was a mix of studying and calculation. "Who do you think will win?"
Miki shrugged. "I got no idea. I am not a person for statistics. I prefer things like heart and soul. Maybe that's why piloting is easy for me. Because I only focus on numbers when I have to, because I know there is infinite possibilities outside of numbers, you just have to believe hard enough and push though."
"Alright, lets see what we are ip against." Coner said, truly talking to himself. "I'm expecting a speed type, that's what seems to be favored. Probably going to try and stay at range, occasionally darting in for a strike that needs more accuracy. If it's a power house, paralyze, land a few hits then back up and begin to regain charge. Ya, that sounds good."
Fia jumps around trying to get a feel of Athena's strength, the cannon in her right arm. Ok I can do this just remember charge the gun initially then evade till you find a weak spot. She clenches her fist, heart pounding she had never felt this tension not even when she was in the final stages of the holiday sale. Mom, Dad I know this isn't what you wanted but....

The doors open. The battle begins.

"Urrah!" she exclaims she charges her cannon and lunges toward the other angel speed at maximum.
Conner spooled up his latest attachment and fired at the oncoming Angel. It was meant more for a distraction or an annoyance, but if it hit a vital part, it hit a vital part. As he fired, he moved closer to the target, arms raised ready to block, jab, or roll out of the way completely. He dragged his feet on purpose, gathering that static shock that could paralyze an Angel. And he would keep building that charge until he managed to land a hit.
Icefox11 said:
Miki shrugged. "I got no idea. I am not a person for statistics. I prefer things like heart and soul. Maybe that's why piloting is easy for me. Because I only focus on numbers when I have to, because I know there is infinite possibilities outside of numbers, you just have to believe hard enough and push though."
He nodded his head, and resumed watching. Heart.... That is why he won. Wasn't it?
Fia spins downward just as the blast went by, skimming the breast plates of her Angel. She notices her opponent moving toward her and gets up and dashes to the side of the dome turning to face her opponent once more. Athena raises the gun, Fia looks at the meter 45% "No not yet!" A crackling was heard as she regains her control over her Angel. She once again lunges forward trying to get a better look at the inner working of Sparks.
Miki watched them battle, getting bored easily. "Let's do something fun." She said, getting up, her pigtails bouncing as she strode out of the locker room. She tossed the towel in the dirty towel basket and grabbed his hand, taking him along for the ride. She waved at Mariki and watched her pick them up and take them out of the store.
Conner continued to fire, the little ball bearings spewing out of the shoulder mounted gun. This was most definatly a speed. Guess he needed to keep her from using that to her advantage. Beginning to pick up the pace, Conner lumbers across the areana, planning to land a heavy blow on her chest.
Fia doges the balls slowly slowing down while running toward the her opponent. She can doge anything slow but if he speed up she's done for, she looks at the cannon meter 62% not yet she reminds herself. As she gets closer she sees something spark from the ground what is that?
Icefox11 said:
Miki watched them battle, getting bored easily. "Let's do something fun." She said, getting up, her pigtails bouncing as she strode out of the locker room. She tossed the towel in the dirty towel basket and grabbed his hand, taking him along for the ride. She waved at Mariki and watched her pick them up and take them out of the store.
He looked around, as he was yanked away. "W-where are we going?" He was never good at resisting things....
'Now!' Conner thought to himself as he got close enough to attempt a punch. Using as much of his reach as he could, Conner lunges out towards Athena. The charge stored up would certainly be enough to paralyze an Angel for a limited time. But that wouldn't be the only thing he'd send her way, more punches and a few kicks would follow.
Fia sees the lunge and stops, which was easily with her slower speed. She then examines the robot quickly scanning for weak points, ball joints, open chest areas, weight shifting ect. She then she jumps over the robot and rebounds off its back seemingly moving to safety. However, Athena takes control yet again this time crumpling to the ground with a loud thud.
Conner quickly turned around, expecting anything but her falling to the floor. Not really questioning why that happaned, Conner once more got close and swung at her. All the while his charge building.
"Come on come on! Athena don't do this your gonna get pummeled! Evade evade!" As she grasps to get control Athena spasms on the dome floor. Fia looks at the cannon charge 94% she is almost in the green,"Athena you can shoot now!!" The spasms stop the blue lights on her body turn red and she slowly gets into a moving position ready to move.
"Oh no you don't." Conner said as he got close enough. He had two options here. Plough his fist into her back or kick her in the stomach. And deciding the second option sounded much easier, Conner aims a quick kick at Athena's stomach.
Athena sees the foot and jumps on it letting it guide her closer to his face the shock crumples her left arm but it was a necessary damage 96.5%. Athena raises her right arm with the cannon and aims it between the chest plate and ball arm 99%. Fia worried of the blow-back opens Athena's wings 100% right before she pulls the trigger.
'Nononono.' Conner thought as he attempted to dodge the shot. He was able to avoid the worst of it, but it still hit just underneath his arm, causing him to recoil from the force of it all. Good thing Sparks was meant to take damage. Using the momentum he gained from being hit, he pivoted on jis foot and brought his other arm around aiming to return the favor.
The blow back of the plasma cannon pushes Fia back, finally back into control just to feel the recoil thanks Athena. She begins charging again looks at her arm accessing the damage let the retractable sword panel be okay she prayed and looked. "Thank God,"the panel was fine her hand was another question the fingers were scrunched and so was part of the bottom of her fore arm was trashed good thing she's made for evasion. I might have to find a lighter but denser metal for her to withstand more, wow I'm learning so much in dome fights are much different from training. (Edit) Fia saw Sparks swing at air. The blow back having pushed her back in the air as Fia smartly opened her wings before the cannon was released
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(not a cannon. Only range Sparks has is a gattling gun that launches iron ball bearings. What is coming your way is a fist.)
Conner opened up once more with his gun, trying to force her to the ground. 'Great, another flying one.' he couldn't help but think to himself. 'The hail of ball bearing should be enough to ground her though.'

(probably not going to post for a bit. It's getting late here.)
Fia evades most of the bullet a few grazing her here and their minor hits. She swoops down to the dome floor putting her evasion skills to the test as she tears closer to Sparks. Just need to get close enough... she thought as she gradually slowed her speed once again.
"The karaoke club!" Miki yelled. She tapped Mariki's shoulder. "Onward!" She said, still clutching his hand. She smiled and watched as Miki took off. She squealed as they soared though the air towards the other side of town. She loved the air up here.. It was sweet and it was whipping her hair around as they flew.

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