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Futuristic Angelic Dome

He couldn't let go of her hand.... It was so beautiful... It made everything feel better.... Like he could live again... He inched a bit closer...
Miki noticed out of the corner of her eye that he got closer to her. She ignored it. He was obviously either scared of heights or just really nervous. She smiled and squealed again as they took a sharp turn and he fell into her. She felt his breath on her face and she lit up a bit, looking at him. She could feel him on his arm.
"I?" Miki asked, looking at him. Other people were so peculiar in this city, it just made her wonder. She looked up and got lost for a second, quickly snapping out of her hallucination as they zoomed onwards. She felt them shift again and she grasped on to his arm so as to not fall off Mariki's palm and become a pancake.
"I..." He was so lost in her. "I... Like....you!" The ship made them get closer, face to face, each an inch apart.
Miki blinked a few times. WOAH. Since when did love have to do with angels. She was about to say something when the took a turn and her face fell into his, pushing them into a forced kiss. And this was one of those times she would have cursed at G-forces, but her mouth was a bit occupied at the moment.
He blushed, as they connected lips. He wonders if she felt the same... Or if she was going to kill him... Save himself the time....
Miki was trying to think of the right thing to do and with each second her time was ticking down. Should she push him away? No, to mean. She couldn't accept it because she had just meet him. She just kind of stayed there, her face in shock. Her brain went from simple thoughts to brain is a mush.
Miki slowly pulled away, looking in front of her. She opened her mouth to speak, but quickly shut it again. She was super confused now. She had no idea where she stood with him at the moment anymore. She brushed a strand of hair away as it flapped in front of her face. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the silence for a minute.
Miki looked at Mariki and motioned for her to take a couple more laps, needing the air. She turned around and headed across the city in the direction of her home, where there were no confusing boy situations. She ran a hand though her long locks as she tried to sort things out. She was a total mess now.
"D...." He said, humiliation consuming him. "Don't have one..." He had gotten kicked out of it the day before.... His parents fed up with him. "Sleep...." He had stayed at a hotel... Snuck in and prayed to god no one saw him.
Miki sighed. "You really are hopeless. You can stay at my place." She said. Seriously, how mean of parents did he have?
Getting close to her at a run, he uses his momentum to aim a devistating punch. He could take a few more hits. And he certainly didn't have to worry about ammunition, he stuck enough to last 2 games in there. Now all he had to do was hit her, and that would be the end of it, he just knew it. The charge he has accumulated chasing after her would probably be enough to fry the wings, but nothing else.
He was officially bored now, and not even 5 minutes in the city yet. The registration was deserted, but they allowed him even if he didn't have an Angel yet, they also helped him, pointing him in the right direction. The Angel store, making facility, whatever the heck it was other than that, really it was confusing, was surprisingly empty. He could neither grab inspiration from other angels or talk to the people there and ask for help. So he made one, the extremely hyper, fickle, lazy, boy constructed an angel on his own. It was amazing it did not turn out as a disaster.

It was heavily armored, and armed to the teeth with an assortment of weapons that could level the playing field against any competitor. Literally level the playing field, he thought excitedly as he wrapped up his creation in the toughest armor he could find, without reducing the maneuverability by much. The boosters were tricky, but he managed to find, make, some powerful enough to give him the same amount of speed most average types would posses. The thing he had to worry about most was the power consumption, but he already had a plan for that little problem. So his omnidirectional heavy assault Angel was created, and it was huge, probably the biggest thing in there.

He wanted someone to even suggest he was overcompensating, and find out how big of a crated he could make. It was also quite silent but he didn't mind, he knew the could talk and Omni would when he would want to.

So he set out looking of a fight, it was lucky he managed to find one so quickly. And so he watched, a bowl of ice cream in his hand and the spoon still between his lips.
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Beowulf said:
Getting close to her at a run, he uses his momentum to aim a devistating punch. He could take a few more hits. And he certainly didn't have to worry about ammunition, he stuck enough to last 2 games in there. Now all he had to do was hit her, and that would be the end of it, he just knew it. The charge he has accumulated chasing after her would probably be enough to fry the wings, but nothing else.
The two robots seeded valiantly toward each other. Fia releases her sword and waits for the opportunity to strike. If she could slice the spot she had hit with the gun then it would all be over, she knew it. She flew in toward him. The two collide Fia's wings short out but not before she slashes upward hitting Sparks open wound and cutting upward. Both robots fall to the ground Fia on top of Sparky. She pulls out the blade the shock of his attack damaging her connection as well as her wings. Was it over? They both sustained great damage, Fia breathed heavily hoping it was concluded her sight of the dome kept fuzzing.
His left arm was shot and needed full repairs before he would even attempt to fight with it again. Good thing he was right handed. Looking at his health gauge, he is excited to see that it is just getting into the red, she probably wasn't in any better conditions. Grabbing her angel, he rolls over on top and attempts to pin her arms to her sides before beginning to give her a good beat down.
Fia couldn't see she couldn't move, this is a problem. "Athena? Athena respond. Not good." Fia was locked out of Athena it must have been either the collision or the shock but either way it was bad. Athena was a dangerous robot on her own she would rip her own arms off just to defeat a enemy.

Athena awakened "Time to Die" she said in a monotone voice as her visor lights tuned red again. Athena begins kicking the injured arm of the robot repeatedly at full speed till it cracked then she pulled the pulse cannon's trigger repeatedly causing a jam. She then took the cannon and smashed it against the robots face. Fia was looking around the control room for a control panel there must be a way to rewire the wireless connection I had from here.

Meanwhile Athena wriggles her right hand free.

((ooc/ sorry for the late message i was attending a funeral IRL))
Conner, and by default Sparks, recoiled from the onslaught, but kept a hold of her. Once she eased up a bit, Conner slammed his face into Athena's. Again and again he fid this, all the while shouting "I WILL NOT LOSE AGAIN!"
Fia was so lost she had finally found a control box and was tampering away with the wires trying to create a remote restart from the headset. "I am so scrapping Athena after this, how can one Angel be so angry?" Fia grumbles and continues to work. Meanwhile on the battle field Athena health was decreasing rapidly but that made no different to a rouge robot, Athena kicks Sparks in the head and flips around breaking her arms in the process facing the robot she slams her face into his at full speed.
Icefox11 said:
Miki sighed. "You really are hopeless. You can stay at my place." She said. Seriously, how mean of parents did he have?
He smiled, and walked inside the house. "Thanks..." He bowed.
"This is getting boring." Alphonse muttered to himself as he looked to his robot. "make them dance." He commanded cheerfully as the robot simply nodded in reply. All the cannons at its disposal were flipped forward, form the three sets on his back, two on his shoulders and thighs, two massive bazookas in his hands and the single cannon on his chest. Alphonse needed to replace his glasses with shades before he smirked.

The next second, the entire arena was filled with light as all the cannons fired at both combatants.

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