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Futuristic Angelic Dome

He sighed. He had messed it all up.... His angel was going to be with another. He looked at his angel. He felt it.... He knew it now....
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Miki had been listening, but kind of lost in her ice cream. She looked up at his question. "I am glad too. Sometimes you need food to get your mind off your problems." She said smiling. Her mind wandered for a brief second to the person who had caused this problem and she quickly shoved a large piece of ice cream into her mouth. A couple seconds later, she felt a pang in her forehead. Raising a hand to her head, she mumbled, "Brain freeze." and closed her eyes.
He was alone.... He would always be alone.... No one would under stand what he had suffered through.... He looked in the mirror, and all he saw.... Was a failure.... A horrible monster.... He was told as such. He was beaten and bullied

Deep Inside the hanger for the frames, some started to glow red, and boot up.

(Might-be villain time, anyone?)
"I still don't get how that happens." He said, shoveling another mound into his mouth and yet feeling nothing but bliss when it enveloped his tongue. There was no pain, how could something this awesome and amazing ever caus such harm to anyone. Still people sometimes laughed at him when he said something like that, also for a reason he could never understand. "Though I heard rubbing your temples helps that." He said before making it to the counter and asking about this so called 'brain freeze' the clerk just gave him a glass of warm water. "This should help" He handed the glass to the ailing gir, Miki, that was her name
Miki nodded in thanks, drinking the glass of warm water. Her brain freeze gradually began to dissipate, leaving her with the sweet sensation of ice cream and brain freeze relief. She sighed, taking another bite of her ice cream. "That's better." She said, a small smile returning to her face as she glacced at her ice cream. She sighed, the memories now weighing heavily in her mind, turning her small smile into a frown.
"There's the frown again, and the sighing, not something people ussualy do when they eat ice cream." He said, mostly to himself though most likely she heard it too. "What's bothering you?" He asked quite bluntly, yet his tone was still gentle and quite innocent. There was no sunset to distract him anymore, and he could eat and talk at the same time with little issue. Now he was curious as well so the only escape for her with be an actual escape.
Miki sighed. "Boys." She said, taking another bite. "More accurately, a friend of mine. Or at the least, I thought he thought of me as a friend, and apparently I was wrong." She said, playing with the ice cream in front of her. This was so unlike her. This is why she usually stayed away from romance, she hurt people that way.
Was she with someone else? He started to panic. He blacked out. He never blacked out anymore.... He messed something up... He knew it!
"Oh..." He trailed off. First of all, he was a lover of ice cream, and if ice cream for any reason rejected him he would feel bad, so he can relate to whoever this boy was. He was also a boy and really saying anything would be rather strange at this point, since she most likely didn't know he was a lover of ice cream. Finally, he was surprised that she felt bad about rejecting him, he really thought they had some special satisfaction watching boys fall apart. Then again, ussualy the boy in question was a conniving cheat who was less than scum of the earth.

So as usual, he said whatever came into his mind. "Well did you at least clear things up with him, or with yourself for that matter?" It was strange how younger and more single people gave good advice.
Miki shook her head. "That's the problem. I didn't say anything. And I might like him, I don't know. We just meet today. I can't handle things moving that fast, but I am afraid that I have broken him beyond any repair. Honestly, this thing is just a giant mess." She said, fiddling with a strand of her hair.
"Well, I'm not exactly experienced in this department." He really wasn't, girl could be really confusing at times. They say things and mean the exact opposite. Hey have these things called, times, and they get really angry ang upset about everything. It could be, much more difficult that defferencial calculus, he knew that much. "I would suggest you find out where you stand, then find out where he stands the work it out from there. Though you might want to finish your ice cream first, it helps me think."
Miki nodded, taking a bite of her frozen treat. She sighed, her mind a jumble. She knew where he stood, but where did she stand. Taking another few locks of hair, she started braiding a peace, glaring at the table intensely. She sighed, mumbling a bit to herself as she let the small braid slide form her fingers, the strands gliding easily over her smooth skin.
Alphonse himself was pondering on things too, thought most of them revolved around, yeah, angels. Looking at the competition a while ago, it was clear he would either clear them easily or he had zero chance of winning. The way they fought was exactly as predicted, either using large scale energy attacks or just going in melee, both of which he could handle. He smiled as another bit of ice cream made his way to his mouth, much less as he was in thought.

"Your decision?" He asked her after a few moments of silence, smiling at the glare she gave the table and the admittedly cute sounds she was making under her breath. Make no mistake, ice cream was still less complicated and more delicious then girls in his mind.
Miki looked up. She sighed. "I have to convince him that I do not hate him, but that at some point, I may come around. Just not right this second."" She breathed, taking a bite of her ice cream. She always hated relationships. This whole, "You are the only one for me" crap. Yeah, you say that now, but you may move on later. You never know.
"As good as a decision as any it seems. I would say go to him now, but that might send the wrong message, to him and to you. You make rather fine company." He said with a smile as he finished the rest of his ice cream in one large scoop. Forcing himself to refrain from licking his bowl clean he went to the counter to pay for both of them before retuning to her with another bowl, the classic chocolate in it's plastic embrace. "Want some?"
Miki sighed, finishing up the rest of her scoop. She looked up at him and then at the ice cream in his hands. She nodded, gratefully taking the ice cream. She hated love. It was confusing. Like a Rubix cube, without a formula to solve it. There was one somewhere, but no matter how many times you try the strategy, it only works once.
"Nice talking to you, Miki." He said with a wave as he exited the place, his own bowl of ice cream in his hands. "There I did it, you happy." He asked his angel, who still seemed to be flying above him, already hidden my the night. "She seemed like she needed someone to talk to and you looked bored master. I simply supplied with u with a strategy and an avenue for confrontation. It looked like you helped her as well, so I am satisfied ." The large angel replied as it touched down, Alphonse stepping on his hand as he flew away, into wherever he slept for the night, a small condo where his angel cold also stay.
Miki smiled, nodding a thanks. Standing up, she took her ice cream out the door as she walked down the street. She had to find him, but where could he be? She looked around, a bit casually. Then she remembered this morning. She nearly dropped the ice cream as she went dashing for the bridge where she had meet him.

The same bridge where he tried to end his life.
Conner ignored the kid. The other angel lost its head, Sparks just had a broken arm. In his book, that was a win. And, he didn't want to fight that behemoth that the kid made. That would practically suicide for Sparks. So, instead, he headed off to repair Sparks and then went to his apartment for the night.
He looked over the bridge. No one would care if he did it... He was sure about it now. That kiss, no matter how good it felt, had ruined everything... His last chance. He felt the water call to him now. It was time.... Time to go. Time to finish it all. He heard some footsteps that sounded familiar.,,,
Miki saw him at the edge of the bridge. Stopping for a moment to catch her breath. She breathed. "Just in time." She said, walking up next to him on the bridge. She sighed, looking over the darkening sky. She glanced over at the person to her right, hoping he would notice her there. Her heart was racing, mostly from the running, but also because she was nervous.
"Jack!" Miki yelled. She hoped that he wouldn't make the jump, not without talking to her. She looked at her wristband that she had a connected to her angel and sent her a message. She would be on her way, in case anything went wrong.
He looked over at her. He looked down. "Im sorry..." He said, with tears in his eyes. "I messed it all up...."
Miki sighed. "You didn't mess up. I don't hate you!" She said, looking at him. There was so many things that she had failed to say. She needed to keep him alive, because somewhere inside, he was a friend, and she couldn't let him go like that. "Look, the reason I didn't say anything is because I just meet you, and I would like to get to know you more before making such a big step."

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