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Futuristic Angelic Dome

He stopped. "Y-You dont mean that!" He looked at her. "I'm a lost cause......" He took one more step. four more to go.
I walked out onto the ledge and grabbed him, steading myself above the water. I was not about to have me and a friend jump off a bridge to our deaths.
I looked him in the eyes. "You are forgiven. I don't care. I just want to take things a little bit slower." She said.
Miki took his hand, walking back towards the ground. "Now, how about we go back to my place." She said.
She sighed a bit and started heading towards her apartment. Halfway there, Mariki showed up. "Hey." She said, hopping onto her extended palm and swinging her feet. She was excited to go home and sleep, because she was beat from battling all day. She had won twice and tied once. It was really fun, but she would probably lose at some point.
In some large building in town, 4 young men and a middle aged man stood in a room with four mechas. The middle aged man spoke "Welcome you 4 have been sponsored by Morgan Meister Industries. We are hoping to expand into the Mecha Industry, to do that we need to make a name for ourselves that'll put us beyond any Angel Store. You are to win the National Cup with these machines and claim that dome for us, you'll be payed handsomely. I'm am head of the Technological Division of the Company, I'm Rade Michael. You'll be staying at the Morgan Meister Hotel in Luxury Suites, the rooms contain all you need and more. You'll be payed every two weeks as you've already signed with us. Welcome to Morgan Meister Industries!" The man said tossing them room keys and leaving.

The four stood looking at their machines with a swell of positive emotions. They each spoke the names of their mechs. Gil said "Sousei". "Solaxia" Kiro uttered. "Crusader" Shin exclaimed. "Paladin" Saji whispered. They stood there for a few minutes. Then "Wooohooo!" they all exclaimed. Then the four went out to celebrate! 
The four then turned back around real quick to go release their mechs. Ina few minutes the four were standing outside getting to know their robots.

"Sousei i'm Gil you are my Bot, together we shall claim victory in Nationals understood!" Gil said.

"Yes Master we shall destroy the mongrels!" It replied picking up on Gil's personality.

"Perfect, muhaajahaahaahaaahh" Gil replied.

They both engaged in a sort of evil laugh.

Kiro was getting to know his own bot. "Solaxia, starting today we're partners. We shall go forward into the future together." Kiro said.

Solaxia replied "We are one!"

"Indeed!" Kiro said. "Indeed!"

Shinji and the Crusader were already flying off around the city. Shinji sat on it's shoulder. "Crusader, we'll fight and fight whatever happens, happens. I just glad i'll be able to blow off some steam!" Shin shouted over the rushing wind. "Yes master!" Crusader replied.

"Things are about to change for the awesome!"Saji exclaimed. Paladin replied "We'll give our all" Those two were also traversing the city technically they were flying over it.
Miki sighed, her head hitting the pillow. Finally, some sleep......


Oh for the love of....

Miki growled and stood up, walking out of her apartment. She stalked towards the elevator, calling up Mariki as she waited for the elevator to come. Once Mariki got to her side, she walked inside the elevator, going up to the top floor. When the doors opened, she stalked over to the room. Not bothering to knock, she flung the door open and said the one thing she wanted to say.

Icefox11 said:
Miki sighed, her headthehe pillow. Finally, some sleep......

Oh for the love of....

Miki growled and stood up, walking out of her apartment. She stalked towards the elevator, calling up Mariki as she waited for the elevator to come. Once Mariki got to her side, she walked inside the elevator, going up to the top floor. When the doors opened, she stalked over to the room. Not bothering to knock, she flung the door open and said the one thing she wanted to say.

Only two men were left in the room with their bots floating outside the window. "Uhhhhh, I didn't know there were other pilots staying at the Morgan Meister Hotel! All well they probably weren't hired by Morgan Meister and have to pay ahahahahah!" Gil exclaimed looking at the cranky girl.
Miki walked up to him and grabbed his throat. "You do not wake me up in the middle of the night or I will have you answer to her, not me." She said, pointing to her robot. She dropped the man, making him land flat on his butt. "NOW, do I make myself very clear, because it seems you have a thick skull." She said, her eyes glaring.
Kiro went to his closet as they were in his room, and pulled out one of the sets of noise canceling headphones. "Here take these, we're sorry this is incase of any further noise, besides it matches your hair." Kiro said handing her magenta furry headphones.

Gil landed on his feet and said "Easy girlie, I was joking. Besides I'd need you in top shape to take you down in nationals, kakakkaakkakkaa!"
Miki took the headphones from the guy. " Thank you." She said with a smiled. "I hope there will be no further interruption to your party and I will be glad to see you in the tournament." She said with a smile. She turned back to Gill and punched him in the nose. "And that was for you." She said, turning on her heel and walking towards the door.
"Owww atleast it's not broken, but it's bleeding." Gil said covering his nose and wiggling it from side to side.

Kiro said "Good night" to Miki as she headed out the door. He walked over and closed the door gently getting one last look at her before the door completely closed. Gil walked over and locked. Gil said "She's gonna get it tomorrow i'll challenge her to a sparring match!" Kiro facepalmed to Gil and said "Yeah yeah just go, I need sleep. Solaxia you can get some rest too." Solaxia nodded it's head and flew off. Gil hopped out the window onto Sousei's hand and Sousei flew out over the city.
Miki sighed, looking up at Mariki. "To much?" She asked.

"Too much." she said, walking towards the elevator. Miki sighed, taking the headphones and turning them over in her hands. "Yeah. But he deserved it." She said, walking out of the elevator and back to her apartment.
Miki smiled and put on the headphones, walking inside her room. She lied down on her bed, sighing with relief at the lack of noise. She snuggled up under her covers, pulling the thin sheets over her slim body.
Kiro went to bed tired from all the excitement. Eventually the others went to bed too.

Kiro showered, brushed his teeth and turned on the television. He fell asleep watching it.

Gil fell asleep playing a videogame system that comes with his room.

Shin was out as soon as he hit the bed.

Saji somehow fell asleep in a chair in his room not 4 four feet from the bed.

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