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Futuristic Angelic Dome

Athena smashes her head against the robot and stops moving. KO. Athena was completely destroyed limbs tattered,connection smashed and to top it all off all her equipment was down.

"Thank god" Fia says she wanted to get out of there quickly. She left the area and had her maids take Athena from the field. The maids also came up to the young man and Sparky with a suitcase full of cash and a note "Apologies, hope this helps. Thanks for the spar!!"

Fia got on her jet and flew back to her home

((ooc: I need to practice this kind of rp sorry everyone :sweat:))
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Alphonse beamed at the head of the robot, more happy than scared that both survived his opening salvo. Of course they survived, it was more of a flash bang, something to grab attention. Still they would be dazed and dizzy for a while, but the robots should be fine. They would be pissed though. "Hi, I'm bored. You want to play with me now?" He asked innocently, childish glee overflowing from his expression.
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(I'm putting my foot down. Both of you are not completely destroying my Angel in a practice round. Damages arm, I'm ok with. But when you say that you rip both his arms off and on top of that use him as a shield for an artillery barrage, no. And Evil, don't ever interfere with a practice. If it is boring, leave and do something else. That shit you just did recked my angel and probably half of the sparring areana. It's people that rp like this that I get extremely mad at.)
(Oi, all I said was that it was bright, no one really had to have something destroyed. Until Suki replied, it could have just been a flash bang or something that works just the same on giant robots. And that's just my character's type, childish. If he does not like something, he'll try to change it. I'm not blaming Suki too much here, as the wording could have encouraged all kinds of assumptions. I apologize, but if @Sukiyaki agrees to edit her post, I'll edit mine, since she kind of hid under your bot. Oh and @Beowulf if you're still reading this, I edited it already)
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(naw its cool I need to work on my writing before I can come back and I don't want to ruin your fun. So riding off away to come back when I'm better)
There was a blinding light, and a lot of noise. Then it was all over. Someone came in and hauled Fia's angel a way and the same people gave him a lot of money. It was certainly enough to repair Sparks, and was a decent enough apology. As for that kid that bombarded the arena, he ignored him completely.
"Well someone's got their knickers in a twist." Alphonse said, mostly to himself but loud enough for the thing to hear. To be totally fair to the boy, he seemed to be smart. He would avoid another fight in such close proximity. To be fair to himself, he waited for the supposed end of the first fight before lighting the area up. "Well I guess someone's just a sore looser then. Come on Omni, we have more to do that watch cowards sulk." He said cheerfully.
Miki saw that the situation was awkward and left Mariki to take care of her friend. Or more than that. What he had done had just made her more confused. Sighing, she began to walk the streets of the city. She looked around as the lights on the buildings began to light up as she sun set. From where she was she could see over the edge and down into the valleys bellow. Sighing, she leaned against the railing that marked the edge of this floating island.
He was bored again. He was hoping the boy would be a bit more insulted at the fact he was called a coward, but apparently he already lost his pride. I'm bored, and boredom is something of which I will not put. He thought as he wandered town for a while. It was a nice place, a city, and entire island floating in the sky. It was the first time he saw the sun beginning to set, and it was already glaring down at him, not even fully coloring the sky a pale violet yet. He found something to do, finally.

reaching the end of the island, he simply watched, content to enjoy the colors in the sky as the slowly changed, still keeping his sun glasses on to reduce the glare but not disrupt the color. Technology has gone a long way, just look at the angels. If it was another time, he would have noticed and approach the girl just a few meters away, but the sunset looked prettier, so he relished it. The smile on his face was pure again, none of the plotting, or the immaturity, or the cynicism he had tainting it.
Miki sighed, noticing someone come up next to her. She sighed, letting her hair down so that it fell down her in long magenta waves. She sighed, her face flushed in the light of sunset. She felt like her life was complex enough, she didn't want to bother strangers. Taking a strand of hair, she started absentmindedly braiding her hair and humming a tune, looking at the sunset.
"Why don't you talk to her" A strange voice asked with the echo of a cavern, making him suppress a gasp. Omni just talked to him, his robot just talked to him. And it was about a girl. He did not know weather to jump off the edge already or jump for joy. She was huming a tune as she started doing something with her hair, braiding it perhaps. "Lovely." He breathed out as his smile widened just a little, though if he was talking about the sunset or the girl was yet to be known.
Miki heard something next to her, looking for the source of the sound. She looked over and saw someone next to her. It was a man with dark hair and grey eyes. He had glasses on and looked like he had seen something that made him feel happy. She frowned a bit and looked at him. "I am guessing you are talking about the sun." She said, continuing to hum and braid the peace of hair.
"Isn't it?" He asked with a smile, facing the girl who frowned. "Or aren't you?" He amended, already assuming she was upset because he wasn't talking about her. " If I offended you miss, then I'm sorry, but frowning never helped anybody. Turn that frown upside down. Oh and I'm Alphonse, nice to meet you." He ended with a sincere run before offering his hand.
Miki sighed, looking out at the sun. "You didn't upset me. And it's going to take more than a few words to make me smile." She said. She looked back at him, looking at his outstretched hand. Breathing a sigh, she placed her hand in his and shook his hand. "Miki." She said, her hair falling over her face as she turned her head.
"Well okay, I just don't see the point of being sad when this is happening." He admitted with a short sigh, gesturing at the sunset while another hand fell on top of hers. "But then again, that is your problem, and I don't want to meddle." Normally he did but sunset was taking up most of his attention span. He gave her once last close-eyed smile before facing the horizon once more, just in time to see the purple and orange light meld together. He made sure he was no longer touching her of course.
Miki flinched a bit as he touched her hand. Love was a bit of a touchy subject at this point. "Your right. But I just can't shake this from my mind." She said, pulling her hair away from her face as she looked at the sunset. She would usually comment that her hair looked like the purple light at sunset, but the nagging thought of the ride in the wind earlier was nagging at the back of her mind.
When the last of the purple faded, he pushed the bridge of his glasses up and faced the girl. "Nice to meet you Mimi, now if you excuse me, I'm going to get myself some ice cream." He said with an excited smile as he pulled out a clean spoon and an empty bowl from seemingly out of nowhere before walking away. "Wanna come?"
Miki was a bit taken aback by the sudden nickname and seemingly appearing bowl and spoon, but decided better of the situation. ''Sure, why not." She said, following him. She sighed, taking out the bands to her hair from her pocket and tying them around her hair, leaving her with two long pigtails. She sighed, straitening them before continuing to walk.
His tongue seemed to have slipped it, the name he called her just slightly deviating from the one she gave him. "Sorry bout that, you just reminded me of someone who really liked pig tails, they were curled though, and she was blonde." He appologized as they walked towards the ice cream store. After opening the door, he presented his bowl to the man who served him last time. "Five cones worth of raspberry ripple please!" He all but shouted as he looked to the girl. "What are you having?"
Miki looked up at the person as they walked into the store. She looked at the flavors standing beneath her. She sighed and looked at them. She found one that she loved. "One scoop of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough please." She said, a smile reaching her face at last of what seemed a never ending sea of frowning.
He smiled when he saw the girl was finally mirroring his expression. His smile only widened when their frosted treats were handed to them. Impatiently taking the spoon and brining a bit of the frozen food to his mouth, he almost moaned at the sweet taste of it. But feasting on ice cream was not a standing activity, so he made his way to one of the tables for two and waited for the girl to do the same. If she was going already, he didn't mind, but someone to talk to was always good for both parties.
Miki took a bite of her ice cream, smiling at the cold sensation on her tongue. She licked the spoon and sat down across from her new friend. She took another big bite of her ice cream, swinging her feet as she sat in her chair. She smiled, licking her upper lip free of the cookie flavored ice cream that dotted her lip.
"Not as good as chocolate but it would do after watching the sunset." He said jokingly as another, much bigger mountain of the white and red confectionery entered his mouth. the flavour of the cream and the raspberry blended perfectly, but it still could not match the power of the king of all ice cream, the classic chocolate or the pure vanilla. "I'm so glad I made the trip here, the ice cream is to die for." He said happily as he looked to the girl with a contrastingly warm expression. "You?"

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