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And then we were not

(*blows a rashberry*)

"Right." She raised her sword and ran screaming at the charging bear. She waited for the right moment, and dodged to the right, and sliced the bears throat. She looked down at it, feeling kind of bad she'd had to kill it. Chad walked stepped forward and grabbed the key when he found it, unlocking the next door, and they went through.
They walked through the door and found themselves in a hallway. Torches lit their way as the walked. They walked for an hour and arlandria said "i wonder what time it is?" Chad replied , "i dunno but im getting hungry. We should take a break" they stopped and rested against the cold stone and mortar wall. "What do you think is at the end of the dungeon?" Chad asked ria between bites of his pb&j sandwich that hed packed from off the tree. Just then they heard a scrapping sound as a figure came into view. They jumped to their feet and as the figure approached they saw it was what looked like a zombie
"Um, I don't know," Ria replied, dropping her submarine sandwich after catching sight of the half dead person, "but I'm assuming nothing human. At least not anymore." She drew her sword, and Chad drew his, and together they charged the zombie and stabbed it each once simultaniously in the chest. It collapsed, unmoving, and Chad hugged Ria in triumph. But while they weren't looking, the zombie was rising to it's feet, looming over them, about to attack!
Chad heard the slight sound of the grit shift between the zombies foot and the hard stone. Chad turned just in time to see the zombie and it was already coming down on them with a ax handle blow. Chad pushed ria out of the way and took the blow it dropped him to his knees. But without wasting a motion he sliced with his sword, severing the zombie from its foot at the knee. It fell to the ground and chad rose up and started hacking at the monster and ria joined in and decapitated it. The two stood for a moment over the mound of cut flesh and limbs. They panted as they stared at their handiwork. They looked to each other in unison and smiled lovingly. Chad stepped closer. He ran his hand over her cheek tenderly before saying "you had a bit of zombie on you, i got it though." He smiled cheesily at her and gave her a quick peck.

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"Gross," Ria said, wiping her face again to make sure the zombie bits were gone. "Don't tell me next time. I'd rather think you were just caressing my face because you felt like it." But I grinned anyway.
Chad chucked as he sheathed his swords. "Come on lets get out of here." He said still laughing. They found the key in the mess and gathered their belongings. They walked for a while before coming upon the door. "I have to be honest." Chad said sadly. "Im a bit worried. The monsters in the dungeon get tougher with each door we open and we cant go back. This is starting to get really dangerous. The odds of one of us getting seriously hurt or even killed is going up with each door we open....." His voice quivered. "I dont want you getting hurt" his eyes welled up but blinked a couple times and took a deep breath to compose himself. "From this point forward, your safety is my top priority, but we cant very well stay here, so please be careful. Ill do whatever necessary to protect you, that being said, make sure you cover my back cuz we are the best chance the other has of getting out alive." He was so serious that he let the words linger in the air longer than he'd liked. He smiled and said happily, "i got one more fight in me before i think about sleep, how bout you?" He stuck the key in the door and turned it. Before stepping through the threshold they could see into the space beyond. It was cavernous but there was a wooden door at the opposite end, not unlike the one they just opened. There were enough torches lining the middle of the walls to make the room bright as day. The room had a large waterfall that spouted out of a small hole near the roof and fell into a sort of mote around the perimeter of the room. In the center there was an armored figure standing there. He had what looked from the color to be iron armor and weapons. The figure was carrying a rectangular shield and a long curved blade, only the sword emitted a strange aura of crackling light. The figure just stood there and chad squinted to force his eyes to focus the figure appeared through his helmet to have no lower mandible and the flesh was yellow and purple in places. "I think its a boss" chad said. He closed the door and locked it again, but the door did not disappear. "What do you think" he asked concernedly.
"I don't know," I looked up at his face. "I think maybe we should wait until morning before we try to fight him, now that you forced me to consider the fact that we could really get hurt, that you could get hurt." I wrapped my arms around his neck and whispered in his ear, "I'm worried you're going to do something stupid and hurt yourself and I'd like to sleep next to you one more night before anything happens to either of us. Let's take our armour off and go to bed," I said, looking into his eyes.
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