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And then we were not

"We need tons of stuff, but first..." He pulled away standing several steps from arlandria. He drew his sword and thrust it into the air. With a projecting voice he stated " let us all remember this day. Let us all remember that we were here when chad and ria began to fall on love. This day shall from this day forward be referred to as...." His rhythm faltered as he couldnt think of a good thing to call this day "the day chad asked ria to be his girlfriend" he summed up quickly before with both hands driving he sword into the wood under his feet. He took a knee and quickly rose back to his feet and sheathed his sword with a smile and said "okay. Were gonna need a change of cloths, food, water, and stuff to keep a fire going and to make one if this one goes out. We have no idea how deep the dungeon goes or what we'll encounter down there, but we should be prepared for anything." As he spoke he was quite serious...."on second thought we should wait and start out first thing in the morning. What do ya think? Oh and i nearly forgot, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked meakly.

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"How could I say no? You just declaired your love for me in the most adorable way I could ever imagine. And yeah, sure. You can be my boyfriend," Ria said casually, managing to keep a straight face for about...3 seconds, before her face broke into an ear to ear grin. She threw her arms around her neck and hugged him tightly, and let him go.

"Since we're not going into the dungeon, what are we going to do the rest of the day? Hmmm..." Then an idea popped into her head. "Why don't we try and find a lake? I haven't been swimming since last summer."
"Ive been all around this island and havent seen any lake, but there are 2 springs prolly 20 ft across. Ones hot and the other cold." Chad got giddy and ran to the armoire and pulled out a pair of shorts and grabbed a belt. "I love swiming" he smiled an evil smile and said "i wonder how red i can make your cheeks" he started to strip as quickly as he could. He said as he lifted the armor over his head "by the way, im totally not shy." As he continued to undress.

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She forced her face to stay a normal colour.

"I'm going to go find a swimsuit in the top room," she said, and walked slowly out of Chad's room. She let out a breath after she shut his door behind her, and she could feel her face flush instantly. She grinned stupidly as she climbed the stairs.

Cute jerk... She yanked open the wardrobe doors and found it filled with swimsuits. She pulled out a dark blue 2 piece the colour of the nightgown she'd worn the night before, stripped and put it on, and threw her cut-off shorts and sandals back on for the walk to the spring.

She walked back down a floor to the bathroom and grabbed towels for both of them and met Chad in the hallway.
Chad was wearing a pair of black cargo shorts held up by a black leather belt. He smiled at arlandria and gave her an obvious look up and down "well dont you look cute?" He took her by the hand and led her down the stairs hurriedly. Halfway down the stairs he stopped abruptly so that ria bumped into his back. "Shhhh.........okay, the coast is clear." He giggled as he led her the rest of the way downstairs and outside.

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She laughed all the way to the spring, when the sight took her breath away.

"Wow, this is amazing. I've never seen a spring in person, hot or cold." She walked to the cold one, pulling Chad behind her. It had a rock ledge all the way around the perimeter. The water level was about a foot below that, and the water was crystal clear.

Ria kicked her sandals off and worked her shorts over her hips.
Chad tried at first to avert his eyes as she wiggled out of her shorts, but his maleness wouldnt allow it. He patted her on the behind as he ran past her and jumped into the blue water with a splash. He came up out of the water in a roar of protest. "Oh my God! Its freezing!" He tried to regain his breath as the shock of the cold had taken it away from him.

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"Serves you right!" Ria said laughing. "That's what you get for touching a girl without her permission." She was standing right on the edge of the rock looking down at him. She sat down and touched her toe to the water, pulling it out right away.

"Holy shit that's cold!" She forced her whole foot into the water, trying to get used to the freezing temperature, then her other foot. Chad started swimming toward her, but she gave him a stern look. She pointed at his face.

"Don't you dare pull me in."
Chad said, " id never pull you in." Every bit about his demeanor from his face to his tone made the statement unbelievable. But he decided not to push his luck and swam backwards. "Besides, if you want to kiss me again youll come in all on your own. Now that im in ill tell ya, the only way to do it is iump in." The water was so cold though. He felt like his body was going into rigor mortis from the water that bubbled up from God knows where. He smiled and took a deep breath and disappeared under the water

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"Damn, he's right," she murmured, standing up. Then Chad disappeared under the surface. "I hope I don't land on his head..." She poised, and dove in, a perfect dive.

Oh, freaking damn that's cold!!!

She opened her eyes, blinking a few times to clear a little bit of the blur. She was still surrounded by bubbles floating toward the surface.
Chad could see arlandria from under the water and he came up quietly behind her without her noticing. He scooped her up in his arms and kissed her with every bit of the passion hed kissed her with before and said "hmmm, the water doesnt feel so cold now....who the hell am i kiddin its still freezing." He chuckled and kissed her one more time quickly before setting her down. Chad loved the cold water. It reminded him of his childhood. He grew up in a small beach community in Massachusetts. The water was always cold like this even in the summer. He remembered the crazy people who used to swim he atlantic during the winter who used to call themselves the polarbear club. He loved that town, but hed never been happier anywhere than he was on this little floating island with ria

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"Mmmm...I don't know how long it's going to take for me to get over how weird kissing feels," she said, treading water in front of him. "Or how much I don't want you to stop when you do." She swam back from him a few strokes grinning, and dove under.
chad thought about her statement. he'd never thought that kissing was weird. he even thought it was hardwired into the human brain. but he didn't dwell on it. he swam under the surface as well and met Ria as she swam. He ran his fingers the length of her leg as he passed and when he got back above the water, he decided he'd had enough of freezing to death. he got out of the water and when arlandria re-emerged he told her he was going to the hot spring. it was right next to the cold, the water must come from deeper he thought as he slid slowly into the extremely hot water. the water filled the air with the smell of sulfur, but chad honestly always kind of liked the smell. he used to light matches as a kid and blow them out just for the smell. he eased into the water and where in the cold water his muscles were stiff nd rigid, here, he was completely relaxed.
Ria climbed out of the cold spring a second later and sunk carefully into the hot one.

"This feels amazing," she moaned, sinking in up to her neck and sitting on a ledge under the water. "I haven't been in a hot tub since I stayed in this hotel me and my family used to go to for mini vacations. We'd spend the weekend there and swim in the pool and enjoy the hot tub. I think they might have even had a sauna, but I don't remember..." She let her sentence fade out, loving the heat soaking into her body, wringing out the cold. She could never really stand cold water. That's why she had been so quick to follow Chad into the warm side. She couldn't even stand cold showers, even just warm. They always had to be torrid.
chad let the water take him away.for a moment he forgot the events of the past couple days. he was no longer on the island, but somewhere where there is nothing but happiness and contentment all the time. he came back to reality and thought that this must be the closest thing to heaven on earth. after some time, chad began to feel lightheaded. he got out and dried off. he laid on the hammock and let his legs dangle off as he watched arlandria take her time.she really was quite beautiful. and her wet hair only helped to accentuate her features. he smiled faintly as he closed his eyes and found his mind going to rude places. he wondered if females ever think like that. he roused himself and pulled a mango from off the tree and began to eat it.
Ria watched Chad watching her without letting him know it, examining him at the same time.

He's hot, I have to give him that. He's tall, wide shoulders, big arms. And he can make fun of himself, which is a good thing. The only guy I know that compairs to him is my cousin Jesse, who's like 6'4" and looks like a manly super model, like those guys on packs of mens underwear... She blushed thinking about guys underwear.

She sighed, and let herself sink a little deeper into the water, up to her nose, and blew air out of her mouth making bubbles.

Chad finished his mango and threw the pit off the edge into the void. he walked back over to the spring and laid on the grass on his side propping himself up with one arm. "I wonder what's down there." he said "you know, off the edge of the island. Is there some sort of ground somewhere down there, or maybe its like the ganungigap from norse mythology, just a primordial void from which all things come into being....."he sat deep in thought for a moment. "I hope there's no ground, cuz I've just been throwing my trash over. I'd hate to be the guy that gets beaned in the head by a 300 mile an hour mango pit from a couple miles up." he chuckled. "you ready to go in yet?" he asked getting to his feet.
"Sure." Chad offered her his hand and helped her out when she took it. Ria grabbed her towel and started drying herself off.

"Hey, you know how your always being chivalrous?" She bent at the waist, head facing Chad, and threw the towel over her hair. "You don't have to do that. And I kind of don't want you too. It makes me feel kind if incapable, like I couldn't do it myself, you know? I know you know I can, and that you're just trying to be nice. But that's just how it makes me feel. Okay?" She straightened up and took his hand, pulling him toward the big tree, but grabbed her shorts and threw her sandals on first.
chad laughed out loud at her comment. he smiled as he said "I don't mean to laugh at your feelings, but let me make sure I understand what you're saying. you know you're capable, and you know I know you're capable, but the more i do for you makes you feel like i'm somehow making you less capable? guys don't do for women because we dont think you capable, but you knew that, the thing you prolly didn't know though is that we cant not do for you. we have a biological need to care for women and take care of them in much the same way as women need to care for babies. or like how a dog chases a squirell, they don't even think about it, they just do it. realistically men dont need to be needed we just need to feel like we're being useful. it's actually really hard for man in todays post-feminism society. women don't need men for anything but most of them will still look down on you if you're unable to take care of them. and the only reason we'd be unable to take care of them is if the women wont let us. it's a catch 22 so i'm damned if i do and damned if i don't. you may think you won't have any differant an opinion of me if i stopped doing things for you, but I promise, somewhere on a subconsious, primal level you will. the fact that you don't want my help makes me want to help you even more because there's nothing worse than a woman with an entitlement complex. so i think i'll just stick to what comes natural and keep helping when i see that I can be of assistance. I'd never change myself just to make someone happy." he shot her a smirk and walked inside
"Oh yeah? I've found that, for the most part, chivalry is dead. I basicly only know one guy who would open a door for me besides you, and he's very old fashioned. But you won't stop anyway, so this conversation is kind of pointless anyway." And she followed him back to the tree, hanging her towel over her shoulders.
"I'm glad you've realized that. trying to stop me from being a gentleman would be like trying to hold back the wind or stopping the tide from coming in. you wouldn't get very far." he chuckled. they walked into the tree and his back straitened up. "I got an idea, wait here" he rushed off up the stairs. She waited confused but after about a minute Arlandria heard music. it was the sound of a wooden flute echoing throughout the entire tree. the song was amazing grace but it had native american connotations and flourishes. Chad came down the stairs playing and finished the song as he reached ria. "I knew this place would have amazing acoustics." he said with an ear to ear grin.
(Dang, you stole my idea. I was going to make my character play the guitar and sing--but oh well, you beat me to it. ;P)

Ria clapped.

"Where did you learn to play like that?" She asked, "That was beautiful."
chad smiled. "glad you liked it. a couple of years ago I was crashing on my buddys couch and he has one of those plastic recorders and I was somewhat under the influence. I started playing and just kinda knew how. I'd never really had any musical talent before that, well I sang a bit at karaoke, but that's it. so I just started to teach myself how to play some of my favorite songs. do you play or sing at all?" (I do actually play, I'm going on vacation to TN tomorrow for 10 days. I'm goin through cherokee and am gonna buy a native american flute if I can find 1, and I do sing. I'm actually pretty good. I sing a mean CCR)
(Heck no. I couldn't sing to save my life. Well, I could, but the only way it could save my life would be if it killed the guy I needed saving from.

Hey, I'll talk to you later. I have to log off now. Bye♥)

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