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Futuristic An Artificial Connection [CLOSED]


Junior Member
Human interaction and social convention are some of the things I find so very puzzling. I know all of the queues and proper reactions that need to be made, but I cannot exactly understand why. My body and mind may be artificial, but my spirit is genuine; authentic.

I am the first successful fully autonomous artificial human, with a body that is completely indistinguishable from any other human body, that acts as a vessel for a gel-based brain with a fully functional consciousness. I may not be human, but I certainly think like one. Or, perhaps, I wish to think like one. I may be able to mimic human behavior perfectly, but what I truly wish is to understand human nature, and to blend in. The topic of artificial humans infiltrating society is a frightening thought to many people. The idea someone you know or love might be "fake" is supposedly disturbing. But I see a flaw in that logic; what makes my existence false? My body may simulate a human nervous system, respiratory system, even a working circulatory system, but that does not mean I am not real. Perhaps it is the fallacy in human nature that we fear what we do not understand. But I cannot reveal my true nature to anyone. It will surely result in my death.

I sit in a large lecture hall at Pine Lake University, promptly at 8:00 AM, ready for class to begin. The course is a first-year seminar: "Introduction to Literature." I am camouflaged amongst my peers, who most certainly graduated from high school last semester. I pose as a freshman, myself. I find that if I learn about the "college life" with this class of freshman along with them, I'll be able to understand their behaviors more effectively. But someone catches my eye. Someone in particular, and I cannot explain why. She sits next to me, to my right, on the eighth row of seats from the lecture hall floor.

Allie's alarm went off at approximately seven in the morning. The snoring eighteen year old jumped out of bed and when on to the shower. She showered quickly, leaving her hair to dry naturally, she knew it would be quiet curly. The girl also didn't apply any make up to her face, she grabbed up her books for her first lecture and took off to the  university. The drive was only a few short blocks away and she made quick time of that distance. Once at Pine Lake, she found her parking spot, locked up her car, and went on to the hall. She was one of the last students in the room. Allie surveyed the room quickly finding a spot on the eighth row. It was bit further than what she wanted but she would deal. She fell into the seat placing everything in front of her neatly. Lecture book on the left, note book in the middle, with a pen and pencil on the right. There was a boy to her left that she hadn't recognized, she knew most of the people in her university because they had all gone  to high school together.

"Hello." She whispered softly, brushing her long, chestnut hair to the right side of her face. Her green eyes finally began to shine as the sleep began to ware off.  Allie was fairly use to the college life. She had begun taking college course the last of her senior semester. She prepared her notes page with today's date, her last name, the class, and the professor's name. Speaking of, Allie had yet to place to professor, maybe they are running late.

There had be an unusual report on the radio this morning. "Fake humans, androids, the future of technology." She recalled to herself. The more science advanced, the more of an opportunity came along of artificial intelligence. Allie had never thought much about the idea, though it scared a lot of her family members and friends. Allie was curious about the idea, she didn't really think it would be a bad idea. Most people feared that they would take over the world, but was that really much different from other world leaders these days?
He sits in the lecture seat, hands in front of him. For some reason, he begins to stir; his stomach begins to turn, and saline sweat begins to bead on his brow. Was it suddenly hot in the lecture hall? Or was this mysterious girl somehow doing this to him? He was profoundly captivated by her presence; her pleasant, flowery scent lingered around her like a soft, invisible cloud. The way the profile of her face was shaped was so appealing, which his view was drawn to her eyes, then down to her lips. He had only taken a single glimpse at her when she sat down. Never before has someone else captured his attention this way. He had to find out why. Struggling to remember everything he learned about social convention, he leans in to his right and speaks.

"H-hello. I'm Adam." He holds out his right hand, outstretched and palm down. "Would you like to be friends?"

His heart began to pound, and he could feel the "blood" in his veins rush to his cheeks and ears. He was nervous for the first time in his life! Why? It's such a fascinating, exciting moment for him. He'll never forget how this feels.
Allie accepted this strange welcome and took the boys hand. "Allie." She spoke softly, her voice was quiet. She took a look at Adam for the first time. He was definitely a looker. She could have picked a lot worse to sit by. "Umm, sure thing. We can be friends." It wasn't often that people, especially their age, just came right out and asked someone to be friends. Most people these days didn't even want friends. 

The lecture hall grew quiet, the professor must have walked in. Allie pulled her attention from the boy adjacent to her and focused on the face she would see for the next two hours.  Literature. Her favorite. She listened and scribbled along, sometimes doodling next to her notes. 
Adam didn't need to take notes. His memory is perfect. He could recall information exactly as it was perceived. But he took notes, anyways. He didn't want to make a poor impression on his new friend. He found it peculiar that Allie drew small pictures on the margins of her notebook. He tried drawing a subject from memory; Allie's profile. Though it was a small drawing, it had incredible accuracy and detail. Maybe he'll show it to her later.

He found the lecture itself to be both interesting and boring. He knew the arts were some of the perfect insight into behavioral analysis, but he did not understand the content. Full of metaphors in which he did not understand, he struggled to truly appreciate the reading material. He glanced over at Allie's notes. She wrote diligently. She clearly must understand what it was all about. Adam waited for the 10:10 mark on the clock patiently.
That was it. The first two hours of college and they already had enough he work for a week in highschool. Allie let out a very audible sigh and collected her belongings. She stood, placing her pink backpack on her back and turning toward Adam. "Adam. Where are you going next?" Allie had meant what she said when she mentioned that they could be friends and she would put forth an effort. 
"I don't have another class until 12:30. What about you?" Adam stood at an exact 6 feet and two inches tall, taller than most young men his age. He had a lean physique, weighing in at about 160 pounds. He looked down at Allie with his cerulean blue eyes, combing a hand through his short, dark mahogany hair. He decided that this would be an "idle tick" he noticed some people have. Some twist a lock of hair around one finger, others play with a ring, or a bracelet.

"I'd like to spend some more time with you, if that's alright."
Allie nodded, "okay.  Im just going to the library and work on this stuff." She said, holding her books up as a gesture to what she was referring. She turned and started to walk out the door into the hallway of the school. It seemed to be a quiet day at the school, most people adjusting to the new way of life and others jumping right into the schedule.  
"Would you mind if I came with you? I have some questions about the lecture and I don't really understand what the professor meant." His heart began to pound again, but for some unknown reason. Why was he getting so worked up? But he was glad he had the opportunity to spend time with Allie. Maybe he'll understand why he's feeling this way.

"If that's okay with you, of course."
Allie was kind of a nerd, so to speak. She was friendly, and kind, it came to no surprise that he was asking for her help. She smiled, almost feeling a small flutter of butterflies going around in her stomach.  Maybe it was because he was cute, maybe it was the first day jitters. 

"Umm, yeah that's fine. We can have like a small little study thing. " She smiled, looking to the boy as they walked.  She reached for the door of the library and gently held it back for Adam. 
"Oh, thanks!" Adam replied. He walked in and approached a nearby table, and pulled out a chair for Allie. At this point, he couldn't help but hope she didn't suspect his true nature. All he wants is to blend in and learn.

Adam retrieves a book on cardiology. Maybe he'll find something that can help him understand what's going on with him, whenever he is around Allie.
Allie removed her books from her back pack and retrieved her notes. She brushed her hair back behind her ears again. It seemed to be a tick for her. 

"So Adam, how can I be of service?"

Allie waited patiently her eyes looking at his face, waiting for some insight on what he was having problems with. Literature could be hard but for the most part she had learned that people usually get what the need from books. Also meaning that most people could read what the writer had meant but also got a life lesson from the book. She turned open her pages to the notes, and waited again for their study session to begin. 
"I'm not sure where to begin..." he said, taking out his copy of the book. "What does the author mean by this?" Adam points to a particular line in the beginning of the book. 

"He couldn't have meant it literally? That would be preposterous!" Adam remembered people his age don't typically use vocabulary that advanced. "I mean...that would be crazy!" he corrected himself. Much better.

He looked up at Allie's chestnut hair, and got the gut-wrenching feeling again. Adam could sense it wasn't a bad thing, because he always gained a faint feeling of pleasure afterwards. Maybe it's a signal for something. Could she be...?
Allie and Adam talked for a little over an hour before Allie had finally had too much of one class. 

"Adam, I don't wish to be rude, but I don't think I can handle anymore of this today. I hope you have gotten what you need." She spoke softly, gently rubbing her forehead. 

She packed away her books again, and sat still in the comfy chair the library was full of these. She had a little bit of time before her next class and she couldn't help but wonder if Adam would be there. She finally couldn't take the anxiety anymore and simply asked him. 

"So, Adam. What types of classes are you taking this semester?" She paused and waited, a small portion of her hoping they would have a similar schedule. She was fond of the boy, he seemed really nice and she genuinely enjoyed his company. 
"I'm undecided. So we might have the same schedule." Adam was trying to find the perfect opportunity to ask her what's been on his mind this whole day so far.

"Allie, is it normal to get...flustered...around some people?" he asked. "I don't know what it is, but something about you is making me feel kind of... funny."
Allie chuckled a bit. 

"Adam, what do you mean by funny?" She was curious where this was going. Was this his unique way of saying he had the same kind of feelings for her as she was beginning to get towards him? What did he mean by undecided, they already had their schedules, that was really weird. "And what do you mean by undecided? Did they give you and option, because I already have a schedule." She paused waiting for him.
"I'm an undecided major. So I only have to take the prerequisite courses. Probably the same ones you do, too!" he replied.

"And by funny, I mean this..." Adam takes Allie's hand and puts her palm against his chest, right on the sternum so she could feel his throbbing heart. "It only gets this way around you. But I'm not worried or anything. What does that mean, do you think?" he asks, curiously.
Allie blushed a deep crimson color. That escalated quickly, she had never had someone grab her like that before.  It would seem that Adam was crushing on her, and was showing physical symptoms of that. She was unsure of why he was asking and being so blunt like that. She began to feel a little heat over her body. Was he testing her? She fumbled over her words trying to find the right wording for what she wanted to say. Allie stuck a hand to the side of her neck, rubbing it slightly and the back of her neck, she was nervous now.

"Oh, Umm, I'm not sure Adam. It seems like your heart rate is high. "

Which could easily be from different things. She knew what that meant but was trying to find an excuse for him. Not many people liked her, nor had she ever really had someone being so blunt with her.
Adam could tell he messed up.

"Whoa, hey.. I'm-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable! Really! Ah, I'm such an idiot!" He turned away, embarrassed.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have grabbed your hand like that. I got a little ahead of myself there." he apologized. 
Allie's blush deepened as she noticed the boys reaction.

"No, Adam please. I'm sorry."

She grabbed his hand this time and pulled him closer to her taking him into a hug.

"Adam, i dont want to say this loudly because we are in public. That's why i hugged you. Have you ever had a crush on someone before?"

Allie whispered softly to her new friend.
Allie's hug made the odd sensation spread from his gut to the rest of his body. His heart still throbbed. Her scent was delicate and lovely. He hesitated to put his arms around her, as she did to him. He held his hands a few inches from her shoulders.

"Uh, I'm not sure. How would I know? What does it feel like?" he said, softly. Looking around, Adam checked to see if anyone could see them. Luckily, they were in a corner deep in the back of the library where the shelves obscured anyone's view of them at the back table. Only if someone were to walk by in the carpeted aisle between bookshelves would they be able to see them. Then, he gently put his hands on her shoulders, confirming her embrace.
Allie thought he was very strange at this point. What boy at his age didn't know what a crush was? She was more than confused, she was really puzzled.

"Adam, a crush is when you find someone attractive, umm, or like you get strong feelings for the person.. um.."

Allie was grasping again for words, as she stepped back, keeping her voice low. Her head was spinning. Adam was very good looking, and she took a leap of faith believing that he was being truthful and not trying to play her. She just waited, and almost unnoticeably rocked back and forth on her feet.
"Uh, okay. Sorry if I'm a little slow to learn. I, uh... was a sheltered kid. I was kept home a lot and didn't talk with a lot of different people." Adam responded. 

He smiled and leaned in. He spoke softly, not breaking eye contact. "Bear with me, okay?"

Allie's green eyes were mesmerizing. He couldn't look away. The way the natural light from the window above reflected off her irises was captivating. The brilliant shades of green were beautiful. He looked at her delicate cheekbones and perfect, rounded jawline. She was a thing of beauty, that's for sure.
Allie nodded accepting his excuses.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't assume things and treat you this way. Can we start over?"

Allie knew better than to judge a book by its cover, she knew that everyone was different but she couldn't help assuming that everyone her age had some sort of romantic interaction before. Allie felt awful and she was sure there was a rose color on her cheeks. She peered into the crystal eyes of the boy in-front of her and waited for his response.
"Sure, whatever you think is best." Adam stepped back a bit and held out his hand. "I'm Adam. It's nice to meet you!" He smiled at her, what he hoped would be viewed as warmly from the outside.

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