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Futuristic Among Gods

As, it's not the first time Ged's felt an explosion like that, nor the first time it has been his fault, he isn't to stunned by the blast, and he quickly picks himself up.

"I'd rather choose the option where I am not murdered"

Ged thinks quickly, his blood still running hot and fast, "Damn Charms, always work on me like alcohol." He mutters to himself. Then he places his bag of flash powder (The fire powder that he had used) at his feet and carefully sets down his harp with it.
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Meilikki had been watching Vizara intently, ready to move if he decided to run off. However she was not paying attention to the actions of her companions and was startled when the commotion broke out. She quickly moved behind Vizara, blocking a good portion of his probably exist route. Her scythe was drawn and she stood as tall and imposing as she could. "Vizara. Do not move, drop any weapons or modifiers in your possession immediately. Do not be so foolish to think you can fight all of us. Do not be so foolish to thing you can fight me."

Major Update #11!

Introducing 4 new characters, Alexander, Marcus, Izhane, and Maya!


( @ChrisClark13 ) Chris: You fiddle with your modifier for a little bit after briefly seeing the chaos suddenly erupting with Delphi over in the armory, and decide to move right along not wanting to get involved as you now reach the northern part of camp and see the other group closing in on their target... You struggle a little bit with pulling the glasses out of the modifier.... Actually you struggle with it quite a lot as a one of the side of the glasses seems to get stuck within the Modifier itself… but right after you get it loose and allow some of your Modifier's energy to flow into the glasses, you see Thorn suddenly whip out weapons at Vizara! (read below.)

( @Thorn of Discord @Lyrositor @Bonzo @Seahorse @ferociousfeind @SnakyDragon ) Thorn, Seih, Koya, Danielle, Mei, Misfortune, and Coils:

Thorn, with assistance from Seih, very sporadically and violently suddenly whips out his two revolvers towards Vizara, who sat their rather extremely confused and surprised as his pupil shrunk and he knew what was going on. However as Thorn reconsidering his actions, he suddenly slips the fucking table over with Vizara and Misfortune on it, sending both of them reeling backwards onto the ground as the table not sat sideways like an inconvenient wall for the rest of the group. This unfortunately prevents Thorn for flipping Vizara around even more, as he is without a direct line of sight…

Misfortune needs to scramble for his modifier as he's suddenly stunned for second with the flipped table as well, he hardly reaches his modifier and summons a rope just as Vizara sits upright, poised and ready for Misfortune's rope as the spider-fiend tosses it onto him, quickly and nimbly catching the rope, and very jerkingly tugging it towards himself, catching Misfortune by surprise as he is suddenly thrown onto his face as he still held onto the rope clumsily!

Vizara immediately stood upwards after snatching a glowing blue card, facing Mei now as she spoke up, standing still and looking at her Scythe up and down, blocking one of his exits.

"Of course I can't fight any of you! That why I'm gonna run instead!"

He said with a rather irritating wittiness as he immediately turned another direction, and started to run from the group! He dove a hand into his pocket to reveal the small piece of Modifier colored Orange and cyan, which was no doublty a missing part of Koya's modifier, as Mei, Coils, and Koya himself would recognize!

Coils immediately summons the bear trap he had planned before-hand into Vizara's trap, and prepared to lunge at the Lizard wizard as his small Modifier piece flashed, and the glowing blue card in Vizara's hand immediately changed white in its color as he ran into Coils's direction!


The bear trap slammed it's jaws onto nothing as a white card found itself embedded into the pressure plate to Coils's surprise as Vizara lightly stepped onto the closed trap and jumped off of it, barely dodging Coils himself as he lunged at the lizard wizard!

You all began to chase after Vizara now (Including Chris) as he dodged his way in and out of different marauder tents and Marauders themselves, who were confused as to whatever was going on.

What shall you all do to try and catch this Lizard wizard as he ran? He was very certainly fast and nimble as he barely scraped by or stopped any marauders or civilians as he ran, he looked back several times at the group, a very clear and obvious look of fear in his eyes as ran, trying to put as many things and as much distance as he could between himself and the group!

What shall you all do? And where the hell was Eli?? She said she'd be flanking him!


( @SnakyDragon ) Jaik and Elijah: The two of you simply continue watching the scene here unfold.... However… Elijah suddenly heads in!

( @Ged Merrilin @aquaInferno @Bluesunnyday ) Coatl, Ged and Kalos:

Delphi continues to look down at the three of you, almost Deathly silently as each of you respond, around you the Marauders in frantic panic to keep any explosives from going off as bits of fire continue to be extinguished…

She stands up straighter as she lets the three of you get back up onto your feet and allowing you to leave your weapons and tools onto the ground, the ferocious cat's eye still gazing upon you still as her expression got a little less tense as she seemed to think in thought….

"Then the three of you had better cooperate with each other…" That obviously lying "innocent" smile came acrossed the Cat woman's face again.

"And me~ if you so wish to then…"


Her stance and face returned to a more demanding expression like a true Military Commander before any of you had the chance to speak.

"Let me make this clear again."

"I want the three of you to cast charms upon yourselves and each other, to put it blatantly, Fall in love with ME."

Her devilish smirk returned again.

"And whoever's the first to capture my oh-so-wonderful affection and entertainment, shall be the winner, and the charms can be cast off if so desired~

But that doesn't mean the three of you should physically fight each other like total pricks. Is that- Oh! Hello C-…Commander!"

Delphi suddenly stopped mid-sentence and with a nervous stutter, as Elijah entered the tent a rather peeved and confused look on her wolfish face as she approached Delphi and the the three of you… Hopefully, Elijah would put some sense into this crazy cat woman or at least release the three of you from this torment!

You all watched her write onto her little notepad, looking thoroughly confused as she showed Delphi the note, to which the three of you couldn't read as Elijah stood between you and Delphi…

"Well uhh, I'm just putting up a little bit of a challenge is all-"

Elijah immediately shoves another note into Delphi's face, seeming slightly more frustrated as you observe the wolfesses's body language….

"It was just a small fight is all between the two of them and then the other suddenly set them on fire! I didn't expect it to escalate like this!"

Elijah seems to scribble angrily onto her notepad this time around.

Delphi sighed heavily, looking somewhat defeated…

"I just… It's been over a year and a half Elijah… I guess I just…"

Elijah crossed her arms, staring Delphi down with a rather angrily disappointed look on her face.

"I just wanted something normal to be going on I guess…."

Delphi's voice wavered slightly… Was… she beginning to tear up…?

"It's.. just… been a long year and a half you know… having to babysit a bunch of morons all this time…"

The three of you began to feel a slight pang of guilt hit the three of you... watching such a demanding and structured person suddenly turning a 180 beginning to break up over wanting to return back to normality…. You could even see some guilt within Elijah's expression as well as she kept staring down Delphi… (Or maybe you don't, heartless bastards.)

The cat woman sniffed and breathed in deeply, attempting to regain herself, a marauder nearby putting out the final green fire with a sigh of relief…

Elijah wrote something onto her notepad again, this time far less frustrated or confused, the three of you still unable to read what it said…

"Y-yes… I understand Commander." Delphi said with a nod, standing up straight and military like once again…

"I… Apologize, Boys." She said, directing her voice to the three of you. Elijah stood aside now, watching the four of you…

"You're, dismissed… but I could still use your skills in whatever else you can possibly provide for the camp, if you would… Please…."

Delphi spoke, her voice returning to being authoritative and almost professional even…

Although the look in her eyes clearly said otherwise…. There was certain… sense of defeat within them….

The three of you had best think very carefully about this... While you all had Elijah around now to help bail you all out justly… you couldn't help but feel some pit and guilt for Delphi strangely enough….

How shall you respond?


( @Veles Lek ) Lupa:

You hear the soldier snicker from behind you….

"Boy, you're in for a surprise then…"

Wait, what were they implying...?

"There are plenty of mages and a few more powerful ones that could start big fires I guess, probably some fire based aliens too or something, I’m not entirely sure... You don’t bother to pay attention to details like that after your first week…"

The soldier responded to your final question as the two of you finally got to the camp itself, from sound alone you could tell that it was bustling and busy in what felt like a dense wall of tents and people as the soldier ordered you to stop before you continued on any farther.

“Remember, don’t try to cause any trouble or run, there nowhere for you to go on this barren world, and almost everyone’s armed here in some way or another.”

The soldier who had been escorting you re-stated as she came up to your side now, and soon enough, some much more heavily armed and armored soldiers in bulky tan armor approached, by the looks of them most of them were human... wait, is that a tail coming from one of their behinds...?

"Magic user, shapeshifts into a wolf form, nothing we can't handle I don't think." She spoke as the others listened, one of them writing onto what looked like a piece of paper on a clipboard...

"Normally I’d just be going, and would leave you with these guys here to get you acquainted and find something for you to do. But I’ve got orders to bring you to the sub-commander." The escort girl said as she turned to you now, her weapon slung acrossed her back almost causally... and now that the sun light shone on their face mask... you could barely make out their eyes in their visor.... they were definitely human judging from the eye shape and the bridge of the nose...

"Turn to me please." One of the other soldiers nearby said to you, presumably male.

"I want your name and what you're capable of, that way you can pull your weight around here and we don't got to kill you."

"Take it easy Jax, they just only woke up not even an hour ago. Not everyone's another fire breathing mantied or whatever the hell that thing was." The escort girl spoke up next to you suddenly in a joking tone.

"Jax" dismissed her, and kept his focus on you, waiting for a response from you as he nodded to the other Soldier...

The column of smoke was very close by you noticed... something definitely smelt like it was burning nicely… but by the looks of the column thinning, whatever fire happened was just taken care of….

Maybe you should inquire about it further as you give these nice people with big weapons the information they wanted?


( @creepingShade ) Errg: (Remind me to draw a map for this will you?)

Your eyes hardly make any adjustments sadly as you un-seethed your sword, letting it’s red hot glow become a sadly disappointing source of light, only really illuminating the immediate few feet around you, which reveals nothing but a bunch more mechanical parts and metal scattered upon the floor…

Well, instead you now place your hand against the wall, slowly guiding yourself along it as you accidentally flip the switch…

Suddenly you hear an electrical buzzing sound, and above you bulbs of light flickered and sparked to life slowly… Artificial light floods the room to reveal a rather gruesome scene scattered throughout this entire (and notably large) room…

Literally all around were torn and destroyed bodies made of metal and mechanical parts, the walls littered with black, scorch marks, holes, and many strange open little compartments (some were closed) that seemed to house things, as labeled above each was a Letter and number… in front of the other door which was dented inward from the other room laid a massive, battle ravaged corpse of bear with several blades stuck within its bloodied body.

Sadly the corpse was too rotten for you to consume now, judging from the rot and the amount of damage it has sustained…. There was another large console thing with lots of buttons in the middle of the room, many of them notably corresponding with all of the labeled compartments in the walls… of course there was blood all over that as well, but judging from the trail at your feet leading to it, it wasn’t the dead bear’s blood, and something else must have been in here before the fight….

Other than the notably smelly corpse and large amounts of destroyed robotic units, this room didn’t particularly interest you that much… unless it did, in the case, would you prefer to investigate this room further, or go back to the observatory area with the window looking outwards and investigate one of the other doors?


( @Shadow Dancer ) Marcus:

@Torma Ximnus[/URL] ) Alexander:

@creepingShade[/URL] ) Izhane:

creepingShade said:
-Physical description (or image)

-A Bit of bio

"Who am I? Well, my name is Izhane, I'm a salamander-kin, and I have a passion for alchemy. People back home tend to be suspicious of me, considering the get black skin with bright red markings, and my head being totally white so it kind of looks like a skull, but that's just silly. It's all just superstition, but people think I'm some sort of ill omen or something. Kind of sucked growing up, made it hard to make friends, but what're you gonna do? So, understandably, I was a bit of a troublemaker when I was younger."

"Now, all I really want to do is help people and learn. Especially about alchemy, magic, and how life works. I have a shop a few towns over from where I grew up, I sell medicines and potions there for not much more than what it costs to make them. I also do a bit of traveling. I've placed third in a tournament of the nation's greatest mages, I've helped clean up undead after a mad necromancer's experiments went awry, even tried making my own kingdom out in the Wild Lands with some other adventures."

"Didn't really see that last one to completion, but I helped get rid of criminals. Probably could have done more, but it seems a lab accident has knocked me out of my own reality."

-Any abilities or skills your character has

"I'm an extremely talented alchemist, and that's not just boasting. Potions, explosives, mutagens. You name it, I can make it. That requires a bit of innate magic to really get working, but all salamander-kin have a bit of magic in them. I'm also a decent shot with a crossbow, but it's not anything worth writing home about."

"That's without getting into what my species can already do. We're quick and agile and sneaky, and some say we're just natural liars but I take offence to that. Not only are we fire resistant, but flame heal us rather than burn. We also have a nasty, venomous bite and we can climb up walls like geckos."

- At LEAST ONE Weakness or Two.

"Unfortunately, we do have some flaws. We're smaller than most folk, and therefore weaker. We're also hurt more by cold magic than other races, so that sucks. Then there's the fact that I, as an individual, get really tired and drowsy when I have to exert myself for too long."
You sat at a table within the Medical tent, heat lamp shining on you, quietly listening as the Camp's two surgeons/medics, Jon and Arin, talking to what seemed to be that Byron kid who came in yesterday with the Sub-Commander and that snake guy. You didn't really pay any mind though as you simply mixed together small vials of medical healing salve into batches of 16 with the ingredients you requested. The Tortured attacks on scouting/savaging parties have been getting more frequently lately, and the demand for safe and sterile equipment has been in high demand, but luckily for the camp, you knew of some safe alternatives with a mixture of different ingredients which contained different chemicals you've been told. It was tedious work, and after a few more of these batches, you probably would be needed elsewhere to make something else.

It's been at least a few days now since you first arrived at this big old Marauder camp around the stone tower now, you could remember clear as day when those guys practically shook you down and interrogated you when they first found you out in the woods out there back around farther east where the camp's previous location was in the plains. Before that though, you remember you were mixing some rather dangerous chemicals together that you realize shouldn't be mixed with ever again, considering whatever happened in that explosion back at your home work shop brought you to what you're told, was an entirely new world and universe altogether... which honestly was still really hard for you to swallow... but the evidence was just too... well... evident...

But so far since then, the soldiers and their two commanders have treated you rather alright, they gave you something to do with your alchemy skills, and they're able to MOSTLY provide whatever you needed, including food and a place to sleep, which was nice… Hell, they even taught you how to shoot one of these more "modern" weapons called a gun, which was rather handy, but the recoil on those weapons is generally too great on your small frame… Regardless though, you found it very interesting to study them and how they worked, using this black substance they called gunpowder to ignite a small explosion within the weapon’s chamber to send a small projectile at deadly velocities!

Although you wished sometimes that you hadn't been put in the same tent as….
Vizara… though, you and the human whom you two lived in the tent with him always got roped into trouble in some way or another with the schemes he comes up with simply because you shared the same tent with him….

That lizard wizard was always getting into trouble, much like you did when you were young actually, But the first night you met him, he went out on a panty raid out of all things in a world like this, which lead to him being hunted down and almost getting his skull crushed by the Supreme Commander herself when he tried to break into her drawers…

You remember very vividly having to reluctantly bail him out that night with a temporary invisibility potion to keep him from tossing some blame onto you to get you in trouble as well… But… at least it worked out, especially considering you found a safe mixture of ingredients to use in a such a potion, but since then he's been very buddy-buddy with you because you were also a lizard-person like him…. But he was more like a Gecko then a Salamander… but true though in a very rough sense… he was one of the people you could
somewhat relate to in this camp… You noted to yourself as you finished up another batch of healing salve vials….

Plus maybe it was a good experience for you to learn to deal with someone like him, along with all the other varieties of people and creatures here in this large camp, you thought optimistically, your mind now jumping into different topics…

From what you heard last night though, he went out on another raid tonight like a moron, and you wouldn't doubt that Vizara got caught again and was probably being hunted right now for it….

Probably any minute now he'd be coming in asking for something to help him get away again. Why he couldn't just use all his illusion magic and that little glowing crystal shard thing he found when he was out on a scavenging party... you're not entirely certain why in all honesty....

Hrmm... Strange...

You think.... you could smell something burning somewhere... but double checking the light bulb in your heat lamp, it didn't seem to be malfunctioning though... someone must have accidentally... or purposefully, set fire to something somewhere....

Anyways though, you were about to finish up this last batch that Jon and Arin needed, and no doubt Vizara would come running to you from somewhere to get your help for something... Maybe once you're done and hang up your lab coat and take your heat lamp, you think about seeing whats up with that Byron kid or investigating that burning smell wherever it was... Vizara would no doubt find you wherever you went, and you don't think you had any more work that was urgent to do today as you did a lot of it last night while everyone was sleeping, and already delivered most everything this morning before breakfast...

What shall you do?


@Bluesunnyday ) Maya:

Bluesunnyday said:
-Name: Maya, Ray of Fire
-Physical description: Tall, mostly obscured under a white robe and metal mask. Underneath, she is rather lithe, pale skinned, and blonde. Her eyes are a deep red, and her face is round.

-A Bit of bio: Maya was born into the Burning Sun Order, a semi-religious order devoted to the hunting down and slaying of evil monsters. Trained from a young age in the use of firearms, she was quickly chosen for the title of "Ray of Fire" when she came of age, and was bestowed the "Guiding Light", an ancient vessel containing the essence of six elementals. Conveniently, it functioned identically to a revolver, her weapon of choice.

Maya spent the majority of her adult life travelling the world to perform the Order's will, slaying monsters left and right and usually being handsomely rewarded for it. However, one mission, before she could deal the killing blow to a magically inclined monster, it released its remaining magical power in desperation, teleporting her to a distant realm.

-Any abilities or skills your character has: Maya is in possession of a magical focus known as the "Guiding Light", an artifact containing the essences of six powerful elementals. The elements it uses are Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Holy and Dark. Maya can either use an individual element, or combine Holy or Dark with another to create a new shot type. They are as follows.

Holy + Fire = Purification

Holy + Water = Blessing

Holy + Air = Aether

Holy + Earth = Consecration

Dark + Fire = Hellfire

Dark + Water = Poison

Dark + Air = Disease

Dark + Earth = Gravedirt

She is also in possession of a worn revolver, which only fires regular bullets.

- At LEAST ONE Weakness or Two.

The Guiding Light draws from an inner mana pool. Unfortunately, it drains if used too heavily. It recharges over time, but overuse will leave her with only her regular revolver.

The Guiding Light is useless against creatures that resist magic, forcing her to use her revolver against them.
"Keep them back! We're almost in the clear!" A Marauder shouted nearby as gunfire banged all around you...

From behind however, horrendous, unholy ear-piercing screeches echoed through the immense trees all around you... giving you and the rest of the group you ran with all the more reason to keep running... Your heart was pounding more rapidly then ever before, and your breath labored and terrible underneath this damned mask and robes....

Turning slightly, you aim The Guiding Light behind you, taking several pot shots at the charred, twisted monstrosities giving chase behind you... you couldn't risk shooting any incendiary or fire type ammunition, lest you ignite the entire continent or something they warned you....

It did not seem to matter how many of these monstrosities you've killed... they were an endless swarm and relentless force that could hardly even be stopped, even with The Guiding Light itself.... The Tortured they were called by the others.... and they were the first monstrosities that you have ever feared since you were a child....

It's been about an hour or two since that incident with the magical beast that sent you here.... All you needed was one shot.. then
-boom-, a flash of white light blinded you... and then you had woken up here in these same massive forests... all around you could hear screeching... and then these guys had found you... they called themselves the Marauders, most wore either light armor such as yours or bulky, soldier like armor and used automatic weapons.... and now you ran with them... away from the first, horrendous terrors that you have of wherever you were....

They didn't have time to explain anything to you before the Tortured attacked the group as you all ran now.... A little ways farther ahead of you, you could start seeing some clearings within the immensely massive trees!

A glimmer of hope enters your heart as you keep up the pace as best as you can with the Marauders....

However... the screeches from behind you had reminded you of your peril however....

And nearby, you hear a scream, and a cry of help form one of the Marauders! Turning your head to the left, you see one of the Marauders suddenly get jumped upon by one of the faster Tortured, being tackled onto the ground, trying to get the beast off of themselves before they were eviscerated by the sharp, bone like blades on the twisted monster's form!

The rest of the Tortured swarm were still a few moments behind... if you helped the Marauder now... you could risk getting jumped on yourself... but.... at the same time…

What shall you do?


@a52 ) W-R54: (You still have not done anything! Please refer to Major update #10. Inactive warnings will begin appearing next update!)

@arcaneSentinel ) Byron: (You still have not posted! please refer to the previous mini-updates and Major update #10. Inactive warnings will begin appearing next update!)


Total Players/Characters: 20 Characters holy shit, 16 Players excluding Elijah (My Player Character).

Total word count:
Around 4000-5000 words, 6000+ Including the character apps, by far one of the largest updates to date. o_o

Total time Taken:
+48 Hours, This update has been picked at over the course of several days due to real life getting in the way and several new characters jumping in, and here it has been a SHITTON to write for and I apologize for taking so long as this past weekend was NOT good for updating.
Kalos frowns a bit at this. Well, Delphi was obviously crazy, but now that he'd heard her justification, and the fact that she didn't want any fistfit'ights, he couldn't help but feel a bit bad. "Weeeeelllllll, for what it's worth, she didn't initiate the fight. Snakeboy and I just jumped the gun a little."


Maya frowns. She was already so close, but, part of being the Ray of Fire was smiting evil. All evil. Quickly activating Consecration, she blasts the soldier a few times. He is surrounded by a golden light, which should hopefully let him avoid horrific death for a bit longer. Then she switches to Aether, attempting to kill the Tortured or, failing that, just get it to leave the soldier alone.
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Lupa nods and turns to face Jax. "My name is Lupa Hisou. I am able to turn into a moderately sized wolf. I have some experience with food preperation, and quite a bit of experience with transporting objects quickly. Especially in darker environments." She looks over at the thinning smoke stack, and then back again. "If I may ask, what is the deal with the smoke stack?"
"Well what can I say? I am not used to not fighting for this long."

Coatl responds jokingly.

But then his expression quickly changes, remembering why he is here.

"Now, I came here specifically to help Sub-Commander Delphi and the preparation of what sounds like God-wars. I say we put our petty disputes out of the way. We are not in our home worlds, life is not normal, it probably never will be. But I will not allow some corrupt Gods to trample on my life and everything I cherish all over again. So tell me Delphi. What can I do?"

"And you two."

He starts, now looking over at Ged and Kalos.

"What will you do?"
Kalos looks at Coatl. "Cmon, you've seen me in action, you know exactly what I'm gonna do. Namely, the deaths of those horrible fucking zombie things. I'd be more effective if I could get my hands on a trumpet or a keyboard, but that's obviously not going to happen any time soon. So violin it is."
Misfortune, thinking fast and humorously, decides to summon a brick wall whenever Vizara looks back, so he slams right into it
Marcus looked at the black dot with curiosity a great many questions in his mind one of which was 'how much would it's discovery be worth.' Marcus shook out the thought brought on by his thief mentality. Not seeing the harm in learning he responded, "Sure, why is time deciding to take a coffee break right now also who and what are you?" He had a great many other questions but those seemed to be the most prominent.
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Byron looks extremely surprised by the medics' relative acceptance of his mark. As the other medic goes back to treat the sick and wounded and the other offers him a glove, he realizes what he had done. He had taken posibly the only medics in the camp from those who need them. Shaking his head both in saying no to the glove and in dissapointment with himself, Byron walks out of the tent. God, I'm such an idiot, he thinks to himself and covers his face in shame, Maybe I should just go to the the Keeper. Looks aroud and begins to head over to the tower, hoping that the Keeper wouldstill be there.
This is going to go exactly as well as expected, isn't it. At least noone's likely to become a casualty.

How about we fill the flanking role? Also that hand sneaking toward your pistol would be better served with a stunstick.

The stick? Are you crazy? He's an amphibian - his wet skin could burn all over before conducting!


Then why...

Habit. I'm not likely to shoot him.

Keeping an eye on the direction of the hunters and hunter, Koya sprints Danielle off at an angle, remembering chasing wooly rhinoceros through glades armed only with a flint-tipped spear...
Jaik sprints AWAY from Elijah and turns right, running parallel to Vizara's path.

He takes out his hand crossbows, and fits a normal bolt - best not to waste a blue bolt on a situation he knows nothing about.

Upon being able to see Vizara, he will shoot his crossbow at the wizard's leg/foot.

Coils, pissed to all hell that the bear trap thing didn't work, will chase directly after Vizara. If it looks like he'll escape, Coils'll summon another bear in front of him (like, a foot away to reduce possible reaction time). The physical exertion of summing two large objects and "sprinting" as best a snake can will probably mean the end of Coils's part of the chase, though, if it comes to that.
Izhane studies the pillar of smoke for a moment before shaking his head and turning away. It wouldn't do any good sticking his nose in that, he was skilled in making fires but not so much in getting rid of them. He'd probably just make things worse. He takes a moment to look around the camp for something to do now that he's given his pound of flesh for the day and spots that human that came in earlier. Izhane waves and quickly makes his way over. "Hey, you were just in the med tent, right? Byron, isn't it?" The small salamander-kin approaches a bit cautiously, noticing Byron's apparent displeasure. "I was pretty absorbed in my work and didn't really catch what was going on, but are you alright? You look unwell, or at least worried." Something about this kid gave him the shivers (heh), but he made himself ignore it.

~~~~~~~~Meanwhile, beneath an island that everyone has ignored~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Errg groans loudly in irritation and displeasure, and takes a few slashes at the bear corpse as punishment for not being fresher. Stupid furbag, why couldn't you be edible? Should he eat it anyways...? Maybe the slashing burned away some of the rot...? No, that's a terrible idea, he won't eat the burned rotten bear.

Once he gets some of his frustration out, Errg inspects the room and squints at the markings. Then he comes across a problem. Errg forgot how to read a while ago. He could probably just match the markings up to the same markings somewhere else, but he just grunts and leaves the room and walks across to the room with the battered door.
"Weird cave..."

The fishman starts to force the door open with all his might, hopefully the damage hasn't made it too much harder to pull open. If he can't get it open on his own, Errg goes looking for something to use like a crowbar to wedge it open or gain more leverage. But not his sword, it was a gift and it would be bad to break it on something like this.
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QUICK-CATCH HIM-DO SOMETHING- Thorn kept pace with the group, but was short on ideas. WHIZ-THINKING NOISES-ZWING

<I suppose I could call on Splinter...> THINKING FAST-SO FUN-PLEASE DON'T Thorn came to a stop, and closed his eyes.

<Uh, Seih, I think you might want to disconnect or something. Like, now-ish.> A non-existant wind swirled random sticks and bits of wood into the shape of a wolf, drawing life from Thorn, causing him to struggle for his balance. Once complete, Splinter bounded gleefully towards Thorn. OH SWEET-STILL FAST-FETCH BOY-FETCH- "holy hell.....yeah, get the uh, the wizard...lizard guy.....urg...this sucks...." Thorn tried not to pass out as his familiar took off after Vizara, and he ploded doggedly (lol) along, huffing and puffing. -I'M STELLAR-NEVER BETTER-CLIMB A MOUNTAIN GREAT-

<I'm going to kill you Discord, with a spoon!> -WAIT-WHY SPOON- <Because, it'll hurt more, you twit. You still good Seih?>

Seih groans as Thorn casts his spell, the life force draining from both him and Thorn, but he doesn't cut the link.

"I'm managing," he whispers a bit hoarsely. "But I... th-think I should cut it - sorry, Discord; you don't seem to... need it right now."

Thorn feels his mind's speed quickly wind down, back to its normal speed as Seih releases control over it. Seih himself becomes instantly more energetic, blinking several times in quick succession. Gazing around, he spots Meilikki, Coils and Danielle (@Seahorse @Bonzo @SnakyDragon) running after Vizara, and sends a message to all three of them.

<I can make you think faster and decrease your reaction time if you will let me.>

<I can not sense Elijah anywhere near us - I think we are on our own.>

"We should probably try to keep up, though - just in case," Seih adds to Thorn as he waits for the responses from the others.
Coils, spending his energy on running and preparing his bear trap, almost doesn't hear Seih's offer of help.

Then he remembers he's still connected.

If you think you can take me using all of my energy in a last-ditch effort to stop him in case worse comes to worst, then go right on ahead. If you don't think you can, disconnect me, because I don't want my unconsciousness hampering your efforts.
Chris summons a tazer in his hands and joins the chase, waiting for someone else to manage to slow the lizard wizard down so he could try and get a clear shot.

Major Update #12!

(Planned to make this a mini-update but after seeing it was tallying up to 21 characters anyways i said fuck it.)

It is now currently Noon, with the Sun high up in the sky...


( @Bluesunnyday @aquaInferno @Ged Merrilin ) Kalos, Coatl, and Ged:

Elijah gives a rather tired look at Kalos, shaking her head at you in a rather disappointing way....

"No... It's... Fine..."

Delphi sighed deeply at your responses.

"I did kind of initiate it myself I guess... But... No matter... Nothing in here Exploded despite your... actions... Ged..." She attempted to say jokingly, but it was clear she was still pretty upset internally...

She turned her defeated gaze at Coatl who spoke now... Who seems to have struck another emotion within the cat woman when she suddenly stutters... Elijah seemed to give a concerned look at her...

"Y-yeah.... life isn't likely to be never be normal again...

Anyways, Coatl, I believe i wanted you to make use of your charms, that kinda... started this mess in here..."

Looking around, all sorts of white blobs of foam were still dissipating over scorch marks covering the ground and some nearby boxes....

"But i want you to see what you can do with camp wide loyalty and moral boosting charms if you even know of such things...

The same would go to you Ged, Kalos."
her tone of voice was slowly starting to return to normal as she stood up straighter now....

"If all three of you can somehow do something like that, it'd be extremely helpful-"

Elijah scooted next to Delphi with something written on the notepad, seemingly asking something, and curious look went over Delphi's face, she thought to herself for a moment before speaking up...

"Okay... yeeeah.... Elijah has a good point here after seeing what the three of you kinda just did to eachother..."

She seemed to nervously rub the back of her head now, avoiding anybody's gazes....

"Maybe no direct loyalty, let alone... l-love... charms or anything then...."

She looked back at the three of you, eyebrows raised in question.

"So, what can the three of you exactly do about something like boosting overall camp morale or otherwise helping out in combat?"

Delphi asked the three of you....

How shall you respond?

As for Kalos however, Elijah suddenly breaks away from Delphi, and walks up to you, tilting her head curiously and raising up her right arm, facing her modifier towards you and pointing to it with her other hand, and then pointing to your own Violin case, and then... beckoned for your Violin?

What shall you do?


( @SnakyDragon : Yo take it easy there, How did Jaik suddenly Know? I did not see Coils message or communicate with him beforehand or anything alike to that.)

Jaik: Figuring you've seen enough sappy emotion at the Armour tent here, you feel something almost calling out to you as you suddenly sprint away off in the general northern direction of the camp, rushing past many marauders and civilians all going about their things and weaving in and out of tents... You whip out your crossbows almost instinctively and load normal bolts...

You.. kinda do this all without knowing exactly why as you now slow down and begin to look around for something interesting going on somewhere around you... but there is only the Marauders who're doing their usual afternoon chores and activities, some of them and some civilians looking at you confused as you stood there with your crossbows out...

Maybe you should find Coils or contact him somehow first?

( @Seahorse @ferociousfeind @Bonzo @SnakyDragon @Thorn of Discord @Lyrositor @ChrisClark13 ) Mei, Misfortune, Danielle, Koya, Coils, Thorn, Seih, and Chris: (Going in order of who posted first here.)

As the group chased down Vizara...

Mei Swings her scythe around in an arc, aiming it towards Vizara as she shot a small ball of energy towards the Lizard wizard, the energy Soaring towards his back... unfortunately, he has seen it coming, and immediately took a sharp turn to the right, the binding blast of energy shooting into a tent that was ahead, a woman's startled scream could be heard as you all took the sharp right turn to see Vizara still barreling through several Marauders and Civilians!

In his hands you could see him fiddling with more magical cards and the small modifier piece as you chase after him!

Misfortune gets slightly ahead of the group as he exerts more of his energy on his fast legs to catch up, Sticking his Modifier outwards and preparing to summon his wall....

The second Vizara turns his head to look back, Misfortune's modifier lets out a bright Red and Yellow flash, energy Arcing outwards directly ahead of Vizara as a brick wall materialized itself in front of the lizard Wizard's path!

To everyone's surprise though, the wall was simply only bricks, and not cemented bricks, as Vizara startlingly Crashes against the wall with a tumble and a yelp, stone bricks scattering everywhere as the group caught up to a dusty scene as Vizara layed among'st a bunch of bricks...

He looked towards your group, his nose was bleeding bright red and there was a nasty impact upon his left shoulder, he gave out a frustrated and angry grunt as he snapped a a glowing yellow card into his hand, and then immediately making it disappear as all of you went to pile onto him!

However, before any of you lay a even hand on Vizara, Chris aims his tazer and the cord shoots out right into the lizard wizard's back!

However to all of your surprises, the tazer goes right through an illusionary image of Vizara!

Looking all around you, Coils spots the actual Vizara limping the way you all came from the west!

Coils chases down as best as a snake could, slithering quickly ahead with the rest of you quickly catching up, Coils summons another bear trap, the blue lines upon his scales exerting a great amount of fatigue now as the small Modifier inside him internally flashed, Vizara stops however seeing the flash as he looked back at Coils for a split second, his limp actually benefiting him as he had time to slightly more time to react and took yet another turn!

Meanwhile, Since Danielle had split off earlier, She had gathered with her some Marauders, and eventually found herself directly in the path in front of Vizara, now aiming her gun and ordering the lizard wizard to stop as he limped from the rest of the group as quickly as he could, not hearing Danielle's demands until he saw her and the accompanying marauders, and stopped dead in his tracks...

From behind, Splinter, Thorn's familiar, began to charge his way towards Vizara, ready to pounce upon him in any second!

However, as Danielle stood and kept guns aimed upon Vizara, she noticed a purple colored card starting to glow brightly in one of Vizara's hand, and before She could react, Vizara himself began to Materialize out of exsistance!

And within a blink of an eye and a teleporting -FWOSH- sound, Vizara was gone as Splinter Jumped at Thin air in total confusion!

You all swiftly regroup in the minute after, with hardly any trace of the lizard to be found...

However, before any of you could speak up, one of the Marauders who grouped with Danielle spoke out, shoving his way into the group:

"I gatta ask, but what the fuck is that slimy bastard in trouble for this time?

I recognize that though as one of his fancy short range teleport spells, he couldn't have gone outside the camp..."

This calls for a strategy you all think now.... perhaps you should all split into two groups and search either the nearby North and south again?

(Stratagize stratagize stratagizeee and also maybe ask that marauder some more details hint hint hint)


(Rather short update for you guys, since character to character interaction)

( @arcaneSentinel ) Byron: As you head out of the Medical tent, you appear to be suddenly stopped by a Small Salamander person! (Read below however...)

( @creepingShade ) Izhane: You approach the human kid after exiting the medical tent! he doesnt seem to immediately respond to you...

But while you wait for a response, you thought about maybe going about to find the Commanders or perhaps go and find something interesting going on... However, you notice a small disturbance in the air in front of the two of you:

Byron and Izhane: In front of you, a Certain Lizard Wizard suddenly materializes into exsistance in front of you!

Vizara was noticeably wounded, with a bloody nose and a nasty patch of blood on his left shoulder, along with a sort of limp in his left leg as he stood up now, wide eyed and frantic, looking around him before he scrambled up to Izhane.

"H-holy shit, you have to help me!" He suddenly pleaded, his head still darting left and right in panic.

"All these crazy people are suddenly trying to kill me and I haven't done anything else since last night! I don't know what the fuck they want, but i've already had fucking bear traps and brick walls suddenly summoned in front of me and people trying to shoot me!"

"M-my little crystal thing is all out of jucie! I had to use the last of it so i could just escape and come to you, j-just look at it!"

He pulled out his small Cyan and Orange crystal shard, showing it too Izhane frantically, and indeed it was completely dimmed out rather then having it's usual glow...

"Fuck man, you gatta help me! DO you have any more of those invisibility potions or SOMETHING on hand?! I t-think they sprained my ankle when they summoned that brick wall in front of me, please Izhane you have to help me!"

Vizara continued to plead with Izhane as Byron watched...

What shall the two of you do?


( @creepingShade ) Errg: Going acrossed the the window/observatory room, you go to the door opposite of the other room with the dead bear and all the torn up machinery lying around, and pry open the battered door...

Revealing unsurprisingly another dark room, you begin searching for the light switch along the walls, and eventually flip the lights on after a brief delay, the room reveals to be a more sort of residential/living space... Noticing some rather modern/city like appliances here and there, but following the dried trial of blood along the ground, you spot a small, dead human laying against the far wall, His corpse, like the bear in the opposite room, also too rotten to really consume as you look them over... There was a large metal blade stuck down into it's stomach, probably received from the other room with the bear and all the destroyed mechanical parts, then probably bled out right in here...

There was nothing of real interest here it seemed like besides the crossbow and bolts that the dead dwarf seemed to be keeping on him....

There was still another unexplored room back out in the sort of observatory room, and there was a door at the end of this room also leading somewhere it seemed like...

Unless you'd rather fiddle around with the control panels int eh other rooms or fiddle with the appliances in here in search for food, What shall you do?

The squares are consoles by the way



(Shorter update for you guys, apologies!)

( @Shadow Dancer @Torma Ximnus ) Marcus And Alexander:

"Yah see here kid, I control time."

The little black dot spoke, answering Marcus....

"I am a God of time. And You're gonna help me out...."

"Yah see that tower over there, to the east?"

It asked Marcus...

If Alexander looked behind him, he would see a Large stone tower, surrounded by what looked like a large encampment that had had not noticed before in these empty plains!

"There's somethin' powerful there. And I want it."

The Dot spoke again...

"A Red Crystal. It's on a gauntlet. A Purple and yellow one."

The two of you both began to notice each-other slowly fade into perception on opposite sides of the Dot...

(As in, you both ebgan to visibly fade in fro each-other to visually see and can now hear each-other speak)

"A White Wolfess Wields it.

I Want it."

The dot kept speaking, line after line almost monotonously and without emotion....

"Give it to me.

I promise Godhood."

It finished talking now... Waiting for Marcus's Response, as it doesn't seem to have Noticed Alexander just yet...

how shall the both of you respond? or maybe ask this Dot questions about this Red crystal that it wanted?


( @Veles Lek ) Lupa: Jax and the other armored soldier writing everything down simply nod in response.

"Alright then, it would be good to have another cook..." Jax seems to muse to himself as he listens to your question about the smoke stack.

"Not certain, but it seems to be dissipating now by the looks of it..."

A moment or two pass as Jax checks over somethings with his scribe...

"Alright, we can get the rest of the information later..."


Jax addressed your escort woman who took you here.

"Go ahead and take her to Delphi, She'll know what to do between now and dinner."

Kim seemed to Nod, as she satrted walking ahead of you now.

"Got it then Jax, have someone else replace my patrol then. Follow me please Lupa."

The two of you head into the crowded, busy camp, you stick close to Kim as you observe all the tents and people around you....

You couldn't help but be astonished at the immense diversity of the camp you were seeing immediately... All around you, there were many different types of magical and alien looking creatures working peacefully with those you recognized as humans or similar....

You were almost frightened to see some Animal hybrid humans walking around as well... while they weren't werewolves... there was mixes of cat people, dog people, bird people... all sorts all around... it was almost mind boggling to you... You honestly see what Kim meant by a kind of surprise earlier about werewolves being unnatural... but none of these animal people even looked savage to begin with....

"Remind me, where is it you come from again Lupa?" Kim suddenly spoke up as she lead you through this camp that almost felt like a labyrinth...

She seemed to be only trying to keep up casual conversation.... and you think she's already asked you this.... although.... maybe you have questions for her instead? Like whoever this Delphi person is? Or why this camp seemed so much more immense and diverse like a city?

Perhaps you wanna explore elsewhere or do something specific?


( @Bluesunnyday ) Maya:

(Please give a Huge thanks to Lyro for Helping me out with this one!)

The last Consecration blast hits just as the Tortured manages to pry one of its appendages free of the soldier's panicked grip. It strikes the Marauder in the face faster than your eyes can follow, yet somehow seems to leave its victim unharmed. The beast shrieks in dismay, stabbing at the struggling Marauder's body haphazardly, hoping to wear down their protective shield. Before it can do so however, you manage to hit it squarely in the chest with a healthy dose of Aether, tearing a fist-sized hole in its carapace and knocking it several feet to the side. With trained reflexes, the soldier springs to their feet, pulls out their rifle and finishes off the heavily-wounded Tortured with a shot at its newly-opened weak spot. Turning towards you, they nod their thanks and gesture to the rest of the fleeing group before resuming their dash to safety. A quick glance at the mass of Tortured drawing near behind you is all the motivation you need to get going.

It's not long before the trees start to thin out and you see a greater force of Marauders standing their ground at the edge of the forest. The Tortured have almost caught up with the group (and, judging by the sound of screams farther away, have also managed to reach some of the stragglers), so you find your second wind and make a last desperate run to safety - or as close as it gets to around here. As you're almost there, you see the Marauders at the front lines raise their guns and aim them in your general direction. Thinking they intend to shoot you, you throw yourself to the ground, only to immediately hear the bullets fly over your head, striking a trio of tree-borne Tortured that were just about to drop down on you. Their corpses fall to the ground around you in an almost-perfect triangle. You look up to see the soldiers waving you on, get to your feet and finally make it behind Marauder lines, turning on your heels as you do so, ready to face any remaining Tortured. The Marauders around you are silent as they keep their eyes on the deeper end of the forest.

Several hundred feet of you and just out of range of the soldiers' fire, the Tortured are all standing perfectly still. Some of them sway slowly from side to side, and a few more cock what could be their heads to the side as they stare back. Several seconds pass in this manner, before they all begin to retreat, walking, flying or crawling back into the depths of the forest. Before long, they have all vanished from sight, and a great collective sigh goes out among the troops. They begin to break formation, though some still continue to watch the woods, confused at this display and anticipating retaliation.

Once you feel confident that the Tortured are truly gone, you take several deep breaths and finally let yourself look around. You are standing in the middle of a vast, empty green plain, stretching far into the distance, beyond the horizon. In front of you, the dark forest stands as an impossibly tall wall, hiding what lies beyond it, while behind you, a mile or so away, you spot a large military encampment, in the center of which lies a tall tower from which a pulsating beam of light shoots up into the sky. A faint whiff of salt in the air and the distant sound of waves makes you think there must be an ocean nearby; looking around some more, you think you can make out a patch of blue near the horizon, even further away than the encampment.

As you gaze at your surroundings, you notice a group of soldiers looking at you, one of which seems to be explaining something to the others; you recognize them as the Marauder you saved. Their stoic expressions do not betray what they are currently thinking, and as you are beginning to wonder if you should say something, one of them walks towards you and salutes you.

"My man tells me you rescued him in there," he states in a brusque tone. He looks you up and down measuringly, and seems to reach a decision. "For this you have my thanks. Considering the... peculiar circumstances of your arrival, I am still required to bring you in to our commander for questioning, but I will be sure to put in a good word for you." He indicates the encampment in the distance. "We should get going, but if you think you need some more time to recuperate, we can wait here a while longer." You notice that the rest of the soldiers are also slowly starting to head towards the camp now. "I would prefer haste, however. I have no wish to stay next to this forest any longer than is necessary."

What do you do?


( @hector212121 ) Roy:

(Please give a Huge thanks to Lyro for Helping me out with this one!)

hector212121 said:
-Name: Goes by 'Mr. Roboto'. Not that he's a cyborg. Lets people call him Kilroy, or Roy for short. He really likes pre-6th world music.
-Physical description (or image if you'd prefer):Tall elf, always armored with the best light gear available. Dark haired under his helmet. Carries a duffel bag and has two heavy-looking belt-loaded shotguns strapped to his back. Has a light powersuit mainly meant for mechanical work; highly insulated and able to prevent light cuts, and has built in tools. Also, can anchor his feet to the ground.

-Describe their personality to a good extent:

Paranoid, cocky, yet somewhat selfless. Keyword somewhat.

-A Bit of bio/background story:A run went wrong for him. His Johnson betrayed him and decided to test a teleporting device almost guaranteed to kill him. Instead, it fucked up all his active drones, leaving him to replace the broken parts and swap between drones as needed.

-Any abilities or skills your character has

Wireless psychic hacking.

Sprite creation. Not the soda; little artificial intelligences that very rarely gain actual sentience. They can help hack, pilot drones or protect his mind from other technomancers.

Drones: includes a pair each of: small scouting drones, sniper drones and sword-wielding drones.

Gyroscopic weapon mount: While firing a gun heavy enough might throw him off balance enough, his shots will still stay on point if he's using this. Attached to his pack.

300 degree sight: camera mounted on his pack that can see almost anything bigger than a fly.

- At LEAST ONE Weakness or Two.

(Make it something more specific then just regular old mortality, like a phobia/crippled somewhere/weak against something)

Another Technomancer can try to hack him, though that runs both ways.

A failed hacking attempt can temporarily cripple or kill him if the IC is built to cripple or kill.

His sprites could become sentient and become huge pests.

Armor stops bullets, but isn't hard, meaning he takes a bit of the impact spread across a far wider area.

-And anything else you would like to add if you wish to join.

Most things, including guns, from his world are hackable. This means that he will try hacking people's guns if pointed at him. He will fail miserably. Cyborg parts will likely end up the same, but more discretion there.
This time, everything would be perfect.

This time, nothing would go wrong.

And this time, you'd be set for a while. You had been planning this run for several months, run all the necessary background checks on your partners, loaded up with the best software you had and made sure your drones were all fully-working again. Well, not all of them. And maybe not exactly fully-working. But, working. Or, at least, moving. Still, you weren't worried. You knew you could handle it.

At the chime of a timer, you quickly type in a passcode into the lock of the door in front of you, open it when it unlocks and step into the dark room beyond, closing the door behind you. It is pitch-black inside, and you're about to turn on a flashlight (you brought one with you, right? you couldn't possibly have forgotten a flashlight?) when you suddenly have to close your eyes to avoid being blinded by a brilliant white light. You mutter a curse to yourself. Of course. The corp's knew you were coming. The building's lighting up like a lighthouse; you wouldn't be surprised if the police is standing outside right now in fact. You hands reach towards your shotguns - after all, it's not like you hadn't planned for this. You're ready. Your eyes crack open, ready to take on whatever's in store for you.

You immediately close your eyes again. No way they saw what you thought you saw. Must be a new brand of hallucinogen, because for a second, you thought you were outside, during the day, and looking down the barrel of a decidedly alien gun.

You feel a breeze on your forehead, and hear some background noise in the distance. If you didn't know any better, you'd swear it sounds like the type of noise you'd hear in a military camp - soldiers barking orders, recruits running about, buildings being built... Was there a speaker system too somewhere around here? That really seems like serious overk--

"Put your hands up in the air where I can see them!" a voice barks in your ear, and your eyes fly open. You take it all in rather quickly, and are forced to admit no hallucination could look this real.

You are standing in the middle of what seems to be a firing range. Several soldiers are standing in front of you, their guns all pointed at your chest. A quick glance behind you reveals several practice dummies lying about, some still smoking from the impacts they have sustained. Beyond the target range you can see a busy camp, as expected, and even farther away, maybe in the center of the camp, you spot a tall tower with a beam of light rising up into the sky from its summit.

"This is your second and final warning!" the voice barks once more, and you turn to see it belongs to a ranked soldier in front of you, standing behind his men. "Put your hands up or we will fire."

What do you do?


( @a52 ) W-R54: (You still have not posted! please refer to major update #10. You will be marked inactive within the next update.)

Time taken: About 3-4 hours surprisingly, you can get a lot more done when you focus focus focusssss

Total word count: 4.3k words~

Total player/Character count: 21 Characters, 16 Players, Excluding Elijah
Kalos looks at Elijah for a moment, weighing his options. In the end, he hands her his violin. "Please don't break it. It's my only reliable way to fight."

Kalos turns to Delphi, shrugging. "I could play some music or something. And help Ged if he won't set me on fucking fire again."


"No, we should get going."

Maya gestures to the camp. "I mean, I'm fine with questioning. As long as they don't make me take off the mask, that is. Now's not a good time."
Lupa nods and begins following Kim. Looking around and seeing the the large amounts of seemingly lycanthropic beings. It was strange and quite frightening, but they looked civilized enough for her to not be terribly worried. Once Kim asks her about where she comes from, an image of a forest burning flashes in Lupa's mind. She tries to ignore that.

"I come from Aven, a city known for it's diversity of cultures. Many high points, and a few low points. Both figurative, and literal. Kind of like this camp, only bigger."

Lupa looks to the sky, making note of the time of day. High noon, crap. Best not to do anything dangerous.

"So, who is this Delphi person?"
"Yah see here kid, I control time."
The little black dot spoke, answering Marcus....

"I am a God of time. And You're gonna help me out...."

"Yah see that tower over there, to the east?"

It asked Marcus...

If Alexander looked behind him, he would see a Large stone tower, surrounded by what looked like a large encampment that had had not noticed before in these empty plains!

"There's somethin' powerful there. And I want it."

The Dot spoke again...

"A Red Crystal. It's on a gauntlet. A Purple and yellow one."

The two of you both began to notice each-other slowly fade into perception on opposite sides of the Dot...

(As in, you both ebgan to visibly fade in fro each-other to visually see and can now hear each-other speak)

"A White Wolfess Wields it.

I Want it."

The dot kept speaking, line after line almost monotonously and without emotion....

"Give it to me.

I promise Godhood."

It finished talking now... Waiting for Marcus's Response, as it doesn't seem to have Noticed Alexander just yet...

how shall the both of you respond? or maybe ask this Dot questions about this Red crystal that it wanted?
Marcus took note of the man that suddenly appeared across from him but kept it on the back burner more interested in the deal this 'God of time' was trying to strike. But what had him worried was that he only had a location and item but no knowledge on anything else and the question of why a 'God of Time' would need the help of a thief that just so happens to be ageless popped into his head. "I need some more information such as if she is the only one in there, weapons and so on. I can't do a very good job with only what you gave me."
(Ah, yes, the shenanigans of having two characters. My apologies, I'm used to Jaik knowing everything Coils does.)

Coils unconscious from the effort he exerted, does nothing. Because he's unconscious.

Jaik, embarrassed at the fact that he randomly sprinted away from where he probably needed to be, and having no idea where anyone else of major importance is at this camp, takes this opportunity to look for something else interesting to do. Perhaps a person he's seen once or twice doing something shady or having trouble.
"Well without charms...."

Coatl scratches his head, thinking for a few seconds.

"Well we have two musicians over here. Music festivals are generally good morale boosters. Militarily, I can help train Marauders physically and if I can get some Magic Writings, I can corrupt them and thus easily teach God-harming spells to our soldiers. By the way do we have a ranking system? Giving out some titles and positions for valor encourages good behavior to get better jobs and more respect. I can give speeches too! Help the people realize the righteousness of our path and give them some hope."

Coatl puts his hands on his hips quiet proud of his knowledge of all things military.
Izhane blinks hard for a few moments, a bit dumbfounded by the sudden appearance of a very battered lizard wizard. He, of course, does not believe that Vizara didn't do anything to deserve this. While Vizara is explainin himself, Izhane weighs his options and then nods. "Alright man, alright, just relax. I don't believe you did nothing, but let me help you out. You look pretty banged up." The salamander rifles through his pouch and pulls out one of the many unlabeled vials within. At least, it looked unlabeled. The truth was, Izhane had a very complex system based off of Braille that he used to mark his potions. What was actually in the vial was a potent sedative, made to knock out unruly patients so they could be treated without harming the medics.

Izhane figured the lizard wizard would just make more trouble for the both of them, and would throw Izhane under the bus if caught. With him knocked out, Izhane could maybe smooth things over with the Commander or at least keep her from killing Vizara. Besides, he was all out of invisibility potions.
"You know how it goes. Drink it down, and you get a little time to get out. Maybe a minute, running out of the good materials because of a certain gecko." Salamander-kin are, as anyone from Izhane's homeworld would know, quite gifted when it comes to deception. People tend not to suspect cutesy, brightly colored amphibians.
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