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Futuristic Among Gods

Seih thinks quickly, then turns towards the Marauder.

"Do you know exactly how far he could have gone?" he asks them, then thinks to add, "And can he choose where he goes?"

He then looks towards the rest of the group. "Vizara is hurt pretty bad. He is likely to try to find a place where he can be left alone for a while, or even try to seek out medical attention. If we can get close enough to his location, I think I'll be able to recognize his mind - the barrier around it is a dead giveaway, and even if he's clever enough to drop it I think I'll still be able to identify him by digging a little." Seih glances around, looking at the Marauders around him. "My range isn't very wide, though. I was hoping to boost it with some Modifier-created equipment. As it is, if I get within about 40 feet of Vizara, I should be able to notice him."
Thorn came to a top, huffing and puffing. AND blowing your house down! "Just a sec...whoo....C'mere Splinter..." Splinter came bounding to Thorn. You've served the empire well today, slobbery one. "Good job buddy....whoo...play...play dead." Splinter crumbled to a pile of sticks, and ceased to be Splinter. "Much better...." You really should work out, get in better shape y'know. "Seih's right, and if he needs medical attention. I know we've got a medical tent we could check,but that's assuming he's still here...thoughts anyone?" 3 words...Cherry...Chimi...Changa. You take a tortilla....
"I apologize to all of you about that, charms really wonk out my thought process." Ged states, picking up his harp, "To start out, would you like a song?" He continues as he tunes his harp, "I could work with Feathers here, I know some good songs with a harp and fiddle, if he stops looking at me like I'm a sort of frying pan. Now a song for you Delphi."

[/media] (This is not me, just a harp song I found. :3)
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"I think we need to form two groups and sweep the camp, if he teleported to the opposite side of the camp, we should be able to at least see if he escapes, and where he's going.... But even that's unlikely if we start now, time is of the essence." Misfortune looks left and right, for signs of a flash from a teleport, or anything else.

Roy had, thankfully, taken a huff of Kamikaze before the run began. This allowed him to process that there was a gun in his face and that he was being ordered to surrender. No. Fuck that.

"Omae, omae, ease up and put the gun down before you hurt yourself." Before the marauder can respond, one of his arms bats the gun to the side and he takes a step forward, tucking the barrel and the marauder's arms under his arm and pinning them to his side hard enough to bruise as the hand he batted with catches one of his Predator pistols. He jams the barrel in the gap between the helmet and chest armor, aimed almost right at where a human's adam's apple would be. "If it makes you feel any better, the pistols are loaded with nonlethal ammo. Painful, but nonlethal. But of course, ace, this is awful close to your brain, and the shock might just paralyze or damage your mind."

He lifts his voice to carry over to the rest of the marauders. "One of you get someone in charge around here."
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Chris makes sure that he's actually wearing his fancy new True Sight Glasses this time and looks around for a bit, "So he had a modifier shard right?" he asks as he pulls his own modifier out of his pocket and holds it in both hands, "I'm going to try something, though that doesn't mean the rest of you shouldn't be looking for him..."

He starts to focus, but he pulls out his radio and barks into it quickly, "Chris speaking. You guys at the firing range, tell the new arrival that we're currently busy dealing with a fucking lizard wizard among several other things and that we'll get to him as soon as we can. For now could someone bring him up to speed on where the hell he's just ended up, and put the guns down. Everyone's already constantly stressed the fuck out in this place."

After that he takes a deep breath and focuses his mind and uses the energy in his modifier to start scanning the local area for the energies from Vizara's modifier shard.
Byron just stares at the blubbering lizard man in front of him, unsure of what to say. He was about to say something to try and calm the guy down before Izhane did so himself and handed over a small vial of liquid. Before the lizard man has a chance to drink from the vial, Byron notices the crystal he is holding and gestures to it. "What the hell is that?" He tries to make it clear that he's talking about the crystal and the the anthropomorphic lizard. He knows not to question the nature of most beings in this realm by know. Besides, if taken the wrong way, if would sound racist and insensitive. That would cause trouble, and god knows he wouldn't want any of that right now.

It was unheard of for Alexander's armor and Dynamo Units to seize up as they had since his early days as a warrior after the great dimensional war his homeworld fought, and even then it only ever happened due to outside interference. At first Alexander felt panicked when he was suddenly unable to move. He quickly came out of it, however, and mentally chided himself for his brief moment of panic. Of course his equipment was susceptible. Not only was his "engine" severely low on power after his journey here from his doomed home dimension, but it had yet to be adjusted for any changes in how the laws of physics, magic, and science functioned in this new realm he had entered. No sooner had he calmed himself than he heard a small voice speaking to him, calling him "child" of all things. He was no child, he was a KING, but such things no longer mattered. Upon searching for and finding the source of the voice he quickly took stock of his options. Was this a guide? An inhabitant of the realm? Something else? Was this being the one responsible for his being trapped in place? If so, then-

"If you wish for me to listen to what you have to say I suggest you release me. Otherwise I shan't entertain your words, neither shall I heed them."

Many would say that Alexander was being foolish in the extreme, but he did not escape one doomed realm only to become someone's plaything in another. If that meant he died, then he died. He already knew that was a risk he was taking the moment he chose to leave his home.
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Errg grunts and takes the crossbow and bolts off the dwarf. No point in wasting good weapons, and crossbows were something he had a little experience with. Since Errg didn't want to mess with any of these buttons, he heads out and goes to investigate the last door.

Major update #13!


( @Veles Lek ) Lupa:

"Huh, interesting... In diversity do you mean like it is here with all sorts of aliens and species running around?" Kim says, almost seeming disinterested to your annoyance as you keep following her.

"To answer your question though, Delphi is the Cat-woman who's the Sub-Commander, She's basically second in command and handles most new-comers to the camp whenever the Supreme Commander or Captains can't..." She explained, simply still walking along, weapons slinged over her back almost causally.

"If you wanna know about where I came from, I'm from a planet called Earth, Tampa Florida was my town, which was a typical city like any other modern day ones... I was about to finish my English degree before i was taken here to wherever the hell in reality this place is..."

She said rather solemnly....

However, Kim actually stops in front of tent suddenly, and you can smell the scent of something that was burning earlier... was this where the smoke stack was...?

"Well, we're here I guess," Kim says, peeking into the tent itself.

"And lucky you, Both The Supreme and Sub-commander are here... come on." She beckons you to follow inside the tent, and you do so.....

(Read Below in Kalos, Coatl, and Ged)

( @Bluesunnyday @aquaInferno @Ged Merrilin ) Kalos, Coatl, and Ged:

"We do have a ranking system.. Sort of... it's rather simple though since we're not a Nation wide army...

Obviously at the Top, is Elijah, as the Supreme Commander. She's got total power in just about everything..."
Delphi gestured towards Elijah, who was fiddling with Kalos's violin.

"I'm second as Sub-Commander, I've got just about as much Influence as Elijah, but I Don't have any fancy magic stuff like her Modifier obviously..."

"After us though are Captains and Squad leaders, their jobs are to more or less just keep the peace and help em and Elijah organize everything, and lead designated groups of individuals in combat should any situations arise.

Then after that, we have everyone else divided between combatants and non-combatants, or civilians, who are all divided into different jobs like scouts, soldiers, patrols, cooks, medics, and so on and so on really... All of this is kinda self explanatory, but it's the closest we got to any sort of ranking system within the Marauders and the outposts we have around the currently mapped continent."

Delphi explains all this to Coatl with a sort of shrug...

As for Kalos: Elijah takes the violin out of it's case and seems to handle it rather gently, slipping it over several times and closely examining things like the strings and the tuners specifically. Taking the bow in a rather professional fashion you note,, Elijah strikes down a rather awful sounding note which makes her wince. Raising her eyebrow at you, seeming to ask why you you don't bother tuning your instrument...

She starts tuning your violin, occasionally striking another note until the sound of the violin on all strings became much sleeker and smooth rather then the coarse and harsh sounding noises that you yourself were used to...

She then plays

, (which you somehow find eerily familiar), surprising you somewhat as she displays some skill with the instrument itself!
After seeming rather happy with herself though, Elijah then puts down the bow, looking at the violin again, and then raising up her gauntletted hand with the Modifier up to the Violin...

With a red flash, you immediately notice a small reddish tint upon the strings of your violin as Elijah hands the instrument back to you, pulling out her notepad and writing on it as you looked at your instrument, wondering what the hell she had done to it....

"You really should keep this in tune, it sounded abhorrid! Plus, I'd imagine it's a lot more effective when tuned properly right? Anyways, i gave the strings a little more kick to them so to say, they're a lot stronger now and depending on how you tune it, Whatever it is you can do SHOULD be a lot stronger... or weaker, depending on how pleasant the sound is on it."

She shows you on her notepad, allowing you to read and take that in....

However, Ged starts playing a small song on his harp for Delphi, Which Elijah also seems to take notice.

Everyone takes a moment of silence to enjoy and listen (or not).

"Hehe... Why thank you Ged, that was very nice~"

Delphi says rather enthusiastically...

"But, it seems as if you and Kalos have a deal here then, am I Right?" She glances between the both of you as she talked almost casually and relaxed.

She turns to Coatl again however...

"I've considered public speeches before, but honestly most everyone's more concerned on surviving really and just in general keeping the peace and and helping keep the camp in order and liveable....

Although Coatl, i'm not entirely sure about your choice of vocabulary with "corrupting" tomes.... or books... I don't want to see a Marauder's living magazine stash running around you know..."
Delphi says, crossing her arms are looking at you with a confused expression on her face...

Although, Something catches Delphi's attention as a Marauder Escorting a girl with a dress, long black hair, purple eyes!

Lupa again: Upon entering the tent, you immediately see who you assume are the Commanders, a Cat Woman and a White wolf woman with a strange gauntlet on her arm and a glowing red crystal embedded within it... "Another poor person roped into our chaotic little paradise huh?" The Cat woman speaks up, approaching you and Kim.

"Ma'am." Kim speaks up.

"She says she's capable of transforming into a normal wolf, does something in the darkness... and uhh, can cook." Kim repeated to the cat woman.

"Huh, alright then, nice to meet you, I'm Delphi, Sub-commander, The White Wolfess there is Elijah, and She's the Supreme Commander, or otherwise the leader of camp." Elijah doesn't seem to speak, but only waves to you... She seemed rather causally dressed while Delphi here seems a lot more.. official with the suit and all...

"I'd love to show you around the camp bu-"

Suddenly, another Marauder runs up to Delphi, interruptign her.

"Ma'am! urgent call from the firing range."

The cat woamn sighs, taking the small radio and putting it up to ehr ear...

"What is it?"


"Are you serious?"


"Damn it, fine, keep the bastard there until i get there then."

She hands the radio back to the Marauder, and now turns to all Four (or six) of you.

"Well guys, apparently some crazy motherfucker in a power suit just dropped in at the firing range at the north of Camp and has someone hostage. You should all come with me, and see if we can't get this situations defused."

Elijah and Kim nod, and begin heading out the tent.... You all promptly follow suit... for the sake of direction/doing things

(Read far below in ROY'S section please!)


( @SnakyDragon ) Jaik:

Looking around for something interesting to do, you actually spot the large group with Mei Thorn, Seih and the others!

You also find Coils passed out nearby for some reason, and you promptly join the group. (Read the next section.)

( @Seahorse @ferociousfeind @Bonzo @SnakyDragon @Thorn of Discord @Lyrositor @ChrisClark13 ) Mei, Misfortune, Danielle, Koya, Coils, Thorn, Seih, Jaik and Chris: (Going in order of who posted first.)

"I'm not certain if he can choose, but i know it's not far, maybe like a good, i'd say he'd probably only get as far as the medical tent or engineering from here." The Marauder answers Seih.

(For reference, the tower itself is about 45' feet in circular diameter (13.7~meters) (The tower is about 48' feet high by the way.), While the camp itself is around 300' feet in circular diameter (91.4~meters) including the tower at it's center, tents being spaced out and such. accordingly. My math may be entirely wrong versus what i perceive in my head though so be aware for all of you reading this.)

"You're probably right though you two." He says in response to Seih and Thorn.

"The bastard is probably looking for Izhane, Some sort of red salamander who shares tent with me and Vizara. Alchemist guy, he might be working at the infirmary right now as a matter of fact..."

Another Marauder Jumps into the conversation, this time a female, a golden tail coming out her back-end, and her helm-ate modified to fit that of a dog's head, (I can't remember if Seih or someone else would recognize them or not as the Golden retriever lady who is always blabbering.) whom apparently had a rather thick southern human accent as she spoke.

"It would be a good idea now to split up here, considerin' that feller could have gone just about anywhere y'know?

I can offer an order to be on the lookout for Vee-zara here and have some of my own patrol and the feller's at engineering to do something. So why don't yall' get on going to the medical tent over to the south?

I'll see what i can do over tot eh north and other parts of the camp with contactin' the other Captun's here."

She spoke rather quickly, hardly any of you were able to hear her before she pulled out a radio and ebgan contacting other Marauders around the camp, assumingly to warn them about.

The other Marauder who originally spoke up seemed to Sigh.

"We might as well get going if we're going to find him, I'll lead you all towards the medical tent."

He says, beckoning all of you to follow....

As the group moves along through the camp, far ahead (about maybe 40ft), through a pathway in the tents, you all spot Vizara seeming to converse with a smaller, Red Salamander and Byron, seeming to take a small vial form the Salamander and briefly shaking his hand....

Although, From afar, Vizara spots you all coming, and starts making another limp for it towards the south-western outskirts of the camp! What shall you all do?

Chris: You stay behind for a minute as the others get going, whipping out your radio after hearing some chatter on it through some sort of 4th wall bullshit you feel that hates you, and then you bark your orders Suddenly...

"Uhhh, Chris Sir? I'm not entirely sure how you got this message but, Sub-Commander Delphi's already been notified and she's on her way already, but uhh, We're already doing what we were doing beforehand, so.. uhh, thanks."

A Marauder meakly and confusedly responds on the other end of the line...

Anyways, You life you modifier upwards above your head and focus some of it's remaining energy straight into your True sight goggles, After a seccond or two, your true sight goggles immediately show an IMMENSE energy signature farther south, no doubtly Elijah's you'd think... but in front of it there's several more large signatures that practically overlap eachother to certain degrees...

You sigh deeply and think At least you tried...

There's honestly just too much interference from the other Modifiers it seems like, and if Vizara has only a shard of one, that would mean the signature wouldn't be very big probably...

Some tweaks will probably be needed later you think as you begin following the others again (Read just above your small section here if you haven't already!)


( @arcaneSentinel @creepingShade ) Byron and Izhane:

Izhane: "Thanks man, I REALLY do owe you one after this if i actually make it out alive! H-hopefully i can make more ingredients or something for you with my little crystal to pay you pack actually!" Vizara gratefully takes the vial from you, shaking your hand rather ecstatically as well.

"I'll be sure to save this for when I need it!"


You think to yourself as you watch Vizara pocket the vial for right now

Then again... It's very likely he'll be caught regardless... you suppose it won't matter if he drinks the sedative now or later...

Unless you were to convince him otherwise now... or even call the guards...

Byron: The lizard wizard turns to you now after accepting Izhane's "invisibility potion."

"Honestly i don't know what it is, but it's pretty cool, and allows me to make whatever i want or need if i think hard enough!"

He answers simply before glancing to his left and right.

He gasps suddenly as he spots a large group of individuals coming their way over here now led by a marauder.

(which would be Seih, Mei, Misfortune, Danielle, Jaik, Thorn, and Chris.)

"Thanks though Izhane, but I've got to get going, like, NOW."

Without another word, the lizard wizard starts to limp away as fast as he possibly could away from the two of you, seemingly heading to the outskirts of the camp!


( @creepingShade ) Errg:

After taking the Crossbow and ammunition, You go ahead and leave the recreational sort of room with the Dead dwarf and enter back tot he observatory area, going to the last, un-explored door...

Upon attempting to pry it open though, you struggle somewhat, the door not allowing you to pry it open even with your mighty strength!

However, a moment later, The door makes a loud metal -SNAPPING- sound as you suddenly manage to pry it open just slightly! Through the small crack you can see something keeping the door in place on the other side, possibly a bar or some sort of barricade, you're not entirely sure...

But if raiding sunken land dweller ships hasn't taught you anything, you knew how to handle something like this, and decide to reach your sword inside of the door, placing the blade upon the bar on the other side and begin sawing through it as it was regular wood, you could hear the heat of the blade searing and melting through the bar before you hear a final -CLUNK- and the door allows you to pry it wide open!

Passing by the smoldering sawed in half metal bar that was blocking the door, you examine the small room.

It was vastly different from the others, a small work shop with an assortment of benches and tools all around, everything looked neat and orderly, a thin layer of dust on top of it all... while the electronics and scrap metal of other rooms were littered all around, in here, all of it was neatly organized on rows of shelves and on top of the work benches...

At your best guess this was some sort of repair station or just a place to improve existing tools or even create some by the looks of it... There was a hard covered bricks of paper (books) scattered here and there on the tables, dusting off the annoying dust, you couldn't really read any of the writings that filled most of the books, but there was also a lot of pictures depicting different useful looking tools using similar looking scrap and parts that were laying around the room...

Maybe this was interesting to you, maybe it wasn't.

However, you certainly did feel a feeling of familiarity about the different scribbles marked all over the paper around the pictures and odd looking diagrams of metal beasts...

Do you think you'll attempt to make something like this brick of paper depicts, or perhaps go back up to the surface or even investigate that last door in the room with the dead dwarf and THEN go to the surface? (You have a good feeling that the last room is just probably something like a washroom though, for the sake of saving you time.)

What shall you do?


( @Shadow Dancer @Torma Ximnus ) Marcus And Alexander:

"Not the only One there."

The black dot speaks simply.

"Be best to pose as a new comer. Join their ranks.

Get close to Wolfess. Take Crystal. Bring it here."

It says very clearly and almost sternly, just about breaking it's emotionless and autonomous speaking.

"You'll get a clear idea of what's there."

However, as soon as Alexander spoke up, the small black dot immediately shot itself up from it's resting place on the hill about two or three feet into the air, and very suddenly flies itself in front of Alexander's face.

An awkward silence passes by as the small dot seems to examine Alexander up and down, flying itself around him and looking at his dynamos before returning up to his nose.

"If you want to be Released."

"Then you will do what i want."

"Uninvited guest."

It speaks up and says rather harshly before it floats back up above it's original position on the small hill.


It seems to speak in both directions towards the two of you... somehow....

"Attain the crystal from the Wolfess. Bring it back here."

"..And I promise, Godhood." it's voice suddenly booms impressively, and echo rumbling within your ears....

How shall the two of you answer... or mayhaps bargain, work together with each-other, or maybe even attempt to resist this so called time- god's perceived powers?


(@Bluesunnyday ) Maya:

"Alright then, let's get a move on." The Marauder said, beginning to lead you onwards towards the massive camp that lay out a ways from these immense trees....

As you all walk in silence and fatigue, one of the so called marauders that had originally found you walked up next to you, they seemed a little smaller, slightly shorter then you, and walked more enthusiastically then the others...

"Hey.. I just wanna thank you..." They spoke in a higher pitched voice, you couldn't identify if they were female or male in just about any way with all that bulky tan armor... Acrossed their back was a folded up sniper rifle you realize.

"You saved my boyfriend back there... we've been loosing so many people like you to Tortured scouting like that... even sometimes loosing one our own... I don't know what i would have done knowing he was gone..."

The two of you walk on in silence for a minute or two, observing the scenery out here and the camp ahead...

"I don't know if anyone explained to you about this back in the woods..."

The high pitched marauder spoke up as you both trotted along, the afternoon sun high above your heads.

"But you know this isn't your world anymore... right?"

They said kind of sheepishly, a hint of fear in their voice...

"B-but don't be afraid though! You're safe with us! The Marauders!"

The looked at you, green visor hiding their eyes with the sun's light reflecting off it...

"And uhh, don't be intimidated by how many of us there are though! We've got plenty of supplies for everyone thanks to our Supreme Commander, a-and anyone who can use magic to help provide!"

"S-so long as you can pull your weight like everyone else, you're more then welcome to stay with us...after uhh... the Captains or the Commanders themselves..."

Another rather awkward silence passes between you two, the marauder looking away from your masked gaze...

Looking around some more though, you realize that you, this marauder, and the rest were already about halfway to the camp now from the immense woods, which were far away now as you looked back, the tree's seemed about a third of their enormous size, and you have appeared walked quite a distance without even noticing!

"So uhmm.. What's your name stranger...?"
They asked meekly, trying to keep a conversation going it seemed like...

How will you answer? Maybe you should ask their name too or questions of your own?


( @hector212121 ) Roy:

You wait for about a boring 15 minutes in silence, keeping the soldier close to you and your pistol jammed at their throat as all of his friends kept their own weapons aimed right for your eyes and legs.

Every couple of minutes or so the soldier you held struggled violently, but thankfully you're able to keep them pacified, on occasion insulting you as you surveyed what was around you... aside from the large busy camp behind the 14 people with guns aimed for your head, and judging from one of your many internal compass's, to the north you could see immense looking trees with mountains even farther behind them that spanned all the way west and east with nothing but grassy hills that went beyond the horizon, while to the assumed south behind the camp and this tower that you faced was definitely a ocean just as perceive-ably infinite (but you knew planets were round, not flat. Regardless it was a neat thought and easier to say.) While the sun beat down on your armor from high above, it was assumedly noon wherever this place was...

After another few minutes of waiting around boredly and the soldier still slugging insults at you as you kept him pacified, you see another group of at least 7 people walking up, although to your surprise, four of them weren't human at all!

(You see Lupa, Ged, Coatl, Kalos, Elijah, Delphi, and another Marauder show up!)

Lupa, Ged, Coatl, and Kalos, (Along with Kim, Elijah, and Delphi): Show up after a long walk, you all eventually make it to a small firing range, a bunchy of marauders holding their weapons up and aimed at someone much farther down the firing range directly at what looks like an elf in a metal suit, holding a Marauder hostage.

"You three." Delphi pointed to Ged, Kalos and Coatl after she took a minute to observe the situation.

"See what you can do with charms to diffuse the situation here and get that crazy fucker in the armor over there to calm the hell down and release our guy." She order the three of you in a hushed tone, as to not alert Roy it seemed like.

She then turns to Lupa and Kim.

"And you." Delphi pointed a finger at Lupa, "If you're able to do anything about this with whatever it is you can do, then do so. But I don't want this guy killed, just pacified."

Roy and everyone else:

"Alright Buddy, You got the ones in charge here now."

"I'm betting you don't know what the fuck is going on here, and that's understandable, but before I give you any sorts of answers, We demand that you release our man and drop your weapons and the duffel bag.

And Don't you dare even try to point that gun at me or anybody else, otherwise I'll have everyone else here gun you down in an instant.

Wherever the hell you came from, you're not there anymore. So please put down your weapons and let our guy go, if he tries to take a swing at you then you can take a swing at him so long as it won't kill him."

Delphi shouted acrossed the firing range, giving a nod to Ged, Kalos, Coatl and Lupa to see what they can do.

"And if you don't comply..."

The devilish smirk came once again acrossed the cat woman's face

"I'll have to use lethal force, and I bet you the Supreme commander here is itching for an excuse to kill someone!"

Delphi pointed a thumb towards Elijah, who returned an unamused frown at the cat woman, as if saying "Really?"

What shall all of you do?

(It should be noted and reminded that I strictly control any sort of pvp should another fight break out, however, for now, it is up to Hector (with my desecration) wether or not Ged, Coatl, and Kalos's charms or Lupa's actions will work on Roy on not to pacify him.)


( @Paradox Turtle ) Adam:

(if you require a re-cap of the world, PM me and i'll put you back up to speed, BUT I wish to direct you to the first post after the title of this thread for an already there recap!)

@a52[/URL] ) W-R54: Has dropped out :c. However, it was very enjoyable having you, and we wish you well to wherever you go or what you do now!

Time taken: Around 2 days worth of work, this update was another huge one!

Total word count: Around 4500~ words! Wowee!

Total player/Character count: 21 Characters, 17 Players, Excluding Elijah
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Kalos bristles a little at Elijah's statement about his tuning. "I'll have you know I keep my violin perfectly tuned. At least for my magic. Thanks for the upgrade, though, I do appreciate it." He takes the opportunity to tune it again and play a few notes, enjoying the richer sound filling the tent. When they arrive at the firing range, he frowns. "Uh, Ged? Got anything in your bag of tricks there? Metaphorically speaking?"


Maya nods at the marauder's statements.
"It's fine. I'm a member of the Burning Sun. I protect the innocent, kill the evil, etc. etc. assorted bullshit." She waves a hand dismissively, and examines the sunlight.

"This isn't my world, huh? I wondered why the sun felt different... Uh, by the way, name's Maya Darksbane. You?" Maya extends a hand to the maurader, a black glove covering her skin.
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Oh, great, they saw me hand off the vial. This is no good, no good at all. Izhane chases after Vizara and grabs ahold of his arm. "Come on man, they see you already and they're not that far. You know you won't get too far before they take you out. They can shoot. Come on man, I don't want you dying, just take it now." The salamander's voice is filled with desperation and he let's go of Vizara as soon as he's done talking.

"Whatever you're going to do, hurry up." Izhane was legitimately scared right now. He hoped to have at least a few more seconds before the people hunting Vizara showed up. At least enough time to hand off the "potion."
"Excuse me? Omae, I appear here all of a sudden, your chums pointing guns at me out of the blue and you expect *me* to drop my guns?

I'll tell you what. You drop your guns, I'll drop mine and let him go, and we can talk this out like civilized people. Or we can stand here and talk this out like gangers. Way's I see it, the only thing stopping your teamsters here from opening fire is the fact that I'm holding him; If I let him go, it'll only be because I have two reasons--them dropping their guns and me already being on Kamikaze, so if any of them make a move for a gun I'll beat them to it."
Coatl brought eye contact to Kalos and then to Ged, sending a message through their minds.

Okay, I'll be brief. No I can't read brains so just answer VERY QUIETLY.

Now, I want you two to play me a soothing melody while I cast a calm spell around the area. Most likely everyone here will be affected except us and maybe Delphi. I can slither in fast to grab the hostage quickly taking him out of danger. And after that, since we will not be affected, Kalos can hit a sharp note if he has it in him. What do you say?
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Kalos frowns, before nodding. Silently, he resolves to aim for a non-vital area on the target. This new arrival seemed more nervous than anything, and he didn't want to murder someone who might just be scared of his surroundings...
"That is much better, thanks for the information time god." Marcus said to the orb

Marcus then looked at Alexander, and held out his hand in greeting. "Seeing as we more then likely will be partners in crime let me introduce myself. I'm Marcus a pretty good thief and fugitive back home. You are?
We got a runner! "Hold on Seih, this shouldn't take long." Thorn charged full speed in the direction of the wizard, and prepared to knock him down with telekinesis once he's in range. Damn the torpedoes, FULL SPEED AHEAD!
"Kalos, do a sleep spell, or something to entrance him and Coatl. I don't want blood on my paws. If you have to shoot him, do it in the leg." Ged whispers to Kalos. Then he spills out a silver powder from his bag and strums his harp. It begins to spread out as to be unnoticeable unless by tracing the magic. He hopes to jam the gun of the stranger with it, as a safety precaution.
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Lupa looks around the area for any source of heavy shade, finding nothing usable. Perhaps I can use the shade below him, though that will be last resort. She thinks to herself.

Trying to speak in the kindest tone while still being loud enough for everyone to hear, Lupa tries to diffuse the situation, or at least give a distraction while the others do their thing. "There are many of us that are lost and confused, but sitting here with our weapons pointed at each other will get us nowhere." She looks over at everyone with a weapon, making sure to try to get them to pay attention to her, especially Roy. "Let us avoid casualties, drop our weapons, and let the innocent man go, please."
Seih's mind had locked on to Vizara's just a fraction of a second after he was spotted. His eyes narrow. As Thorn starts bounding towards the wizard, Seih takes in exactly how weakened all the previous attacks have made him.

Panicked. Bloodied. Limping. Weak.

The hair on the back of Seih's neck stands up. A prey is escaping. A big prey. One that needs to be taught some respect from its betters.

As the Keir's ancestral instincts take over, his electric-blue eye's intensity becomes more pronounced and his body becomes limp. Every non-essential bodily function is halted as his thoughts speed up and amplify - to the point that Seih begins to lose self-awareness, his only focus the fleeing prey. Then, with a silent cry of rage, Seih's mind lashes out at Vizara's. What little is left of Seih's higher thought processes registers that the barrier around the wizard's mind is still up, but it is noticeably weakening. Decided to try to take advantage of this, Seih goes all out and assaults it with all his mental power, searching for any weakness that can be exploited or, failing that, simply trying to wear it down.

If he gets through, he will try to disable all non-vital muscle control, paralysing his opponent if successful (or at least severely impeding his movement), before moving on to his emotional centre to flood it with fear. However, what precautions Seih would normally take have been thrown out the window in favour of brute force, so it is very much possible Seih might end up hurting himself if the wizard has any traps in his mind or, conversely, permanently damaging Vizara's mind.

If he does not get through, he will keep up the assault nonetheless, trying to keep Vizara distracted and on edge.
I can offer an order to be on the lookout for Vee-zara here and have some of my own patrol and the feller's at engineering to do something. So why don't yall' get on going to the medical tent over to the south?
"That would be very helpful, thank you!" Misfortune says as he takes off towards the medical tents, fairly stealthily, sticking to the walls and hiding behind tents, "Heheh, bonding during tough times or a mission is important, and quite frankly scarily easy." He chuckles to himself as he reaches the medical tent.
Jaik, realizing now what the group was trying to do, deduces that the figure limping away is this strange Vizara (mainly based off of people's pointing fingers and "Hey! That's Vizara!", but still. Deduces.) and breaks into a sprint after him. He pushes past Seih, takes one of his kukris, and throws it at the leg of the fleeing wizard, not bothering to impede his aim by attempting to minimize damage.

If this wizard couldn't walk for the rest of his life because he tried to avoid capture, then that was fine with Jaik. He is so focused in his task that he does not notice the presence of the strange salamander creature talking to Vizara, or the vial handoff.
Ged has started playing, here we go.

Coatl nods to Ged and Kalos as he grips one hand tightly then releases.

The air around them felt soothing, Coatl attempted to divert the spell away from Kalos and Ged at the very least as they were necessary for this plan to work.

Coatl, slumped behind a rock was ready to slither out as quickly as possible to grab the hostage and get out of there. Coatl wouldn't need to hurt anyone today as Kalos had fortunately agreed to Coatl's request to neutralize the target with his violin.
Kalos' eyes widen, and he begins whispering. "You idiot, I can't do magic, remember?!? Ugh, fuck, whatever."

Kalos begins playing a simple melody, letting the sound flow past the hostage before sawing rapidly at the stranger's leg.
Alexander started laughing, quietly at first, but it quickly increased in volume until it sounded almost insane. He couldn't help it, the absurdity of the situation was just too much. Him, become the plaything of some supposed god the moment he arrived? He didn't think so. Using the spell Ars Margus he summoned one of his space/time wands to his hand from where it normally rest and swiftly cast a spell to dispell all other space/time magic. He completely ignored Marcus for the moment, not out of spite or because he didn't think he was worthy, but because his full attention, for now, was on the tiny little spec that made such boastful promises. "You're no better than my father. You just want more power, and you want us to get it for you because you are too weak of an enemy to her to get it yourself. Pitiful creatures like you should know their place."

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