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Futuristic Among Gods

"Cat? Well, so you are." Adam said in a monotone response to the clearly angry boss. "So today's job is to beat these invaders down."

As he walked to the group of seemly combative people, they appeared to be discussing things, As he got close, he see a white figure stand out from the fissures. While the others speak to each other, Adam says to them, "I don't know why some of seem to be hesitating, but I'd like us to be finish with this before noon. I have several flower beds to attend today."

After he announced that, Adam unsheathed his sword and pointed it straight up. From puddles, buckets, and even from the air around him, water collected above him. Once it reached a suitable mass of large pond, he swung his blade down and with it a hail of quickly made icicle spears from the floating reservoir. "Hail of Sakura"

Before the end of his rain, Adam pulled down a few gallons and created two floating constructs of ice, a sword and shield. The sword resembled a short blade, a wakizashi formed of pure condensed water causing it to be near transparent yet as hard as steel. The shield is created in the same way but designed in a more simple round form.
As the last bit of information is extracted, the fog over Seih's mind dissipates and he quickly takes note of the situation around him. A wave of fear washes over him as he spots the strange Vizara, and he hurries backwards towards Thorn, not bothering to ask for permission before he leaps up on to his back and resumes clinging to him.

<I can't handle this one, Thorn.>

<I don't want to even try to touch its mind.>

<Do you think you can take it on by yourself?>

<Maybe we should run back, or go help some of the others.>

<Either way, I'll do what I can to help you.>

<Please don't drop me.>

Seih's body goes limp once more as he transfers as much of his mental strength as possible to Thorn, improving his reflexes and thought speed. Just as he is about to surrender the last of his strength however, he holds back, thinks, then sends another message to Thorn.

<This might make you a bit dizzy - if it's too much, tell me and I'll disable it.>

Seih shifts around on Thorn's back so that he now faces the area behind Thorn. Opening his eyes as wide as possible, he establishes a new link with Thorn's mind, in addition to the improved mental strength: Thorn is now in complete control of Seih's eyes, which now function as an additional pair of eyes for Thorn, hopefully allowing him to spot enemies coming from behind or from the sides.
'...we're overdoing it is my point, Vizara's just a nuisance with an artifact he doesn't understand.'

'Precisely why he represents a credible threat to us.'

'Yeah yeah but all of us, and guns? Couldn't we have talked to him first?'

'After a certain someone opened fire? I think not.'

'Right, whatever, I'll just explain why it is we're acting like a psychotic glitch mob.'


'Lynch mob. What did I say?'

Danielle continues the pursuit through the camp in pointed silence.

'Yeesh, least you were wrong about electricity burning amphibians.'

'Was I, though? What's that smell?'

Fighting Begin!
Danielle brings her pistol up, safety off, eyes flashing between each of the new arrivals. Body rigid, trigger finger pressing only lightly. Koyaanis relieves a little of her fear, embracing her mind.

'Relax your legs, we'll need to dodge quickly.'

'What do I do to fight these things?'

'You let me help and we'll stay alive together, ok?' Not entirely sure how... ah, Meilikki's beside us.

Not taking their eyes off of the two gods ahead of them, Koyaanis says to Mei 'We'll provide distraction fire on your mark, not equipped for a hunt like this.'

Koyaanis, borrowing from Danielle's experience with her firearm, visualises how they're going to fire three rounds at each God to prevent them taking a good shot, with a roll to the left to avoid retaliation.

'Don't forget the Blue one' they think to each other simultaneously.
Jaik dexterously switches his kukri for a crossbow and, remembering what the Keeper said about his crossbow bolts, opts for a black-bleeding bolt, given to him by Coatl the sorcerer.

Coils glides down from Jaik's arms and lands on the ground, and then feints a lunge at the ninja to get him distracted to increase the chances of Jaik's shot hitting.

The cloaked human's senses sharpen as he holds the familiar weight in his hand, and raises his crossbow for just above the throat of the ninja, accounting for gravity and the weight of the bolt to land directly into the god's chest. He waits until the key moment when he's distracted by Coils's "attack" to fire. If he seems unconcerned, he'll fire it anyway, causing the bolt to land a little higher than expected (about three centimeters. I just got done with my AP Physics homework, so this shooting post is a bit complex. Sorry).
"Well I suppose the third time is the charm." Coatl responds with a mischievous grin and a shrug.

Finally, something that Coatl was used to. Fighting! Well the circumstances aren't exactly great. Coatl unsheathes his flamberge and pulls his hand across it leaving it seeming with a black aura.

"Anyone care for an enchantment? Extra useful against "holy beings"."

Despite his formal and seemingly unworried form of speech, Coatl was keeping his senses on guard for any sign of an enemy approaching. It won't be long before he's thrown into the fray.
Annnnd, Action! Thorn lurched at the sudden weight and his head spun, literally, at everything that happened at once.


Thorn's mind caught back up and a thought struck him as he watched the...ENERGY-SWORD-THINGY appear.

Pocketing one of his pistols, Thorn mimicked the wizard and drew a crudely shaped chartreuse sword fashioned out of pure....magic? Energy? NOT THE TIME-FOR A DEBATE-BETWEEN-SCIENCE AND MAGIC- KICK HIS ASS!! He did his best to deflect the oncoming slashes, crying out "We could really USE SOME HELP over here!", before trying to get some hits on the wizard between his gun and his new magic-sword-thingy.
Chris digs his hands into his pockets, taking inventory of what he's got as he talks, "Wanna know something fun. I'm one of the protagonists here, so are all of these other guys. If you surrender now... I won't have to defeat you and suck all of the power out of you. Though of course..." He lobs a grenade, positioned to go over the shield, one he expected to be blocked... "I don't expect you to surrender at all..."

Though that's he jump to the side would toss another thing, a flashbang to be exact, past whatever opening in his opponent's defense he could find, "...you just don't look like the type to LOOK OUT BELOW!!" he yells timed just as the flashbang would hopefully land at the knight's feet.
Lupa sighs. The gods weren't anyone she would want to fight. However, this camp is probably her only chance to try to find her way back home. Besides, this white wolfess seems to be someone she would gladly follow into combat. She can't quite put her finger on it, but she has this aura about her. Oh, and the fact that she is much better than that crazy catfolk.

"I guess this should be a decent show of my capabilities. Combat related, anyways."

Lupa's body and equipment begins to turn darker and darker, until it is black as night. This dark mass then shifts into a more animalistic form: that of a wolf. Her form regains depth and detail, showing a large wolf who has a white moon mark on its forehead.

Her voice escapes her maw, in no different tone. "I shall do my best to follow your lead."
"What the...." Byron looks all around, searching for what the sirens are coming from and what they might be indicating. He keeps looking round as the marauder explains the situation, but looks to him in astonishment when he mentions the gods. "Damn it. This must be wht the Keeper ws warning us about before." While the sirens blare away, Byron thinks about what he would be able to do to help in this kind of situation and remembers something. "The others! They could be in trouble. That lizard too." He turns to Izhane. "Did you see where your friend and the others ran off to?!"
"Yeah, I remember. I remember you got your asses handed to you and you're fools to think you can win against us." This wasn't exactly true. It felt like it was months ago that they fought and Mei had the feeling that they almost lost. She thought of the wound on her side but ignored it. She nodded at Koya's words and readied to attack, charging her scythe with energy.
"I think so, it looks like they went this way. I'm heading to them, since that's the only place where I have any idea of what might be going on."

Izhane sighs loudly and starts heading in the direction Vizara went flying, drawing his crossbow from his hip. He wishes he could get a gun like most of the other personnel around here, but he just couldn't handle the recoil on those things, even on models made for smaller humanoids.

Just great, the gods themselves have showed up. Oh well, I'm sure they can burn like everything else. I just hope he isn't somewhere in this...

The individual Izhane was thinking of was the Demon Lord Igneous, a terrible bestial god made of brimstone and hatred. Basically the salamander-kins' divine antagonist.


Errg growls in annoyance and pain when he hits the ground, then quickly gets back up on his feet and grabs his sword. He felt like an idiot for falling for this beast's trick, he hated making mistakes like this. Determined to show this creature who the real predatory was here, he pounces and hacks at the spider-serpent-thing with his blade.
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@Neow46 @Shadow Dancer

""Helping" is subjective at this point. There are surely those who took similar deals our of greed or desperation, and while the Time God didn't leave the best impression that doesn't automatically make those who oppose him and others like him allies or friends. Again, do what you want, but I won't be throwing in with anyone until I know it's the right one." Alexander pulled up several keyboards as he talked. As they walked along he began the task of navigating his engine to more closely check its state and input commands as needed. Many possibilities for jumpstarting his engine came to mind only to be immediately dismissed because the either took too long or required more energy than was readily available. His brow furrowed as he considered the possibilites, and eventually the crease in his brow eased as he came to a decision. It wasn't ideal, but he could use the energy in some parts of the lowest level to attract energy from nearby sections, allowing him to jumpstart part of the lowest level. From there he could cycle the energy to the other stalled areas, leaving behind only what was needed to keep running the ones that were given a jumpstart. After that it was a simple matter of energy redistribution and cycling, opening up the central corrdior between the levels, and cycling the energy to the first level. The time difference would be so great that the first two levels should almost immediately jumpstarted, with the first one being filled and ready for use. He would need to be sparing though. Even if it worked, he needed as many levels of his engine refilled again as possible before he got into another fight. He would also need to train up, as he could sense the energy drain affected him, and the amount of aura and magic he was capable of handling.

Alexander sighed as he set to work before his train of thought was finished. He had a long way to go to reach what he was before. That wasn't a bad thing, as long as he had allies he could trust and rely on, but it had been a very long time since he felt he had that luxury. Now he was in a new land, friendless and alone, and back to start in almost every way imaginable. While his fingers flew across the keys, Alexander turned his head slightly to look at Marcus as he spoke to him.
"It has been a long time since I've had cause to ally myself with anyone, and I'm not really much of a people person. I apologize for any offense I have caused up to this point. I've had a hard trip."
Ged strikes up a chord on his harp and small blue flames (smelling of peppermint) start hovering in a vaguely random array around him. He then sets his harp in the air so it floats freely and continues playing, while he gathers some of the fire in his hands. Other bit of the flame hop onto the blades of nearby weapons, which then flicker with a magical light.


Major update #16!

(Quite slow days these are arn't they?)


( @Seahorse @ferociousfeind @Bonzo @SnakyDragon @Thorn of Discord @Lyrositor @ChrisClark13 ) Mei, Misfortune, Danielle, Koya, Coils, Thorn, Seih, Jaik and Chris: (Going in order of who posted first.)

I am Also Going to now dub this as GROUP A.

Misfortune quickly tosses his knife, point first at the pair of gods, but unfortunately misses them as the turn their attention towards him, a few quick, green glowing arrows and a quick fire fireball scrape and singe the back of the spider's abdomen as he snatches up the straight jacket that Vizara broke out of earlier when the God possessed his body...

Thankfully, with this quick distraction as Misfortune's magical knife appears back in it's sheath, Danielle is able to fire off a good 6 rounds that manage to each hit their marks, three on both gods!

Small wounds of energy bleed out of the sudden, unprepared for bullet wounds for a quick moment or two before the two gods allow the holes to seal as they split their attention!

The blue god who resembled Jourin opened up his wings and propelled himself forward towards Mei and Danielle with incredible speed, sword suddenly clashing with Mei's Scythe as the energy of her modifier sparks and allows her to to wrestle and quickly disarm the Blue god of the weapon!

However to the two (or three?) of your surprises, the god stands upwards and bends himself backwards, his cheeks suddenly puffing and lighting up brightly in front of the two of you, and you both quickly realize what was about to happen and promptly duck and cover out of the way, as the God suddenly lets loose a Blast of searing blue fire at where the two of you just were from his mouth, letting out a loud, dragon-like roar as you both can see the cracks within the fake Jourin's scales begin to glow brightly, just like the original Jourin's did!

Had these two Gods achieved more power in the day or so they have been gone...?

Regardless, he quickly retrieves his sword nearby, and in his hand another fireball begins to light itself! Prepared to take the both of you on with a vengeful and hatred filled snarl overpowers his expressions!

As for the green god who mimicked Mei's form, She shot arrow after arrow directly at Misfortune, the green arrows whizzing right next to or past him as he nimbly, and stress-fully dodges each arrow that came his way, keeping her attention on him, a frustrated and vengeful look in their face as they kept firing!

The ninja unfortunately doesn't pay any attention to Coils at all as the snake leaps and misses the God.

Jaik fire's his crossbow immediately, and to no surprise, the Ninja deflected the blackend, corrupted bolt with a swing from one of his Tonfa's, the bolt spinning and then falling unto the grass as he thrusts his other weapon outwards!

You hear wood snap and break as an immense force throws your hand around as the crossbow you were holding is suddenly broken into several pieces from the Ninja's blade as you jump back, quickly unsheathing a kukri and barely clashing blades with the Ninja as he manages to give you a small cut across-ed your belly... However as you struggle to defend yourself with only one weapon, you notice the ninja's left hand tonfa beginning to corrode in a strange way, black energy forcing it to rust as it spread itself slowly on the blade, looks as if Coatl's enchantment has had an unexpected affect!

The Ninja god notices this for himself though, as he back away for a moment, tossing the corrupted tonfa to the side, still facing you now as they wielded their one weapon like a knife of some sort of nunchuck as he drew several more throwing stars magically in his hand! Beckoning and challenging you to come closer with a nod of his head!

As for Seih and Thorn, The sudden boost in mental capacity and everything else throws the both of you into a crazy flurry, as a strange, disfigured magical sword appears for Thorn the use!

It's energy seemed to both vibrate and pulsate irradically and unstably, but before either of you could figure out why, The God Possessing Vizara Jumps forward, clashing down upon your sword with his own!

Your blade ebgan to visibly bend before the contact spot began to brightly flare, and suddenly a small boom hits the both of you and Vizara, pushing the two of you away from each-other after the blow!

"Hrmpf... How shameful.

So untrained, yet strong enough to deflect the blow of a God such as myself?"

The God spoke through Vizara's voice, distorted and twisted from the original...

"Shame it's not going to serve you!" he shouted as he dashed forward at the two of you again, striking down upon the magical sword again, bending it's form once again and causing another shock wave to shove the three of you even farther!

"If you're truly capable of fighting us, then show it damn you!" Vizara's possesor said before he suddenly sunk into the ground all of the sudden... and re-appearing farther behind Thorn for Seih to warn Thorn!

Vizara charges once again at the two of you, Katana raised upwards!

(Read a bit of Alexander and Marcus for some more stuff real fast please!)

Chris's grenade flies directly overhead of the night after he counts to three, and as expected, the knight raised his might tower shield up with grunt as he held the shining wall of metal above him to shield from the grenade's blast, small bits of shrapnel not even scratching the surface of the shield as a flash-bang rolls under his feet, catching him off guard as a bang and a flash go off underneath the knight's feet as you shielded your own eyes...

The god knight seemed highly disoriented now as he swayed dizzily and began swinging at you once he was near enough, easily keeping your distance from the lance's swings and jabs... Looking closer into the knight's helm though... you couldn't see a face at all within the helm's dark glass visor... but rather a strange, orb like object within it seemed to be fluctuating within the knight's helm! Mayhaps it's the knights weak point if you can break the glass covering over where his face would be? Although... if that shield of his seemed literally impenetrable... it's likely that the rest of the armor may as well be too you think.... Wait a minute... didn't you have a certain tool that could possibly even... cut such a thing down...?

What shall you all do?


( @arcaneSentinel @creepingShade ) Byron and Izhane: The two of you quickly rush away from the camp itself, following the small trail of chaos left by Vizara and the rest of them had left earlier... Soon enough, the two of you make it to the edge of the barrier that was held over the camp, and you can see the ongoing chaos of Group A's fights! (Please Read above in group A with Mei and crew, thank you!)

From what you both can quickly gather though, it seems they are all in almost about as equal trouble, whom shall you decide to assist? And What shall you do to strike at the Gods they fought?


( @creepingShade ) Errg: You let out a yell as you leaped at an on coming spine that shot down at you, throwing all of your might into a swing of your sword!

The top half of the beast SCREAMS quite loudly as one of it's many impenetrable limbs is suddenly sliced off and instantaneously cauterized but the intense heat of your blade!

As expected however, the beast begins swinging it's spines wildly at you! You manage to defend and slash off several different attacking spines before the upper serpent head suddenly speeds down towards you in unison with several different spines, it's beak like maw open, screeching and ready to kill!

What shall you do?


( @Shadow Dancer @Torma Ximnus ) Marcus And Alexander: Together the two of you head off, Each of Alexander's diagnostics only disappointing him with every offline message or error that came up for him...

He'd have to divert some of his armor repairs into cycling more energy it seemed like as he attempted to jump start them, oddly enough not getting the results he was expecting as the Engines didn't quite immediately jump, but only began to slowly fill... Either the energy drain or whatever that "time" god did was much more severe then he thought... or perhaps there were other forces involved here that might be interfering with Alexander....

As the two of you near, you can all see the chaos of battle far better now, notably of the quite diverse cast of characters fighting against a rather strange set of fighters! (Please Read Group A's section above with Mei, Thorn, Seih, and others. Thank you!)

However, as the two of you silently watch, you both hear something suddenly approaching behind, and quickly turning a glance around, the both of you see a rather large, hairy, goat like demon towered behind the two of you, heavily breathing, sweating and holding a large, marble pillar like a club....

He was at least three times taller then either of you.... Where the hell did he come from?! He should have been easily spotted!


it attempted to calmly speak, raising up it's pillar over it's head, it's expression blank and careful....


It bellowed loudly and dumbly all the sudden changing his emotion into pure anger! Swinging the pillar downwards at the two of you, but likely you're both nimble enough to roll out of the way of the large Demon's downward swing unscathed! Dodging to opposite sides of the pillar!

But a shock-wave suddenly erupted from where the pillar had just obliterated the ground where both of you just were, and from the top of the pillar, a blast of energy shoots along the ground, tearing a section of earth apart before being absorbed by the nearby shield that had been cast over the nearby settlement/camp...

From nearby however, the two of you suddenly hear a distorted voice shouting from the group that was fighting nearby.

"No you fucking idiot! Hit the shield! Not those worthless mortals!!"

The two of you look to see it came from a Lizard man wearing a wizard's hat and cape, wielding a bright red katana seemingly made of pure energy..... Who seemed to be fighting what looked like a small horse with a unstable magical sword and a small little guy on riding on his back...?

However, the goat demon behemoth doesn't seem to have heard his companion as he readies to take another swing at the two of you!


It bellowed loudly...

What shall the two of you do?


(@Bluesunnyday ) Maya: "I uhh, wouldn't say the s-same applies to these guys..." Cass seems to correct you...

"These guys arn't to be underestimated, like, they're actual gods, y-y'know? So i uh... wouldn't wanna underestimate them... B-but! Look there! That white wolfess over there! She's our Supreme commander! She-She's uhh, our leader yeah! She's really really cool and uh..."

Cass seems to go off into a fangirl (or fanboy? you're not sure if you've figured out their gender quite yet...) rant, But regardless, you Join the group of the White Wolfess, Elijah. (Read Below)


( @Paradox Turtle @Veles Lek @Bluesunnyday @aquaInferno @Ged Merrilin ) Kalos, Maya, Coatl, Lupa, Adam, and Ged: Adam and Maya join the group!

I will dub this GROUP B

All of you approach the edge of the large, magical barrier surrounding the camp (Including Elijah, Marauders Kim and Cass, Small creature warrior Aundry and Low God Rohkuul at your sides!).... Outside of it's barrier, the group could see another group of low gods waiting just on the outside, there were at least 6 of them...

Two of them warrior looking types, taking appearances similar to a traditional Barbarian and a Knight who looked to be like ghosts... A being made of strange, luminescent light that seemed to be beaming with brilliance.... A Strange, humanoid robot that seemed to... glitch.. and pixelate every time it moved... A large beast like a boar, bigger then one of the large Jeeps the Marauders used... and finally what appeared to be an ominous mage with large, skeletal wings on their back and wielding a staff made of bone...

Before anybody could talk or make decisions though, Adam begins drawing water and moisture from nearby sources and pooling it above his head... which unfortunately there isn't as much as he expected as only gets hardly a fraction of what he intended to gather from the moisture around as there are almost no puddles or buckets around in the open field, only reaching a small fraction of what he intended (reaching a watery mass of only a large, deep puddle), and is able to send of a hail of sharp icicles down outwards, past the barrier towards the group of gods.. however, most of them either simply dodge the attack, block it, or soak it up as they saw the attack coming from Adam as he pooled it earlier, and without many water resources nearby, he was unable to create the sword and shield constructs...

"My goddess... I shall be able to contact the others once I am able to able leave this shield, let us go on wards!"

"Waaait hold on a seccond there Mr Devoted." Kim, the marauder who had been accompanying Lupa suddenly spoke up.

"Arn't these guys after The Commander? Like, should she really be going out of the protective barrier?"

She seemed to raise a good point before the rest of you went headlong outside of the shield to fight...

The wolfess seemed to look down at the modifier on her gauntlet though, it's energy sparking an arc acrossed the metal., there was a small smirk on her face as she shrugged towards the marauder...

"My goddess, mortal, if perfectly capable of handling all of this herself i believe, but while she still remains mortal, it would certainly be best to-"

Elijah casted her arm outwards at Rohkuul, nodding no and motioning him to stop speaking... Which he promptly did...

The Wolfess then pointed outwards to the group of gods that waited all outside the barrier for you, motioning to go on ahead and begin fighting! Seeming rather confident in both herself and the rest of you!

What shall you all do?

Lupa: The transformation however does take some energy out of you, as the sun still remained high in the sky, while this was certainly a good test of your combat abilities at your weakest, it'd likely be advisable to avoid the light being it seemed like....

Ged: And your Flames fill the nearby air with a sweet smell! ... Or it would be if it hadn't been ruined for you from yesterday afternoon when the Keeper had you fight against those wretched beings... Either way...

For those of you who wish, Ged's flames now temporarily enchant your weapons!


( @hector212121 ) Roy:

There's a moment of silence after you speak up and tinker with the scrap you could get....

"How did you know my name?"

The "god" seemed to ask confusingly, leaving another awkward silence to pass as you begin making crude repairs to the severe damage in your Armour's leg...

"Aaaaaaaanyway.... I wouldn't call it like a Matrix... like.. at all... The spiritual realms are kinda... well, more like the traditional religious ones... but of course the definition and basically everything can differ from Universe to universe, but the general consensus is the spiritual realm is like some traditional mortal's beliefs, you get the Idea...."

While he talks you're able to repair the leg just enough that it'll function on a basic level, but some of the connections, namely for the rooting spikes and quick movements won't be possible with the right leg, and this so called god didn't exactly provide you with everything you needed..

"If I were you though, I wouldn't go about trying to go in guns and blazing, or trying to take their people hostage... you know..?"

You begin patching the outer, more protective layers of the suit's armor now...

"Like, the way i see what happened is like, you were on their territory and they were like, asking you to stand down right? I'd say they weren't hostile just.. more defensive and trying to survive I guess? From what I've seen all those guys and soldiers are just trying to survive on this planet here... which honestly doesn't have much of anything, and it's like, there's no law besides them...?"

The god seemed to have trouble coming up with words as he continued to speak from somewhere as you work with the crude materials at your disposal... Now moving onto trying to find something to fix the cracks and damage in your helm...

"Look, my point is i completely disagree with you and your justification or... whatever, about being able to really kill many of them and them being the aggressors, even with all that stuff you're lugging around... and seeing how they managed to give you a real good knock on the head there after killing one of their dudes."

Despite his extremely casual tone... The God seemed rather frustrated as you heard an angry sigh from somewhere...

"Fucking.. to hell with it, okay the reason why i saved you from getting gunned down is to offer you a spot of Godhood if you get me THIS crystal from THIS ... wolf girl...?"

Suddenly a visual popped up in front of you, showing a White wolf woman with a strange metal gauntlet on her arm, and in the center of that gauntlet was a strange, bright red crystalline object embedded on it... You distinctly remember her being at the side of the cat woman from earlier....

"That... Red crystal thing... i want it... BUT!

I Don't want you to kill her, just... steal it form her... or something... Like, that'd be, very.. VERY BAD... if you attempted to kill her, or try to hurt her even... cause she'd... probably kill you instead... and she's basically the leader of all those guys who shot at you..."

The god seemed to enunciate this rather strictly here, judging from the immense strain in his tone of voice...

"If you can get me that crystal thing or just the gauntlet itself, then I can give you pretty much whatever you want... that's... assuming if my judgement about that thing is correct... and the other gods's assumptions....

Aside from being able to kill you easily... like, I think that Crystal's linked to her in some way... or something... and she's like... well, the equivalent to the God of Gods with it... I don't know, I've only just became a god yesterday and already there's a HUUUGE fucking war amongst us all over her and its just..... AAAARGAHRGH... WHY... WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE YESTERDAY?!"

The God himself goes off on a nervous breakdown suddenly, you think you hear him both sobbing and venting frustrated anger from what sounds like a distance, some of the small workshop around you beginning to wobble worryingly and distort itself...

After a few minutes, they seem to calm down, taking a deep sigh for you to hear...

"L-look, do we have a deal or not? But if you say yes! Don't.. don't for the love of whoever's the god of gods, go in guns and blazing or something, it'd make this just more pointless then whatever this fucking WAR is about..."

They still seemed rather extremely stressed out as you finish doing the crude patchwork you can upon your Armour...

What will you do or say..?

Time taken: Abooout 8 hours or so when not procrastinating or having a internet outage.

Total word count: About 3300 words!

Total player/Character count: 21 Characters, 17 Players, Excluding Elijah
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"Ace, where I come from.... Mr. Johnson is a title, not usually a name, for someone who doesn't want their identity known and is hiring a team. Also, let me get this straight. You want me to sneak past a warzone. Into hostile territory--Or at least unfriendly territory-- to steal an incredibly powerful object or it's casing when someone wears it all the time?! Do I look insane? If I was going to do anything, I would at least wait for them to not be besieged so they're unprepared, then use my drones to lay down a hail of stun sniper fire."

He pops open his drones and observes the damaged power cores, then cobbles four of them into working power cores for the sniper ones, then checks the ammo hopper of each. Stick and shock. 50 rounds each.
Coils, angered by the miss, turns back to bite again and notices the ninja stopping and throwing aside his tonfa.

He sneaks up, giving the message to Jaik to stall.

Jaik notes the ninja-god beckoning to continue the fight.

"Why the HELL would I come back over? What even is that weapon thing? It's like a nunchuck and a shortsword had a "special" child."

He backs up slightly, continuing to provoke the ninja.

"Why couldn't you just learn to fight with a normal damn weapon instead of that Tortured-reminiscent monstrosity? HOW DOES THAT THING EVEN KILL SOMEONE??? And was it completely necessary to destroy my crossbow? That was a good crossbow. They don't come hand-tailored like that, you have to find a professional, do the measurements, make sure the bolts are fitted perfectly to-"

He then attacks, hopefully having given enough time for Coils to try to bite the god from behind.
Coatl's flamberge encased in black magic now radiates with flames as well. Cool, double buff!

Now he turns to all of the newcomers.

"Welcome to war! I have a plan, listen carefully because your lives very well depend on strategy when you are up against gods."

"Marauders." Coatl starts, turning to Kim and Cass. "You, water-boy, and Ged here should deal with that Barbarian and the Knight."

Coatl faces Lupa. Wolf, you and Aundry can take that light creature by surprise if you work together. Try to get one of you behind him while the other faces him to make matters easier."

"Spooky one in the mask, the robot looks like a good match for you."

"Rohkuul, you know I want to see you wrestle that boar."

"Finally, I want to kill a wizard and I will be damned if I do not."
Coatl finishes, eyeballing the skeletal mage god from afar.

"Let's not forget Kalos and Elijah. I want Kalos to start on my support. I cannot wait to see the look on the magic god's face when his limbs start magically tearing mid fight without my sword even touching him. And Elijah. As "Supreme Commander" I know you cannot technically be ordered by me, but I highly suggest due to the lust gods seem to have for your powers, you should use only a fraction of your powers to avoid immediate detection. I also want you to keep an especially close eye on our masked gunslinger and water boy's group."

Kalos nods, placing his bow against the strings of his violin. "Will do, Coatl. Let's hope they don't catch on too quickly. I'll do my best." Kalos smiles at Coatl and nods. Seems he's ready for anything.


Maya raises an eyebrow, but due to her mask she simply appears to be staring. "Excuse me? Keep an eye on? Trust me, I'm not your enemy." She draws the Guiding Light and her regular revolver, both guns' barrels literally bathed in red-hot flames. "Now, if you excuse me..." She heads forward, letting loose all six of her regular bullets to catch the robot's attention.
"It's not that I don't trust you. It's just you are going one on one with a god. I want every player to count and as few as possible to die. Just give Elijah a shout if something goes wrong."

Marcus looked at the destroyed earth that followed the eighteen foot tall goat thing's pillar slam before looking back at the goat monster and drawing his long sword from it's place on his belt. Marcus also took a glance toward his new forced ally to see that he managed to dodge the attack as well. "Out of the frying pan and into the fire." Marcus said looking back on his situation before and after he was dropped on this world and figured he liked the situation beforehand but could not change anything. Marcus carefully looked for any spot that he could hit to actually cause damage to the goat monster.
"I guess I'll be the distraction~" Misfortune can't think of anything else to murmur under his breath as he dances with death, one hit from an arrow and he's down... His endurance was wearing down as well, adding the slightest hint of sluggishness to his actions. He looked around for some sort of cover between arrow shots.
" Is that so? Whatever appears to be the quickest plan. Seeing how this worthless creatures are somewhat intelligent and will prolong a typical fight. Just past me any water."

After saying his piece, Adam popped open his water flasks and readied the fluids inside.
Izhane quickly scans over the battle in front of him, trying to figure out the best way to assist. It was pretty hectic, so it took him a few moments. See Vizara was a bit of a surprise.

Almost everyone was too close to toss a bomb, he didn't have time to distribute buffing potions and mutagens, and with limited access to reagents he was running low on the good stuff. He could try to launch a fire burst at the archer, but he wasn't looking forward to the return fire. He could light himself on fire and just let that heal any hits he takes back, but a well placed shot to the head or chest would still take him out. The salamander-kin didn't have a scrap of armor on him.

Then there was Byron. Izhane didn't know what he could do, no idea. He didn't like not knowing, especially during combat. "Alright, so I don't really have any idea what you're capable of, but I think I'm going for that blue one. I'll take some shots at him to get his attention, then toss few bombs at him if he gets too close to me. I got a couple shielding elixirs left, want one?"

Izhane pulls out a vial and downs it, and hands one to Byron if he wants it. He loads his crossbow and steps out of the barrier until he's got the blue dragon-like god in range, then fires a shot. Hopefully it'd be too distracted with everyone else to dodge. "Hey ugly! What's a pathetic wyrmling like you doing out here? Lose your mama on the way to the market?"

And now he probably has the dragon pissed off, great. Why did he say that? Who knows. Izhane quickly reloads his crossbow and prepares to shoot again. Should the dragon-god-thing toss a fireball his way, he'll try to scramble out of the way. Not because he was worried about being burned, but he because he didn't want to give away his tricks just yet.


Errg growls and springs backwards to avoid all those spins and that nasty looking beak, simultaneously swinging the sword in a wide arc in an attempt to cut away some more of those spines. Maybe if enough were cut away, the monstrosity would either bleed out or be rendered immobile.

Once Errg has dodged out of the way, he leaps right back into the fray. He aims slash at the spider-serpent-thing's neck and jumps back again. It looks like he couldn't just wrangle this thing and keep beating on it until he dropped, he'd have to keep moving if he wanted to kill it. Which was completely fine by him.
"Well? That all you got? You wanted to eat Errg so badly, but Errg's gonna eat you."
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"Ok, better plan than I can think of will do Lord Coatl." Ged says. His flames floating in the air shape into knives and whisk into the Barbarian and the Knight. He then pulls out a pinch of flash powder and sends that blowing against the gods as well. When it comes close to them the powder is caught by a flame and burst into a flash of fireworks.

Thorn raised his sword to meet Vizara's, and turns to face him, still acting defensively. DUN DUN DUTTA DAH-DUN DUN DUTTA DAH-DAAAAAH DAT DATTAAAAH! After a few mock swings, he took a step back to think for a second, but his judgement grew clouded. END IT FAST-BURNOUT-VERY BAD-SUPER DEAD- With each time their blades connected, Thorn's blood ran hotter, and before long he only saw red. "Die, dammit, DIE!"

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