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Futuristic Among Gods

Alexander's dodge to the side was accompanied by a sense of confusion, which was another uncommon occurrence. The first was that whatever the humanoid who's attack he'd just dodged was, he hadn't sensed it was there even when it was right on top of him. Disturbing though it was Alexander had no time to dwell on it. He followed his dodge with another jump away from the strange man-beast as he activated his aura, a thin yellow outline forming around him as his Dynamos switched to a hexagonal shape and armor formed over him from his aura. Alexander raises an arm and fires several fire bolts at the goat-like demon to get it's attention. If he could distract from Marcus it would give him an opportunity to backstab the beast and end the fight quickly.
Yes, yes I do have such a tool, but I wasn't going to open with it.

Chris pulls his Plasma Cutter out of his jacket with his right arm and jams it best he can in-between the armor plates connecting to the knight's shield arm before emptying the clip, using his left arm to hold on to the armor. He lets the handle of the Plasma Cutter loop around his right arm as he reaches into his jacket again, pulling out a grenade and trying to stuff it into the armor wherever he can before jumping away from the knight, both to escape the blast and any real counterattacks.

Hopefully his shield arm should be quite weakened by all this, leaving Chris free to get more attacks in.
глупости, 9mm only grazes them! Dani's frustration and sense of powerlessness grew. The fact a single fireball could potentially maim her wasn't lost on Koyaanis either. She saw the raw power of the gods' magic and grit her teeth.

I wish I could throw their spells right back in their faces - I need their strength! Koyaanis sensed her fear and desire for power, like a seed flame in a nest of kindling. Instinctively he sought to stamp it out.

No you don't. Their raw power is stupid power. What we need is to use our minds... His thoughts raced for solutions. Wisdom against strength, against the corrupt power of gods.

What do you... we have a few bullets and a stick... Her mind, much more clear and precise than Koya's, raced through possibilities.

Right, so. Their hide is tearable but fixes itself... but if we're quick... and we empty all the charge from the stick at once... how much is that anyway? Danielle projects a jarring shock, paralysis and pain.

Ow! I felt that! Was that a memory?

Everyone in nonlethal training has to be tazed. And that's the lowest setting

You enjoyed sharing that, didn't you?

I'll enjoy giving these копелета a taste - twice as much. Perhaps we can do this without god-magic after all!

Danielle whips the sights onto the Green God who, distracted by Misfortune, makes the best target to empty the magazine at while Koyaanis prepares himself to step in, avoid getting hit and deliver the stunning blow to the bullet-tears.
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Major update #17!

Sorry for the delays guys, somethings came up and recently I haven't been feeling too well emotionally, but here's the update!!



( @Seahorse @ferociousfeind @Bonzo @SnakyDragon @Thorn of Discord @Lyrositor @ChrisClark13 @creepingShade ) Mei, Misfortune, Danielle, Koya, Coils, Thorn, Seih, Jaik, Izhane and Chris: (Going in order of who posted first.)

Jaik and Coils: The Ninja immediately leaps forward after your first sentence, catching Coils by surprise as another three rush right towards Jaik!

The sharp, god-like stars puncturing Jaik's cloak as he dodges them, bringing down his Kukri to defend himself against the ninja's tonfa, sparks flying for a split second as you are barely able to hold against the ninja's own force....

However, to your surprise, the ninja makes a quick few dirty moves, punching you directly in the stomach, knocking the wind out of you from the immense force of the punch despite your armor before you receive a nasty roundhouse kick to the side of your head at lighting speed! Sending you tumbling and spinning to the ground nearby as you feel the red hot flow of blood from where the God delivered it's forceful kick to the side of your head.... You look up to see the God approaching, weapon in one hand and generating three more glowing stars in the other.

Suddenly however, Coils manages to come through and take the Ninja by surprise as the snake's teeth sink directly into the god's fine-toned asscheeks!

Immediately the God tosses away his throwing starts and immediately grasps coils, forcefully tearing the snake off of his ass, leaving Jaik to take advantage of this distraction by quickly maneuvering himself up and slashing his kukri directly acrossed the god's chest, leaving a nasty, brightly glowing blue low of energy to start escaping from the god itself!

Hastily jumping away from the both of you in the blink of an eye, you see the Ninja from a short distance begin closing up the wound upon his chest, the energy quickly ceasing to flow from him... but the two of you notice that he still bled some energy from where coils bit in the back raising up gently into the air!

It seems now the Ninja will begin taking Coils more seriously as he loads up several more stars in both of his hands as he belts his weapon, and begins sending more extremely fast ninja stars your way!

Although, seeing the God having been able to seal the wound Jaik gave him, but not coils... could this possibly mean something...?

What shall you do?

Misfortune: You rush around dodging bright green arrows, each one nearly grazing you as the god seems too stupid to properly lead their shots...

unfortunately (or should i say MISFORTUNATELY EHEHEHEHE), there is no cover for you anywhere here... although...

You quickly run behind the Knight god who was fighting Chris, letting several arrows ding and scratch the God knight as cover!

However, the green god who mimiced Mei stopped shooting arrows your way as they were shot and directed their attention to Mei and Danielle, as now the Knight god with the lance, tower shield and impenetrable armor now turns his attention towards you! (Read below with Chris please!)

Chris (and Misfortune): Oh my, how risky and bold! Something echoes within your head for some unknown and mysterious never going to be answered reason... But luckily, it seems like your plan is going to work out as Misfortune suddenly speeds behind the knight to take cover from several glowing green arrows that were aimed at him, giving you the perfect distraction to quickly jump onto the knight!

Taking this massive risk head on, you leap right into the Right and jam your plasma cutter into his shield arm's less armored joint, pulling the trigger as much as you possibly can until the indicator goes from bright blue to orange to red with a double zero display!

Before you can even manage to reach for another grenade however, you hear the lance drop to the ground right before you, and suddenly you receive two, heavy metal fists into the back of your head! Instantly dazing you as as your hat flies off and you're quickly grabbed by the neck, and promptly tossed to the side by the knight god and off his shield arm!

You could feel blood starting to run hot from the back of your skull as you got back onto your feet dazed, you could barely see that your plasma cuter caused some severe damage to the knight's less protected joint as they seem to struggle even keeping the shield upright in front of them as they bent down and took their lance back up, looking both ways at you and Misfortune now as the strange orb inside of the knight's helm began to glow brightly, seeming to channel something as he backed away from the two of you defensively!

What shall you do?

Izhane, Mei, and Danielle/Koya: Upon downing one of his vials, Izhane gains (assuming) a yellow sheen around his body as he charges into the battle and firing off a bolt from his crossbow at the blue god who mimicked Jourin's appearance!

The bolt hits the god in the side unexpectedly, causing them to flinch as they're hit, canceling the fireball he was generating in his hand before turning a rage filled snarl towards the salamander-kin.


The screamed at Izhane, the glow inbetween their scales glowing brightly as they spread their wings out once again, and quickly propelled them-self towards Izhane, sword pointed forward right for Izhane's neck!

As for Mei and Danielle, the green god who took Mei's form stopped shooting arrows at Misfortune as Danielle suddenly lets loose an entire magazine into the Mei clone, stopping her onslaught at Misfortune now as the bullet wounds quickly sealed themselves up form leaking more energy from her form as Koya takes control to swing down an activated and sparking stun baton right into the clone's side!

Electricity shoots through the clone as they let out a pained yell! Body shaking and spasming due to the electrical shock at full force!

but they are able to prevail against the stun baton as they wrestle the stick away from their body and push Danielle away from them, immediately drawing a green colored sickle from her side and beginning to wildly swing left and right at Danielle, an obvious fury in the Mei clone's face as they persistently attempted to spill the poor woman's guts!

What shall the three of you do?

It looks like Both the Salamander person (Izhane) and Danielle/Koya are in trouble! What shall you do? (Please read above and refer to the previous update as you have not posted!)

Seih and Thorn: Immediately the two of you whip around suddenly to face the possessed Vizara, barely able to defend yourself again as the god's crimson blade clashes with your own, causing another violent reaction as the two of you and Vizara are blasted away from each-other again by the highly unstable force of Thorn's wavering sword!

The god possessing Vizara seems to force the poor Lizard wizard to grin as you clash blades repeatedly, each strike weakening the both of you as Seih is starting to find himself barely able to hold onto Thorn's back each blasts that shakes them both...

However, Seih began to notice Thorn's quickly clouding judgement as his anger and rage began to grow....

The sword that the two of you (technically) wielded began to stop showing signs of instability as it's edges began to refine themselves as Thorn himself began to change somehow... the blade began to turn crimson red, just like the god's own blade!

Upon the next strike, it didn't suddenly result in the typical/usual blast back, but instead, sparks began to fly as the two crimson blades clanged together as the two of you kept the blades forced against each-other!


The god possessing Vizara laughed through the lizard's distorted voice.

"That's the spirit!"

He seemed to encourage Thorn as he forced the blade down harder on the horse's own telekinetic blade.


The God suddenly angled and forced both your blades upwards into the air, before delivering a hearty kick into Thorn's chest! Stunning him momentarily and pushing you both backwards as Vizara's possessor twirled around his own crimson katana.

"Your technique is still unrefined!"

He taunted Thorn now...

"Throw that anger and rage into something constructive!"

The God shouted as he lowered himself to the ground, and suddenly began dashing towards Thorn, blade behind him and ready to strike!

Seih: As the fight goes on however, you begin to realize how dangerous the situation here is getting... Not only is the telekinetic energy from you and Thorn's combined magic is beginning to reach deadly levels of strain on the both of you, BUT if Thorn can't control himself or focus his attacks, this could certainly mean a quick death for the both of you...

What shall the two of you do?

( @Shadow Dancer @Torma Ximnus ) Marcus And Alexander:

(Hooold on a minute here Shadow, I can't recall, nor do I see in his app that Marcus had a weapon of any sorts? I'll let it pass for right now, but i'd highly advise you don't get Rp's mixed up if this is the case. Try to stick to the character you signed up with AG for please!)

The large, goat demon thing swings around giant pillar sideways in an arc! Just barely grazing the both of you with the it's end, In the split second though that the pillar grazed past either of you, you both could both feel and see the energy stored within the pillar itself, and seemed tot ell that it'd likely kill ANYBODY if it ever so much as hit them....

"STOP MOVING!" The huge demon yells dumbly and angrily...

Alexander fires a couple of weak beams at the demon, only to see them be suddenly absorbed by the beast as it flinches and then looks towards him, and suddenly letting out a hearty laugh!

"HAHAHA! Stupid magic no work on me! Dumb Mortal!" It seemed to boast and taunt, fully distracted as Marcus jumps in for the opening, stabbing his sword right into the back of the large demon's calve!

Instantaneously the large brute let out a pained yell, grunting angrily as he swung a forearm as slammed Marcus away from him! Sending the thief a couple of feet away as he slowly turned around to look directly at Marcus, beginning to raise up his giant pillar once again!

The both of you immediately notice this giant dumb loaf isn't bothering to regenerate the wound on his back leg like his companions fighting nearby are... bleeding out a strange energy up into the air instead of blood...

The behemoth was nearly ready to smash the pillar down onto Marcus now, and the two of you need to do something quick to either stop or distract the beast!

What shall you both do?

( @arcaneSentinel ) Byron: (You have not posted! And Izhane has handed you a shielding vial! Please refer to the previous update and read above!)


( @creepingShade ) Errg: Backing the hell away from the beast's lunge, you're unable to cut down any of it's spines at the current moment, but it's serpentine head and many spines dive downwards into the ground, causing a blast of sand and dirt to shoot upwards as it leaves a nice crater where you just were!

You do however, take this opportunity to immediately run right back up to the beast and plunge your searing blade directly into the top of it's upper-half head!

Unsurprisingly however, this does not seem to killt he beast as it screeches, and then very surprisingly, you feel yourself suddenly lifted up high into the air atop the serpentine half's head, your grip rock solid around your sword's hilt as you hand on for dear life!

Being thrashed around and about high up in the air as the beak attempts to snap at your legs and spines trying to pick you off the beasts' top half rather violently as your blade jerks around in the flesh with every toss and thrash!

Soon enough you're going to loose your grip upon your sword, you were at least 20ft in the air being jerked and flailed around, below you the lower half of the beast, and presumably where it's brain was inside the armored carapace half, was not too far below, and you could probably safely jump down on top of it, provided this top half doesn't kill you first, what shall you do?


( @Veles Lek @Bluesunnyday @aquaInferno @Ged Merrilin @Paradox Turtle ) Kalos, Maya, Adam, Coatl, Lupa, and Ged: After everyone here in Group B gives a good listen to Coatl, you all head out!

Maya starts off with her normal revolver aimed at the strange, glitching robot.

Almost unsurprisingly, the bullets don't even seem to make any contact with the God as it seems to split itself apart in it's strange, pixelated way as it begins to charge towards Maya, leaving a trail of corrupted ground behind it!

What shall you do?

Immediately Adam readies himself for the fight ahead, While Ged starts preparing his own spells, but firstly creating several small, dagger shaped flames and sending them at the barbarian and the knight!

Unfortunately though, they seem to hardly do any damage besides cause a couple of burn marks on the knight's armor and the barbarian's body as they begin charging towards the four of you!

Cass draws out their sniper rifle and backs away from the fight and begins shooting from afar, while Kim readies their assualt rifle and starts shooting at the knight! Togethor they aim towards the ghostly knight, their bullets bringing about minimal damage to the knight as the onslaught of ammunition hails upon them, and the knight is forced to focus on regenerating and protecting themselves from the onslaught of bullets from the two marauders, small specs of energy being leaked out of the knight with every shot, but not doing any apparent damage!

Which leaves Adam and Ged to deal with the oncoming barbarian! ... Or to possibly take advantage of the distracted knight god perhaps?

As for the other knight God who was accompanying Elijah, Rohkuul, upon exiting the barrier that was around the entire camp's perimeter, he immediately points upwards into the sky, and shoots out a bright, but small, beam of light directly up into space before exclaiming:

"My goddess and allies! The beacon has been sent! The order shall be here soon to assist!"

And with that, Rohkuul draws out the hilt of his weapon, the blade of firey energy flaming up as he went to engage the boar-like god creaturee!

As for Lupa, You and the small green creature in magical looking armor known as Aundry, (i literally cannot describe the character anymore since his race's design is still a work in progress) engage upon the strange creature made of light!

Immediately, Aundry lunges outwards with surprising mobility despite the heavy looking armor he wore, beginning to slash away futilely at the creature of light with his blade!

You could see the creature obviously retaliating as it's form begins to change into something recognizably humanoid, and bright beams of light shot from it's arms and fingers, however, the beams of light seemed to do nothing to Aundry as his armor seemed to absorb the magical light with ease!

Mayhaps while Aundry distracted the light creature, you could perhaps do something about it?

As for Elijah, Coatl, and Kalos, The three of you face off against the angel of death looking mage!

Immediately, the mage suddenly pounds the end of his staff into the ground, causing a shockwave in the air, and dark, ominous portals began to rupture into exsistance and spawn around the three of you! Releasing dark, undead creatures of all shapes and sizes out to attack the three of you!

Elijah begins to immediately fight off the onslaught of undead that were suddenly attacking the three of you, her punches easily taking out each undead being that came at her, either outright killing each of the things a second time or sending them flying away to their deaths!

Thankfully, the both of you find no trouble with the minions either actually besides the sheer numbers at which they came at you, however with Ged's buff they are no more then a nuisance and a heavy pressure to deal with, which explained why Elijah was able to kill each one with a single punch as she was now without any obvious sue of her modifier, sending tow zombies flying right past the two of you and keeping most of the undead horde attacking the three of you at bay!

However, upon looking back towards the mage, the three of you saw his bone staff begin to quickly transform as the mage ebgan to float a few feet of the ground, and his staff turning into a razor sharp scythe made of bone!

Immediately, the mage begins to hover his way quickly towards the three of you! Scythe raised and ready to reap!

What shall the three of you do?


( @hector212121 ) Roy:

You hear something akin to a frustrated gasp and grumble right after you spoke your first word, but the God seems to wait patiently for you to finish speaking...

"How in the... What kind of terminology is that even that it spells out my name... actually, F-fuck it, whatever, Never-god-damn-mind, or, well, never-me-damn, AHRGAH...

Ugh, anyways, you do seem a little insane seeing as how you handled.. whatever that... last situation you were just in was... carrying... dual super shotguns and all... BUT you do have a point, it'd probably be fair for you to wait out some time before you head on back into that camp you so rightfully angered as they're being assaulted by a bunch of other, much more powerful and frightening gods...

But... if you ask me, you could probably use those guns and those drones for... a much better idea actually... at least, I'd think so anyways..."

The god seemed to speak meagerly and almost un-confidently as you examined the damaged cores/parts in most of your drones... Several of them were near in-operable at the moment... Those soldiers really layed down one hell of a firing squad on you, considering the amount of bullet holes and dents that were both in your armour and the duffle bag itself...

"B-but hear me out here, cause, those other gods are kind of assholes right? Like, they really kinda rookie-stomp and most of them are either so high and mighty about themselves they can't... well, take their heads out of their asses? And a lot of others just seem kinda insane./.. and most of these guys that are here in... well this Universe, which ISN'T, your own home universe by the way... I should.. uhh, probably mention... "

Another... Universe? This seemed to stand out to you, and almost concerns you, or doesn't... But it'd probably be wise to question this god further on the matter after he's done with whatever the hell he was blabbering on about...

"L-look my point/plan is, maybe i could send you back out there after you fix up your stuff there, and like, help those guys who told you to stand down earlier to prove your innoscence or... soemthing maybe??

Like, i'll be honest, a good portion of these other Low gods, they kinda underestimate mortals or, well... NOT Gods, pretty often i'd say... but i guess that's why you should maybe, i don't know, choose some more squishy or unsuspecting targets carefully? B-but you'd have to be extremely careful at the same time as most these guys could also... well, fuck you up pretty bad too, some of them are like, total glass cannons i guess, and a few are probably like impenetrable walls too... and some of them may even OVERESTIMATE you with all that power armor and stuff you're totting around there..."

You take mental notes of this as you're barely able to manage a painfully jury-rig job onto two sniper drones, looks like anything that could rapid fire the rounds were completely shot and out of order, and cores seem like they'll last maybe a few hours before giving out... The tech and tools this god gave you here feel almost apocalyptic and even prehistoric by your standards... but it's not like you can really argue with this guy if he really is a God like he says...

"A-at least none of these other God's that are currently around are like the High gods... cause, well, those guys are more like actual all powerful gods that are in like.. well, most mythos and lore.. and stuff acrossed reality i guess...

A-anyways, what do you do say? You do kinda well, owe me for saving your life... But.. then again... hmm..."

The god seems to loose himself in thought now as you close up your only working drones...

What shall you do... Is there more you think you need to check or repair, or maybe say here to this Mr. Ace Johnson.... which was kinda funny that appeared to be his actual name now that you think of it...

Time taken: Way too long, about a day or two's delay due to IRL events happening.

Total word count: 3500~ words!

Total player/Character count: 21 Characters, 16 Players, Excluding Elijah
Byron nods with thanks as he takes the shielding vial Izhane had offered him. He scans the battlefield to see what he could do as Izhane dashes forward and attacks the god that looks just like Jourin. Seeing the god become enraged and redying to strike Izhane, Byron crouches down as is readying for a sprint with one hand on the ground in front of him as mist forms around his hands and his eyes become a lighter shade of blue. As he begins to push off of the ground, a sheet of ice begins to form from his hand to his feet. When the ice reaches Byron's feet two small pillars of ice rise from under his feet, helping to launch him between Izhane and the god. He lands in front of the lizard and presses his hands to the ground in front of him to form a wall of ice in fron of them, hoping that it would be enough to stop the incoming attack.
Mei pushed Danielle aside and turned to herself, snarling. "Your form is outdated, you're weak! Look at you," she taunted as she slashed at her clone's stomach, keeping her distance. She took Danielle's example and before the clone could heal itself she slashed again imbuing her scythe with an electric energy.
Kalos lets out a chirp of fear, putting his bow to the violin's strings. "Coatl! Help!"

He immediately attempts to think of a song, and one hits him. It's probably stupid to think a song from a religion he never followed would work, but hopefully the "purity" of the song would win him some symbolism points with the feathered bitch upstairs...

Just the bridge, ignore everything that wasn't the violin, and sing like your life depends on it!

"Out of the heart of a child... Out of the heart ooooof a child... Out of the heart ooooooof a chiiiiild..."

The song Kalos plays:

Coatl releases a dark spark from his hand into the air. The sharp lines of magic would dart around the area looking for corpses. Hopefully these undead would convert to Coatl's side when they are defeated now.

Putting his hand down now, Coatl is quick to back up Kalos. He used his blade to kill the large groups of undead near Kalos. If they converted to his undead, they would protect Kalos. Now Coatl raised his black flame sword into a defensive stance in front of Kalos. Coatl's lower half curled up between him and the ground. The trick was that he would launch himself when the god was near slashing range with his scythe so that he would be at the weapon's handle rather than its blade and would be able to jam his sword through the god's gut while Kalos slashes it around with his violin strokes.
Seih groans as the strain on both of them increases, before finally breaking the link between himself and Thorn. He immediately feels better as he feels his mental strength return, and wastes no time in trying to change their tactics. He jumps off Thorn's back, trying to stay a few meters away from him, then sends out a message to all their nearby allies.

<Can anyone help Thorn and me?>

<I think we are in over our heads against this god.>

Seih then focuses on Thorn once more. He lends him a much smaller part of his mental capacities, enough to speed up their conversations. He has only seconds before the god hits them.


Thorn's fury quickly washes away as Seih soothes parts of his mind, replaced instead by a crystal-clear calm.

<You are wasting our strength.>

<You need to optimize, Thorn.>

<Firstly: that sword is too complex an object, and there seems to be some interference with it.>

<I don't think we'll manage to reliably land hits with it, but it seems capable of deflecting his hits; try simplifying it to just a cylinder, it should be less of a drain on you.>

<Secondly: you haven't tried your gun on him yet, have you?>

<He really seems to want a melee fight, so let's not give him one.>

<I will wrap your bullets with my darts; it might help them pierce any defenses he has on him.>

<Thirdly, and you'll have to trust me on this: you need to give me some more control over you.>

<I can make you more precise and efficient.>

<But we need to hurry.>

Seih stays behind Thorne, keeping an eye out for any approaching assailants.

YEAH-BUDDY-THATS HOW-ITS DONE Thorn's blood burns hotter, but he feels both his and Seih's power beginning to wane.

<Keep it together Seih, Goddess-dammit!>

With a deep breath, Seih delves further into Thorn's mind, hooking into its motor control centres.

<To save energy, I will not issue direct orders to your mind; only suggestions, which barely take any effort from me at all.>

<However, since the suggestions are being sent a low level within your brain, they will still be interpreted as orders so long as they are simple.>

<This won't override or replace your will.>

<You still need to accept my suggestions and follow through - if I want to move your arm, I can only make your body start moving it, you have to keep wanting to move it.>

<For example.>

Thorn and Seih's accelerated perception of time suddenly returns to normal. As the attacking god is just about to hit them, Thorn feels his whole body seem to want to move backwards, just barely enough to let the god miss him.


<No wait, he's gotta point.>

Thorn took a deep breath to calm himself and open his mind.

WAIT-NOW YOUR-BLADE WILL-SUCK This caused Thorn to hesitate as a conflict arose in him.

<You sure we can get him that way? I'm not to keen on losing my head.>

<I do not think we can defeat him by ourselves.>

<But we can avoid him, and tire his host body.>

<He might be a god, but that body has been through a lot today; it surely can't take much more.>

<And if you pull off some shots on him with your gun, it could be enough to push him over the edge.>


<But let's focus on survival first.>


<Well, alright then. Just be careful, we haven't got all day either.> Thorn conceded to the 'suggestions', costing him the refined blade. COME TO-THE DARK SIDE-WE HAVE- COOKIES

<Your friend confuses me to no end, Thorn.>

<But I promise I will be careful; I was trained in swordfighting, you know, and I never got injured.>

<Well, never seriously, not really.>

<And it definitively wasn't my fault.>

<Anyway - this god, so far, seems to be capitalizing on his great strength; there is no way we can match it for long.>

Once more, Thorn's body feels like it is being compelled to stand absolutely still, perpendicular to the god, with the energy stick raised.

<Stay your fear and stand your ground.>

<If he charges, we let him pass by and try to pull off a shot on his back.>

<If he attacks, we dodge back, deflecting his blows with your energy stick.>

<We take what opportunities we can, and we try to avoid tiring ourselves any more than is necessary.>

<Does that sound good?>


<In that case, I'm on board.>

EN GARDE-YOU GOD-I'M A MUSKETEER Thorn readied his blade, awaiting the God's move.
Jaik uses this kukri to (hopefully) deflect the three stars thrown at him, and realizes that in order to defeat this foe, he will have to switch tactics. Literally.

He gives Coils a one-handed signal that means "Failure" in Dimir language. Since the Dimir always got an assassination job done, it didn't strictly mean that the fight itself was over, it meant to flip "roles", i.e. one person mostly attacking, and one person mostly dodging, avoiding, and looking for weak points, or lurking. In this case, Jaik was the original "attacker" and Coils was the "lurker", so the signal, which he's pretty darn sure the God would have no idea what it meant by pure understanding (though perhaps in context), means to have Coils do most of the attacking, and have Jaik looking for weak points to partially distract the god from the bigger threat.

With this in mind, Coils goes full-on fight mode, abandoning all thought processes and going by pure instinct, attacking anything open to attack, and avoiding anything sharp or blunt coming his way. Meanwhile, Jaik darts in and out of the god's melee reach, not really committing to any one attack but completely okay with scratching and light slicing if the opportunity arises.
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While Izhane was thankful to have at least a temporary barrier between himself and the angry god he pissed off, ice magic sent shivers down his spine. And not from the cold. He'd have to make sure he didn't get hit by any of Byron's attacks by accident, or he'd be out of commission. Ice magic was anathema to salamander-kin.

Izhane did not expect the barrier to hold, at all. It should buy him a second, at best. He also would expect Byron to be very dead once the god pushes through the wall of ice, if it wasn't for the shielding potion. Using the little time he has, Izhane gets out of the way of the god and pulls out an explosive vial and gets ready to attack. As soon as he can, Izhane will chuck the bomb at the god and fire another crossbow bolt.

"Bryon, you might want to step back! Now!" Izhane shouts out a warning. He didn't want to blow the kid to bits, and he didn't want to see him skewered on the god's sword.


Errg was officially pissed off. Damn monster didn't know how to go and properly die. Blade to the head is supposed to result in death. No matter, Errg would teach the beast. Weird snaky head did not actually have any of the important head parts, but the big central body was usually important even in freaky eldritch abominations.

Errg wrenches free the sword by holding tight and kicking off of the serpent-spider-thing's neck. While he was falling, Errg twists around and drives his sword downward. With luck, he'll plant the burning blade deep into the creature's body and then jump off it onto the beach. The plan is to let the sword melt the thing's insides.
Misfortune [strk](laughs at the terrible/good pun, nobody can handle a pun about their name!)[/strk] sees the knight god struggle with his shield (and that joint in general? :P ) and starts aiming attacks towards their shield arm. After one strike, he notices the bleeding Chris, and uses his Modifier to conjure some gauze and a helmet for Chris, while also attempting to use the flash to blind or stun the Knight god.
Roy pauses. "I make no promises. I might try if it doesn't look like it'd be throwing my life away." And, he mentally added, if he doesn't actually get to know whatever extenuating circumstances there might be. If there are any.
Alexander scowls as his attacks have no effect. Resigned to the realization that only melee attacks would work against this beast, he causes his Dynamos to revert to their normal form, then shift slightly as the corners at the sides merge together to become sharp edges that join at the tip to form a single, sharp point. Alexander reaches under his shirt and removes his necklace as the Dynamos form an array and create a portal, throwing the necklace through only for it to drop into his other hand completely unaffected and unchanged. Grinning widely at this realization, he sends his Dynamos point first at the beast's back, shoulders, and Achilles heal to stab into them as deep as the Dynamos can go, jumping through the portal immediately after the hit takes place. The Dynamos disappear once Alexander is all the way through the portal, reappearing in front of Marcus as Alexander leaps through the portal and straight at the demon's torso in an attempt to shove him away as his Dynamos once again scatter to hit the demon's vital points, this time from the front.
Marcus let out a pained groan when he was knocked back and forced himself up and moved away from the direction Alexander was trying to shove the demon. Marcus noted that the blade he had was now out of his possession and located several feet to his right having flown out of his hand when he was smacked to the side. Knowing that it was foolish to try for the sword he looked around for another blade while keeping track of their current foe.
'Take that you Fie...'

Body shaking and spasming due to the electrical shock at full force!
but they are able to prevail against the stun baton as they wrestle the stick away from their body and push Danielle away from them, immediately drawing a green colored sickle from her side and beginning to wildly swing left and right at Danielle, an obvious fury in the Mei clone's face as they persistently attempted to spill the poor woman's guts!
A'KSG!RD//FRKN' If you get me killed I will see to it the ashes of your spirit are spread to the four winds and fed upon by every demon from every hell for all eternity Can't - retort - dodging!

Koyaanis springs back from the god's onslaught. The urge to press the attack overcome by need to keep all of their organs in the normal arrangement. Is this go no sen, sensen no sen or no sensen in getting dissected? Whatever joke you're making it's worse than your parrying!

The sickle swung down at Dani's hand...

Mei pushed Danielle aside
We owe Mei a drink What do Fauns drink? Let's hedge our bets and go for the blood of our enemies. Or worse, Rakija.

Danielle changes magazines in the breathing space offered by Meilliki's offensive.

<Can anyone help Thorn and me?>
<I think we are in over our heads against this god.>
We don't have time to help Mei and Seih. Mei's strong, SeiThorn're in greater need. Alright.

Danielle takes careful aim at the possessed Vizara, waiting to offer optimum distraction, while Koyaanis spreads himself into the ether around to see if there's anything detectable on the ghostly plane.
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Major update #18!


( @Seahorse @ferociousfeind @Bonzo @SnakyDragon @Thorn of Discord @Lyrositor @ChrisClark13 @creepingShade @arcaneSentinel @Shadow Dancer @Torma Ximnus ) Mei, Misfortune, Danielle, Koya, Coils, Thorn, Seih, Jaik, Izhane, Byron, Marcus, Alexander and Chris: (Going in order of who posted first.)

Byron is able to thankfully make it in time as he jumps in front of Izhane, summoning a hasty wall of ice between them and the Blue god!

Almost immediately after, the God crashes against the wall of sudden ice, sending shards everywhere as he tumbles onto Byron, sending him down to the ground as well with the heavy dragon-like form of the God lay on top of him, stunned from the sudden impact!

Even though he couldn't throw a bomb, lest he blow up Byron too, Izhane still takes the initiative and aims to plant a bolt right into the God laying on top of Byron!

But unfortunately before he can fire off the bolt, the God is already standing up and on top of Byron, still fueled by rage he discards his sword, the god's hands and cracks within his scales glow a deep blue, and begins clawing and beating Byron with his bare fists as the Frost reaper! Who holds up his own arms, covered in diamond ice to protect himself from the sudden onslaught trying to destroy his face! The ice cracking and fracturing at the god's uncontrolled power even with the shielding elixir given to him earlier flashing to protect every other blow!

Izhane fires a bolt into the God's arm, which thankfully forces him to stop now to remove the bolt that was firmly planted in his arm, bits of energy seeping from the wound now as the God's cheeks puffed up once again, throat and chest glowing a powerful blue as he prepared another blast of fire!

With Izhane being targeted for a devastating blast of fire, and Byron underneath the God, slightly dazed and battered, What shall the two of you do?

Mei quickly puts herself between the god and Koya/Danielle! Managing to force them to back off with two, long ranged swings of her own scythe, nearly hitting the God twice!

The God back away slowly now From Mei's own attacks no...

"I still haven't forgot our last fight, you brother killing BITCH!" The clone screams with an obvious rage as Mei swings again at her, but to Mei's surprise, the clone manages to catch the blade of the scythe with their own green colored sickle, creating a quick spark of both green and magenta as the Clone drew herself close enough for Mei to see the scars along her neck from their last battle.

The clone slashes against Mei's armor, directly acrossed the chest plate after unhooking her sickle from the scythe before lifting herself upwards, and kicking herself directly off of Mei with the force of what felt like being rammed by a goat at full speed and made of steel! With a burst of God-like energy emitted all around, the clone impressively flipped backwards into the air before landing a few feet away, energy bow drawn once again, aiming directly for Mei who had been kicked to the ground, her modifier's energy had protected her from any serious damage from either the sickle or the kick as the clone now fired another volley or green arrows towards Mei!

What shall you do?

Seih's message doesn't seem to reach anybody immediately, as they all appear busy with their own problems!

The strain the could be felt on both him and Thorn was starting become exhuasting with every single move they both made, especially as Seih hops off of Thorn and tires to avoid the God who surged directly into Thorn!

A loud clash of metal is heard as the impact of the God's attack carries both him and Thorn skidding acrossed the grass dangerously and right past Seih!

The God keeps his crimson blade connected and baring down upon Thorn's! Red sparks of energy flashing and flailing off the two blades!

Thorn's own blade unfortunately begins to weaken as he hesitates and looses focus, the blade suddenly loosing it's color, reverting back to the strange, prismatic white color it was once before and morphing into a cylinder shape!

The God forces thorn's weapon all the way down into the ground, and suddenly puts a strangle hold upon the horse's neck with his free hand, impressively lifting him up and suddenly tossing Thorn directly into Seih with an almost mocking laugh!

The two of your heads pounded immensely as the God approached to finish the two of you off as you layed sprawled on top of eachother! But suddenly, gunshots are suddenly sounded as Danielle begins unloading her pistol's flip into Vizara!

The bullets puncture the Lizard wizard's possessed body and small bits of energy and blood suddenly spill out his sides as the God turns his attention to Danielle, as her pistol runs empty now...

But instead of going directly after Danielle.... the God suddenly speaks out, making a -tsktsktsk- sound with his mouth...

"Oh coooome OON! It was just getting fun!"

The god forces Vizara to smirk and shake his head.

"I suppose i'll just kill two of you who can actually fight me, then that bitch over there shooting bullets at me, and then this host! They're starting to resist my control, but i think i might just keep him for a little longer just to Torture him, and the two of you!"

The God surged forward once again towards Thorn, and immediately, Thorn, with the help of Seih, wills the cylinder sword upwards to defend the blow, and angles the cylinder upwards with a good amount of effort to to Throw the God's blade upwards and off-balance as he staggers backwards, somewhat surprised!

"Heh... So that's how it's going to go then huh?" He began to circle around the two of you with a calm walk, still smirking before opens his arms outwards in a mocking gesture, his own blade still it's deep red color, as well as keeping a eye on Danielle from afar.

"Go ahead! Kill the host with those weapons of yours so I can Possess one of you instead! That woman over there shooting at me seems absolutely perfect to take over atfer this one dies!"

He taunted the three of you... He kept circling around and waited for your guy's moves! What shall you do?

As for Koya.

Your presence doesn't reach out too far, and you're unfortunately not able to find much of anything in the ethereal realm sadly... but you could see the Aura of the God possessing Vizara.... and that the lizard wizard within seemed to be in drastic pain and suffering!

Jaik's able to deflect a star and dodge the other two as the Ninja surges forwards once again!

Forcing him to defend himself once again as his kukri clashes with the ninja's blade, before jumping back to get away from them!

As Coils slithers in to attack, the God once again summons another set of three stars, running up to engage Jaik once again! The assassin's barely able to hold on his own as the Ninja god's attacks, as they feel like they're getting consistently stronger with each blow, and he could feel his own weapon beginning to give in under the powerful attacks....

As Jaik dodged another swing of the tonfa, Coils pounces upon the Ninja god from behind a second time! This time catching the God's side, and sinking his fangs into the God's strange (and oddly blue energy-drink tasting) body! Feeling himself begin to drain the energy from the god into his own heart! It felt almost empowering for the snake as his own heart felt like it was swelling with a strange, warm feeling... like what soup does to your stomach almost...

With this surprise, Jaik takes this opportunity to give the God at least two good slashes acrossed the Ninja's chest once again, creating bright blue glowing fissures as the God Jumped back once again, his wounds from the kukri immediately regenerating as The ninja once again tore Coils off forcefully from his side, throwing the snake aside harshly, leaving another few small puncture wounds that were bleeding small amounts of energy up into the air!

The God does another flip backwards, loosely throwing the set of three stars he had on him, all three roughly missing as you notice a sluggishness in the God's movements now!

He seems to have identified the actual threat here, and seems to be taking a more defensive stance, and seeming to wait on your moves! Your other Kukri remained nearby still upon the hill... but even if you retrieved it.. the god would no doubt try and kill you from afar! What shall the two of you do?

Misfortune attempts to attack the God Knight's shield arm like Chris did!

But unfortunately, The Knight's prepared for this as he easily see's the spider fiend coming towards him and fends Misfortune off Easily with his large lance, but thankfully is too slow to cause any actual damage!

Instead, the Spider fiend heads near Chris and uses some of his Modifier's power to summon up a simple kit of medical supplies and a regular old helm for the Fox-man...

However, the Knight God's "Inner Eye" continues to be charging up as they now lift their shield slightly off the ground, and begin charging their way towards the two of you! large lance forward and ready to kill!

What shall the two of you do?

(For reference by the way, imagine the pillar like one of those large, thick, Greek temple pillars.)

Alexander's Dynamos fly towards the large beast backside! Upon striking the beast however, the Dynamos impacting the upper back hardly seem to do any damage as their tips get lodged into the beasts back almost harmlessly!

Although, when one of the Dynamo's impacts the area right above the back of the giant's hoofed feet, (It'd be like the back heel of a hoofed beast i suppose) the giant ROARS in pain as he bends backwards and begins to fall along with his immense pillar!

Alexander is just barely able to blink out of the way as the beast crushes the ground with it's huge body just were Alexander was as he re-appears right in front of it!

Having no need to push back the beast, Marcus is able to retrieve his sword in a rather quick and safe manner! (There also appear to be no nearby extra weapons anywhere, unfortunately.)

However, upon recalling his dynamos, Alexander notices that only 5 even come back to him... As the angry demon sits back up, Alexander notices the crushed remains of one of the Dynamos that went for it's back, sufficiently crumpled and breaking off pieces on the ground now! Effectively leaving him with only 5 Dynamos to unfortunately work with!

Sending the rest to attack the god from the front, they unfortunately have no effect from the front as the beast raises his arms up defensively and letting the Dynamos hardly even puncture it's skin as it now plucks and flings off the things like loose hair or pin needles!

The Goat demon god manages to stagger itself back up onto it's legs/hooves, it's left back leg was bleeding a strange energy upwards into the air.. it appeared to be doing it's best to take pressure off the leg and it's forced to kneel...

Although, this doesn't stop the beast from getting insanely angry, as it roars once again at the two of you as it gripped it's large pillar, and began to swing it sideways into the two of you with it's long reach!

What shall you two do?!


( @creepingShade ) Errg: Errg jumps onto the beast, tumbling in the air for a moment as he misses the central mass, but sticks the landing into the carapace of the monstrosity!

Sword sinking and burning right into the beast's lower half!

Yellow blood spurts upwards into the air for a moment before the wound is instantly cauterized up by the blade itself!

The Fishman is forced to hold on for dear life to his sword once again as he rolls atop the large carapace to avoid spines from instantly skewing him through like spears as the lower, spider like half emits a ghastly screech that could only ever be heard from deep underwater terrors such as itself!

You're beginning to loose your grip as the beast attempts to either shake you off entirely or skew you with it's spiny appendages as you continue to hold on for dear life and slide around it's topside!

It's likely you could possible open a bigger hole for yourself to delve right into, but it feels like the second you or your sword loose grip (let alone trying to even remove it from the cauterized wound) you'll likely be tossed back onto the ground/beach and back to step one!

You needed to act quick as to not die to some ridiculously and impossibly designed beast! What shall you do?


( @Veles Lek @Bluesunnyday @aquaInferno @Ged Merrilin @Paradox Turtle ) Kalos, Maya, Adam, Coatl, Lupa, and Ged: 1

Kalos's song unfortunately doesn't do him too much good in the situation, but he is able to manage a small sound barrier around himself and Coatl!

The Barrier didn't stop the undead converging upon the two of you immediately, but it proved a decent crowd control as Coatl's able to swipe his blade before any could even reach the two of you!

Although... Kalos feels almost no response from The Seventh Maiden.... as if they had no influence or care within this realm aside from still fueling his own powers....

As Elijah kept leaping around and pummeling undead left and right, Coatl noticed his magic wasn't doing particularly all the much unfortunately, as most undead that became infected by his own magic were either already rendered unable to fight or they were immediately gained up upon by the other undead, but at the very least the ones under his control being crowded upon made a decent distraction and took some of the pressure off of all three of you!

Upon pouncing towards the God however, Coatl realizes his fatal mistake as the God see's him coming from a metaphorical mile away!

being forced to raise his flameberge, Coatl suddenly feels the tip fo the God's scythe hook onto his own weapon and he suddenly gains an immense amount of speed before being slammed into the dirt! Sending grass and earth flying as a sharp, dull pain overcome's Coatl's that completely out-did the injury that was lower on his tail!

Immediately, The Angel of Death looking god raised the scythe upwards declaring your death... But before the God could let the scythe's blade behead you, you feel someone rush over you and you hear a loud -CLANG- and a fluffy white tail bats your face momentarily!

upon looking upwards though, you see Elijah has prevented your death as she holds the scythe up with her left arm gauntlet, sparks of bright red bolt off from where the god's scythe hooked onto her gauntlet as she struggled to hold the god back! The modifier on her right arm glowing intensely, revealing the hideous, skulled face underneath the God's dark hood, revealing the God to be some sort of undead lich!

Elijah's modifier flashes a blinding red momentarily, and almost immediately, you could detect a short ranged Silence spell manifesting itself as Ged's enchantment for your flameberge puffed out immediately and you felt a blockage on your spells as you lay behind/underneath the white wolfess!

However, this was the least of the issues here as more undead began to focus less upon Kalos, and more directly onto Elijah and Coatl to help their god who struggled with mgiht only against the wolfess!

What shall the two of you do?!

(Lupa, Adam, and Ged: Please refer to the previous update, as well as read as this one as you have missed the last update! Thank you!)


( @hector212121 ) Roy: "I don't-" Ace makes an exasperated sigh... "I'll... just go ahead and take that as a yes then...." He speaks nervously....

"I uhh... I can drop you into near the battle so you're not DIRECTLY in it if you want... Again... you're gonna wanna... well, focus on the more squishy looking gods, b-but don't be too quick to judge like they may judge you... you know...?"

"N-now im not saying your improperly equipped but like... is there anything else I can prrroobably provide for you? Granted I, well, actually understand what it is you need though of course...

But, like, i guess you also don't have to go RIGHT into the battle either you know... if you, well, got questions about.. Well, anything i guess? I dont know if i can answer the meaning of life... at least... i don't think i can?"

"I-i don't know, but do you have any questions or anything else you think I can probably provide or something?"

Seems like he's cutting it short and sweet here... Well?

Any questions about life and the universe for this guy or needed materials, or are you ready to (possibly) die fighting other beings who are literal gods?

Time taken: Aboooout maybe 4-6 hours? Cutting out all the procrastinating and real life bullshit

Total word count: Around 2900 Words, bit of a shorter updoot this time

Total player/Character count: 21 Characters, 16 Players, Excluding Elijah
"Shit, Duck!" Marcus had his sword and scilently thanked what ever diety that did not want them dead, as a slave or otherwise for that. But his companion and himself were still not in the clear, even when the goat demon god thing was wounded it still could swing that pillar which is why Marcus yelled and got on his stomach before the pillar could send him flying. Once he got up he readied his sword and tried to find a way to stab at its still good hoof hopefully making it easier to kill if it did not fall on them that is.
Misfortune, seeing the knight god rushing towards them, and tries to jump out of the way late enough so the knight god can't turn and hit him anyways, and early enough not to get impaled. Y'know, right in that sweet spot.

Misfortune tries to tumble into a roll, or jump back onto his legs and immediately assess the situation (how many seconds until he gets impaled by an arrow)
Jaik smiles at Coils.

The vampire guild master analyzed the young teenager thoroughly. Both of their expressions were unreadable.

"Are you sure you wish to join our cause? Even after all you have heard?"

"I'm still here, aren't I?"

A moment of silence.

"You'll receive your tattoo in the morning. That night, you'll have your first job. Remember, you don't have to kill them in the first hit, just make them easier to kill. Once you're in a fight you can take, go for the throat."

Along with his last statement, Lazav makes a signal with his hands. The shadowy figure begins to leave the room, then stops.

"I think a snake would suit you."

With the understanding that the ninja was no longer an impossible force to kill, Jaik sends Coils the signal to abandon the dual maneuver and "go for the throat". They both attack.

Jaik has also, in the heat of the battle, not noticed anything of importance near him except for the Vizara/Seih/Thorn situation.
Coatl is quick to quite literally slither out from under Elijah (yes at ground level like a real snake) and behind the God with whom she was fighting. Elijah did shield him from the God's point of view temporarily and hopefully by now the God recognized he was fighting Elijah and would be to distracted with that to notice Coatl's sneak attack: which would be a stab in the back followed by a strong downwards push. Coatl wasn't too worried about the undead around Elijah, what's a few scratches from a couple of dead blokes to an elder god? And those scratches wouldn't last too long if Coatl's plan was successful.
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As the god stands on top of Byron and lashes out on him, flashbacks of the fighting and bloodshed from where he once was forced to fight others run through his head. In a bit of a daze, he notices that the god had stopped slashing at him and was preparing to let loose a burst of flames toward Izhane. In a fit of rage, Byron screams and slams his ice-coated hands onto the ground and spreads the ice to the ground. Almost as soon as the patches of ground around his hands were coated with ice, a giant spike of diamond ice extends with geat speed from each patch aiming straight to the god's torso. Hopefully the spikes would be enough to skewer the giant beast.
"Hm. Don't suppose there's any way to adapt my technomancy to any technology-related gods?" He quirks a eyebrow a moment. He had to check. "Besides that, nope, drop me in I guess."
In a panic, Meilikki swung her scythe in front of her, thinking of light, a wall, a shield. She clumsily got to her feet but regained focus quickly. She noticed that Danielle was clear, this fight was one on one now. Her focus narrowed to her opponent. The image of herself, bow drawn, conjured images of her own youth on her home world. Hunting was her blood, her namesake. But you cannot hunt without understanding the mind of your prey, misunderstanding of the mind leads to a swift defeat. As Mei rushed her opponent, swinging her scythe at appendage she could reach, she thought of her own techniques and the motivation of this green shadow, looking for weakness to exploit.
Lupa watches as Aundry attempts to attack the being of light. She concentrates on reaching into her form, into the bag of holding, trying to make contact with the eldritch tree's root. Immediately, an all too familiar voice sprung into her mind.


His voice is deep, loud, slightly disturbing, and only a little bit pretentious.

'Oh hush, you. I actually need a little bit of your help. We are facing gods. Lesser, but gods nonetheless.'


The thought of allowing Gizlathorp control of her body makes Lupa shiver.

'Half sight, no control. I'm still in control.'

One of her eyes turns completely black with a single pinprick of white as the pupil.


'Shut it. You are to tactically assist me and possibly get me out of trouble if I need it. I hope we don't have to be sharing consciousness for long.'


Lupa focuses on making her body as solid as possible while attempting to block off as much light from bombarding her form as possible, which causes a slight blur on her. She then charges the light being from behind and attempts to knock it down, towards Aundry. She leaps backwards after.

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