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Futuristic Among Gods

Errg growls in annoyance and tosses the stupid paper thing over his shoulder and starts heading towards the way out if the weird metal cave. No food anywhere, which means he would have to go back to that camp with all the soldiers. Errg hates soldiers.

Even if he didn't find anything to eat inside the metal cave, Errg didn't want anyone else funding his spot. Once he's out of the cave, be starts to look for the ring key thing that opened it up and pulls it out. He then sticks it around his wrist and begins swimming back to the mainland in the same way he swam to the island so he didn't have to leave his sword. He'll then start heading back to camp. Errg notices that he's starting to get more used to walking on land, which is good.
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Chris turns off the energy sensing function of his glasses, leaving the True Sight part as he looks over at the lizard wizard to try and verify that it's not just another illusion. If it's really him, Chris will use his modifier to reload his tazer, this time waiting until the wizard attempts to dodge something before trying to nail him with it.
"What the hhell?!" Byron is very surprised at the sudden attack from the others who had just come along aimed at the seemingly innocent lizard man. He turns to Izhane. "The hell is going on? Who is this guy and why are the others attacking him?" Byron suddenly thinks back to the strange crystal he was holding and realizes what it is. "How the hell did he get his hands on a modifier?!"
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Major update #14!


( @Seahorse @ferociousfeind @Bonzo @SnakyDragon @Thorn of Discord @Lyrositor @ChrisClark13 @arcaneSentinel ) Mei, Misfortune, Danielle, Koya, Coils, Thorn, Seih, Jaik, Byron, Izhane and Chris: (Going in order of who posted first.)

Izhane (and Byron): "Believe me i'm gonna god damn try!" Vizara yells back at you as he wrestled himself away from you, but soon after, most of the group chasing him immediately rush right past you without even looking at you.

Izhane again AAAAAND Byron: As the rest of the group rushes past you, A couple of marauders immediately rush up to the two of you, aiming their weapons directly at the two of you.

"You!" One of the marauders, with a rather burly voice shouts.

"What the hell was that vial? Explain yourself right now!"

"And you!" He turns to Byron

"I dont know if you're involved but you stay right there and explain to us what the Salamander handed off here!"

How shall the two of you respond?

Misfortune: Gets to medical tent, realizes the chase is going past the tent itself, however her follows through the other tents with the chase

As Chris looks directly ahead at the fleeing wizard lizard, He's able to confirm that this Vizara not and illusion! However, something illusive CAN be spotted fiddling around in Vizara's hand however...

Thorn begins charging full speed ahead with Seih on his back!

He manages gets in range, his horn glowing as he prepares a telepathic attack with Vizara!

However, as Seih begins launching his own mental attack, the barrier around Vizara's mind immediately takign several hits as Seih releases his mental onslaught! Eyes sparkling their electrical blue as he focused upon Vizara....

However, Seih's high brain functions are quick to realize something strange actually begins to interfere with his own mental attack, and within nano-seconds he realizes something with happening between his Mental attacks and Thorn's telekinetic attack!

Very suddenly, The barrier around Vizara's mind is violently shattered, and Thorn's magic begins reacting brightly as the magic around Vizara's feet suddenly blast the lizard upwards into the air, sending him sailing over a nearby large tent and a loud crash is hear don the other side along with surprised gasps of people!

After group circles around large tent, spotting a knocked out civilian lies on the ground, mumbling almost comediaclly about a flying wizard lizard, and you all spot him making it to the outskirts of the camp as he limped past a crowd of people!

Quickly following through, you all reach the outskirts of the camp and outwards to the vast, green plains all around the camp!

Vizara only seems to get as far as a few meters and hills or so before the rest of you manage to catch up to him...

Jaik throws his Kukri spinning, with a clean -SHHHRRINK- sound, the Kukuri manages to actually pin the wizard lizard's cloak down into a nearby hill to the Vizara's surprise!

Before anyone can reach him though, the small vial handed to him earlier is seen in his hand, struggling to pop it open as he forcibly let his cloak rip with the kukri!

Thankfully though, Chris manages to now catch up with everyone else, aiming his tazer at the still target and letting the device shoot outwards with the wire!

Immediately, Vizara yelps in pain as the tazer's probes hook into the Lizard's back, forcing him to drop the vial, letting it break upon hitting the hill and the liquids splatting all over the grass....

The entire group gathers around, relieved and exhausted from this extreme goose chase for the now incapacitated Lizard wizard on the ground...




Chris: After taking a breather and taking a good look around, you suddenly spot disturbances in the air around the group with the true-sight goggles... Powerful disturbances....

Looking back, the entire group was at least a 100 feet or so away from the camp...

Soon enough however, Everyone is able to sense and see the disturbances forming around them... slowly closing inwards!!

What shall you all do?


( @creepingShade ) Errg: Nope. Nada. Nothing. Just metal, scrap, boring paper things, and two inedible bodies. may as well head out... As you enter back into the main observation room... something suddenly swims past the large window viewing the outside ocean.... but it was large you could tell....

Quickly, you head up the small set of stairs leading down into this metal cave and climb up the ladder, enterting back into daylight and onto the stone walkway on top of the pond, but while you were there you also found the ring keystone at your feet, and easily pop it out to take with you as you ran acrossed the walkway and onto the island itself, the entrance of the metal cave quickly sinking behind you now that it was without it's "key". (which you now wore on your wrist, it is rather oddly warm!)

However, to your surprise as you look up to the island's beach, the main land was shockingly nowhere in sight!

Although, that seems to be the least of your concerns right now as you spot razor sharp fins cricling the island above the water. Cautiously watching it, you could tell it was a rather moderately sized predator, about the size of yourself almost as the rest of it begin to surface on the water off the island's shore!

With a large splash, you hear a awful screech as a almost alien sea serpent roars at you from the water's edge! It's long and lengthy body was a solid blue color, three pale green eyes gazed you down with a large, sharp beak for a mouth clacking and snapping dangerously!


It looks like you won't need to go out back to that camp with al the soldiers and people, this thing lookedlike it could feed you for a good day or two!

It seems to keep it's distance at the beach's edge... likely baiting you to fight int he water where it's at it's strongest.... however, you notice something strange seeming to writhe and convulse underneath the beast's hide... strechting and almost seemingly distorting whatever was underneath...

What shall you do?


( @Shadow Dancer @Torma Ximnus ) Marcus And Alexander:


The Small black dot responds to Marcus... however, once Alexander starts laughing, the Dot focuses's it's attention to him...

Alex however, upon attempting to summon his wand, makes a realization of the wand that was absent from his hand, but thankfully, instead, he can just physically move his hand to the wand where it normally was, taking ti and casting his spell...

A noticeable fluctuation is seen around the two of you as Alexander attempts his spell... a field of darkness seems to contract for a split second then revert back to normal... the breeze was still not present... it doesn't appear to have worked...

"That's the point."

The dot suddenly responds, it's voice had a obvious hint of annoyance as it seemed to be focused on Alexander...

"It is not the Wolfess.

It is the Progenitor.

It protects all mortals.

From Low-God.

Or High-God.


Damnable being."

It gently flew over Alexander's shoulder, looking in the distance towards the tower far away with it emitted light from it's top.

"I suggest.

Working together.

But do not.

Directly attack her.

It would be suicide.

Very obviously."

It stated as it flew back between the two of you...

"I again. Promise Godhood. In exchange for the Crystal..."

It stated once again, before seeming to focus upon Alexander once again...

In the blink of an eye suddenly, the breeze suddenly picks up again and the time field is seemingly released... and a dark, almost suffocating field seems to wrap around Alexander, immediately he begins to feel a extremely unpleasant bucking within his armor, as if an immense amount of distorted space was threatening to collapse in on him.....

He couldn't feel himself breathing as his physical form was suddenly being assaulted with gravitational forces that felt like a thousand massive stars piled directly on top of him all at once...

"Or die.

With your ignorance."

The Dot threatened, before the dark field surrounding Alexander finally released him and dissipated within a seccond, forcing him to gasp for air as he fell onto the grass...

And just as immediately as it appeared... the small black dot was gone, leaving the two of you together now... the sun's position in the sky being high noon, the breeze now flowing normally past the two of you... and from far away the pillar of light from the tower was now very subtly moving...

Well, shall you re-introduce yourselves to each-other and perhaps get a move on?

As for Alexander however.... he'd notice that his Engine's energy reserves were still dangerously low... and there seemed to be a few cracks in his armor from whatever the hell that damnable little dot did to him... perhaps this realm is a little more dire then he had originally thought.... especially if that little dot was actually able to crack his armor!

(Some loss of functionality is barely noticeable however.)


(@Bluesunnyday ) Maya: "Oh uhh, my n-name's Cass! Nice to meet you Maya!" The short marauder extends a similar black cloth out to yours and shakes it.

"B-but yeah! I hope that's not uhh.. too scary for you... But, I guess you're one of us now... once we get you registered and find a job for you that is... i bet you'd make a great s-soldier or scout though seeing how you handled those tortured back there!"

Looking ahead now though, you were entering the camp... and you were approached by another large group of marauders, they were noticeably different from the others with different, much lighter black leather armor and red gas masks and had non-human body structures as you hear the bustling camp ahead, spotting all sorts of strange/odd looking humans and human mixes and creatures running about here and there...

Cass seemed to stick with you as the rest of the group kept on going, you notice them happily waving over to the marauder you had saved as the went onwards...

One of the marauders who approached you walked up to you and Cass with a clipboard...

"Annnother new comerrrr..." The voice of this marauder was strangely ethereal, often rolling their tongue you notice...

They appeared human oddly enough...

"Nnnnname, Whereee you came from, and Abilities and skilllls pleaseeee.... "

It seemed to ask you, waiting on your answers... how do you respond?


( @hector212121 @Veles Lek @Bluesunnyday @aquaInferno @Ged Merrilin ) Kalos, Coatl, Lupa, Ged, and Roy:

Ged's powder begins to spread along the ground rather slowly now as he prepares to jam Roy's weapon....

Sadly however, it seem's Lupa's word have no effect as Kalos suddenly begins casting out a wave of sound...

However, she would notice a strange disturbance directly behind Roy and the marauder... almost a... distortion of space and light was barely visible as it creeped up behind....

But before Lupa can point it out to anybody, Kalos begins striking up a violent back and forth motion onto his violin, creating a rather high and sinister string as Roy suddenly feels something impact his leg!

In a split second reaction, Roy lets off a shot form his pistol, the electrical stun ammo incapacitating the Marauder who he was holding hostage as the bullet impacted his throat and Roy tossed the marauder aside, kind of intentionally dislocating the man's arm.

The marauders all standing around suddenly let loose several bursts of gunshots towards Roy after their fellow man was released, hardly allowing Roy a moment of time as he's barely able to jump back an inch before several bullets impacted his armor, his internal systems already blaring alarms in his ears from the sound wave that was literally sawing it's way through his armor, Roy could feel the friction heat creeping it's way towards his shin!

However, that wasn't entirely all that he felt, as he almost felt something suddenly swallowing him up from behind as he tried to dash back into it!

From everyone else's perspectives however, Roy was suddenly falling back into a strange, pitch black tear in reality, being swallowed up whole as the marauders ceased their fire in realization of what was happening!

Roy feels another bullet nastily impact his helm suddenly as darkness began to encircle his vision, the visor of his helm receiving a nasty crack as the helm protects his brains from being splattered, distorting all of the warnings that lit up his vision as everything soon turned into darkness for Roy....

As for everyone else, you all watch Roy suddenly fall into what could be described as a small black hole, leaving nothing behind but the incapacitated marauder as it quickly began to disappear!


Delphi suddenly yelled in frustration.

The cat woman turned around and yelled at the surrounding Marauders.

"Somebody check on him, and get medical attention! And somebody figure out what the fuck just happened!"

She loudly hissed as she turned to Lupa Ged and Kalos (and also giving a evil eye out to Coatl)...

"That wasn't any of your doings was it?"

She asked aggressively, giving a look towards Elijah as well, who only shrugged...

Maybe you guys could see what you could to give the injured marauder some treatment or perhaps figure out what the hell happened...?

All of you could feel a faint disturbance in the air however....


Roy: You feel yourself falling backwards almost endlessly, no longer were you being executed by a firing squad, but instead now a black void... Your systems blaring warnings of severe external damage to your right leg and several severed connections here and there, and several bullet hole alerts that nearly killed you or have damaged your armor....

All around you as you felt yourself falling in a near infinite darkness, you were able to see your body as you felt yourself flailing around until you suddenly feel yourself begin to slow down!

Slowly enough, you come to a sudden halt in the air as you feel yourself and the duffel bag on your back become weightless it felt like....

And within an instant, you found yourself forcibly sat down into an armchair to your surprise, and around you the blackness turns into a rather cozy wooden cabin!

Acrossed from you was an empty armchair, rather nice and cozy looking like the one you found yourself sitting in (your duffel bag layed next to the seat now apparently.)

There was a small fire going in a stone fireplace, there were some books on a nearby bookshelf, an old, year 2000's computer at a nearby desk... but you could see it's cord was unplugged, and there isn't a wall socket anywhere... other then that, there was a door next to the fire in the room, but otherwise there was nothing else of interest....

"Little sloppy for a simulation don't you think?"

A Voice echoed out of nowhere, seeming energetic and rather mundane...

What shall you do...?


( @Paradox Turtle ) Adam: (You have not done anything! Refer to the previous update on the previous page and please read right above with Kalos, coatl, lupa, ged and roy!)


Time taken: About a day and a half x_x

Total word count: 2500~ words.

Total player/Character count: 21 Characters, 17 Players, Excluding Elijah
Kalos raises both hands. "I had nothing to do with that. I don't know what the hell that was."


Maya stares at the marauder in front of her, before shrugging and speaking.

"Name's Maya Darksbane. Currently I've been displaced from the Moranath Continent, and I've got this..." She says, twirling the Guiding Light on her finger. "Magical artifact. Lets me fire magical "bullets". I also have an old piece of shit revolver for when magic won't work." She draws the second revolver to show it to them.
"I have little idea of what just happened, I neither did nor can do something like that, if I had to guess that was some sort of high level sealing magic." Ged states seeming surprisingly unperturbed by the fact that the person was eaten by the shadows. He then stops and listens, oftentimes he can hear the harmonics of magic reflected on his harp.
"...And antique, too. So. Before the shock takes over and I decide I'm going crazy in SPITE of my personafix, I'm going to get the questions out of the way. What the drek did you, whoever you are, do, am I in fact crazy, and regardless of the answers to the other two, I don't suppose you have a nanoforge, or failing that, spare parts, or, hell, scrap? The damage reports are giving me the worst slotting headache and it's probably best if I get these holes and anything they damaged on the internals patched."

He does a VSE(Visual Surveillance of Extremities), something he trained himself on the moment he started using Kamikaze.
Marcus looked at Alexander and the dot astonished and when he saw that Alexander was now wearing cracked armor after the dot god did something to him he spoke up once the dot god left. "Well that could have gone better." Marcus shook his head thinking about what the hell just happened kinda hurt his head. "Well whats the plan?" Marcus asked really not caring for godhood but really just wanting to do something somewhat familiar to him.
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Jaik is filled with a sense of exhilaration. Without thinking, he yells out:


Then he awkwardly realizes that he in fact announced his feelings to the whole world. On the bright side, Coils woke up.

"... Sorry."

A feeling of unease comes over him as he realizes something unnatural is happening. He holds out his remaining kukri, prepared to lash out at anything that comes near him.
Izhane was about to explain the situation to Byron, but then these soldiers so rudely interrupted him. Izhane sighs and sticks his hands up in the air. He didn't want to piss off these guys, so he figured honest was the best policy here.

"C'mon man, there's no need for that. We're all on the same side here. I was just trying to slow the idiot down. He asked for an invisibility potion, I gave him a vial of sedatives. Looks like he flew away somehow, but I was trying to stall him a few seconds. Figured Vizara went and made a mess again, so I figured I ought to help deal with him."

The salamander-kin looks, and feels, quite anxious. He does not at all like people bigger than him pointing weapons at him. Izhane really wishes his old companions were here, they would have been able to back up his testimony and put some space between him and the guns.
Byron turns to the marauders who had approached them, but before he has a chance to say anything, Izhane explains the situation. "Okay. Well that explains that. But what I want to know is how the hell he was able to get his hands on that crystal. It seemed like a modifier from what he said, but I was told that one of the only ways to get one is by killing a god or something." He says his walking up to one of the marauders and lowering his weapon. "Look. I've been here for a while and he says he isn't with that other guy. I don't think we mean any harm here." Byron gives Izhane a look that tell him "you'd better not try anything."
Oblivious to the disturbances surrounding him, Seih gets off Thorn's back and walks to stand next to the downed wizard. He glances briefly at the lizard's battered body before turning to look him in his eyes, his eyes still vividly blue. He reaches back into his prey's mind, not bothering to be gentle or secretive. Since Keirs normally attack in large groups, he does not have the strength to perform a full extraction on Vizara, and so Seih contends himself with trying to extract the wizard's most recent memories and knowledge, with particular emphasis on knowledge about the modifier shards.

As he silently stands next to Vizara (albeit at what he hopes is a safe distance of a few feet, in case the lizard has any last tricks up his sleeves), Seih is only dimly aware of what is going on near him, focused as he is on the task at hand. Briefly, he wonders if his attack had any effect on the modifier shards, considering the shield has disappeared, and he focuses doubly on his search for information about the shards.
Chris pulls out his modifier and starts having it send out powerful-and slightly randomized in strength-pulses of energy, hoping to disrupt the effect that's going by generating lots of random magical noise.

He also grabs his Plasma Cutter in his other hand, looking around for anything that might look like it's directly attacking anyone instead of just the effect slowly closing in, "Everyone, have your weapons out and ready to fight, something weird's going on here."
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After Adam left his tent, he began wondering what was going on. Normally he simply follow the orders of the day so long it meant he got a safe place to garden his flowers. However it seems the bosses are present and have to attend to this hostage business. 'Sigh' Adam breathed his discontent as his gardening schedule his being delayed. He readied his flask of water to finish this troublesome event, but a black portal cracked open behind the hostage taker and dragged him away under a hail of gunfire. With the situation out of the fire, Adam walked to the foxy boss lady and asked,

"Fox boss, what are my chores today? I'd like to keep to my schedule."
And the kick is good! Thorn glanced around sensing the disturbance. Thorn drew his revolvers and backed up towards wizard. "I think we got company guys..." I could go for sweet 'n' sour chicken right about now.
As misfortune arrives at the tent, he sees the chase goes way past there, and out beyond the camp walls, so he decides to sneakily get out, and pretend he was there all along.

Once he get's outside, he's met with utter chaos, "Woah! I gotta process this..." After a second of just standing there, he decides to use his modifier to form straightjacket, perhaps around Visara, but weird physics (and basically godmodding XP) would get in the way, so he decides to materialize it right next to him, along with a little card that read: STRAIGHTJACKET FOR VIZARA(but in Comic Sans xD )
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Errg grins. A terrible, ravenous, predatory grin. This beast was no predatory, no matter how fearsome it may look. It was just prey to the hunter. Feisty prey, dangerous prey, but prey nonetheless. He could feel the bloodlust spreading through his body, but forces himself into a near emotionless state to keep from making a stupid mistake. Hunting was what he did, he could not make a mistake.

While he was at his best in the water, the crossbow he found gave him a bit of an advantage from land. Errg drops his sword then fires off a bolt at the sea serpent. He drops the crossbow after shooting and dives into the water, and starts trying to take it down, cutting into the serpent's body with his own razor sharp fins and claws.
Coatl turns from Delphi and looks over to Kalos in anger.

"I said you could kill him after I saved the hostage, which was going to happen after Ged finished his spell! And who in all of hell kills someone with a slash to the leg? And even if you weren't trying to kill him. you could have slashed his gun arm instead!"

Kalos frowns. "Oh, please forgive me, but I think Ged here was under the impression that I could cast magic! And I'm not going to kill someone just because you tell me to, Coatl. I have no idea what fucked up god complex you have, but you're not my king."
Shadow Dancer]Indicus looked at Alexander and the dot astonished and when he saw that Alexander was now wearing cracked armor after the dot god did something to him he spoke up once the dot god left. "Well that could have gone better." Indicus shook his head thinking about what the hell just happened kinda hurt his head. "Well whats the plan?" Indicus asked really not caring for godhood but really just wanting to do something somewhat familiar to him. [/QUOTE] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/5867-shadow-dancer/ said:
@Shadow Dancer[/URL] @Neow46

Alexander was very displeased with the way things were going, but he never let anything more than mild discomfort show on his face even when he was caught in the middle of a sudden spacial distortion, no doubt caused by the so-called "Time God." As soon as he was released and time returned to normal Alexander put away his space/time wand, showing little concern for the fact that most of his clothing had been shredded and had fallen to the ground, instead bringing up several screens that showed the state of his armor and what functions it was currently capable of accessing. The cracked armor had already begun to repair itself, so at least the self-repair functions were in order. Much of the advanced shielding was offline, clearly a result of his loss of power as the cost for crossing from one set of universes to an entirely different set of them. Hell, he probably wasn't even in the same multiverse anymore, and he would need to discover what rules operated differently...well, no need to get ahead of himself.

Alexander's own thought process registered as little more than a background function to him, the same as his self-repairing armor and the separate shreds of his clothing climbing up his armor to reform his pants, shirt, and other garments. At least he knew his nano-tech still worked properly, so that didn't need immediate attention at the moment. No, what held his attention, now that the Time God had departed, was one of the central screens. His Engine was nearly depleted, even more so than he had thought. Everything between the 150th and 1st level, including the 1st level itself, was completely drained. The 150th level was at no more than 5% across the board, and the engine had STALLED. Under normal circumstances the only way to get it running again was to get the 1st level at full again so that it could start pushing energy down. Fortunately Alexander had a workaround for that, but it would take time. As Alexander summoned a keyboard to start keying in the commands for what he needed to do Indicus turned to him and asked what the plan was. The plan, huh? If he'd had one he wouldn't have needed to leave his home dimension to begin with, but now that he was here... "We need information before anything else. That so-called Time God wants us to get something for him and promises godhood in exchange but we don't know that we can trust him, and I'm sure that once he gets what he wants he'll kill us rather than risk having two new Gods to compete with. For now I'll pretend to play along and head for the tower, talk to the ones in there and see what they can tell me. You can come along or run off on your own, I don't really care either way as long as you don't cause trouble."

Alexander's armor and clothing having finished sorting themselves without too much time and effort and his Dynamos once more in his control where they belonged, Alexander was ready to begin moving forward and starts heading to the tower without waiting for a response from Indicus. Time to see what this new world he was on had to offer.
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Major update #15!


( @Seahorse @ferociousfeind @Bonzo @SnakyDragon @Thorn of Discord @Lyrositor @ChrisClark13 ) Mei, Misfortune, Danielle, Koya, Coils, Thorn, Seih, Jaik and Chris: (Going in order of who posted first.)

All around the disturbances in the air began to grow much closer around everyone... growing more intense as they drew near....

However, without a word of warning, a flash of white blinds you all momentarily...

After the flash dissipates, all around you, the distortions within the air were transformed into several different beings!

They all seemed to radiant a certain shared energy about them as they all stood or floated around you...

Within a blink of an eye however, all of them backed up about 15 feet each suddenly away from the group, and above your heads, a white light descends down upon the incapacitated Vizara, suddenly sending out a small blast that knocks you all outwards, breaking the group up as you're all split apart, each of you seemingly facing off against an enemy...

Glancing back at Vizara, you all noticed he was suddenly standing back up, around him a strange, reddish glow....

"This'll have to do...." it muttered in a deep, distorted voice, plucking out the small orange and cyan modifier shard that Vizara had been carrying on him, looking disappointingly at the used up shard before pocketing it again.

"Destroy them! Take the crystals so we can reach the Elder Goddess! The others are working to keep that damnable progenitor busy!"

Whatever was possessing Vizara commanded, his eyes glowing a bright red!

Fighting Begin!

Mei, Danielle (Koya) and Misfortune: Ahead of the two of you, you recognized the two figures ahead of you as the Gods whom you fought the previous day, the Green god who mimicked mei's form and the blue god who mimiced Jourin's form!

"Remember us assholes?!"

The green one of Mei's image spoke, directing its word to Mei and Misfortune.

"You killed out brother, we want to repay the price! And this time we brought friends!" The blue one spoke.

The green God knocked an arrow onto her bow, while the blue god readied a fireball! What shall you three do?

Jaik (and Coils): Immediately you're pitted against what looked like a sort of white Ninja being with only 1 kukri and your crossbows, it wielded two dual bladed tonfa's that it sharpened together menacingly before you.. He suddenly spun himself around, and two energized Shurikins are suddenly thrown your way!

But thankfully, as you were prepared, you manage to deflect the blades from hitting you as the spin uselessly int eh air and hit the ground!

The ninja now charges at you, blades ready!

What shall you do?

Thorn and Seih: Vizara seems to stare you both down now, the ominous glow around him pulsating as as he suddenly took a balanced stance as if he was reaching for a sword... and sure enough, the God possessing Vizara began fabricating a red katana, made of what looked like pure energy!

"You shall not stand in our way."

The voice within the lizard wizard muttered, as it prepared to fight the two of you!

What shall you two do?

For Seih's prior probing: The most you can really gather from the previously unconscious lizard wizard were mostly nonsense and irrelevant thoughts

There was something about a successful panty raid last night, and Vizara seemed to think your entire group was attacking him for that reason.... which is rather interesting you think as he seems to have misunderstood your objective...

What you DO find however is a recent talk Vizara had with misfortune this morning... claiming that he found the Modifier shard out on a scouting mission with marauders out to an old space-ship wreck to the north east of the camp's current location... from the memory... Vizara seemed to feel genuine about it... had he really just simply stumbled upon the shard and decided finders keepers...? He didn't seem to full on know what a modifier was beforehand till he saw Misfortunes even!

Chris: Sadly, the pulse you send out with your Modifier does nothing as the assailants all around your group automatically reveal themselves, and pretty much drains most of your modifier down to a dim glow, meaning it does not likely have much energy left to spare before recharging!

As for yourself, you appeared to be facing off against some sort of generic looking knight, clad in full Armour, wielding an impenetrable looking tower shield and some sort of energy lance... He begins to slowly advance, shield raised towards you... By just at a first glance, you can probably out maneuver him easily, but it would perhaps be wise to underestimate what you assume to be gods...

What shall you do?


Everybody (except Roy): A loud Siren is suddenly heard all around the camp! (And at a distance for Alexander and Marcus) and from the top of the tower, the beam of light begins rapidly shifting, and forms a large, bright colored barrier over the camp as all sorts of distortions in space appear around the camp's borders!

The Keeper could be seen at the top of the tower, his robes flailing wildly, and ghostly magic flying all around him as he seems to be sustaining the barrier around the the camp!


( @Veles Lek @Bluesunnyday @aquaInferno @Ged Merrilin ) Kalos, Coatl, Lupa, and Ged: Ged listens into his harp for any remnants of whatever was left behind, sadly however, he is only able to hear the harmonics of his own magic that was originally intended to disable the assailant's weapon as well as the dissipating notes from Kalos's own attack...

"Shut the fuck up both of you!" Delphi hissed at the Kalos and Coatl as she almost looked like she was strangling a frightened Marauder who was trying to get her attention...

But before any of you could speak, a camp wide alarm suddenly blared out, and a Magical begins forming around the camp.

"Oh for fucks sake! What is it now?!"

The Marauder she had her hands on weakly spoke out...

"K-Keeper... Said... threat, was coming... Low Gods... lots of them..."

She raised an eyebrow at the frightened man, before turning around along with everyone else to see the magical barrier descend just over the training dummies, and outside the barrier... you all could see a group of beings starting to from, a large group of almost god-like warriors of assorted realities and worlds....


Delphi blurted as she grabbed a nearby Marauder's radio and spoke into it.

"This is Sub-Commander Delphi! We have an emergency situation! Low Gods are assaulting the camp as of RIGHT NOW, All personnel capable of fighting them with magic or otherwise are to help defend! The Keeper has assumedly created a barrier to help protect non-combatants! Do not underestimate these guys, I repeat, do NOT under-estimate these opponents!"

She Stopped and handed the Radio back, before turning to the four of you (and Elijah herself)

"From yesterday afternoon, I can guess what these fuckers want, and it's on Elijah's arm right there!" She thrusted a finger to Elijah.

"If the three of you feel capable, i suggest you either see what you can do about those assholes coming towards the barrier over there or assist Elijah in some way."

The cat woman starts to turn away from the group before she's approached by Adam...

(read below)

( @Paradox Turtle ) [size=5]Adam:[/size] (Don't worry about getting the detail wrong here about Delphi, it's been awhile since you've been a part of this and i can understand trying to catch up is a major bitch to do, this si sjust some comedic bantering.)

(just make sure toe read above here with Kalos, Lupa, Ged, and Coatl though)

You approach what you initially thought was a Fox lady with long blonde hair and a long... cat-like tail... Which you then suddenly realize, that she was not a Fox Woman, but a Cat Woman, and before you were even able to retract your question, She suddenly turns an almost deadly eye towards you, already looking extremely annoyed at the sudden sirens and suddenly speaks to you.

"Are you Blind or something? Do I look like a fucking fox?" She harshly hissed at you, before pointing back at the Snake man, Cat man, Wolf girl, Normal girl, A Marauder, and Guy with a violin she was talking to moments ago

"You look Capable enough to fight, go join them or something or get somewhere safe! Dont be wasting my time right now as Surviving's a little more important then chores right now!" The Cat Woman commands Adam, almost screamingly mad as she begins stomping off towards the tower accompanied by a entire squad of Marauders.

Adam, Coatl, Ged, Kalos, and Lupa:

Elijah seemed to sigh and shake her head watching Delphi storm off to organize the camp...

All five of you watch her turn to look at the Low Gods trying to hack their way into the Barrier. She nods her head towards them, attempting to imply something...

Before any of you can respond, At least Three of you notice a familiar looking White Knight and a Small green creature in Cyan colored armor approaching the group!

My Goddess....

The white knight suddenly spoke out

Do you wish for me to call upon the order to defend you from these foolish cretins?

The White wolfess gives Rohkuul a disappointed look before nodding yes, and he appears to acknowledge it with his own nod...

I Shall call upon them once i am able to leave the this wretched, but necessary barrier around the area!

This seemed rather strange to the couple of you who knew about Rohkuul and where he comes from, calling upon more low gods to fight other gods...

What shall you all do? Is Elijah's judgement to be.. trusted here?

(You are all also accompanied by a squad of marauders Including Kim!)


( @arcaneSentinel @creepingShade ) Byron and Izhane: "Alright fine, but I want the two of you to report immediately to a captain once we figure out the rest of the situa-"

The Marauder's suddenly cut off by loud Sirens blaring and the Marauder suddenly pressing a button on the side of his helm and being quiet for a second...

The Marauder turns his gaze back onto the two of you.

"Looks like the previous thing's gonna have to wait, Commander's telling us that fucking GODS are apparently attacking, and she commands that all capable fighters are to go immediately and find something to assist with!"

The soldier then quickly turns away and heads out with his squad, still taking into his ear-peice you assume...

Byron likely knows there's a fight somewhere nearby, and perhaps Vizara may need medical attention from Izhane!

What shall the two of you do?


( @creepingShade ) Errg: The Sea serpent screeches as the bolt from your crossbow slams right into it's cold flesh, oily, bright yellow blood spilling into the sea as you rush towards the water yourself!

Diving straight into the clear and salty sea as the Monstrosity chases after you, jaws wide open and screeching underneath the water horrendously as you nimbly swam around it's body, which you notice there seems to be a sort of large... lower... abdomen apparently...?

You don't bother paying attention as you begin gliding right past it with your arm blades outwards, taking several slashes around the beast's body so thrillingly and filled with adrenaline!

Even tasting this strange, sweet blood in the water was so exhilarating that you momentarily forgot about the writhing bulges and movements under the beast's now open and exposed flesh, as you suddenly realize what those buldges were purple, sharp, boney spines that starts shooting out from the beast's exposed flesh, aimed towards you!!

You're hardly able to dodge all of the sudden new threats, let alone slice them apart before you feel yourself getting slammed into your belly, and you find yourself suddenly breaking the surface of the water, and very quickly landing back upon the shore of the island somehow!

With a painful groan with the wind knocked out of your chest as you retrieve your sword, the Sea serpent, with it's new-found, almost spider like limbs bursts out of the water once again, and begins grappling itself to the Island itself, starting to crawl it's way right out of the water, it's ripped open skin spouting sweet, yellow blood onto the sand as it dragged it's strange, lower body up onto the land....

Upon seeing the lower half of the beast, you realize that it wasn't a sea serpent at all... it instead seemed to be some sort of large, aquatic spider being that posed as a serpent.... the eyes on it's lower body a dark red as the upper, serpent half still screeched at you, it's new boney spines wanting to claw at you...

Your sword had lain nearby, almost WAITING for you to use it upon the monster's lower, armored half!

What shall you do?


( @Shadow Dancer @Torma Ximnus ) Marcus And Alexander: ( @Shadow Dancer, uhhh do you mean marcus? Seems you've gotten that mixed up here haha)

While the two of you begun your long trek over the plains as Alexander's cloths and armor slowly sewed themselves back together as he did some troubleshooting...

The two of you heard a sort of warning siren ahead coming from the far away camp, looking up, you both see something atop the far away stone tower suddenly create a sort of barrier around the encampment that surrounded it....

If either of you looked/squinted far enough, there appeared to be forces attacking the barrier by the looks of it...? Or at least fighting around it?

Neither of you were sure, but battle was very certainly going down you could tell...

Given maybe another 20-30 minutes of walking, the two of you would likely reach the encampment... or whatever battles seemed to be happening around it's barrier....

What shall the two of you do...? Or plan...? Or discuss?


(@Bluesunnyday ) Maya: 1 "Ssssssimple and short thennn..." The so called Marauder clears seems to clear you for entry...

But without a moments notice, a camp wide siren is suddenly blared off, and what looks like a massive magical barrier suddenly descended around the camp itself from the top of the tower!

Cass and the other marauders all around suddenly listen into what you assume is ear piece in their helms, and msot suddenly rush off as if they were preparing for a fight.

"U-uhm, Maya!" Cass Said, looking up at you.

"I Uhh, don't know if you believe in gods or anything but... we're kinda being attacked by a bunch of them, and the Sub-commander needs all available fighters to help out and assist!

N-now uhh, i don't know what your guns there can do but, think you can handle holding off gods...?"

Cass seemed to ask timidly as the grabbed the small kind of capsule looking object on their back and slung it into their arms, immediately activating the thing and extending into what looked like a marksmen's rifle!

What shall you do.... or say?


( @hector212121 ) Roy:

"I get the idea... Kiiiiinda. "

The voice echoes within the room as you examined and scanned the room....

Everything looked, felt, and registered as completely real it seemed like, but it was still very clear this was some kind of simulation as you could feel not heat from the nearby fire in the fireplace...

"Not familiar with this "Nanoforge" thing you're talking about, but if you grab your things and go right into that door over there, i can fabricate a new room filled with some metal scrap or something.... You see i'm not exactly a very powerful... well, God."

The voice seemed to shakily admit as you struggled to stand upright with the damaged right leg, your suit weighing it down very heavily, making it more of a 200 pound ball and chain as you dragged your duffel bag along with your leg towards the wooden door acrossed the cozy room.

"Anyways, to answer you, I saw you in a rather hairy situation that you got yourself into, pulled you out, and you seemed like you could be useful to me."

Opening the door, you find a small kind of workshop with a rather antique looking workbench and some basic bits of scrap nuts, bolts, common stuff like that, but no electronics by the looks of it.

"You see, in case it wasn't obvious, Im what most "Mortals" and I guess other "gods" consider a very low tier god, you get my drift?"

It asks you casually as you look around the small workshop room for usable scrap, this god seemed to be very... old fashioned you'd say, or mayhaps just not as powerful as they claim...

"Anyways, about that thing i pulled you here for, i was wondering if we could maybe make some sort of deal togethor?"

They ask you, and wait for an answer... how shall you respond...? (and also do, considering you have a basic mechanics workshop available to you currently.

Time taken: Started planning the previous day, about 6 hours of just writing and

Total word count: nearly 3000 words!

Total player/Character count: 21 Characters, 17 Players, Excluding Elijah
Kalos frowns. "Great. Fantastic. We're under attack. Well, I'll help in any way I can, but I'd rather not go it alone."

He turns on his heel and raises an eyebrow to Coatl. "Listen, I know we don't get along great, but you're a great fighter. Mind backing me up here?"


Maya simply pulls back the hammer on the Guiding Light, a rather loud click ringing through the air.

"Eh, gods aren't really that tough when you fight 'em. They get cocky, and that's when you put a bullet right between their eyes. Let's move."
Misfortune hoped that the god wasn't the best with standing his ground when a sarcastic comment came his way, "Oh man, I'm positively shaking in my boots! What am I going to do!?" He then followed up the vocal assault with a recently conjured throwing knife, and running towards the straightjacket, which might come in handy in a few seconds.
@Neow46 @Torma Ximnus (Sorry for the mix up in another RP so I got confused between the names lol)

Marcus put his hands up and nodded "Yea your probably right, we would be killed or just forced under him even if we get godhood and I prefer my freedom and life So I'll stick with you and keep my head low." As a last minute thing Marcus checked his sword belt and indeed his long-sword was still there. He then looked at the destination. "Well our destination seems to be under attack and the walk is 20-30 minutes so we will make it during the fight in time to help or we miss the fight entirely and meet the victor, anyway lets be off." Marcus then took his first step towards their destination.
Roy disengages his armor with a sigh, placing it on the table. "I... See that. Gotta admit, I kinda thought wherever spirits and all that lived would be like the matrix... That sense of rushing power that only a technomancer can understand...." He shakes his head as he does his best with what tools and scrap he has to repair the armor. "So, what's the run, Mr. Johnson? I don't normally set out to do extraction or wetwork, but since there doesn't seem to be, well, anything of a Matrix presence, obviously I'm not needed to hack something. Besides, I get the impression their heavy hitters aren't exactly a fan of armor." He begins patching the wires together with a little grin. "Hell, if I'd known they were hostile and hadn't been dropped into a pack of them, I could have easily taken them hostage in ones and by twos, or just blown their heads clean off. Or does your deal pertain to something else?"

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