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Futuristic Among Gods

Thinking quickly, Ged strums a chord on his harp, then another few, to gently put everyone except him and Delphi in the tent to sleep. (The loyalty charm hasn't worn off yet, but will most likely if Coatl falls asleep. This would effect everyone that hears it except for the aforementioned, takes about fifteen to twenty seconds to play, and would be most effective on those closest to the source.) It is his strongest melody, and with the semi-darkened tent it is especially strong.
Lupa nods to the human and begins her trek towards the camp. "Understood ma'am."

Once the human begins to casually ask of her abilities, She smiles. "It seems like you have had more than just me appearing randomly, I would presume?"

While the conversation continues, she looks up at the sky to try to figure out how long until night time arrives in case she needs an escape for any reason. "My abilities are not really magical, at least I don't think. They are more along the lines of innate, for lack of a better word." Of course, Lupa wouldn't want to divulge all of her secrets on a first encounter. "The easiest to explain is my ability to shift."
Seih fidgets uneasily on Thorn's back, trying to avoid meeting the gaze of the lizard and eyeing the surrounding people warily.

<I don't feel well.>

<Too many people in this area.>

<Way too many.>

Thorn dutifully- Hold up dude. First of all, I don't trust this guy.

Secondly, Holy crap, Seih can talk to us with his mind.

"I don't like him either. So, back away then?"

<Too late, he's seen us now.>

<It'll seem suspicious if we leave now, on top of Elijah just before.>

<And you don't have to speak, just think about what you want to say and I'll "hear" it.>

<Let's just get this over with quickly, please.>

What if... you turned us invisible, and we flew away?

<How the Hell...> Magince. Science and magic combined!

Thorn shook his head, <Alright, here goes.>

Thorn plodded forward until he was face to face with the Lizard Wizard.

Oi, this bastard owes me a ham! Or was it another lizard wizard...

Seih's twitching calms down as he focuses on the task at hand. He glances back at Danielle, Mei, Coils and Danielle.


<I'm hesitant to try to read his mind.>

<It does not seem like a good idea, considering he's a wizard.>

<Do you know that spider guy?>

<Maybe you can pretend to have just come to chat him up.>

<It's not very believable, but it could buy us time.>

<Actually, hold on.>

Seih glances back again, focusing briefly on each other member of the team, then looks at Misfortune.

<Alright, um, hi, everyone.>

<This is Seih, and you should all be able to hear each other talking in their minds.>

<Don't worry about loose thoughts, I'm filtering out all but the highest priority thoughts.>

<I cannot sustain this relay for very long, so we should very quickly decide what to do.>

<Ideas, anyone?>

Hmm, What to say to him...

"Uh, good day sir. I see you like magic; I too....like magic. Yeah."

Hahaha, ace speech craft skills dude, 10/10!

<What am I supposed to say?!>

Ask him about necromancy, I bet a creep like him knows something. Thorn cleared his throat, and approached the table.

"You don't happen to know anything about necromancy, do you?"

(@Thorn of Discord @Bonzo @SnakyDragon @Seahorse Your characters are all invited to a conference call hosted by Seih! Koya can't talk, though, unless Danielle lets him through; same with Jaik and Coils.)
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"Delphi," Coatl yawns.

"An attraction charm will not be necessary for me." Coatl's face turns bright red. "Wait!"

Did you just say that?

"Regardless of what I just said, this experiment has no meaning. Even if my charm is the strongest on them, do you really think Mr. Harp and Mr. Violin have any chance against a true warrior?"

Coatl's eyes close momentarily being pulled into the lullaby. Wait. He knew what was going on here. When his eyes open they flash a deep purple letting out a small blast to zap Ged's fingers, or more likely to knock the harp out of his hands.

"And quit playing that lousy song or I will fight!"
Kalos looks over at Coatl. Drowsiness still clawing at his head."I'm sorry, what now?"

Kalos places his violin back in the case, snapping the latches shut as loudly as possible.

"I don't care what kind of madness this crazy cat lady is putting us through, but am I supposed to sit here and listen to an insult to my prowess?"

Before he realizes it, there's a beat in his head, and his speech starts to rhyme, managing to improvise a lyric despite the urge to sleep still dragging at him.

"Did you really just up and insult the Seventh Maiden's Blessing?

You know my killing powers aren't worthless window dressing!"

He's not angry enough to really get his powers going, but despite standing across the room Coatl feels a slight push as Kalos finishes his first lyrics.
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Meanwhile, while other people are busy with stupid fucking drama or something, Errg the fishman is busy exploring the world. This stone thing rising from the pond was certainly a surprise, but Errg's seen stranger things in the past. He grabs his sword and makes his way across the path, then takes hold of the ladder and begins descending into the unknown.

(Not much I can do, seeing as I only know about what's outside /: )
Jaik smirks.

Yeah, he had been standing around doing nothing. Not his fault, though. We all need some time to gather our thoughts.

"I'm gonna go downstairs and be prepared to stop anything stupid from happening. WR-54, you seem to have some constraining abilities we might need. Chris... Do whatever."

He heads downstairs.

Coils immediately starts being quiet and does things to shake all the focus on him onto other people, mainly by walking past Vizera, nodding at him (in a bro-I-understand-you kind of way) once, and staring forward and not looking back. Once he feels Vizera's eyes are off of him, he'll sneak into a dark corner and watch the proceedings, ready to summon a bear-trap in front of Vizera's legs if need be.

I'll cover the escape route, guys.
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Coatl gets some knockback from that magical push. He keeps his sword gripped tightly in his hand, seeming like it might be crushed under Coatl's grip. But then, the sword vanished! Coatl's fists were clenched. He was visibly angry now.

"A simple minded brute with a blessing is still a simple minded brute. You are a sorry fool to not train your body rather than rely on a blessing. I don't deny the validity of your gods and their blessings, and I certainly don't deny the fact that I'm gonna kick your ass!"

Coatl shoots forwards unexpectedly quick from the tension of his curled up snake half to tackle Kalos and bring the pair to the ground, fists flying.
Kalos grunts in pain as he takes a few solid blows to the face, but he manages to grab onto Coatl's fist and hold it in place long enough to retaliate.

"Okay, listen here, ol' snake-ass, I could make this so much worse!

I could have you in the ground, before I finish my third verse!"

This boast is far from accurate, but the Blessing cares more about style than accuracy. This rhyme impacts Coatl as a solid blow to his gut. With any luck, it'll stun him long enough for Kalos to get back on his feet...
Ged quickly pulls a powder from a bag on his belt, and tosses it on the wrestling duo. It ignites with a pop of green fire, and as they start to burn, the air is filled with the fowl smell of Kalos and Coatl's flesh.
Lyrositor said:
<I'm hesitant to try to read his mind.>

<It does not seem like a good idea, considering he's a wizard.>

<Do you know that spider guy?>

<Maybe you can pretend to have just come to chat him up.>

<It's not very believable, but it could buy us time.>

<Actually, hold on.>

Seih glances back again, focusing briefly on each other member of the team, then looks at Misfortune.

<Alright, um, hi, everyone.>

<This is Seih, and you should all be able to hear each other talking in their minds.>

<Don't worry about loose thoughts, I'm filtering out all but the highest priority thoughts.>

<I cannot sustain this relay for very long, so we should very quickly decide what to do.>

<Ideas, anyone?>
<Wait a second, have to make an intelligence check...>

Misfortune closes his eyes, and Seih "hears" (for lack of a better description) a 20-sided die spinning around, and stopping on a 14.

<Still got it! Alright, I'm all ears, as for Vizara, I was suspicious of him the second he sat down. When his hand got burned by the crystal thing, my suspicions were confirmed. He's a lizard wizard. I think we should strike up casual banter, and slowly surround him, then, once he's surrounded, we "pounce".>

Mini-update part 1!

(This is not a actual update, and is merely only a thing to keep things going instead of waiting for a week!


(Don't ask how or why, but i wasted a liiiiiiiiiiiiiittle too much time in hell this monday)

Kalos, Coatl, and Ged:

(Ged, by chance do you have skype? You missed a helllll of a convo last night on the group chat about your current situation with coalt and kalos, if not though, that's totally fine)

"Hehe..." Delphi giggles at Kalo's Compliment.

"A Good Start Bird boy, bu I';m not technically performing brain surgery here, just using my assest to my advantage~ And unfortunately for you I-"

Ged suddenly begins to start playing his sleep Melody, Delphi Raising and Eyebrow at him.

"Hey He's got the right-"

Ged doesn't get even 5 seconds into his song before Coatl speaks up, Delphi Smiling at his comment.

"They certainly do if you do not-"

Not even 10 seconds into the song, Ged's fingers are suddenly zapped away from his harp by Coatl.

A dissapointed look starts to form on the cat woman's face, and suddenly....

Fight Begin!

Coatl pounces upon Kalos, throwing a couple of punches onto the Weaver's face!

Quickly enough however Kalos lands a Rhyme that gives Coatl a sick punch into the Stomach!

However, to both of their Surprises, The Marauders (who are now shocked awake) and Delphi's however, Ged Suddenly turns everything up to fucking 11, Tossing a black powder upon the two wrestling duo, and igniting them with a bright green flame!

For a few seconds Both Kalos and Coatl burn in screaming and fright in the sudden happening of events! Throwing around sparks and other things onto nearby crates full of fucking munitions and ammo.

However, before Ged could watch any longer, let alone think about the immense consequences of his actions he just brought upon, He suddenly felt a painful impact into his jaw as a a Fist firmly delivers a immensely painful blow to his face, and is sent onto the ground!

A Sudden -FWOOSHING- sound is heard as well, as Coatl and Kalos are blasted with a bone-chillingly cold substance that seemed to suffocate them both as the green fire burning the two of them was immediately replaced by a white foam substance that stung like a blizzard's blasting wind!

Fight End!

The three of you lay next to each-other in severe pain, both burns, cold blasted, and Punches thrown everywhere...

Delphi Suddenly stands over the three of you, her face Darkened and very clearly unpleased, as Marauders struggled to keep explosives from suddenly going off within the tent itself.... Green fire still burning here and there....

"You know..." She very coldly said.... her eyes hidden under her hair from the three of your view points...

"When I said fight for me, I didn't Literally mean FIGHT for me....." She almost hissed her words out venomously at the three of you....

"When I meant, you stupid idiots.... Is to attain my Affection first...."

She Leans in closer to the three of you, under her hair you could see he pupils were replaced with tiny, ferocious slits within her eyes....

"So, Tell me Boys.... Do you wanna have a bad time?"

"Or do you wanna have a good time? and give into this Lady's Demands?"

Lupa: "Yeah... something like that...." The soldier responds...

Another few minutes of silence passes by...

"What do you mean by shift though?"

Soldier asks.

"Like, turning into animals and stuff, or some sort of nature powers?"

They inquire further...

Off in the distance in the camp... wait.... is that a pillar of smoke...?

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"Shift allows me to switch between two of my forms. Human, and Wolf. It's fun to do, and good for confusing people who are unfamiliar with magic."

Lupa looks ahead and sees the pillar of smoke coming from the camp.

"Is that smoke pillar a normal occurrence?"
Getting over his confusion about the strange sounds in Misfortune's heads (Was that... a die rolling around? In his head?), Seih tries to relax and stares around distractedly, watching what everyone seems to be calling the Lizard Wizard out of the corner of his eye.

<I stand ready, though I am not sure what I can do to help.>

<I'm hesitant to reach out to his mind, since he is a wizard and I have no experience with magic.>

<We are supposed to try to retrieve the modifier shards he has with him.>

<It seems unlikely he'll come willingly - he's acting rather nervously.>

<Elijah is also coming in from the other side, so he should be surrounded soon.>

<Hopefully very soon.>

Seih then adds, in a private conversation with Misfortune,

<And hello, by the way!>

<I don't believe we've really met.>
Kalos hops to his feet with surprising agility for someone who was just getting his face pounded in. He opens his mouth, and instead of words an oddly melodic sound comes out. Kalos closes his mouth and blushes.

"Sorry. Uh, look, for what it's worth I never intended... that. I jumped the gun a little, and I apologize."

He dusts off his jacket and rubs at a bruise on his jaw, not breaking eye contact with Delphi. He seems legit terrified.

"I guess we can try this from the top, and with less blatant stupidity on our end. Though could we avoid charms? I'm not exactly a fan of having my head messed with. Feather-face does that enough already."

He leaves the "please don't hurt me" unspoken.
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Mini-update part 2!

You slowly slither past Vizara, he watches you as you do so... You manage to find a spot a little ways away, and watch from the darkness... (Read Seih Thorn and Misfortune)

Seih, Thorn, Misfortune:
Vizara seems to play it off cooly at first, Greeting Seih and Thorn as they approached...

"Uhh Yeah! Hello there again lil horse guy!" Vizara greets Thorn... it's very obvious that Vizara was nervous as his eyes darted all around....

"Nah though... No dark arts for me... What i do is all tricks and stuff. I betcha you don't remember, since yah fell asleep on me last night, remember?"

He asked Thorn....

"But uhh, what can i do for you all today eh? Did the Commander Need Something from me?"

He asked almost timidly... still his eyes darting around for anything fluffy, white, and cyan no doubtfully from what he told Misfortune.

Jaik: Going around the tents and everything, you eventually spot Elijah herself, passing by marauders and trying to urgently go somewhere it seemed like.... You decide to follow her... considering your... distrust.... as of late...

Following Elijah around for awhile, you eventually see her suddenly noticing something and bolt!

Quickly following the Wolfess, you quickly find out what suddenly made her choose to bolt, as a smoke stack seemed to be coming out of the Weapons and munitions Tent! (Aka, the Armory)

Her slowly join Elijah to Peek inside of the tent with her and the Marauders, all fo you silently watching the Scene with Delphi, Ged, Coatl, and Kalos.... (Read all of Coatl, Kalos, and Ged previously)

Do you dare to interfere? Or would you rather dismiss this and continue on?

Lupa: "No... It's not..." the soldier responds from behind you....

"Depends on who's starting it though... the smoke pillar that is..." there was a hit of a joke in their voice....

The sounds of the camp ahead began to get slightly louder as the two of you passed another, similar armed guard on the farther outskirts of the large camp you were heading to.... Who only gave a simple Nod to the Guard escorting you....

"So you turn into one of those werewolves you mean or some sorta actual wolf?" They question further again, just barely keeping up a convo with you....
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<Yeah, that happens...>

<I'm Misfortune, average spider-like being and roleplay enthusiast!> (:maps:)

"My lips are sealed~"

<By the way, this Vizara dude apparently did a panty raid or whatever, he doesn't want me to tell you, but thinking about it never did anyone any harm...>

Misfortune chuckled at the pure irony of the situation.
Seih cuts off the group conversation, choosing to talk only to Misfortune and Thorn for now.

@ferociousfeind: <I think the suspicion is that he stole those modifier shards somehow, and I think he suspects we're coming to get them back.>

<In fact, he seems distraught enough now - I'm going to try to reach into his mind.>

Noticing Vizara's increased state of agitation, Seih tries to capitalize on this and quickly makes a light incursion into his mind, not attempting to find anything yet, merely probing for mental resistance.

@Thorn of Discord: <Thorn, I can boost your reflexes for a brief while.>

<If you let me, I can dedicate some of my brain power to making you react faster.>

<I will be weaker in this state, though, so you would have to either put me down or hang on to me.>

<Do you want to try?>

<He is getting really nervous.>

<Uh, sure. I can hang to ya.>

Am I the only one not afraid of this guy?!

Thorn gently wrapped Seih in a telekinetic sheath, negating his physical weight. Weird, I can feel his heart beating.

<Voice in Thorn's head, we don't know what he's capable of, so we should not be reckless.>

<Let me focus a bit here.>

Seih closes his eyes slowly, pretending to fall asleep. As he does so, his mind reaches out further into Thorn's than ever before. He navigates past all the layers of abstraction to reach the core input/output feedback loop of consciousness. Once he feels he has a good grasp of the alien system, he starts to meld it with his own, speeding up Thorn's thoughts, reactions and movements.

<T-h-errree...> comes his thoughts again, albeit much weaker than before.

<Yo-uuu are... goooood to-to-to-to go...>

<DOOOOooooonnn't over-ex-over-exhert you r... self.>

<Burn up... en-energy... much fas-faster this wayayay...>

Seih finishes attempting to probe the lizard wizard's mind... but immediately he encounters a sort of resistance... a magical barrier much like Elijah's and the Keeper's, but immediately it is very clearly far lesser then the two of them had... if he just had some time he could probably work around it... but Vizara eyes Seih as he talks to Thorn... It is clear that Seih has been detected...

Seih suddenly re-initiates the group telepathy, sending with a great deal of urgency:

<ATTAck noooooowww...>

<Spot-ot-otted, clum-sy-lumsy...>
WOAH-MUCH SPEED-SUCH FAST- Thorn darted face to face with Vizara -OH RIGHT-QUIET-SORRY-SHHHH- and drew his revolvers. -NO SHOOT-SOLDIERS-BANG BANG-EVERYWHERE-ALL DIE- <Damn, he's annoying...> Thorn pocketed the revolvers and telekinetically flipped the table into a barrier for cover, -GO-PUSH-AWAY- and attempted to fling the wizard far backwards.
Misfortune uses his modifier to summon a large roll of rope, possibly stunning Vizara. He grabs the two ends and throws the middle around Visara, hoping he doesn't have any teleportation powers or whatever.
"Just a normal wolf. I am rather glad to not be a werewolf. They seem, unnatural. There is something unsettling about a beast who walks on two legs." Lupa watches the billows of smoke rise into the sky, seemingly getting more anxious as they travel forwards. "In this camp you are taking me to, is there anything that produces large amounts of fire, if I may ask?"
Coatl, now sitting on the floor and looking up at Delphi says,

"I think a good time would be preferable uh...please?"

Coatl wasn't used to the whole apologizing thing but tried his best anyways.
Jaik chooses to smirk and watch, but will interfere with non-lethal force at Delphi if she chooses to attack seriously.
Chris yawns as he walks out of the tower and finds... okay what the hell is going on here. Delphi seems to have her side of things handled so it's time to go check out this lizard wizard guy.

Seems like they're currently trying to catch him and he is known for being tricky it seems...

He holds his modifier in his hand and a bit of static gathers on the edge of it before he pinches something and pulls a pair of glasses out of his modifier. That done he then focuses on what he wants next as he gathers energy for it, -Give me True Sight ala DnD, let me see past illusions, magical effects, and the like, to see things are they truly are and past things that would hide what is real from me.- He's not sure if he's done that right, but after letting the energy settle for a bit (he hopes) he lets it flow into the pair of glasses he's just created.
>Errg climbs down the ladder, everything around him getting darker as he eventually hit the bottom, finding himself at some stone stairs leading farther downwards.... Heading downwards farther, sword in hand, Errg notices the area down here getting colder and colder as he descended and turning to metal instead of stone.... Eventually.... Errg enters into a strange little hub room.... it was decently sized and felt much like an underwater cave with a large window opposite of the stairs that gave an outside view of the empty blue ocean outside... around the room there were several strange machines and various mechanical scraps and parts scattered around... on the right and left of the Stairs on the other walls of the room were two doors each.... one door you noticed had a pretty significant dent in it.. as well as the scent fo dried blood within.... Before the observational window seemed to be a large panel with all sorts of dials and buttons...<

Errg hardly even notices the cold, cold was something he'd grown used to long ago. It was actually pretty comfortable to be back in the cold. He slowly makes his way though the room, and makes a displeased face when he looks out the window. This barren ocean was still disturbing, Errg did not like it one bit.

He has no idea how to work any of those dials or buttons work, so for now he ignores them. The fishman takes a mental note of the blood and the dented door and he tries opening the undamaged door.

>Errg has to forcibly pry it open himself as these doors seem to work mechanically, but it doesn't take too much effort for Errg without damaging the door... letting he light from the window flood inside the door next to the damaged/bloodied one... within Errg finds another room, however, it is far too dark to see at the current moment... but... Errg sees a small little switch right next to the door in the dark room... flip the switch?<

Errg squints into the darkness, hoping his eyes would adjust like they usually do. After a minute, he gets tired of waiting and tries waving his sword in front of him like a torch, hoping the heat would produce enough of a glow to allow him to see a little more. Even if it doesn't, he starts to walk forward while dragging his hand against the wall, accidentally flipping the switch.

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