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Futuristic Among Gods

"I think I could do with a quest, sure." A quest? That's one way to spell suicide.

Thorn lowered his voice, "Excuse me?" It's sounds a bit dangerous is all.

Underground prisons, rival deities,
literal undead demons...."And staying here with an angry Delphi is any less dangerous?" ........ undead demons it is.

"Damn straight." Thorn affirmed loudly. Too loudly.
Errg steps knee deep into the water and pulls out the burning sword he was given. He takes a deep breath before starting to slash at the air around him meaningfully, imagining himself surrounded by city folk guards. Just like that night...

But now was not the time to think about the past. The fish man was stuck on some weird world full of weird monsters and weird people. The damn ocean doesn't even have fish, for gods' sake! Being around all these other people was too much for him, he needed to find a place to be alone. Maybe an island?
Danielle wipes away cheesecake, rolls her eyes and says something unrepeatable.


How do they say it... you have your foot in it now?


Are you going to face your problems like man or мишка?


You speak or I speak for you. This is petty and tiresome.


Danielle begins to say, "I tell you why, is because he's a страхлив..."

But Koyaanis interrupts before she makes things worse, gesticulating wildly "Hey, that's not... entirely... uh. Look, you want to know the whole story? I was an idiot and got myself killed because I was in some fire spirit's body and I went full psychopyro. It was stupid. And I'm ashamed I lost control like that. THEN Diana plucks me out of nowhere and says "Xenoth's going to erase you from existence unless you do what I say and go back."."

Koya takes a deeper breath. "
I think, oh great, so this is it, huh? Actual oblivion? Or the same old cycle, a life for mine? What if it was one of you guys back here? I couldn't face that, not a chance. But Diana offers a way out - I go in as a hitchhiker. Boom - I'm stuck to this poor girl" - "слабоумен" - "Sweet deal, huh? Noone dead and I get to come back here to see you all again and fight alongside?"

He pauses and begins to speak more softly. "
But no body, see? No nothing. Just my mind on it's sweet little lonesome in a world where if I draw attention to myself one or the other head honcho god type is going to bring the hammer down, and I'll have just gone round in circles, only now Dani and maybe more will be going out with me. And I'll wake up in another universe in someone else's life, knowing if I could have been less of a tit..."

This is how you feel? This is the truth?

Probably. I think so? I don't bloody know. When do I ever know what I'm saying...

He gestures at Elijah. "Every beady magical eye on this world is pointed at you, right here. If you'd known, they would too. So my cover is well and truly blown out the window now. I just hope the worst are either actually dead or distracted, because now my only advantage is scuppered, sunk and flotsam'd harder than the Divergence."

Danielle, sensing the ebb of Koyaanis' control, seizes her voicebox, "If I may. I think he's mostly overreacting as usual, however, perhaps you needn't have wasted such a delicious cheesecake?" She says with a little venom, then continues, "If it makes things any better he's been feeling so guilty about everything the whole time it's given me a migraine. I'm not fond of drama, so shall we proceed with the operation? Or do we all need to let our feelings spill out like so much watery Marauder's soup?" Not waiting for a response, she clicks her heels and turns to leave.


Not a problem, мухльо некомпетентен.
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(DAYUM THIS ELIJAH PLOT IS THICKENING! Also, I have a really hard time reading the blue text, and I have to highlight it. Can you do this or this?

Coils digests what he's heard.

"Thank you. If the gods really want to kill you..."

He glances at Elijah quickly.

"They'll have to go through me first. Let's do this operation. Nice to have you back, bud."

Don't you feel like an asshole, huh?

Quiet. I just needed to know why he lied. And, look at that! He had a good excuse, like I wanted him to.

You're still an asshole.

Seih keeps his eyes downcast and tries to avoid being noticed. Looking at Elijah, he notices she still hasn't said anything. In fact, now that he thinks about it, he can't recall her ever saying anything, except by proxy of her notepad. Why doesn't she speak? Has she taken a vow of silence?

His curiosity over Elijah, now compounded by this latest conclusion, prompts Seih to walk over to her. He levitates himself a bit and tugs on her sleeve.

"Excuse me, bad time perhaps, but I am really curious - why don't you talk?"
"Um, uh I was just wandering if there was a weapon I could..." Ged hastily starts, backing up under the powerful and not quite pleased gaze of a much taller, dangerous looking cat person. Backing up, Ged trips and knocks against a rack of knives knocking them down and pinning his hat and cloak to the floor. While still pinned to the floor, Ged tosses a "Help, anyone?" look, over at the almost as scary snake man.
(Apologies if im not mini-updating, drawing, or getting major updates out fast enough guys, im still kinda recovering from the 3 year Anniversary Fatigue and School's kicking my ass, in addition, the spark/motivation to update has been little to none and I Apologize ;;;

These Major Updates are a huge ton of work and responsibility, even though I've been doing it for 3 years straight, I am still only human! BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN I DON'T FUCKING LOVE YOU ALL FOR STICKING WITH ME FOR SO LONG (<3))

( @arcaneSentinel ) Byron: The Medics both look at each-other and shrug, then look back at you, noticing they were particularly staring at the way you were shoving your hand down your pocket.

"I am afraid we haven't..." Arin, the medic WITH the robotic arm, finally speaks up, his voice almost sounding robotic under his surgical mask...

"If it's to cover up some horrendous injury with whatever you're doing there, i do not think it'll be hard for one of us to treat." Jon says as he moves slightly closer to you, extending a hand out to you and motioning for yours, almost causing a reflexive action on your part.....

"Please Show us your hand." He Says Calmly...

"You're in a different world now, unless it's some contagious disease, this honestly should nto be a problem for either you, or us."

What shall you do..?

( @ChrisClark13 @Bluesunnyday @SnakyDragon @a52 @Thorn of Discord ) Chris, Kalos, Jaik, W-R54, Thorn:

The Keeper chuckles to himself as he listens to all five of you..

"So it is settled then hehehe...."

The Keeper Outstretches his hands from his body, motioning his fingers and wrists in a rather elegant fashion as Magical energy began to encircle all five of you, Giving each one of you, yes, even the unfeeling robot, a tingly sense as you feel the Keeper's energy Attach to your Bodies...

And with one sweeping motion of his hands and arms, the Keeper quickly brings in his arms and with a loud -Whoomph- sound, you all feel a sort of thing, invisible barrier around each of you as the Keeper calmly picks up a nearby piece of mysterious cake, to which it's flavor seemed unidentifiable....

"That should do it just about... I've put a sort of... spell upon all of you to allow me to track you accurately without any interference as soon as you all are either Taken to Whomever is controlling the Tortured or Enter the Underground network.... Hrmmm"

The Keeper Paused in Thought for a little bit as he looked Down and up at some of the Lesser armed people in the Room here...

"Master Chris."

He asks suddenly, turning his ghastly gaze towards Chris

"If you'd be so kind, I shall ask you to be the head of this "operation", if you were to say, Maybe be able to arm the others here, with the appropriate weaponry and supplies, before you head out yes?"

He said, one of his uncanny and ghastly grins over his face as he Looks around towards everyone again.

"As for the rest of you, Your main goal is to simply locate and find out whomever this masked entity is possibly manipulating The Tortured, and preferably, come back Alive in order to prevent the possible consequences could come upon all of Us and the rest of the planet's current surface dwellers should whomever this manipulator may be.

Once we identify whomever this might be, then we may figure out a plan of action to deal with them most hopefully."

The Keeper's hands began to glow again as he creates a hasty Visual drawing in the air for all of you.

Appearing to be a sort of map of the immediate area.


"Now, for reference, this map is not quite to reference, the Crashed Ship for example, the Divergence was it? Is at least a day or two's WALK and about 2 a two hours drive from what I've observed of the Marauder's vehicles....

The Triangles represent Some of the Entrances down into the Planet wide Dungeon network... The Closest one East of here I believe has since Collapsed ever since the First Colossus Attack a couple of days ago, but is still worth a Try should you desire to head there.

The Squares you should be aware of are known Katarii (The First species to migrate to this planet i believe before the Gods all decided to get involved...) and Marauder Outposts/Settlements that have been posted throughout the past year. We ourselves of course are at the primary Camp/nomadic group, or "The Camp" as you would refer to it normally.

Your bests bets would be at the Locations marked with triangles, and shouldn't take very long to reach witht eh use of Teleportation magic, which i require a few hours to prepare some portals so nobody gets mixed with someone else mid transit if you can reasonably understand..."

"Now, is there ANYTHING Else any of you wish to ask before you all go and prepare for a little bit?

You will all know when to return here when it is time, i assure you..."

The Keeper chuckles as he dissipates the magic map back into nothing, and looks around at all of you calmly with his hands behind his back.

Chris? Kalos? Thorn? WR? Jaik?

Do you think any of you would have questions/personal things to ask of the keeper?

( @creepingShade ) Errg: The Waters of the ocean calm you somewhat as you stand within them, swishing and slashing the sword at the air around you, a trail of cinders following every swing of the blade, imagining stupid, racist, arrogant city guard's bellies being slashed open by your blade as you swung it about, getting a feel for the Heavy blade and it's searing heat...

To be honest, as you swung the blade around in different slashes and styles of fighting, there wasn't really a single island in sight, and all the way out here was pretty darn far away from the major camp already.... yet that place was still cramped much like a real city itself... and has a scaly magic asshole within it.... you thought angrily to yourself as you imagined Stabbing the Lizard Wizard right through his back and punching him for being a annoying memory in your mind....

You swung your scorching sword once again in a circular motion, ending the swing facing outwards towards the ocean... to which something managed to catch your eye!

Peering a little outwards in the distance, you are able to spot a small island just a decent swim off shore!

You find this very strange, as when you were coming out here, that island wasn't visible at all!

However this is perfect you think... a Small island not too far from the Camp that you could retreat to whenever you needed!

Although, before you swim out there (which would only take you a few minutes to get to)... there seems to be the issue of your scorching sword....

Upon inspection of the scabbard, it appears relatively waterproof... At least looking down inside of the sheath where it's been dipped into the water around you...

Do you perhaps take the risk of taking the weapon with you into the water or maybe Leave ti here on shore?

That island Could have something Dangerous there!

What shall you decide?

( @ferociousfeind ) Misfortune: The Lizard Wizard looks rather annoyed at you as he rubs his hands.

"Vvvvvee. As In Vizara. Vee-Zara." The lizard says, still looking rather annoyed as he picks up a piece of what looks like fish flavored cake with his non-burnt hand.

"I didn't think they actually did that..." He said, the annoyance on his face slowly fading away as he began to search his pockets for something

"Ah well, I aint gonna try that again, that's for sure... But at least this lil thing i got works..." He said, as he took something glowy out of his pocket...

In his hand you observe he has a small shard of something crystalline that was glowing Orange and blue, almost kinda like you....Modifier....

Oh, SHIT! You think to yourself, Another person with a... well, tiny shard of a Modifier...?

It still concerned you the way he chuckled to himself earlier.... Wait, he isn't going to try something on you with that shard will he?!

What shall you do?

( @Ged Merrilin @aquaInferno ) Ged and Coatl: Delphi Frowns and sighs as she puts a slice of cheesecake aside on a nearby Table, Almost Pushing her way past Coatl almost like he was unimportant.

She stood over Ged looking unimpressed at him at first.

"Really now?" She commented almost jokingly however, as a Small smirk went acrossed her face.

In quick succession She removed each Knife sticking Ged to the grass one by one, and offered a hand to help him up.

"You're certainly not the first one to come in here today asking for a gun or two. I'll give you that, anything you'd specifically would want?"

Both Coatl and Ged would notice a sudden flip in her mood all of the sudden.... Which was almsot offensive to Coatl and Surprising to Ged as she started to become freindly all of the sudden with Ged entering the tent her....

However... Could Ged also feel a sense of flusteredness about With Delphi as she suddenly became friendly with him...?

However, that sudden flip of mood is short lived as Delphi's smirk changed rather quickly however as a sudden realization hits her mind, and her ears perk up.

"Hey, Mister your highness." She spat out almost mockingly as she turned her head around a little to give a raised eyebrow at Coatl eating some chocolate cake.

"This isn't one of your charms or something is it?" She questioned him as she stood up after Helping Ged, observing the both of you very closely.....

A moment of silence passes by before either of you can say anything as she put a hand on her hip and a finger or two on her chin in thought, long feline tail swishing behind her.

"Coatl, if your Charms really work..." She said, suddenly locking her Gaze unto Ged... An almost devilish grin smiled at the smaller Cat man, which very likely unnerved him a great amount....

"Show me if they actually work... By using one On Either The little Cat man here or Myself again."

This came as a slight shock to both of you, Maybe Ged Especially..... However... it would be up to Ged to either flee or just simply answer Delphi's question and get whatever weapon he preferred, Or Maybe play along here...

...And it would be up to Coatl for what kind of Charm to use upon Either Ged or Delphi.. Or both perhaps... Or no charm at all....

But, it seemed to be Implying Delphi wanted a positive charm of sorts....

Both of you hoped with that kind of sinister grin on her face, she wasn't up to anything too crazy here...

What shall the two of you do?

( @Seahorse @Bonzo @Lyrositor @SnakyDragon ) Mei, Koya, Danielle, Coils, and Seih: Elijah's mouth practically dropped open at the sudden outburst between all of you that had just happened in front of her own Bed...

Hastily she Begins writing on her notepad again, and quickly shows it to all four of you after this all quickly calms down with a very concerned expression on her face...

As confusing as this is to tell apart Miss Danielle and Koya here, I wasn't aware of Koya's exsistance either right up until now... I too thought he Died back when we all fought the Warden...

To Koya, Coils, and Mei, that Fight felt like it's been YEARS ago since that happened... but in reality it was only a couple of days....

But if the evidence of Someone being in possession of one of his Modifier's splintered pieces and Seih's own telepathic powers... I certainly will not doubt you're actually there Koya, I too am glad to have you back...

But... i think it's fair to say we've kinda got a bigger issue going on at the moment... (and between you guys and me i'd like to get away from those two arguing Idoits behind you ASAP.)

The end note mentioned Rohkuul and Aundry behind the Four of you, Whom were still arguing over Gods and lore and other stupid stuff as they seemed to completely Ignore Coils's own outburst not even a minute ago....

There was also a small note at the bottom for Mei:

( P.S Mei -

There's nothing for you to apologize here for... We can talk later though...)

Before you all actually left, Seih seems to strike up a conversation with Elijah....

(Apologies if i got the color Wrong Lyro, but i cannot make the effort to color the text with a specific hex code that's not in the provided list int he Rich text editor right now as i've already taken way too fucking long with this update already.)

Elijah practically ignores Seih at first, However When Seih tugs on her shirt, it grabs her attention and. Glancing at Seih and listening to his question with her white, wolfish ears.

She points A finger towards her throat, and shakes her head and shrugs at him, not even bothering to write something down again on her notepad.

Seih blinks and frowns, trying to puzzle out her meaning, before realization dawns upon him.

"You are a mute? I thought that was impossible. Should you not have been culled from birth? How have you even managed for so long?"

Elijah raises a concerned eyebrow at Seih, But nods her head in a manner of agreement.... It hits him however that he must remember she's from an entirely different world than himself, where as it was very likely unpopular to cull people at birth for any defects....

He considers how different her society (and those of all the others around him, now that he thinks about it) must be from his own if such fundamental things are different, and he is about to ask more about on the subject before he recalls his first objective.

"Well, while I would love to know more about this, I am actually much more interested in something else entirely. It's about your mind - do you realize that there is something... covering it, for lack of better terms?"

Elijah crosses her arms, the Modifier on her right arm gauntlet glowing brightly red still... She nods her head no to Seih's response... You'd notice her tail curl up around her as she keeps her arms crossed and closed off to Seih...

Seih looks disappointed as she speaks her response in Body language, but he rallies and enthusiastically tries to describe it. "It's really quite fascinating. It is like... Hmm. Like a barrier that defies comprehension. But it's not inside your mind, it's around it, while still lying within you, which is what is so strange and beautiful about it." Seih blinks as he tries to remember where he was going with this. "I seem to have forgotten where I was going with this. But it is really quite spectacular - you should try to see it for yourself. Maybe you could even do more with it."

Elijah looks concerningly at Seih, her ears slightly going back on her head, there was a sense of uneasiness and confusion coming from the way her body language was seeming to speak to Seih and everyone all around. She gives him a shrug, possibly implying she doesn't even know what he was talking about...

Seih frowns. How do you communicate a sight to someone who has never seen?

"I'm not sure I'm explaining this very well. Maybe it doesn't matter. But if you're not aware of it, that means something or someone is protecting your mind." He glances at the modifier. "And if it's powerful enough to shield it from outside influence, there's no telling what it could do to your mind. I'm not saying it's bad! It seems benign, as far as I can tell. And that's what makes it really so fascinating." Seih glances back at Elijah. "I don't suppose there's any chance I could study this one, or even a lesser specimen?"

Elijah seems to shy away from Seih at the mention of something that could manipulate her or that something else was protecting her, almost seeming to frown at him as her ears fold back farther.... She nods her head no however to his question...

Seih seems to have struck a nerve with her as she reaches for her notepad and pen again and simply writes...

"Lets just get going."

She simply writes down before standing up off her bed and taking another bite of her Rev Velvet Cake...

Oblivious to her change of mood, Seih nods happily, thanks her and moves back to join the others, ready to leave.

You all begin to Move out of Elijah's tent here, before a certain voice speaks up behind her.

"Lady Elijah? Where are you going?"
Rohkuul, the fully armored whtie Knight God, asked almsot innocently....

Elijah lets out a Deep sigh, and scribbles something on her note pad again for the four of you...

Go ahead of me you guys... Vizara should be down in the Camp somewhere... Ask the Marauders about him. Ill catch up in a minute after i "Dismiss" my god damn "servant"... Shouldn't take very long

The words on her small notepad almost radiated a kind of resentful tone to them as Elijah Quickly turned back Inwards towards the tent as you all headed out and back onto the Roof of the Tower...

The Morning sun was slowly climbing upwards in the sky, the wind blowing here up in this high spot, and the clammer of the Marauders down below still persistent...

So.... What shall the four of you do..?


Kerri has been marked inactive.


Total Player count:
12 players total

Total words: ~3200 words

Important note, I am not asking you guys to nominate AG For October Roleplay of the month, but I am addressing this as we've all gotten the notification. however if you wish to nominate AG, then please do if you so wish to and really beleive AG should be nominated!

We DO Indeed qualify for it (however I am unsure if the age requirement is 3 months HERE at RpN or for however long it's been overall, might have to check that first?).

So if you guys wanna go ahead and nominate Among Gods, by all means go for it you lovelys~

I mean, shit that'd be REALLY something for me to practically jizz myself over in excitement, it'd really really mean a lot to me guys if you actually did nominate AG!

Link to the nomination page thing:

Other - October Roleplay of the Month Nominations | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
(I already nominated it forty minutes after the notification went up. We're first. Short update, as I am on my kindle.)

Jaik smirks and raises his hand.

"What title should we give Chris? Sergeant? Captain? Admiral? Master? Guildmaster? Point Leader? He Who Is In Charge? Warleader? Shaman? The One Who Is The One? Alpha? Huntmaster? Ringleader? Doctor? Lord?"

Coils chooses to perch in awkward silence after his outburst. For now.
"Hmm, what's up with that shardy thing?" Misfortune presses, suspicious, "You better not try anything, In this case, I have the bigger gun, or summoning-crystal thing (I don't think Misfortune was properly introduced to Modifiers), while you have just a little shard..."

(edit: I was tempted to nominate AG at 12:01AM, guaranteeing AG being nominated first, because I want the petty "you tried." star)
Seih glances at the three beside him, wondering if he should go with them. Elijah wanted the newcomers to get some practice, and he wouldn't be alone this time at least, but the prospect of returning into the thick of the camp so soon isn't very appealing.

Still, I can hardly stay in this tower forever. I will just have to get used to it. He briefly looks at Meilikki again, wondering if she could make his helmet before they go down. Probably not the best time. I managed earlier, I can do it again. Just need to stay sufficiently occupied.

Seih resumes his hovering, bringing himself up to eye level with the rest of the people in the group. As he does so, he remembers some of the minds he crossed on his climb up, minds which he had blocked out then but which he now feels again. Keeping in mind what Coils had told him about Chris, he feels a strong desire to go meet them.

"Um," he starts nervously, looking at the others beside him. He dips a few centimetres in altitude. "I just remembered. There are a few others from our group just below us, on the... I think it is the second floor, or the third one. Maybe they can help somehow? With the mission?"

Noticing Coils's silent demeanour, he also reaches out to him, feeling vaguely guilty.

<If it would help, I could try to make a bridge between you and Koya.>

<You would be able to talk without having to go through Danielle.>
Errg would rather not fuck up his cool new stabbing tool, and he really wants to check out somewhere that's not here, so he takes the scabbard off his hip, sheaths the blade, and hugs it to his chest. Then he lays face up in the water and starts kicking towards the island, doing his best to hold the weapon out of the water. A magic blade should resist rusting, but he didn't want to risk it.
Byron clutches his arm and backs away instinctively. "Umm, no thank you. It's fine. Just forget about it." Abead of sweat form on Byron's brow as he steps back. Although he is trying to restrain himself and not show his fear, his eyes begins to glow and his breath becomes slighly visible and fog up a bit. "I'm fine, it's fine. There's no reason to check." Byron says so with a sheepish smile to try to convince the two medics that nothing is wrong.
Coils perks up at the mental prodding.

Meh. I think all that needed to be said was said. If Koya really feels the need to continue the conversation and perhaps move it into the light of catching up, then sure, connect us. But I'm indifferent. You have nothing to feel guilty about, Seih. All you did was tell the truth before Koya could tell you not to. I'm not actually sure if anyone here should feel guilty about anything except for me and...

You get the feeling Coils narrowly avoided telling you something rather incriminating.

... Sorry, got lost in a train of thought there. Anyhoo, if he's up for it, connect us. If YOU'RE up for it, connect us - I know you have a finite pool of energy, Seih. Don't go expending it on us right before a mission.
Coatl is a bit perplexed by Delphi's behavior but quick deduces that she most likely is experiencing a lag effect of Coatl's charm. Coatl smirks at the thought that Delphi may not be as resistant as she tried to show, but also a bit disappointed.

Well orders are orders and Coatl promised to carry out his orders. But Delphi didn't really specify who to cast the charm on. It would probably be best to charm the not-crazy cat Ged that way Delphi could witness the charm without messing with her mind any more.

Coatl casted a Loyalty charm solely on Ged. Specific and potent. The spell would release Ged of his panic and listen to the words of his caster, this type of manipulation was a technique he learned from necromancy. Coatl, who now seemed to be a gentle Pharaoh rather than a cruel-looking snake, decided it would be a simple one, just enough to prove his magical prowess.

"Ignore your fears of that wicked feline, come to me and take a knee. You are safe."

((Check this out))

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Seih's hover wobbles as Coils reminds him of his limited reserves and he realizes just how much he has been drawing so far. He briefly panics, before checking and seeing he still has ample reserves left.

<You're right, I should watch myself more.>

<But it is so tempting to keep exploring everything and everyone.>

<So much of this is new - I want to see it all!>

<There's a god-to-be in that tent over there, you're a snake with a gem for a heart, and downstairs, let me see...>


<There's a giant talking fox, a unicorn and... something else.>

<I have to see this.>

Dropping to his feet, Seih runs down stairs with steps half his height, thankful he doesn't have to hover this time. The gravity on this world seems to be much lower. I wonder if that explains the taller life-forms. I should ask the others about their worlds more. No culling? Distracted by this latest prospect, Seih learns first-hand why it is ill-advised to run down stairs in a long cloak as he trips, rolls down several steps, slides a few more feet on the smooth floor of the second level before coming to a squeaky stop by the assembled group.

After looking intently at the floor he is lying face-down on for a few seconds, Seih slowly raises his head to look at the people in front of him, hoping none of them noticed his graceless arrival as he gets up.
I think the fox guy sounds more like a captain than anything... "I have a question, Mr. Keeper sir." Thorn spoke up. Captain Chris the Foxy.

"If by the end of all of this I'm a deity, could I bring Ros-, err, some people back from the dead?" Good question dude.

Wait, scratch that Foxy part, it sounded better in Thorn's head.
Chris through all this has just been leaning back in his chair, thoughts running through his head. "Any advice for tapping into universal-slash-multiversal forces such as all the energy from people sharing the same idea or emotion?"
Kalos sighs, slinging his violin case over his shoulder. "Well, everything seems to be in order. I suppose I might as well go looking around. A pleasure meeting you all, I must say. I'll see you all in a few hours, I suppose."

Kalos nods to everyone, and heads down to the camp.

Major Update #8!

(This is kinda gonna be a sort of shorter update due to lack of content on my side and lack of motivation to even write xnx)​

( @arcaneSentinel ) Byron: Both medics stare at you unimpressed. Clearly you were not fooling them

"You're acting awfully suspicious." one of them pointed out as he went and picked up a nearby radio.

"Just show us what the deal is and we won't have to call security." The other Said as he approached slightly closer to you, however acting very cautious and watching you very closely.

"You know we cannot risk a possible outbreak in the camp, let alone any kind of severe issue we should be aware about."

The medic in front of you said, crossing his arms as the other one has their radio on standby.

"Just show us what the issue is. If it's nothing to worry about then you obvious have nothing to fear, but your behavior is very suspicious and is implying you're hiding something very bad here, and that is not exactly helping you here...."

Fuck fuck fuck

You think.... What shall you do? If you were to attack these medics it'd be very likely you'd have the entire camp on you... but... is that really worth the risk... you're still in an entirely new world here.....

( @Lyrositor ) Seih: You startle most as you suddenly and whimsically (as in you fall and shatter every bone in your frail body) fall down some stairs and roll in front of the others face down in front of the Others seeming to converse with the Keeper (and finishing up a conversation at that)...

You're very disappointing to see however, that the giant talking fox is just a talking fox man however as The keeper and some of the others (or not) notice you.... (Read below)

( @ChrisClark13 @SnakyDragon @a52 @Thorn of Discord ) Chris, Kalos, Jaik, W-R54, Thorn:

The Keeper Shrugs at Jaik after his statement.

"That is up to master Chris should he desire a title or not."

He said nonchalantly, directing he attention to the next person who spoke; Thorn.

"Necromancy certainly isn't out of the question with your current state, provided you figure out how to perform some form of it... although the most important factors to consider when reviving somebody is being able to find or locate the Soul wherever it may be.... But in short, yes of course you would be able to Master Thorn..."

The Keeper Turns his ghastly Gaze to Chris now with his question.

He pondered for a minute as he tapped a sharp bony finger on his chin, thinking...

"That is a very specific thing you ask of Master Chris..... I'm afraid though however that's a singular universe Or species... Particularly hive minds or overarching connections made by gods of the circumstances of certain universes i believe...

However in the particular case of a Similar idea and Emotion, I'm afraid that is impossible for us in this Isolated Universe, But that is only speculation, and aside from the Tortured, it would require investigation i beleive..."

"Anyways, i take the silence from the rest of you as your confirmed agreements to this mission~

As Miss Delphi would Say, you are all hereby... erm... dismissed..."

The Keeper bowed to the five of you.

"You will all know when it is time, so take the rest of the morning to prepare yourselves or possibly finish some other things you perhaps mean to do...."

You all have time to maybe explore the camp or prepare for this almost suicidal mission...

and Now.... what shall the rest of you do?

Seih again:
After the Keeper finishes what he was saying to the others, he gently walks on over to you, offering a boney, ghostly hand to help you up. His hollow eyes looking directly into your own...

Physically, the Keeper looked like a sort of walking corpse almost wrapped up in all sorts of robes and Armour, and there was no doubt a massive arcane presence around this being as you looked at him....

Immediately without thinking however, you attempt a probe on the Keepers Mind to find out more... But almost as expected, you encounter a barrier preventing you from reading any sort of surface information..

<Is there Something you need Master Seih? Besides the expansive knowledge a Progenitor such as myself is capable of knowing?>

You hear His ghastly Voice echo in your own mind very suddenly...

You feel slightly thrown off guard as the he telepathically reaches out to YOU instead of the other way around... yet you do not feel any sense control over your own mind...?

How shall you respond?

( @creepingShade ) Errg: You begin to wade into the water after you sheath your blade, and you begin to float on your back as you keep the sword on your chest and swim along with your feets, staring directly up into the blue sky above as you gently paddled along.... The sword and it's Sheath could no doubt handle a bunch of splashes, it's just SUBMERGING the blade is what would likely ruin it....

You begin thinking about your old world and where it could be out in the terrifying knowledge of beyond that bright blue color, the bright stars behind it, the vast endless emptiness of space, and behind that, an entire war of the gods raged in a truly infinite void filled with other universes and the rest of reality where what you knew was hardly even a tiny, minuscule, and insignificant compared to not even a God could barely comprehend. One could possible know every single atom of over trillions upon trillions of universes but not even that would compare to the incapturable number of infinate knowledge that was out there....

Or perhaps you were just thinking about how hungry you were again and the severe lack of fish in these waters aside from yourself this entire time...

Anyways, after a decently long paddle, you eventually reach the Island's beach line and come ashore.

Upon first scan around, this rather small island is densely populated with grass, some trees, and you can see a small little pond at the resumed center of the island.... Shall you investigate further for secrets or perhaps move some things around for your own pleasure?

( @Bluesunnyday ) Kalos: You take your leave from the group after the Keeper finishes up what he had to say... You think to yourself right now would be an amazing time to search around for that "Coffee" thing Chris or someone else talked about.. hrmm they said northern part of camp right?... and if the Sun's rising that way that means it's east and over there is west....

You strolled trough the crowded Marauder camp as all the marauders went about their Daily chores or swapped patrols with eachother, none of them giving any mind to you or eachtoher as you soon reached a big sort of open area where people were finishing up eating their food and drinking something out of mugs, no doubt this fabled coffee....

Looking around you manage to snag one of the last mugs in ration for the day, and upon a second scan of this bgi social area area where everyone was finishing their things up, you manage to Spot that Spider Fiend, Misfortune was his name? Conversing with a peculiar looking wizard lizard, mayhaps you'll go sit with them and try out this hot, dark liquid in the mug you now held?

Wait, did that Lizard Wizard just make a small flash like a Modifier's flash in his hands there?

( @ferociousfeind ) Misfortune: Vizara doesn't pay you any mind as his small Shard suddenly flashes a mix of orange and blue, and in his other hand appears a small, glowing blue playing card, and simply jsut begins to twirl it around with his fingers as he pockets the shard again.

"I'm pretty certain it is just a little shard of something like your modifier thingy, and nah, i ain't gonna try anything, already expended a lot of it's energy earlier to create a temporary time shift spell. But that weird angry fish thingy just got mad at me and threatened to gut me or something cause i was tryna' help him out..."

He responds to you as he places the glowing blue card face down onto the table and takes a nice sip of his Coffee...

Seeing how this guy's been acting, you honestly arn't liking it very much, arn't only special people like yourself supposed to have Modifiers?

Do you question Vizara (the lizard Wizard) further or mayhaps just eat your food and perhaps go off to find the authorities of this camp?

( @Ged Merrilin @aquaInferno ) Ged and Coatl: (I'm going to have to make a special exception here this update, still waiting on Ged if he chooses for the Charm to work or not on him, but next update, major or mini, i will move it along if Ged does not post.)

( @Seahorse @Bonzo @SnakyDragon ) Mei, Koya, Danielle, Coils: (kinda short update for you gusy too i apologize as there's not a super amount for me to work with right now ;; ;) After Seih bolts off down the stairs, you all follow shortly after down the stairs and into the tower, to see him apparently conversing mentally with the Keeper as everyone with the keeper beforehand on the second floor here was dispersing?

Is there anything you guys would like to pick up/deposit or anything to your rooms before or get a word or two in with the Keeper before Elijah caught up and you guys went after this Vizara Character?

Time taken: Span of over 2 days, extremely unproductive

Total players: 12

Total words: 1600~ words, it's short, i know and i apologize ;;;

Copy paste but still relevant until the 19th!

Important note, I am not asking you guys to nominate AG For October Roleplay of the month, but I am addressing this as we've all gotten the notification. however if you wish to nominate AG, then please do if you so wish to and really beleive AG should be nominated!

We DO Indeed qualify for it (however I am unsure if the age requirement is 3 months HERE at RpN or for however long it's been overall, might have to check that first?).

So if you guys wanna go ahead and nominate Among Gods, by all means go for it you lovelys~

I mean, shit that'd be REALLY something for me to practically jizz myself over in excitement, it'd really really mean a lot to me guys if you actually did nominate AG!

Link to the nomination page thing:

Other - October Roleplay of the Month Nominations | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
(lol, there is no reason for MIsfortune to be alarmed enough (in his head, this guy checks out) to contact authorities, even if it may be very important for him to do so, but at the first sign of more trouble, I'll have Misfortune remember "stranger danger" and contact the Marauders about this shady "Vizara" character. XP)


"Hmm. Alright, you don't seem super bad or anything... But would you mind me asking where you got the shard?" Misfortune's childish curiosity coming out, then he spots a dude carrying a long, curvy, stringed piece of wood, "Hey, what's that?"
Ged immediately notices the charm placed on him, though it doesn't really affect him that much. He certainly doesn't take a knee, if anything it makes him more suspicious of Coatl, for him to try and take Ged's loyalty. So instead Ge takes a knee to Delphi, without realizing that the charm is influencing his actions at this point. (Most charms work by expanding the feeling they are trying to produce, i.e. if Delphi had a slight inclination to be nice to Coatl, that would have turned into friendliness. Ged felt little but distrust at Coalt, so the charm worked towards Delphi who his subconscious had already identified as a leader, and definitely higher up than Coatl.)
Coatl pouts a little bit but remembers the world he was in. The charm was too specific especially for those well versed in magic (which seemed to be everyone here). He'd have to remember to mainly use broader charms around these magic users, ones that aren't so detectable. But still, a test is a test and Coatl's ego brings him back up and he smirks.

"I forgot its that magic cat. Close enough Ged. The general idea worked, I'd say that proves that general charms are more effective in this world or at the very least, more effective against all of these special sand-grains that have been individually plucked from their worlds and brought here by some being. So overall this experiment was a success."

Coatl claps his hands together, now turning to Delphi who was fixated on Ged at the moment.

"Don't you agree Commander?"
Seih stays paralysed for a few moments as he stares into the Keeper's empty eye sockets before he glances down to look at his bony hand. He cautiously grabs on to it and lets the Keeper help him up, thinking of what to reply as he does so.

<I just came down...>

<Just came down to meet the people I had not already met yesterday, they seemed so... exotic.>

<But it seems like everyone is getting busy to leave, so now...>

Seih's brow furrows as he concentrates. It looks like he's about to leave soon too. This might be the last opportunity you get in a while to get a lot of answers. Taking a deep breath, Seih privately marshals his thoughts in order, then exposes them to the Keeper all at once in one big burst.

<How does your telepathy work? It doesn't feel like I've surrendered any part of my mind.>

<Where are those you were talking to going? Are they also on a mission?>

<How do you and Elijah protect your mind like that? It's like there's something around it that's beyond your mind.>

<Is that something that can be learned or gained?>

<What is a modifier really? It looks like a gem, but it's obviously something more. Is it a conduit, is it alive, can they be created or destroyed?>

<Is there a limit to what they can create, energy requirements aside?>

<Where do you find them?>

<Will we all get one eventually?>

<Why is this tower always sending light into the sky?>

<How was Elijah chosen to become such a powerful god?>

<Koyaanis claims to be a ghost - is that a unique situation or can anyone become a ghost?>

<Is there any way for me to acquire some armour? I feel like I'm the weakest link by far on our team.>

<What distinguishes you from a god? You seem to be able to protect your mind in the same way.>

<Why are we all on this planet specifically? It doesn't seem very hospitable.>

<Who are all these other people on this team? Where did they come from?>

<Why does Elijah not seem aware of some of her powers? She told me she didn't know about the shield around her mind.>

Seih exhales a deep breath he hadn't realized he was holding in and looks the Keeper in the eyes again.

<And... is there any chance at all I might be able to go home?>
Errg was definitely not thinking about his home world, well except the cool tasty fish. He missed those. He was also not aware of this thing called "space." All Errg knew was that he's standing on land, he belongs in water, and on top of land was air. He learned about air pretty recently.

Errg flicks away any water that got onto the sword and heads over to the pond. He likes this island, it reminds him of his old hidey-hole, except that was underwater and had kelp instead of grass and coral instead of trees. The fishman peers into the pond and kicks a rock into it to see if any monsters pop out. Should one do so, he'll whip out his fancy new sword a d start slashing. If not, Errg will start to wade into the pond.
"Wait, really? That's..." Thorn trailed off, lost in thought. Necromancy....that's some real creepy s**t.

"Do I need to find a scroll, or a tome of some sort to learn that?" I'd check the internet, it's got everything.

"And just where in the world do I go looking for their souls?" Huh, I'd still check the internet.

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