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Futuristic Among Gods

Kalos sighs, heading down the stairs and into the camp. As he reaches the camp itself, he decides to head towards the armory, not for any particular reason, but because he might as well head somewhere. He heads inside just to see what's going on.

"Uh, hello?"
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Major Update #9!

(Sorry about the slowness guys, but not many people have posted since last update, and ym scedule recently has been kinda CRAZY busy...)

(You have not responded, please refer to update 8.)

The Keeper oddly enough nods in thought, making an audible "hrmmmm" as he thought over your questions...

and soon enough, you feel his mind to begin to Reach into yours in a very unfamiliar way... In not even a single second.

Lets see....

Firstly, I am using a type of magical telepathy to project my thoughts for you to hear, it's a similar principle to private conversations in a room where nobody can hear us, and far more subtle.

Most of the Masters who i was just talking to are still right there, unsure of Master Kalos, and yes, they will be on a mission soon....

I protect both my Physical mind and Spiritual mind with a great many spells both passive and active to keep from ones such as yourself from retrieving any information ones such as yourself wouldn't be able to comprehend lest your heads explode! As for Elijah, I was unaware of this.. I shall investigate later for both of our sakes.... Although i have no doubt it';s likely something gained, especially with her... situation....

As far as my observations go, They seem to simply be tools for Creating Objects and Matter out of stored energy within the crystals themselves.... As for Elijah's however.... it USED to draw it's energy from her Physical fatigue... although that seems rather different now.... Hehehehe.....

There is certainly a (GAMEBLANCING) limit to the Modifiers aside from Mistress Elijah's and Stored Energy.... There most certainly seems to be a physical size limit, as well as complexity of certain objects such as metal machines, which i find seems reliant on the user's knowledge and imagination....

I believe they were only handed out to a select few, however, seeing Master Chris having obtained one the way he did, you would attain one by killing one of those lowly low gods...

The beam the tower Emits serves as both a Beacon for myself to re-direct new arrivals such as yourself directly to here, a Physical landmark for those of us on this world, and a bubble shield system for Tortured attacks...

Elijah's ascendancy I'm led to believe was random selection from that Foolish Chaos God Xenoth... But it seems to be working out in OUR favor, so i choose not to stop her Ascension...

In technicality, we all have spirits should we choose to given the right conditions... Anything sufficiently intelligent enough to perceive any form of spirituality can choose to believe it has a soul or it does not. It's... Rather complicated to Explain you understand...

I'm certain one of the Masters/Mistresses who wield Modifiers would be happy to help, there also may be equipment held by the Marauders...

While i may be on the Level of a God and utilize many techniques and concepts they have created alongside already existing Progenitor techniques and magics, what Distinguishes me from them like that Buffoon who chases Mistress Elijah, Is my Primary Origins from before the concept of "time" was ever actually widely accepted amongst the Gods and Progenitors. Like the Original Elder Gods themselves, I was originally a small part from a nearly extinct reality wide entity that could have been considered "The simple order or reality", it's only purpose to simply Relight and rebirth Universes after they died out in a simple, infinite Cycle.

Most of us are all on this planet out of Sheer coincident. I may guarantee you there are several universe worths of confused Mortals and creatures out of place in upon infinitesimal developed and underdeveloped planets in this single universe with us. However I now Direct...desirable individuals... here to the Safe house... But there will no doubt be many who still slip though even my pickings onto this planet...

This other "Team" i presume you're speaking about, are Masters Chris, Jaik, W-R54, Thorn, Kalos, They all arrived here just as you did. Out of sheer coincidence, some place and somehow to end up here with the rest of us.

Perhaps Mistress Elijah simply hasn't discovered her now unlimited potential, or perhaps she isn't even ready yet.... I am uncertain, but we shall help her along the way as you too Ascend like everyone else....

And finally, It is certainly possible for you to return to your home, however the chances currently are Slim, and aside from unique situations, reaching out to another universe is likely impossible at the current moment with the Gods Warring outside this universe...

Not Even a single second it has taken the Keeper to immediately respond to every single one of your Questions...

You feel vastly inferior all of the sudden as well as Intimidated by the sheer effectiveness and speed the Keeper had Relayed all of his answers to you...

Additionally, Master Seih.

This time his voice came around at a normal speed, as if he was physically speaking to you.

I hope you do not mind me directing some of my attention elsewhere, but it seems Master Thorn requires answers from me. But please, Continue asking your Questions, as i am delighted to explain....

You watched the Keeper physically turn to thorn and begin to answer his questions as if he never really spoke to you, but he did say he was still paying attention... perhaps continue on?

Chris, Jaik, Coils, W-R54:

For the current moment, Coils slithers back to Jaik, reporting what the Snake has seen and discovered to Jaik....

(None of you have really responded to the Previous Update, but Update #8 still applies)

You Still all have time to maybe explore the camp or prepare for this almost suicidal mission... Ask The Keeper some questions, Follow around Mei and Danielle's squad (As well as Elijah you all notice as she comes down the stairs now.)

and Now.... what shall the rest of you do?

The Keeper thinks in thought for a minute after he helps Seih onto his feet, then turns once again to you.

"Not Necessarily."

He calmly says, shurgging at you.

"Many methods, Divine Holy Evil, necromantic, magical, science, can all be used in some form or another working together or separately to bring back a soul to their body would all work.

As for finding the Soul itself, there are of course many, or should i say pretty much infinite methods depending in which Universe you reside within, to locate and capture the soul, but your best bet to look first is normally the home world or world the Body was on when it became deceased and released the Spirit if there even was a spirit. Otherwise you would likely have to take it up with your administrative God either directly toying with or simply watching over the particular universe you see."

The Keeper Light heartedly chuckles to himself suddenly....

"Confusing Bureaucracy is quite a popular concept with the Gods, isn't it?"

The Keeper chuckles again, you're entirely sure why but it somehow made this dusty ghostly entity laugh....

What other Questions do you think you'll ask The Keeper? Or perhaps you will saunter off with a goodbye and explore the camp more? Or maybe even Find that Elijah character... Speaking of, She seemed to be coming down the stairs now to Join Mei and that Human Civilian!

Mei, Koya, Danielle:
The Three of you wait for a moment, simply watching those who dweller here on the Second floor... Nothing particularly interesting happening you all would guess...

Quickly enough However, Elijah Shortly Shows up behind you guys on the Stairs, writing something in ehr small notepad for the Three of you to read.

"Sorry about that... Rohkuul and Aundry have been nothing but arguing all night and hounding after me like they need to babysit me... Let's just go ahead and get going."

She motions you guys to come with her down the stairs, however she stops for a moment, and quickly writes something down again...

"Is there anything you guys need from the Keeper before we go... actually... should we get his help you think...?"

She asks you guys, waiting on your responses....

Or shall you just continue on with Elijah to Find that Vizara character?

(This is primarily to make sure you guys are still around.)

As expected, the monster called a splash in the water goes Ooblogy-woogy-woo when you kicked in a rock into the rather clear pond, as in nothing actually happens as you kick the rock In....

Regardless, there still dont seem to be any fish anywhere...

However as you begin to wade into the fresh water pond, leaving your sword on dry land just at the waters edge, you notice a strange blue glow at the bottom of the pond...

Taking a dive downwards to get a closer look, you discover to source of the blue glow is a small stone ring sitting gently next to what looks like a slot that would fit it!

Very curious you think... why would the key to something be right next to the lock?

Maybe you should just do some renovating to the main island... although... this might make something interesting happen...

What shall you do...?

Misfortune: The lizard wizard considers your question for a moment as he finishes whatever was left of his food and whatever was in his white mug, still fiddling around with the glowing blue card he created.

You notice him smile to himself and Shrug to himself...

"I found it when i was out helping some of these marauder fellers scout around in the forests around here, specifically like farrrrrr east from this big ol' tower right there."

He eyes you all of the sudden then, and looks down at your Modifier again...

"Before i go ahead and go here, as I gots some important business to attend to, where did YOU exactly get your own crystal there eh?"

Vizara asks you curiously, still eyeing your modifier rather suspiciously as he pockets the card he created earlier....

He didn't seem too interested in answering your other question about the stringy piece of wood as that person's straight up left already....

Coatl, Ged and Kalos:

Just as Kalos walks in, Delphi Smirks and lets out a small chuckle, seemingly ignoring the Violin player entering.

"Hehe, I kinda like it. None of those Marauders kneel down for me when I want them to hehe... Alright, you can stand back up again."

Whatever was going on in that Cat Woman's mind Frightened all Three of you quite frankly, considering what you've all collectively heard and seen of her around the camp...

She turns a devilish grin to Coatl.

"I would agree, sure was a success... or at least we Think."

A Sinking feeling hits all three of you, Especially Ged as she turns her Gaze back to him.

"I wanna see how long this goes though, plus maybe he coulda just been playing Along... Keep that Spell on him will you please?"

She casts a glance to Kalos and his timid greeting, seemingly in a much better mood then she was before...

"Yes, what is-"

The cat woman suddenly stopped mid sentence, her eyes suddenly darting down to a black feather right next to Kalos's foot.

A confused look quickly washed over the almost terrifying smirk.

"Is... That a Feather...? And a Violin you got there...?"

She asks curiously, the three of you notice the Marauders slowly trying to sneak out of the tent itself while Delphi's distracted, but with a quick evil eye from her, The Immediately Stand stiff as boards... What the hell were they trying to do....

Delphi hummed to herself though still....

"Coatl. And... Ged... Rrright?" She suddenly snaps the silence, her eyes darting.

"Can you cast charms yourself Ged? And How powerful can these charms be, Both of you?

What about Charmign multiple people for the same purpose...?"

Oh god, what the fuck is this cat woman planning all three of you think?

And Kalos, must be thinking what the fuck he got roped into and why did she just completely disregard the feather after noticing it...?

...And why do those marauders look like they're physically sweating through their Armour...?

What shall the three of you do, or answer?

Total time taken: Way too fucking long

Total word count: About 2k words

Total player count: 13 players
Kalos' eyes flicker through the tent, and he desperately tries to resist the urge to squawk loudly and bodily fling himself out of the room in a feeble attempt at flight.

"Uh, I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?"

He silently ignores the tiny, shrill voice in the back of his head demanding that he run as fast as possible because FUCKING CATS HOLY SHIT!
Errg grabs that ring and jams that fucker right in the slot without even thinking about it. It looked like it belonged there, so there it went. He'll keep below the water and watch the ring, seeing if anything cool happens. He doesn't really see any point in renovating the island, his only cutting tools were either part of himself or would burn things and he doesn't want to move around rocks for no good reason.
Coils nods to Jaik as Jaik explains his own situation, and then waves his head once.

Keep watch. Report if crazy happens.

He then slithers back to Mei and Koya, and notices Elijah's arrival.

"I'm ready to go if you guys are."

Supra-substantial telepathy! Parallel thought processing! Multi-channel transmission! Infinite threadability too, maybe? Who needs modifiers with these capacities!

Seih stares in awe at the back of the Keeper's figure. Eons of keiric advancement, dwarfed in the span of a second. His mind reels as he tries to map out all the ramifications of this discovery.

<Teach me.>


<I mean, you are obviously inherently more powerful than I am.>

<But surely you can impart some of your wisdom.>

<Your spells, can they be learned?>

<Can you directly grant me knowledge, of anything?>

As he thinks this, Seih glances towards the group in the stairs, barely registering Elijah's arrival. He hesitates, torn between staying with the Keeper and going outside with the others.
"well, a big, mystical dragon thing gave it to me and told me to destroy the universe." Misfortune decided to stay vague, and make it sound as "fairy-tale"-like as possible.
Elijah is... not what I expected of a leader.

The big mistake there is having expectations. That's one of my favourite mistakes to make - I like surprises.

Danielle disregards Koyaanis, For someone leading an unruly mismatched group of bandits like the Marauders, even with a lieutenant like Delphi, she seems very unsure of herself.

Weren't you when you came here? Remember she's been strung along by an evil space lizard god.

Danielle considers this, Perhaps. Even so a leadership position must be filled with a competent individual.

Koyaanis if he had eyes would have rolled them.

You're expecting things again. She's doing fine. Well. Ish. I don't actually know. Remind me to actually ask...

Danielle wonders, If she is mute, why doesn't she use a sign language?

Uh, 'cause... Koyaanis falters, Um. I don't know. She does go through a lot of notepads.

Any military organisation has personnel trained in signing!

She's not military she's just a girl. What did I say about expectations?

Danielle sighs internally and removes a speck of dust from her sleeve, You're expecting me to listen to you, aren't you?

Koyaanis laughs at this. Danielle feels his mirth despite herself and reads Eli's note.

'What were they arguing about?' Danielle inquires.

To Koya she thinks, Do they hound her because they're attracted to her power yet sense her vulnerability?

I hope not. He takes a long moment to think, reckoning his thinking should be the reverse of theirs yet he made almost the same error, I've been a bit shit at seeing past the power thing and not seeing her, haven't I?

What you care is not my business, but keeping an eye on the armoured pair might be.

While the Keeper's in range, Koyaanis assumes control to ask, 'Hi Keeper, any ideas what the difference between using a mod as an intended and unintended user is?' Koya is suddenly struck by the thought that he may not have been the intended user of "his" modifier either... what if...

'Yes, Coils, I think we are equal to the task, working together.'
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(Cause I'm a fucking tard, I now introduce Lupa! Once again many apologies for forgetting Veles ;;; )

(@Veles Lek ) Lupa:

Name: Lupa Hisouten

Physical ~ Humanoid - A thin, attractive looking human female appearing no older than 23. She has long, black hair and indigo irises. She usually wears some sort of dress, regardless of the occasion. Stands at about 5'2".

Physical ~ Lupine - Large wolf with pitch black fur and purple eyes. There is a white mark of the crescent moon on her forehead. Fur is moderately dense and quite fluffy, being especially so on her tail. Stands at about 2'9".

Mental - Lupa prefers situations with social contact, finding herself the happiest when surrounded by friends. She becomes very protective when her friends are in any form of potential danger, doing whatever she can to ensure that everyone escapes the danger safely. At her best, Lupa is calm, charismatic, and confident. At her worst, Lupa is reckless, protective, and impulsive.

After a long century of warring between the wolves and the orcs, the wolfish capital of Liasa finally fell. Captured by orcish warlords, the entire city was ravaged. It's people? Some were killed, some were captured. Within the wreckage of a city once admired all around the world for the special plant life that lived there, the trees began to take action. Some sort of magical beast inhabited the plant life, fighting the orcs with the terrifying powers of nature. Illusionary haunts, elemental golems, and even vines grabbing at their limbs became something the evil soldiers had to face. Soon this became too much for the warlords' forces. They hatched a plan to completely remove this place from the map, using alchemical flame to purge the location of all life.

The plan succeeded, and nothing but massive scorch marks remained. During the night, the fire had burned away at all within the once lively city.

The spirit of the nature guardian remained in the midst of the ashes.

A young woman, one who tried her best to help the capital of her people survive the war, laid almost motionless under the wreckage of her family's magic shop. The moon rose above the city, shining it's reflective light onto her face. The crackle of fire could be heard all around. This young woman knew that the afterlife remained only a few moments away. The moon disappeared within the burning light of alchemical flame.

And there she stood, once more, watching the sunrise in the ashes of her once beloved home.

Two souls, both lost within the midst of war. Both wishing there was some way to avenge themselves.

They traded looks at one another, both remembering the rules of life, and recalling the one exception to death: Resurrection by fusion.

It was a dangerous prospect, but they had nothing to lose at this point.

A supernal's life is never boring, and the coming years will be the most eventful in both of their lives.

Thus they fused together, becoming Lupa Hisouten, Wolf of Shadows.

Fast forward many nameless years...

Lupa climbed the mountain trail, excited to find herself face to face with a physical node of magical energy. Few could say they were ever able to see what physical, raw, magic looked like. Over the ridge, she climbed and saw the brilliance of a pure white orb of energy, floating only a few feet off of the ground. The light was almost blinding to her, possibly only being a mere annoyance to anyone else. "If I could get a little closer," she thought to herself. "Perhaps I could collect some energy."

Lupa slowly moved closer to the orb, surely feeling some of the effects that intense light has on her. In her mind, she began to question whether or not this was a good idea. However, before she could back away, the orb began to shoot out tendrils of pure white light. A few moments later, Lupa fell unconscious from the sensory and energetic overload.

Then she awoke again, somewhere else entirely.

Form of the Wolf ~ Lupa can transform herself into her Lupine form at any moment she is not distracted and/or experiencing intense feelings (anger, pain, sadness, ect). Anything in her possession when she transforms melds into this form as well. If she is already in Lupine form, she can transform back to her Humanoid form under the same conditions.

Morphic Shadows ~ Lupa is able to manipulate the shadows and darkness around her. This can range from simple tricks (moving a shadow, distorting shadow shapes) to more advanced ones (making shadows darker, materializing darkness into a physical form). She cannot use this ability to create darkness where there is none. Materialized shadows in any form (weapons, armor, misc items) dissipate in intense light.

Shadowy Form ~ At it's core, Lupa's forms are both made of highly solidified darkness, as her original body was completely destroyed. This allows her to be able to change her looks while in a pitch black environment.

Light Sensitivity ~ Bright light makes Lupa has problems trying to see at distances. Intense light makes her ill and weak. A normal, sunny day has little effect beyond slight sight problems. Anything more than intense of a light source will begin to harm her. Solidified light (lasers) and other equally strong light sources count as 'more than intense' and tend to affect her more than someone not made of solid shadow.

Equipment & Belongings ~ Lupa wears a silver pendant of a crescent moon. She carries a minor bag of holding to carry her belongings, currently only containing the root of a eldritch tree she should not take out of the bag.

A blinding white fills your vision as you begin to find yourself regaining consciousness... Feeling a breeze gently blow over, and a smell of the sea hitting your nostrils as your eyes adjusted to the clear blue morning sky above you, and the illness of the bright morning daylight slowly taking effect on your body...

You felt yourself laying upon soft and gentle grass, it danced to the breeze as waves of an ocean washed up the shorelines in the distance. You could hear no animals, only your own breaths and the dancing of the grass to the wind and the ocean somewhere crashing its waves upon a shore....

However, you could hear something else, immediately you identify footsteps on the grass closing in on you as you suddenly felt the presence of somebody stand right above you...

Darting your eyes upwards towards your forehead, above you stood a human clad in lightweight, pitch black armor, its texture similar to leather as if it looked like chainmail. Under a similarly textured black hood, the mask on their face was something unfamiliar to you, it had two cylinder like objects in the sides of the cheeks with a bright red glass visor hiding their eyes, and in their hands you saw they wielded some sort of strange blocky weapon like one would weild a crossbow.

This sight was extremely unfamiliar and slightly firghtening to you as they pointed the end of their weapon down at you, allowing you to see up into a small, dark barrel, which you would assume aa small projectile of some fashion would come out of should they pull the weapons trigger.

"Identify yourself."

A feminine voice spoke underneath the mask through some kind of audiable filter...

"As in who are you, and where did you come from?"

They demanded again without even giving you a second to respond as you still layed on your back... Still aiming their weapon downwards at you.

What shall you do?
This is a nice place. It has been a while since I was able to enjoy the sea. Lupa thought to herself as she got a hold on her senses. Wait, there is no sea near the mountain.

Once a strange human came over to her and pointed some odd projectile weapon at her, Lupa could come to the conclusion that the orb possibly teleported her to some random place. She responded to the Human's demands. "I am Lupa Hisou, and I come from a city named Aven."
Coatl nods in response to Delphi and allows his charm to continue. Any further compliance from Ged would be proof enough that the spell was working. Coatl wouldn't make Ged do anything rash, he would still remain the same old magical cat man, the only difference would be an increased trust and sense of loyalty to Delphi (and with time, even to Coatl despite his current mistrust of the naga).

"Delphi, in my world I was believed to be one of the most powerful beings in the world. Charms are a natural talent of the naga-line. In a hypothetical situation such as the one you gave me, yes, I could influence large amounts of masses almost as easily as I control large amounts of undead masses."

Coatl's smile was almost as wicked as Delphi's, though in a more mischievous and child-like manner. He slithered closely to the Marauders, examining their masks, trying to see through to their faces.

"Part of the reason for my aforementioned doubts in this group Delphi. I mean, who in the right mind would name a group of loyal followers on a righteous quest such as ours
Marauders?The name itself implies banditry, deceit, and treachery. All that holds them together is the fear of the gods. But something is causing them to slip. Or maybe you fear what they once were or what they may become with all of this grandiose technology at their disposal and wish to stop a mutiny before it is too late."

Coatl was now running a hand across the chest-piece of one of the terrified soldiers, feeling the armor grade that each of these individuals carried. It was certainly unlike anything he had ever seen before in his world. Besides the armor grade, Coatl could also feel the fear of these poor Marauders, so very eager to leave.

"Or maybe they are the ones who are afraid."
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Kalos stiffens a bit at the mention of influencing people and undead. This is getting ridiculously close to "so obviously evil" territory, and he can't just sit here and let it happen.

"Uh, I'm sorry, did I accidentally walk in on an evil plan or something? I can just excuse myself if you're busy plotting to take over the world or something..."

Kalos not so subtly repositions his violin case for easier access...
"Aye, milady, I can cast charms, usually through my harp or a performance, its practically a very useful thing for a performer like myself. Would you like a demonstration? Also, if I am to do this, a singer to go a long with me would greatly increase its effects." Ged says, standing up, flourishing his hat to put it back on. He pulls out his harp and quickly tunes it. "Methinks Feathers over there looks taste--- looks like a good candidate for a tae-- est."
Kalos bristles a bit, and there's a shift from his shirt as his feathers begin puffing out. He points his violin bow at Ged.

"If you so much as pluck a single feather, you're dead, pal."

He sighs, snapping open his violin case. "Anyways, what, is it "Show off our weird powers" theatre or something? I'll help out, I guess."
Coatl smirks at the two. Kalos doesn't seem to like being controlled, but he seems willing to help. Magical instruments tended to work for non-nagas to influence others in Iania, so perhaps it was the same here.

"There is no need for violence here. So long as no one is hurt I suppose a demonstration would be suitable. I am sure you two musically inclined fellows would be able to work together well."
Kalos grimaces. "Sure, as long as he stops looking at me like I'm a turkey dinner."

Kalos shuts his violin case and begins adjusting the strings. "Now, I hope you don't actually need me to cast any magic."

He finishes his tuning, and plays a few test notes. "The Seventh Maiden only lets me kill stuff."
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"Meet my God or Goddess, Find their souls, learn Necromancy of some kind....looks like I got my work cut out." Ha, Bureaucracy, that's a good one!

"Thank you Mr. Keeper," Thorn bowed, "until next time." A loonie and a gentleman I see...

"Cram it you." You're the one talking to yourself...."Whatever, time to go."

Thorn began to saunter down the stairs, but decided to stick close to the one called Seih.

Aw, fwiendship wealy is...wait, he reads minds! HEY SEIH, THORN WANTS TO MARRY YOU! "Seih, right? I don't believe we've met; My name is Thorn, and I don't want to marry you."
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Meilikki nods after reading Elijah's words. "I'm ready," she says, but pauses after hearing Danielle's question. She was equally as curious. In the momentary lapse, Mei takes the opportunity to ask about their target. "Keeper." She addressed him plainly. "What do you know of Vizara? Appearance, skills, location. You claim near omniscience, do you not?"
Coatl sighs disappointingly.

"No killing demonstrations Kalos. Besides, we already saw you fight that specialized Tortured."

Its like everyone here only wants to kill things. Surprising that Coatl is one to think that, he was a warrior-king after all.
Kalos looks over at Coatl. "I never said I wanted to kill anything, I'm just explaining my limitations. No magic. Just not a thing I can do."
Teach one such as yourself? The Keeper seemed to chuckle to himself. While I may indeed be able to teach all of you, directly imprinting my knowledge would cause one's head to possibly explode! I'm certain most mortals would not desire that now would they?

Seih seems to consider this for a while, then sighs in frustration.

<Are you certain there is nothing you can give me?>

<I am not asking for the sum of all your knowledge, only for a fraction of it.>

<Your mind could hold the answer to some of the greatest questions my race has asked itself for centuries!>

<I would do anything for such knowledge.>


The Keeper considers Seih's question, thinking to himself. Now where would the fun in that be? He muses mentally. I may indeed be able to give you answers to questions, but directly imprinting would simply collapse a mind that is not prepared in advance. Master Seih, if I may ask a question from you myself, while I know vast Eons of Knowledge, by no means am I omniscient thanks to Reality being infinite (nor are the Gods for that matter). Exactly how developed are Keir minds? From what I am able to observe myself, you have full control over every single cell of your body, however you seem to only have the limits of basic magical telepathy and psionic powers, correct?

Seih visibly bristles upon hearing his telepathy called magical.

<There is absolutely nothing magical about it - it's a well-understood scientific process.>

<It hasn't been called magical since the dark ages, and then only by superstitious, backwards and uneducated...>

A bit too late, he remembers who he is addressing, and quickly backtracks.

<I- I mean- sorry, it's - or was - still a sensitive subject, when I left home.>

<We do not exert direct control over our cells (that is tantamount to heresy in some religious circles, you know), but we do control every neuron in our brain.>

<This allows us to control every signal that is sent and received to and from our body.>

<But you are correct about the rest.>

Mmm, I see now then Master Seih, I do apologize. I sssssee then. If it's simply only over your neurons... Hrmmm... What about your species' Spirituality then?

<I'm not sure what you mean by that - are you asking about our spiritual beliefs?>

<It's a matter of great controversy, but the general consensus among believers is that our spirits are on a plane of greater purity than our bodies.>

<I've never been sure about it myself; it's a tempting thought, to be sure, and I have had my phases where...>

<But apart from that, it's very diverse - some assert that Keir are the superior species because of our abilities, but they're - thankfully - a minority.>

Hrmm, I see then. Quite a common theme throughout mortals without Direct Exposure to any higher beings and magic... You see, progenitor magic and techniques rely primarily on a mixture of spiritual and physical presence in the entirety of reality after the First god wars. I may be able to teach you normally with time, but any direct implementation would certainly destroy your physical mind and parts of your spiritual presence, however, I believe time is not a luxury we quite have. Considering how... rapidly... events are currently moving... (that's the joke) What would it be you would desire to learn anyways? And what would you do with such Knowledge Master Seih? Hrmmmm?

Seih starts to form an answer in his mind, then stops, as he tries to think of what he would really wish to learn. Do I even know myself?

<I think...>

<To protect my own mind, first and foremost - it is, and always should be, mine and mine alone.>

<And then...>

<Seeing beings like Koya, which survive as a spirit only, it makes me wonder if I could do the same - severing the bond with the flesh.>

<It must be... beautiful.>

A silence ensues, as Seih is seemingly lost in thought at the prospect, before the next idea arrives.

<Of course, it could never hurt to have just a little more power, could it...>

Hehehe... yes... a little more power of course never hurts... I was under the impression you are able to protect your own mind already from those on equal level to you? No? And wouldn't physical death remove your powers completely as it very normally does? From what I have observed, most Mortals' Spiritual beings typically lack the physical power they used to have... Granted, Universes and parts of reality differ and such... The Keeper crosses his arms physically as it stares down at you, thinking... If I may input a suggestion... Could you not see one of those who wield a modifier to find a way to perhaps enhance your own powers? Perhaps a physical device or a mental/magic conduit that you could invent in your own mind, and then assemble such a physical device with the parts they create for you?

Seih rejoices upon hearing this.

<Oh, so it is possible!>

<I was hoping modifiers could achieve this.>

<And yes, theoretically, I can protect my mind, but the very fact that you're talking to me proves that there are people capable of easily bypassing those protections - clearly they are insufficient now.>

<And it seems you don't know either if death would in fact remove my powers - another subject of debate, whether psychic abilities are hardware-independent or not.>

<Well, then... one last, much more practical question - who here wields modifiers?>

<I have seen a few, but considering one of them is inside a snake, anyone could be hiding one.>

The Keeper simply waves his hand outwards towards the other people about here on the second floor in answer to Seih's last question. I'm very certain the only one aside from master Jourin and Coils, you can plainly see whether they wield one or not, heh heh... The Keeper simply speaks into Seih's mind.

<Very well, then.>

<I think I should be going now, in that case.>

<But when all of... this, is over...>

<If I can't get back home, would it be possible to serve you as an... well, an apprentice, I suppose?>

<Or at least to study what you can teach me without exploding the contents of my skull?>

I cannot say for certain Master Seih. I would say yes, but by the end of all of this, you are likely to become a God with the rest shall my predictions be correct. Perhaps you will obtain all of your knowledge another way, it is uncertain. But if it turns around that way, mind you I may not guarantee it due to my... other... duties, but if the cards fall that way, so to say. Then yes, it could be a possibility.

Seih grows worried upon hearing once more that he is likely to become a god, but tries to shrug it off.

<Thank you, I can't ask for more.>

<Good-bye for now then.>

I shall be here if you require any more answers Master Seih... The Keeper chuckles to himself again, worrying Seih somewhat...

As he's holding his conversation with the Keeper, Seih is interrupted in his thoughts by Thorn walking up to him and yelling something about marriage. He looks confusedly at Thorn. "Oh... Um, thank you? I do not intend to marry you either. Is this a customary greeting on your world?"

Dammit, I thought he would hear that. "Oh good, you didn't hear him. Uh, no just uh...saying Hi...." You have nothing to say, this should be good. Thorn shifts his weight nervously.

Seih blinks and looks worriedly at Thorn. "Hear who? Are you okay?" Seih hovers up to reach Thorn's eye level.

Holy crap he can fly! "So can I... uh, yes, it's nothing, really. Anyway, you going on the quest too?"

Seih looks unsure, and tentatively starts probing Thorn's mind, trying to find out what his issue is. "Not the same one as yours, I think. We're supposed to go find some form of lizard down in the camp. Yours seems a lot more dangerous, honestly."

That's what I said! "You mean the wizard-lizard? I saw him earlier at the social-area-square." At the place with thing and that one girl.

"Wizard-lizard..." Seih giggles. "That's pretty good, I should remember that. Which girl, though?"

"Which girl...? Aw crap..." HA, I told you he could hear me! Hey Seih, knock knock. "Ignore him. Hey, you don't know necromancy by any chance?"

"Necroma-- no, wait, back up, who is that in your head?" Seih tries to search deeper within Thorn's mind. "Do you have a ghost living in your head too? Is that something that's common around here?"

I'm his narrator! Thorn puts a good through his hair. "No he's not, he's just... a long time ago someone... it's a long story..." Oh yeah, back when, right.

"I'm sorry, that must not make any sense." He's not gonna bite... I don't think, you could just tell him.

"I would certainly like to hear it, especially since I can't seem to find it in your memories. Have you been trying to repress it? Well done, if that's the case."

Repression is one way to put it, go on. Thorn sighs. "About two years ago, I lost my memory completely, and sorta killed a lot of ponies." It wasn't his fault, don't listen to him. "I saved a little colt by the name of Stylo, and he brought me to his home, where I met Rosemary. She was..." She meant a lot to him, actually, they were engaged at the end. "Anyway, I lost both of them about a year ago to a bastard that thinks he's a pirate, and I've been wandering a god forsaken forest ever since...." Thorn made me to keep him company. Thorn smiles weakly. "Just your average depressing back story though."

Ponies? Wait, I should probably say something first. "Oh... Well, you have my sympathies then. So many people around here have some form of tortured past - I feel remarkably ordinary by comparison."

"What I wouldn't give to be normal." Boooooring. Thorn shakes his head. "How about you? I doubt you're from around here." Five bucks says he is.

"Your companion just lost their bet." Seih's expression saddens momentarily as he remenisces. "I come from a world that is probably as alien to you as this one is to me. Back there, I am normal," well, except for that one thing, but no need to tell him that yet. "We call ourselves the Keir; at some point in our past, we evolved some form of psychic control over our brains and others'. It's complicated to describe it, but it gradually came to form the basis of our society." Seih gestures around him. "Which is why so much of... this is confusing to me. Everything is new."

Damn. "A society based on physic powers... actually that isn't too alien." Well, he is bipedal, small, psychic... "My world is founded on various magics of all kinds. But I see what you mean, this a weird place." Come to think of it, I've not seen any game to hunt yet.

"That's actually something I was wondering about - is magic commonplace around here? There was none in my world." Because psychic powers are not magic, Seih almost adds, but he refrains, his conversation with the Keeper still fresh in his memory.

Could there be psychic magics?! "Y'know, I haven't found much magic here, not that I know much myself." What about the other adventurers? "Ehh... I doubt it's common, unless you count whatever these guys do with those weird gems." Thorn shrugs.

Seih's gaze becomes a bit distant at these words. "Yes, the modifiers. They certainly seem very interesting. Think of the potential behind them." He glances towards Chris. "Once this mission is over, I'll see if some of those who have them would agree to make some tools for me."

You mean like a hammer? "Probably not. What kind of tools though?" Ooh, is he some kind of secret spy that need night googles an' stuff?

"Also doubt that."

"Not really like a hammer, no. But I'm not sure what I want myself, yet. I don't know what's possible and what isn't. Meilikki, she said she would help me once we dealt with the wizard, and Jaik and Coils seemed friendly, so hopefully I can get at least one person to make some things for me. And you, have you considered asking for equipment?"

I want a giant ass kicking robot. "..." With lasers. Thorn rolls his eyes. "Honestly, I don't want to be a bother to anyone, so I would rather not. I got a hiding from Delphi," Don't get on her bad side, it's scary, "but I found a couple firearms I can probably use." Thorn levitates a pair of revolvers. Please help me, Thorn's gonna get us killed... "Will not." Will too.

He can levitate other things? Impressive. Seih looks curiously at the guns. "Are you sure these are firearms? The only ones I ever saw were big and unwieldy. What's a robot?"

Think like a big angry metal person that wants to kill stuff. "Well...I don't really know, I found them in the armory so I assumed thats what they are...." Oooh, what if they're something else, and you can't kill bad guys? "Do you use any weapons?"

Seih reaches into his pockets and pulls out his gardening shears. "I have this. Do you think it could help?"

Thorn shrugs. "I've worked with less, maybe it can." Boards with nails, pie tins, a campfire, "Please stop." Just sayin'.

Seih ineffectually tries to hide a smile behind his hand. "Don't you ever worry that people might get... confused by the way you talk?"

He's just afraid I'll embarrass him. "Well... yeah actually. You're the fist person to know he exists." And may I say its nice to talk to a not-idiot person. "I've been learning how to... hide him. Would you mind not saying anything?" He'll owe you one. One something. One pizza maybe?

"Of course, don't worry." Seih glances back at the group in the stairs. "I really should be going though, I think. I look forward to seeing you again - good luck in your mission!"

"Thanks...you too." You wanna go with him, don't you? "A bit..." Then why not? Might be better you don't go trying to kill some God yet. Thorn trots over to the group. "Wait up, mind if I tag along with you?"

Seih pauses as he is about to turn around. "Well, I certainly don't have any issues. You should ask Elijah, as a precaution; I doubt she'd refuse, though." As he starts floating back, Seih wobbles and quickly falls to the ground, landing on his feet. "Ah, sorry. Got a bit distracted - it's tiring to hover for more than a minute or two. Hope you don't mind talking without making eye contact with me."

Thorn smiles cheerfully. "Right then, but uh...." Oh don't you suggest that... "You can hang out up on my back for a while." Beast of burden or not, he looks heavy. "But it can't be much fun to walk around with all us big folk, no?" Just... fine, whatever.

Seih looks up at the towering figure of Thorn. "Oh... Um." A quick skirmish breaks out within Seih's mind between his innate laziness and his attempts at politeness; a victor is quickly decided upon. "Sure, that sounds great. If you're sure you don't mind, of course."

Just wipe your feet... please... "No problem, I'd like the company." What am I, chopped liver?! Thorn kneels down and also feels a bit squeamish. Get over it ya pansy, you're not getting married to the guy.

With a short intake of breath, Seih leaps up, assisting his jump by briefly hovering, wipes his feet in mid-air, and lands on Thorn's back. "Is this a good position for you?"

Pffffffft, position. "Huh, you're lighter than ya look... er, yeah no problems here." This is marginally less awkward than I anticipated. Can we ride into the sunset with western music?

Seih points the way forward. "Onward, noble steed!"
Byron takes a step back as Jon comes forward. Shit Shit Shit. Byron ould only thing of how he could get out of thi situation. If he were to attack them, the entire camp would be on him in an instant. There might be a slim chance the he could hide, but if it came down to a fight, he would have no chance of coming out alive. He could run, but the medics might place him under suspicion and send out a search party for him. Damn it. The fear is clear in his eyes is clear as day as he slowly bings his hand out of his pocket. Not looking and seeing no other option he shows his arm, writs side up, to show a crude tatoo of a number on his wrist.

(Sorry for not posting sooner. There's a con coming up and I'm getting my shit together.)
(I have no idea if I should post or not, but here it is)

Damn straight I'm noble. Noble as....an eagle maybe?

Thorn turned to face Elijah, quickly adjusting to the newfound weight of Seih.

"Hello Elijah, I hope you're well. I don't know if I should ask you or the Keeper," Thorn glanced at the Keeper, "but I've decided I'd rather help Seih and his group rather than go on the quest-thing." You know, we may ALL be going anyway. Heh, That'd be ironic.
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Major update #10!

( @arcaneSentinel ) Byron: The Medic Jon looks at your arm up and down, seemingly confused, quickly looking at the tattoo, and then seemingly dismissing it as the other Medic shakes his head in confusion or disapproval.. you're not to sure....

"Now was that really that hard? I don't see anything PHYSICALLY wrong, so i'm afraid we don't understand what your issue is sir...."

The Medic says scoldingly, finally backing away and letting you roll your sleeve back down on your arm in relief.

"Now i don't understand your problem and why you seem to make it such a huge issue, but if it's that huge of a Psychological problem, we can offer one of our Medical gloves in the back if you want."

Both medics looked at you scoldingly.... One of them deciding to disappear back into once again, no doubt to attend to the sick and wounded... As the medic waits for your answer, you remember in the back of your mind... this isn't the Colosseum anymore... this is an entirely new universe you seem to be in from what that Keeper told you... But it still somehow bothers you that the scars of the past still remain...

"You seem still rather new here, so i'm going to ask that you See Sub-Commander Delphi Or Supreme Commander Elijah for your orders. Soon as you get out of our medical tent. You got that?"

The Medic asks you sternly, still waiting on your answers.


( @ChrisClark13 @SnakyDragon @a52 ) Chris, Jaik, W-R54: (yall still haven't done anything, so in that case, i will now GIVE you all something to do!)

The Keeper turns to the Three of you, seemingly wondering why none of you have done anything quite yet.

"Well? Are the three of you going to go and maybe do something? Or do you need Direction hrm?"

He says almost scoldingly as he looks at the three of you... he must be thinking some sort of ancient, arcane plan to have the three of you embark upon!

"Hrmmm... While the three of you wait for em to prepare the portal.... Chris.... Jaik... W-R54... the three of you could go and Join Mistress Elijah's group over there in their hunt for Vizara... or perhaps visit Delphi to see what she needs done around... or visit another part of the camp and find something to do!

Now Shoo! I will be on the first floor if anybody shall require my further assitance."

Orrrr not.

Well, perhaps the three of you had better get a move on, to either follow Elijah and her group, go into the cmap and Find Delphi, or go into the camp for specific purposes, for example, W-R54 could visit the mechanics once again and perhaps seek some upgrades that they could possibly provide...

Jaik to mayhaps scout the camp some more and gather his barings and maybe even skim the outskirts of the camp for any tortured to engage.....

And mayhaps Chris could (futilely) attempt to Woo Elijah on their lizard wizard hunt or perhaps focus his Modifier's power into more shielding and offensive capabilities...

What shall the three of you do?

(Note, if you're going to follow Elijah and her group you will be delayed by at least one Major/mini-update.)

( @Thorn of Discord @Lyrositor @Bonzo @SnakyDragon @Seahorse ) Thorn, Seih, Koya, Danielle, Mei, Coils, and Elijah:

To Danielle:

Mostly petty arguments about the low gods and Aundry's race, the Katarii... They were supposed the natives of this planet who migrated form another world in some sort of Exodus.... it's all more or less irrelevant at the moment... But after this hunt for Vizara, Me and Aundry himself could tell you more about it all....

To Koya (Danielle):
The Keeper looks up in surprised as he was starting to sink into the floor, stopping jsut about to his shoulders to answer your question....

"Well yes, there are some very obvious differences however...." The Keeper's expression changes suddenly as he seems to realize something, and a kind of smirk and frow of his bony eyebrows takes hold of his face.

Koya? The Koya?

You seem to have been hiding very well from my presence, haven't you?

We must catch up later Master Koya..... That is if your host will permit it... hehehe....

You hear his chilling, ghastly voice in both of your heads/spirits/minds.... However, he continues to speak verbally about the question...

"From what I've heard and observed... Namely with Master Jourin's... Case.... a Non-intended User of Elijah's Modifier as i have seen, either vaporizes one on the spot, marks them to be doomed painful, searing death... or the power of the Modifier itself eventually turning oneself as a Mad, hollow shadow of their former selves..."

The Keeper chuckles ominously as he sinks lower into the ground all ghastly like, only his ehad now speaking up at you....

"As for other modifiers... I am not quite certain.... Normally a painful shock to deter a untended user anyways... Some.. Experimentation.... would be helpful... hehehehe..."

Without another word, the Keeper's head sinks down into the ground and out of sight... he must be now on the first floor, preparing for whatever he set Chris and the others to do....

To Mei: You almost give up on getting any sort of clear answers from the Keeper after he just straight up sinks into the ground like a ghost.... however, after asking what Vizara looks like and his skills are, You watch as a ghastly, bony hand suddenly raises up through the ground, it pointed towards Elijah, and on her notepad suddenly appear letters in his own sort of ghastly, Teal color, startling Elijah as she jumps as the sudden writing appearing on her notepad that wasn't hers... Reading it you find your answer....

It is simply a waste of time being omniscient all of the time Mistress Mei.

Besides, There would not be much to tell besides what you already have become aware of, Correct?

Elijah looks at you and shrugs, and then quickly writes down something for you...

I know what He looks like, it's kinda hard to forgot the face of some asshole trying to do panty raids.... he uses a lot of illusionary magic though from what Delphi tells me....

A Displeased expression comes acrossed Elijah's face as she writes that down and shows it to you, perhaps saying to you I don't need to elaborate any further on that.

To all of you:
Elijah nods at Coils, Seih and Thorn, seemingly okay with them tagging along as she turns back to the stair well and begins heading down it, waving her gauntlet-ted hand for you guys to follow...

Quickly heading down at least two floors, you both reach the ground floor and exit out into the crowded camp... Immediately upon being sighted, you all notice Guards and Marauders Stopping quickly to Salute to Elijah before she went on her way leading your group...

As you all walk along and Ask different Marauders where Vizara was last seen, most all saying he was back at the breakfast/social area north of camp...

All of you couldn't help but notice the air of respect Elijah seems to receive despite her being so modest and almost.. non-leaderly like Delphi...

Perhaps what some of you theorize is true you think... that the only follow her for her power and Delphi's mroeso the actual Commander around here.....

Thoughts aside however, you all finally reach the northern part of camp to a huge social Area... Looking around, you all spot Misfortune actually talking with Vizara (who you all immediately recognize with his floppy wizard hat and such, definitely taking the appearance of a Lizard Wizard so to say, except a lot more cool looking with the vest and trousers versus a full on robe...) at one of the empty tables at a corner of the big open social area....

Immediately, You all notice him spotting you as well and seeming to have an alerted face on him...

He doesn't seem to move as he says something to misfortune, and simply waves to your group (namely at Thorn as he blatantly pretends not to notice you guys.... How shall you all decide to approach this situation...? You all know he uses a lot of Illusionary magic, and is in possession of a Modifier shard....

It may be best to handle this delicately, however this could go almost a million different ways considering what you all know so far....

Elijah Motions for the rest of you to go ahead of her as she Writes something down on her notepad to show all of you. Putting on a fake smile it seems like as she wrote....

I'm going to go around and see if i can get behind him somehow or cut him off if he runs, But if he asks where i went, I "Forgot" something back at the tower, He's awfully crafty and really fast, and he's no doubtfully intimidated by my presence considering I hunted him once before for other... reasons... but I'm leaving the rest up to you guys. If a commotion starts up, i'll know.

With that, Elijah nods and "heads back" towards the tower.... leaving the rest of you to find a way to approach this situation without it going awry...

What shall you all do?


( @creepingShade ) Errg: Slamming the Ring into the slot, unsurprisingly ends up in a perfect fit, for a few moments it does nothing before it starts to glow almost blindingly white, and after a moment or two of the ring sitting in the round slot.... you feel a tremor within the water as the slot itself begins to rise with the ring!

Being forced to swim out of the water as a structure rises from the water, you hop onto the dry land around the pond as a pillar of stone with the ring on top of it rises straight up out of the water along with a platform of sorts rising up, and stops short just above the water's surface after splashing about a great commotion, a small stone path quickly extends out to the edge of the pond from the large stone pillar, which then reveals a doorway as it slides open, delving down farther into the island with a ladder!

Do you dare enter this mysterious and sudden lair that has been revealed to you?

(Apologies if this does seem a little confusing, running out of ideas as i write this update.)


( @ferociousfeind ) Misfortune: "Meh. I'd believe it." Vizara is startlingly okay with you just having said you're out to destroy this universe... completely content as he munches on some spinach and finishing his plate....

"Seeing the things I've seen and heard around this camp, let alone everything outside of it, i'd say we're in a completely nonsensical reality where all sorts of begins are pulled into here at random to live and stuff. I pretty much just accept it now, especially since i can now create cards in a instant like a pro with..."

You hear the lizard wizard suddenly stop talking and you look it him confusingly, His eyes were alert and wide open as he looked across-ed the social area, to spot a huuuge group of people you recognized as Mei, Seih, Thorn, Coils, and that White Wolfess Elijah....

"Hey... Do me a favor will you?" Vizara asked you as he pretended to wave to them and put on a fake smile.

"If any of them asks i wasn't responsible for last night's panty raid okay? Last time the White Wolfess there tried to cave my SKULL in before i managed to hit up her tent... Got it?"

Vizara asks you, a hint of worry in his voice as he keeps his eyes on the group nearby...

How shall you respond....? Wait... are those guys possibly After Vizara here...?

What do you think you'll do?


( @aquaInferno @Ged Merrilin @Bluesunnyday ) Coatl, Ged, Kalos: "Hrmmmmm" Delphi thinks to herself as she looks at the three of you... Something sinister was cooking in that cat woman's head you all knew...

"Well, first off for clarification Coatl, I do agree the name is rather... unfitting especially considering what we all actually do. But the name "Marauders" has just kinda stuck ever since they first banded together over two years ago on this planet. Haven't bothered to change it since we're busy enough trying to pin down settlements and get a working society going on this continent."
Delphi spoke rather sternly as she crossed her arms right below her chest, as she smirked and looked at Ged...

"Lucky you, little cat man, I used to be part of my Highschool Choir, went as far as state champions too!"
She said rather triumphantly, placing a hand on her hip and another on her chest with a smile on her face, tail flicking around behind her.....

"But I don't want you to just Charm Violin boy over there...."

The three of you suddenly feel your stomachs drop... Oh god, where is she going with this?

"Dear Coatl, Ged, Kalos, I think it's been too long since i've seen anything REALLY interesting happen..."

She closes her eyes as she speaks, putting her nose high in the air as she spoke.

"So what i want the three of you to do is charm yourselves, to..."

She pauses, no doubtfully for dramatic effect, as she Suddenly points a Thumb towards herself, opening her sky blue cat eyes upon the three of you, a sinister smile over her face.


She doesn't wait for a response from the three of you, as she suddenly starts speaking again as she stands in a rather flirtatious way, replacing the sinister grin with a "innocent" kind of expression, but you all knew what was going on here.

"I want the three of you to fight over me, see who gets me first Hrmmm? And if you refuse, then I could just have my boys over there take you out back if I wanted~"

Dammmmn She really is sinister!

And immediately she returns to her "Commanding Commander" Stance, raising an eyebrow at the three of you.

"So what do you say boys? Care to start up some romantic drama and fight for a beautiful woman such as myself?"

She asks the three of you, waiting on your answers...

This probably isn't going to end well....

The three of you think....


( @Veles Lek ) Lupa: "Stand up, No magic, No weapons." The human demands, backing up a bit and letting you stand up, the sun in the sky still beats down slightly on you....

Looking around, You could see a massive forest of trees and mountains farther beyond behind the Armored woman, and behind you a bit of a ways away was a endless ocean with a small beach line.... and to your left and right were massive, seemingly infinite plains of grass with small hills everywhere... and to your right, more specifically, a little ways away seemed to be a massive camp centered around a Tower with a pillar of energy shooting upwards into the sky....

Where... Is this place? You think to yourself....

"Before you freak out or even ask," The human interrupted your train of thought and curiosity...

"You're inside an entirely different universe and different planet then you were previously in, how you're biologically surviving or how we're communicating, I don't know. But, I've been ordered by my superiors to walk you over to the camp over there so you can either start working so we can all stay alive or be one of those people who works Directly Under the Keeper or the Supreme commander." The human spoke, once again, the mask still partially muffling their voice.

"Now Start walking ahead of me, no detours and no delays, keep in mind I've also got snipers on watch from afar should you try to kill me, and everyone else in the camp is well armed and armored just as myself. But if we can't kill you then the Commander Will. Kapeesh?"

Eesh, whoever this human was, they were certainly seemed professional....

A few minutes into walking towards the massive camp in the distance however, your "escort" speaks up behind you. This time you notice a hint of curiosity in your voice.

"So what are you capable of? You look like one of those magic types or a traveler from fantasy books judging from the Indigo eyes and having hardly anything on you... Specifically one of those medevil ones with Knights and wizards and stuff...."

They ask ALMOST nonchalantly....

They'll no doubt try and extract all the information out of you they can before you arrived to the camp you were supposedly heading towards in the distance in front of you... how shall you respond?

Total player count: 14

Total word count: ~2900 Words

Total Time taken: (started at like, 10) Spent a lot of time Watching the League of Legends Worlds Championships, So i spent arrrround 7-9+ hours on the update here in-between watching matches, as well as about 2-3 hours of breaks.
Kalos' eye twitches slightly. What the fuck? Sure, he found Delphi attractive when he managed to shut up the bird part of his brain, but this was...

Awful. Just the worst.

"No offense, miss, but you are not touching my fucking brain. I've had to fight tooth and nail to keep this thing, and I'm not giving up my free will for an..."

He looks Delphi up and down for a moment.

"Admittedly ridiculously attractive woman."
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