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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Katherine and Tristin

"Oh, alright. Nice to meet you two officially. I know your names because Tristin knows your names. Thomas, you have a nice catch there. She's a great dancer." Tristin remained motionless. "Well, the thing is I was hoping you could probably stop Starling for us." Katherine tilted her head slightly and her hand had moved to her stomach. Tristin shook her head, the pupils in her red eye spinning. "Well, no. If I kill him, I just prove him right. Besides, I have kids. I can't tell them, can I? Give me a second..." Tristin started moving her hands up and down her body, pressing on her chest a few times. Katherine looked forward. "Are you alright?" Tristin stopped fondling herself. "Thomas, she's a really good catch. These are seriously the best pair of lungs I've ever seen. She also has a nice pair of disco b-" Katherine put a hand to Tristin's mouth. "Alright, alright. We get it, you like demonically possessing her. So you can't help? What can you help with? Protecting Ann and my subcommanders?" Tristin shook her head. "Your subcommanders are your responsibility. It would be unfair to leave Ann in the dark, but there's someone who's working on that. You should worry about running GLASS." Tristin put a hand to Katherine's face and felt down her side, snaking a hand along her legs, and Katherine let a bubble of air out of her mouth. "Katherine, you've grown into a tough young woman. I would hate to see that to submit to fear. Be a leader for them. Anyways, you look slightly desperate for air. We've been under for about six minutes now." "Alright. Thanks for the advice." A whirr filled the air again and water splashed. Tristin's newly colored eyes remained and she closed her eyes. Tristin opened her mouth, but no air came out. She then went limp. Katherine grabbed Tristin by the arms and kicked to the surface. Katherine gasped and swam over to the side, holding Tristin face-up in the water. Katherine wiped Tristin's hair out of Tristin's eyes and balanced Tristin on her knees, and started CPR. Tristin violently coughed up water and opened her eyes. One of them was red with three pupils, and the other was blue. She looked slightly panicked. "T-That color...what is...NGGH!" Katherine leaned over Tristin and put her hands to Tristin's ears. Tristin let out a sigh of relief, but starting panicking again when she looked at Katherine. Specifically, Katherine's skeleton. Tristin tried to close her eyes but it didn't help since she could see through her eyelids, until she held onto Katherine. Tristin then let out another sigh as her eyes returned to their normal color. "Tristin, are you alright?" Katherine floated against the side of the pool, still holding Tristin in her arms. "Y-Yeah..."

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
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Akira gives Ann a patient smile. "Sorry to keep you cooped up, Ann. If you were awake when all this started, I would've started up a movie for you or something," she chuckles, then would look over to Sky. "She should be rebooting now. She must have heard something that did not compute with one of her programs, and froze. My programming is still really buggy."

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
JPax42 said:
Katherine and Tristin
"Oh, alright. Nice to meet you two officially. I know your names because Tristin knows your names. Thomas, you have a nice catch there. She's a great dancer." Tristin remained motionless. "Well, the thing is I was hoping you could probably stop Starling for us." Katherine tilted her head slightly and her hand had moved to her stomach. Tristin shook her head, the pupils in her red eye spinning. "Well, no. If I kill him, I just prove him right. Besides, I have kids. I can't tell them, can I? Give me a second..." Tristin started moving her hands up and down her body, pressing on her chest a few times. Katherine looked forward. "Are you alright?" Tristin stopped fondling herself. "Thomas, she's a really good catch. These are seriously the best pair of lungs I've ever seen. She also has a nice pair of disco b-" Katherine put a hand to Tristin's mouth. "Alright, alright. We get it, you like demonically possessing her. So you can't help? What can you help with? Protecting Ann and my subcommanders?" Tristin shook her head. "Your subcommanders are your responsibility. It would be unfair to leave Ann in the dark, but there's someone who's working on that. You should worry about running GLASS." Tristin put a hand to Katherine's face and felt down her side, snaking a hand along her legs, and Katherine let a bubble of air out of her mouth. "Katherine, you've grown into a tough young woman. I would hate to see that to submit to fear. Be a leader for them. Anyways, you look slightly desperate for air. We've been under for about six minutes now." "Alright. Thanks for the advice." A whirr filled the air again and water splashed. Tristin's newly colored eyes remained and she closed her eyes. Tristin opened her mouth, but no air came out. She then went limp. Katherine grabbed Tristin by the arms and kicked to the surface. Katherine gasped and swam over to the side, holding Tristin face-up in the water. Katherine wiped Tristin's hair out of Tristin's eyes and balanced Tristin on her knees. Tristin violently coughed up water and opened her eyes. One of them was red with three pupils, and the other was blue. She looked slightly panicked. "T-That color...what is...NGGH!" Katherine leaned over Tristin and put her hands to Tristin's ears. Tristin let out a sigh of relief, but starting panicking again when she looked at Katherine. Specifically, Katherine's skeleton. Tristin tried to close her eyes but it didn't help since she could see through her eyelids, until she held onto Katherine. She then let out another sigh as her eyes returned to their normal color. "Tristin, are you alright?" Katherine floated against the side of the pool, still holding Tristin in her arms. "Y-Yeah..."

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
@Shammy the Shamrock[/URL] @YoungX
Jonathon looked to Katherine for a bit. "I take it this Starling is similar to that on the page I found?"

Sky looked at Akira with an intriguing look. "I see well in any case whoever that mystery man of yours is... he is after the kid. I don't know about you but... we won't be able to beat him with just us. His powers are too much."

@JPax42 @Crystal Cali
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Ann's eyes widened "What movie!? Gimme!" She said jumping on Akira and waving her arms in the air like a mad man. "I ate a woman's car keys today."

@Crystal Cali @YoungX

Thomas ran up and looked at Tristin "What happened right there!? That woman.....was odd to say the least," he said sitting on the rim of the pool.

@JPax42 @YoungX
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]"I ate a woman's car keys today."

(Anella: Well I'm about to have some fun so we're even)
Akira frowns, and sighs. "Yeah. You wouldn't have any contacts you could call, would you? I don't want to take this to TEST or GLASS. I can't trust either of those companies, and with GLASS now running the police force, apparently, we can't exactly trust law enforcement." Akira was unaware of just how much GLASS was in control of. Based on the broadcast she saw, she thought they were just overtaking the police force. Akira turns around and faces Ann. "There is a collection in that plastic box at the far end of the van. I might still have a season of Invader Zim back there."

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
JPax42 said:
(Anella: Why not? Hand too spicy for you?)

Tristin and Katherine

Tristin put her hands on the rim and sank into the water, letting bubbles out of her mouth. Katherine decided to explain what happened, keeping a hand on Tristin's back. "Basically, Kirstin has these weird four dimensional eyeballs that can see through everything. Dimensions, dark matter, everything. When Kirstin went into Tristin's body, Tristin got a copy of her eyes. When she left, Tristin got a full blast of everything since she doesn't know how to filter it." Katherine looked down at Tristin, who was still somehow letting air out of her mouth. "Kirstin's right she does have nice lungs." Katherine turned to Jonathon. "Probably a descendant. Gray had children." Tristin pulled herself up and rubbed her eyes, breathing heavily. "Nngh...Katherine you have a nice skeleton..." Tristin sighed and held onto the rim, trying to focus her vision at the water. "Well then." Katherine shrugged and pulled herself out of the water. "I have some stuff to do, Thomas she's all yours." With that, Katherine walked away and signaled Jonathon excitedly. "Jonathon we have some work to do." Katherine smiled and shattered her jumpsuit into a regular jumpsuit.

@YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock
Jonathon nodded and followed Katherine to wherever she would lead him. For now he would wonder what came next.
Ann jumped down and ran into the van "I'VE ONLY SEEN THE FIRST SEASON! YAY!" She yelled rummaging through and grabbing the disc and running around. "WHERE DO I PUT THIS!"

@Crystal Cali @YoungX

Thomas picked Tristin out of the water "Let's go get you dried off." He smiled "How did it feel to have someone inside you?" He started walking towards the door.



Tristin leaned on Thomas and walked out with him.
"When she was talking, it felt like I lost that much air. It was painful, but it was interesting. I couldn't do anything though. Also...I could see through everything. It was the most awkward thing when Kirstin made me touch Katherine, and it didn't help that I could see through clothes." Tristin then shook water out of her head and pushed her hair back with a hand. She put a hand on her stomach and took a deep breath. "I don't recommend it for everyone." Tristin gently kissed Thomas on the cheek and walked to the bedroom. Even though she was in a swimsuit she hopped on the bed and stretched out. Good thing the beds were waterproof, right?

@Shammy the Shamrock
Akira does not look pleased by the idea of going back to GLASS for help, but she did not have many options. She sighs. "Alright, then. Can you give him a call?" Akira hops in the back of the van with Ann, and boots up her computer. "Over here Ann," she says as she pops the disk tray out.

@YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock
Ann sat down and watched her show on the computer, she took in every detail. "Hey what was with that man from earlier. F.A.I.E won't tell me what he wanted."

@Crystal Cali @YoungX

Thomas sat down on the bed "You do know you're soaked right? That probably will make it worse when you go to bed," he said placing his hand on her forehead. "You need anything?"

JPax42 said:
(Tristin: She didn't f*ck me what are you talking about?!)


Katherine walked down to the library at a rather quick pace. She started filing through books and scripts, balancing everything that looked interesting with expert skill on her arms, shoulders, and yes, even her chest. It was a surprisingly convenient place for Katherine to put things. Katherine then sat down at a table and lay everything down and started organizing them in date order. "I think there's a lot we need to do. I rarely come here but there's work that needs to be done." Katherine then leaned forward so much so that she was basically halfway across the table. Her vision was on Jonathon, and her eyes narrowed slightly. "Where did you find that script anyways?"



Tristin leaned on Thomas and walked out with him.
"When she was talking, it felt like I lost that much air. It was painful, but it was interesting. I couldn't do anything though. Also...I could see through everything. It was the most awkward thing when Kirstin made me touch Katherine, and it didn't help that I could see through clothes." Tristin then shook water out of her head and pushed her hair back with a hand. She put a hand on her stomach and took a deep breath. "I don't recommend it for everyone." Tristin gently kissed Thomas on the cheek and walked to the bedroom. Even though she was in a swimsuit she hopped on the bed and stretched out. Good thing the beds were waterproof, right?

@Shammy the Shamrock
"I found it at the library," Jonathon said honestly.

Sky nodded. "Now let see I'll have to contact via his gauntlet. Let see... this will take awhile," Sky would get to work trying to contact Jonathon.

@JPax42 @Crystal Cali
Akira bites her lip as she thinks for a moment about how to explain to Ann what the guy wanted without scaring her too much. "Well, you know how you can change your eye color, and eat things you're not supposed to.... like car keys? That man wants your power." She looks to Sky and nods. "Just let me know when you reach him."

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX

Tristin shook her head. "No, I don't even want to sleep. I just need a minute to breathe." Tristin then sat up on the bed cross-legged. Tristin couldn't get over the fact that she saw through dimensions and didn't even understand it. However, the image of whatever she saw was clear in her head. Tristin put a hand over her chest and felt the rise and fall of her breathing, trying to focus on what she saw.

@Shammy the Shamrock


Katherine's expression didn't falter as she began rummaging through books and scripts. She flipped through contents, multiple at a time. She looked for anything that had anything about Gray Starling, or Starling at all. Nothing was found and Katherine let out a sigh of frustration, leaning forward and putting her head in her arms.
"This is annoying. Nothing about Starling in twenty seven books most related to him." Katherine shook her head in her arms.

Thomas rubbed her back "You're going to be alright?" He said nervously "What was it like? To see everything at once," he asked getting up from the bed.


Ann tilted her head "I have powers? They never felt like powers," she said, her eyes still locked on the screen. "What are my powers?"

@Crystal Cali
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]They never felt like powers

(Kirstin: Two words. Alien. Physiology.)
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Akira shrugs. "Well, changing your eye color isn't something most people do, and also most people would choke if they ate a fork or someone's car keys. Other than that, you seem like any other girl your age."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas kissed back "I'm lucky I found you. You're the best thing in my life," he said wrapping his hands around her waist. He stopped for a second when the sound of a whip was heard.

Paige smirked "Now. Now. You two are still children. Fuck later," she giggle with her whip in hand and the lines still there. Her performer outfit was different, it was black and gold, red lining the chest. Glitter and other sparky stuff was under Paige's eyes "Say hello to your ring master," she said striking a pose.


Ann leaned back "Dad said I am really fast. Well with a weapon," she said taking out her scythe and twirling it. "At age three he use to say I would catch flies and catch things without even looking in there direction."

@Crystal Cali
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