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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Pike smiled. The back and forth of slightly cheesy slight sweet pick up lines was something that he didn't get too do very often. "I can't think of another good line, but how about we come up with some more, say over dinner?" Pike ask before delivering a final kiss. She kissed like a professional like she had done so many times before but with a undeniable passion behind it. Standing up he put a hand out to help her up. @JPax42
".....I'm just going to pretend I didn't see you doing stuff you one of your subcommanders." He looked at the tape "Tristin found this on a druggy, thought you may want to watch it with us."


Anella held his hand and stood up. "That sounds like a plan. Your place? Mine has a slightly insane woman there who may not be pleased to see you." Anella thought about Ray but didn't really give a second thought about going on a...dare she say it...a date with Pike. She decided to follow Pike and gave a light smile. Of course, she was a professional but maybe it was worth going on a full date rather than just stripping.



Katherine shook her head. "There was no stuff today. I just...yeah whatever." Katherine covered her chest with one arm and the rest with the other and hopped off the bed, lifting up her jumpsuit with her mouth and walking to the bathroom, which, might be added, was actually in her room unlike the subcommander rooms. "You can watch the tape, monitor's on the wall."


Tristin stared wide-mouthed at Katherine and nodded, then turning at Thomas.
"Well...uh... Is that what I'm gonna look like in a few years? If so...hell yeah." Tristin winked at Thomas before putting the tape in the monitor. The only thing that happened was that a timer appeared on the bottom.

'This video uses severe slow motion enhancements so a viewer can watch the video without seeing only blurs of two people. The timer on the left is in real time, not perceived time. 1...2...3...4...5' The timer counted in normal time, and the video started.

@Shammy the Shamrock
The thief walked with a smile saying "My place is fine, I know a chines place that orders and I have some wine in that you've got to try" Pike said leading her along. It was a bit of an odd way to start a dat- well lets call it a social gathering. After all work came first. It was a bit odd for a suited man to be talking about ordering out but hey the suit was just fabric. Similar to the high rise high class apartment he lived in. "This way" He said going up the stairs. At the door he said "This is me". @JPax42
"Either way you'll still look beautiful," Thomas sat down and stayed quite as the video played. 'Whatever those things are, seem pretty fast.' He thought while watching, wondering what this had to do with Starling.


Anella followed Pike and looked at the door. "You do have a nice apartment." Anella looked down the stairs. "Hmm, classy. I've not seen classy in a long time." Anella gave a warm smile towards Pike.



Tristin just watched the video with Thomas, but with surprise. It was...insane.

Dr. Starling walked up to a young woman, his eyes blazing with energy. A beam erupted from them, but was blocked by the woman's hand. "Heh, I see you still have the desire to go for this. Kirstin." The woman crossed her arms and walked forward, at which the camera shifted. "Doctor Starling. This needs to end, now. There is no need for you to continue taking the blood of people like me!" The woman's red and blue eyes glinted slightly and lines spread across her body. The timer began ticking slower until the particles of the rain were suspended in the air as only drops of water.


Kirstin and Dr. Starling dashed at each other at a normal running pace and impacted fists. A shockwave spread from there, knocking the camera back slightly, and a muffled grunt was heard from the camera man. Dr. Starling grabbed her by the shoulder and impacted her in the stomach, which sent her a few meters back. However, the camera turned to show she was floating in the air, the golden veins blazing with energy. She angled herself to smash headfirst into Starling, sending him into the ground. Particles of the ground were suspended in the air as Starling stood up, almost floating in his nature. The only movement of the nature was anything displaced by the two figures having at each other.


Within what seemed to be only one second of real life, two blows were landed.

"Thomas...that's insane. I think that's the man talking about taking blood from the girl and me-" Tristin shook her head and covered her mouth, taking back the last part. The video then cut, the tape seemed to be burned away. "That's...it?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
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"Well I am looking at classy right now" Pike said handing her the Chinese menu he had been looking at. "Please take a seat, I'll get that wine I was talking about". Finding it the thief prepared two glasses saying "To new acquaintances". @JPax42
"Talk about a clash of titans. Heroes were so much stronger back in the day," he said with his legs pressed against his chest. "Is that it? There wasn't much."


Jason twirled his gun as he walked through the streets "This place is pretty dull with no crime." He said whistling 'The Wanderer,' he pointed the gun at a bird but didn't shoot. "Anything you need for today?"


Anella took a seat and raised the glass. "To new acquaintances." She smiled warmly at Pike, knowing that acquaintances was a bit of an understatement. However, she was really intrigued by the apartment. "So, anything else you've done recently that's lots of fun? You seem like a very exciting man."



Tristin shrugged. "The woman had lines, and she mentioned 'people like her.'" Tristin also pointed out the figures of the woman. The woman had platinum blonde hair, a red eye and a blue eye. It seemed that she could fly and also had heat vision far more intense than anything Tristin had ever seen. "She has to be alive. Nobody that powerful can die in a world like this. I'm surprised I've never...well..." Tristin's eyes widened as she noticed Katherine was standing the whole time.


"That's Kirstin Summers. She thinks she's my older sister and watched over me to no end. I had to move to Lithium to even get a life of my own, since she promised she wouldn't interfere with Lithium." Katherine's mood fell and she sort of sighed. Katherine didn't like Kirstin, but if she voiced that opinion she would probably have her neck snapped. Or, she might hurt Kirstin's feelings and she would destroy the planet. "She...I don't know who or what she is. It's just one of the questions I spent forever trying to answer. Brendan was afraid of her. He told me a few days be fore he passed." Katherine stood up and walked to the door. She was turned away from the subcommanders and almost felt like either crying or going into a frustrated unprofessional rage. Something she couldn't risk.

@Shammy the Shamrock
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JPax42 said:
Anella took a seat and raised the glass. "To new acquaintances." She smiled warmly at Pike, knowing that acquaintances was a bit of an understatement. However, she was really intrigued by the apartment. "So, anything else you've done recently that's lots of fun? You seem like a very exciting man."



Tristin shrugged. "The woman had lines, and she mentioned 'people like her.'" Tristin also pointed out the figures of the woman. The woman had platinum blonde hair, a red eye and a blue eye. It seemed that she could fly and also had heat vision far more intense than anything Tristin had ever seen. "She has to be alive. Nobody that powerful can die in a world like this. I'm surprised I've never...well..." Tristin's eyes widened as she noticed Katherine was standing the whole time.


"That's Kirstin Summers. She thinks she's my older sister and watched over me to no end. I had to move to Lithium to even get a life of my own, since she promised she wouldn't interfere with Lithium." Katherine's mood fell and she sort of sighed. Katherine didn't like Kirstin, but if she voiced that opinion she would probably have her neck snapped. Or, she might hurt Kirstin's feelings and she would destroy the planet. "She...I don't know who or what she is. It's just one of the questions I spent forever trying to answer. Brendan was afraid of her. He told me a few days be fore he passed." Katherine stood up and walked to the door. She was turned away from the subcommanders and almost felt like crying.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Jonathon would wake up to find this scene unravel. He would go to Katherine and asked, "Are you alright?"

Meanwhile Sky would be guarding Akira and wondered what happened. He would ask her, "How is F.A.I.E?"

@JPax42 @Crystal Cali
"Oh yes I robbed a lovely trinket" Pike said sitting down as he sipped the wine. "The Amulet of Valor was on display in a museum, heavily guarded with lasers, cameras the works" Pike said in an overly dramatic fashion. "Then some dashing rouge comes along, goes through the sky light, sneaks passed the guards, limbos past the lasers, and snatch the amulet". "So what about you". @JPax42
Thomas got up "Kirstin Summers.....the lines.....could we be something like that?" He asked thinking about everything, heat vision, the lines, etc. These seemed like everything the two had, maybe they weren't that different from Kirstin. "I'm sorry for your loss, Katherine."


Katherine shook her head. "Thanks Thomas. He...he didn't have much time anyways. Anyways, I need to contact her. Apparently she still doesn't have a phone, so there's really one way to reach her. Tristin, since you...um...match her physiology the best...I'm going to need to borrow you. How long can you hold your breath?"


Tristin looked up at Katherine, resting her arms on Thomas's shoulders.
"Four or five minutes at the most, three minutes when screwing around with Thomas." Tristin gave a wink and rolled off the bed. "The rest of them can listen in, right?"

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX

Anella was impressed by the story. "Well, I got money from a guy on the streets. There I was, walking when I saw the little girl. She showed me how she got two hundred dollars from a guy with puppy eyes. And I had to beat her so I...um..." Anella remembered what she did. Flashed him so he would trip over a fire hydrant. "Flashed another guy so he would trip over a firehydrant...yeah, I don't steal with violence." Anella winked at Pike.

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JPax42 said:
Katherine shook her head. "Thanks Thomas. He...he didn't have much time anyways. Anyways, I need to contact her. Apparently she still doesn't have a phone, so there's really one way to reach her. Tristin, since you...um...match her physiology the best...I'm going to need to borrow you. How long can you hold your breath?"


Tristin looked up at Katherine, resting her arms on Thomas's shoulders.
"Four or five minutes at the most, three minutes when screwing around with Thomas." Tristin gave a wink and rolled off the bed. "The rest of them can listen in, right?"

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
Jonathon had woken up so be was a bit confused. "Could someone fill me in on what happened? I'm afraid I'm a bit lost at the moment."
Thomas sighed "What are you planning on doing Katherine?" He asked not seeing the point in using Tristin for whatever game she was trying to play.

Pike had a good chuckle at Anella's story. "Really well explain this violent felling inside me" Pike said in a rather calm tone. "Still I have a way we could get both our bloods pumping again". Pike moved closer, delivering yet another kiss. Again he wasn't sure how long it went on, only that he wished it to be even longer. @JPax42
Katherine and Tristin

Katherine didn't say and pulled Tristin by the arm all the way to the pool. "Why are we doing this in the water? Why can't you just do your freaky magic on land?" Katherine sighed. "If we have Kirstin in here, the energy radiating off her body will fry the circuits of Trinity. Also, water is incompressible so you won't be ripped to pieces when she enters your body. It was either that or locking you in concrete." Katherine gave a warm smile threw Thomas and Jonathon a strange head device. "You two can stay on land if you want, it's so you can hear the conversation. Tristin, Kirstin, and I will all hear it without." Katherine then slid into the water, leaving Tristin standing there dumbfounded. "Wait, so I'm going to have a female alien enter my body and speak for her without tearing your spaceship apart? Sounds like a good idea." Tristin followed Katherine into the water and floated back slightly, taking a few breaths to calm herself down. She smiled at Thomas warmly.

@YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock


Anella turned red again. "You mean..." Anella's eyes drifted to the bedroom. No, Pike wouldn't ask that quickly. But she was a prostitute and if he paid she would have to. Either way she was fine with it. Hell, she'd do it for free. Anella simply moved over to Pike and kissed him again, resting a hand on his face. "Or this." Anella was indeed a professional when handling this, but Pike just made it go a whole lot smoother.

JPax42 said:
Katherine and Tristin
Katherine didn't say and pulled Tristin by the arm all the way to the pool. "Why are we doing this in the water? Why can't you just do your freaky magic on land?" Katherine sighed. "If we have Kirstin in here, the energy radiating off her body will fry the circuits of Trinity. Also, water is incompressible so you won't be ripped to pieces when she enters your body. It was either that or locking you in concrete." Katherine gave a warm smile threw Thomas and Jonathon a strange head device. "You two can stay on land if you want, it's so you can hear the conversation. Tristin, Kirstin, and I will all hear it without." Katherine then slid into the water, leaving Tristin standing there dumbfounded. "Wait, so I'm going to have a female alien enter my body and speak for her without tearing your spaceship apart? Sounds like a good idea." Tristin followed Katherine into the water and floated back slightly, taking a few breaths to calm herself down. She smiled at Thomas warmly.

@YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock


Anella turned red again. "You mean..." Anella's eyes drifted to the bedroom. No, Pike wouldn't ask that quickly. But she was a prostitute and if he paid she would have to. Either way she was fine with it. Hell, she'd do it for free. Anella simply moved over to Pike and kissed him again, resting a hand on his face. "Or this." Anella was indeed a professional when handling this, but Pike just made it go a whole lot smoother.

Jonathon wasn't sure what was going on, but he would wear the strange headset regardless. He had no idea what was going to happen.
Pike smiled as he sat back up. "Up to you, we can move onto that, we can sit up all night and eat food and drink way too much, or you can leave and never see me again" Pike explained moving her hand from his face, holding it. "After all you are the guest so its up to you". @JPax42 (Gtg)

Anella decided it should happen. "Let's do it. It will be a rewarding experience for the two of us, and I want to see you again." Anella smiled and went along with Pike. But before that, she decided to turn up the heat.

-Camera pans away, Anella's kissing and soft exclamations are heard in the background-

@SirGrey (Okay, the rest is up to you)

Katherine and Tristin (Kirstin)

Katherine swam further out near the middle of the pool.
"Just stay calm, alright?" Katherine reassuringly held Tristin, who was now shaking slightly. "A-Alright." Katherine and Tristin both took a few deep breaths before disappearing under the surface. Katherine then sat cross-legged underwater across from Tristin, who did the same. Any thoughts she had would be heard, but she was focused. Tristin's thoughts were blocked. "Kirstin, Tristin has volunteered to let you use her. Ready." Whooshing of water was heard and Tristin's head jerked back slightly. She opened her mouth and her eyes also jerked open, revealing a red eye with three pupils and a blue eye with two pupils. Suddenly, another voice was heard. It sounded like Tristin's voice, but was slightly bolder and less sing-song like. "Katherine, Jonathon, and Thomas. Hello. I'm Kirstin Summers." While these voices were heard, neither Katherine nor Tristin had moved their mouths. It just looked like the two were just holding their breath. Tristin turned to face Katherine, her hands on her lap. "So, Kirstin, how comfortable are you?" Tristin put a hand on the base of her neck, and moved it down her chest, feeling the swimsuit, then Tristin's stomach. "Well, she reminds me of myself when I was her age. Nice pair of lungs too." Katherine put her hands on her lap as well. "Sounds good. Anyways, I've summoned you on the matter of Dr. Starling. Are you going to help with him? Even without his...er...your blood, he's trying to take blood from people like you. A girl named Ann Muenir, a woman named Anella Summers, Tristin Winters, and finally we heard his next attempt has moved to someone else I don't know the name of." Tristin tilted her head. "Alright. It seems that there are two others here. Nice to meet you Jonathon, and Thomas Martinez. Do they have any thoughts for me?"

@YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock
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JPax42 said:
Anella decided it should happen. "Let's do it. It will be a rewarding experience for the two of us, and I want to see you again." Anella smiled and went along with Pike. But before that, she decided to turn up the heat.

-Camera pans away, Anella's kissing and soft exclamations are heard in the background-

@SirGrey (Okay, the rest is up to you)

Katherine and Tristin (Kirstin)

Katherine swam further out near the middle of the pool.
"Just stay calm, alright?" Katherine reassuringly held Tristin, who was now shaking slightly. "A-Alright." Katherine and Tristin both took a few deep breaths before disappearing under the surface. Katherine then sat cross-legged underwater across from Tristin, who did the same. Any thoughts she had would be heard, but she was focused. Tristin's thoughts were blocked. "Kirstin, Tristin has volunteered to let you use her. Ready." Whooshing of water was heard and Tristin's head jerked back slightly. She opened her mouth and her eyes also jerked open, revealing a red eye with three pupils and a blue eye with two pupils. Suddenly, another voice was heard. It sounded like Tristin's voice, but was slightly bolder and less sing-song like. "Katherine, Jonathon, and Thomas. Hello. I'm Kirstin Summers." While these voices were heard, neither Katherine nor Tristin had moved their mouths. It just looked like the two were just holding their breath. Tristin turned to face Katherine, her hands on her lap. "So, Kirstin, how comfortable are you?" Tristin put a hand on the base of her neck, and moved it down her chest, feeling the swimsuit, then Tristin's stomach. "Well, she reminds me of myself when I was her age. Nice pair of lungs too." Katherine put her hands on her lap as well. "Sounds good. Anyways, I've summoned you on the matter of Dr. Starling. Are you going to help with him? Even without his...er...your blood, he's trying to take blood from people like you. A girl named Ann Muenir, a woman named Anella Summers, Tristin Winters, and finally we heard his next attempt has moved to someone else I don't know the name of." Tristin tilted her head. "Alright. It seems that there are two others here. Nice to meet you Jonathon, and Thomas Martinez."

@YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock
Jonathon wasn't fully sure what was going on, but he had an idea. He politely bowed and said, "It is nice to meet you Kirsten Summers. I think I've heard you from before...I think it was from when GLASS occupied Sanfield. In any case let us get along."

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