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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Tristin still had enough air to play around and pushed Thomas to the bottom of the pool, sitting on his stomach. She was bouncing up and down on his stomach trying to make him laugh or let air out.


Anella crossed her arms and looked down at the little girl. "Yes child, the cute look little children do to get things. It's not a thing anymore is it?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
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Thomas kept releasing air, he wanted her to stop but couldn't say anything. He grabbed her by the waist and turned, forcing her onto the floor. He would spin so that every time she was on the bottom she hit the floor hard.

Ann couldn't help but laugh "It is a thing." She closed her eyes and made them change brown as she looked right at Anella with omega puppy dog eyes, even whimpering.

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Tristin let bubbles out of her mouth every time she got floor smacked. Eventually she flipped back and pushed Thomas against the wall and began doing body rolls against his chest and stomach with her chest and stomach. If she couldn't win a tickle fight with usual stuff she maybe had a chance to fluster the air out of him


Anella shook her head. "Tell you what. You get money from that guy walking on the sidewalk with your puppy eyes, then I'll be impressed."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas wasn't flustered but was actually laughing. More bubbles came out as he covered his mouth, tears floated in the water as he thought her way of getting air out of him was ridiculous and somewhat sexy.

Ann smirked "Peace of cake," she ruffled her hair and made sure her dress looked dirty enough. She walked up to the man, she then used her omega puppy eyes, she even was able to cry while doing it.


Katherine hearing Jonathon made her surface and climb onto the rim next to him. "Yeah. Anything you want to do? We can go to my room again."



Tristin continued body rolling and took it further by ducking her head and pushing her hips as well. She was basically chest to chest with Thomas every time, and she even started biting her lip. Of course there's only so much of being sexy Tristin could handle and she let some air out of her mouth. That didn't stop her rhythm though.


Anella saw Ann get the money and was impressed. The man gave her two hundred and that was amazing for puppy eyes. Anella turned to Ann and saw another man. "When you get older and, well, bigger, this is how you do it." Anella turned from Ann and lifted her shirt at the man. The man tripped on a fire hydrant and Anella walks over him, bends over him and comes back to Ann holding five hundred in cash as well as the man's car keys. "Take notes kid, not everyone passes out like that."

@Shammy the Shamrock
JPax42 said:
Katherine hearing Jonathon made her surface and climb onto the rim next to him. "Yeah. Anything you want to do? We can go to my room again."



Tristin continued body rolling and took it further by ducking her head and pushing her hips as well. She was basically chest to chest with Thomas every time, and she even started biting her lip. Of course there's only so much of being sexy Tristin could handle and she let some air out of her mouth. That didn't stop her rhythm though.


Anella saw Ann get the money and was impressed. The man gave her two hundred and that was amazing for puppy eyes. Anella turned to Ann and saw another man. "When you get older and, well, bigger, this is how you do it." Anella turned from Ann and lifted her shirt at the man. The man tripped on a fire hydrant and Anella walks over him, bends over him and comes back to Ann holding five hundred in cash as well as the man's car keys. "Take notes kid, not everyone passes out like that."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Jonathon sort of turned red at the thought, but would nod his head. "I suppose.... we could go to your room." It was clear that Jonathon was... still adjusting.


"Yeah we can dance there or something." Katherine playfully pushed her chest against Jonathon before walking out. She made the stupid mistake of still wearing her swimsuit so her walk down the hall was awkward.

JPax42 said:
"Yeah we can dance there or something." Katherine playfully pushed her chest against Jonathon before walking out. She made the stupid mistake of still wearing her swimsuit so her walk down the hall was awkward.

Jonathon would head out with Katherine into the hall. As he did he would notice that she was in her swimsuit, but it didn't matter. In any case... he would lead her to her room. He approached the door and would open it for Katherine.

@JPax42 (Chest game 2 stronk)
The car keys had vanished and disappeared into Ann's mouth "Hey what happened to your car keys?" Her reflexes were fast so this was pretty easy to do.

Thomas kept laughing until water filled his mouth, he covered it. He needed air so he started swimming up, still somewhat laughing.


"Okay, this place is way quieter than the pool and there's no water." Katherine laughed and shattered her jumpsuit. It reformed on her desk as decoration and she got on the bed. "Do you want to figure out the paper you found at the library right now?" Katherine invited Jonathon onto the bed. She was curious about the Starling thing.



Tristin let air bubbles out from her mouth on Thomas's chest before following him up, still doing body rolls. Since she normally swam with a graceful dolphin kick, this was easy to do.


Anella was fast but the kid ate her keys. Anella's hand was in Ann's mouth. Her hand tasted like cinnamon according to a lot of guys.
"You are some of those kids that eat everything right?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
JPax42 said:
"Okay, this place is way quieter than the pool and there's no water." Katherine laughed and shattered her jumpsuit. It reformed on her desk as decoration and she got on the bed. "Do you want to figure out the paper you found at the library right now?" Katherine invited Jonathon onto the bed. She was curious about the Starling thing.



Tristin let air bubbles out from her mouth on Thomas's chest before following him up, still doing body rolls. Since she normally swam with a graceful dolphin kick, this was easy to do.


Anella was fast but the kid ate her keys. Anella's hand was in Ann's mouth. Her hand tasted like cinnamon according to a lot of guys.
"You are some of those kids that eat everything right?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
Jonathon nodded as he would get on the bed with her. "I'm also most curious about this as well. Perhaps there's a hidden secret we aren't aware of?"

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Thomas kept laughing "Ok god! Stop being so sexy," he said leaning back, tears running down his eyes. "That was perfect," he said taking deep breaths as he floated.

Ann released her hand "I hate cinnamon! Your keys were delicious," she said giving an innocent smile. "Not everything....maybe your hand but not everything."

"Hmm well he doesn't strike as too much of a threat, but if he were to hire more... moral questionable help you may be in trouble" Pike explained. "I take you have powers as well then" he says resting on his umbrella. "Do you have any plans to stop him?" @Crystal Cali @YoungX
(Night guys. Sleep important. @JPax42 Katherine will have to wait for that time with Jonathon hue. Or you could let her take a break and fade to black. Your choice hue.)

"Yeah. This is a long one. Don't worry you can rest for now, I'll start it." With that, Katherine lay on top of Jonathon chest to chest and started working out the names and the letter.



"Silly, there's no way to stop sexy. We went to an illegal nighttime bar and danced on the stage!" Tristin laughed and pulled herself out of the water. "I'll be in Lithium if you need me." Tristin kissed Thomas and walked out. Tristin stepped into the elevator pod, still dripping water .


"Alright those aren't my keys. Anyways where's your...oh." Anella turned to look at the van and she heard things about questionable morals. "This may be important, but what is that child over there doing eating the car keys I just stole? And how?!"

@SirGrey @Crystal Cali
Pike looked over to Anella with a confused look on his face. "Did you just say that a child ...ate your car keys" William asked with someone confusion. He didn't mind the part about stealing of course but he did mind the part about eating keys. "Some kind of augmented digestive track perhaps". @JPax42 @Crystal Cali

Anella shrugged. "Well, it's not like I need them anyways." Anella pointed to Ann. "So this guy went up to me and asked me for my blood. If weird things like that happen I'm probably fine taking people's keys." Anella crossed her arms and leaned against a parking garage pillar. "Anella Summers." She held out a long slender hand that had glowing veins on the back. They could easily be mistaken for tattoos.

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(The van is parked on the top floor of a car park for the record)

The thief kissed the hand in an overly dramatic fashion saying "William Pike at your service" with a smile and a laugh. "Now not meaning to pry but the man who asked for your blood of yours, he would happen to say have a breathing trouble, be quiet old and quiet odd" Pike said going through these descriptors in rabid fashion. "I also assume that those aren't very artsy tattoos then, and that your blood is rather unique" Pike said before deciding to explain something else. "You should know that man paid me to get blood like yours but off some-else, however I won't be going pursing that business venture, which is good because you look quite nice with your blood in your body. @JPax42

Anella turned red. She was used to being treated nicely but that was only for her body. This was quite new. "Delighted to be in your presence Mr. Pike." Anella gave a small curtsy before noticing the next questions. "Oh, um, he wore a breather and asked me for some cocaine. I gave it to him and he ran away faster than I could dream of. But what is special about my blood..." Anella quickly remembered she was the sister of someone who had their blood injected by a scientist. The scientist was the strongest man in Sanfield, her old town. Anella's eyes widened. "Did that man mention anything out of the ordinary like sparkle sparkle fairy dust or something?"

Akira frowns when William asks her about a plan. "I don't know. I actually don't have fantastic powers like Ann. Just some tech I built myself." Akira walks around to watch Ann and the other woman, not impressed by what the stranger was teaching Ann. She frowns and looks to Ann. "You know you don't have to go around begging strangers for things, right? I'm taking care of you, so you ask me for things." Akira was slightly surprised to learn that Anella also had the same kind of blood Ann does. "Interesting. Do you have any idea what that man wants with the blood?" @JPax42 @SirGrey @Shammy the Shamrock

Anella thought back on whether to reveal sensitive information about her sister who was a full blooded alien, and when the man took her sister's blood he gained enough strength to carry whales around with one hand, made him fly without wings, and let him cross the sound barrier on land. No, these people were to learn the ropes of handing blood to strangers. But what if this girl's blood worked and made the man stronger? Anella wasn't one to do that. "Something something former strength and power. I'll see what I can find on the subject matter, do you have a computer or anything that can search the dark web? And I'm not just talking about prostitution."

@Crystal Cali @SirGrey
Akira nods. "I've got a laptop and a hotspot in the back of my van," she motions for the woman to follow her. She opens the side door of the van, and a terrible screeching noise filled the air. "Oh shit!" Akira hops inside.
"Well I don't sorry" Pike said as he recalled the meeting with the man earlier on. "Yes he did mention something like sparkle sparkle fairy dust before he ran off" Pike said. William kept remembering the meeting "Yes he did say something about his past strength though I doubt a man with a lose a connection to reality as him deserves it". "And as for your blood being special well mine doesn't glow" Pike said with a chuckle before hearing the noise. "Hungry hamster?" @Crystal Cali @JPax42

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