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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Akira looks up, a frown on her face as the man approaches. "Perhaps. Who are you?" Akira grips her gun a bit tighter as she hops off the hood of her van and takes a few steps towards the man, looking over her shoulder and motioning for Sky to follow. @YoungX @SirGrey
"My name is William Pike and well something odd happened today" Pike said keeping his upper class British accent for this. "A man who uses breathing trouble and is rather odd, don't know if you know him, came to me telling me that he would pay me a rather large sum of money to get the blood of a girl who was travelling with you" Pike explained while pacing with his umbrella hitting the floor periodically. "Now I won't be doing this for many reason, but I do wish to know, why would someone want me to do this?" @Crystal Cali @YoungX
The relief Akira felt as William admitted that he would not be taking Ann's blood was indescribable. "I don't know for sure. Her blood has an odd quality to it that this man says will restore him to his former glory. I don't know the science behind it, but I do know her eyes change color." @SirGrey @YoungX
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Thomas felt something warm in his ear and looked up. "Why do I taste so good to you? The ear licking is kind of weird....." He picked her up by the waist "Morning!"


Ann woke up in the van, rubbing her eyes and yawning. "Morning Akira," she said stretching and lying back down on the mattress.

@Crystal Cali

Jason frowned as he covered himself from Misty "You were whimpering and fidgeting so I came to calm you down. Decided to sleep next to you in case you have another nightmare." He said sitting up and looking down at her "Morning I guess!"


Tristin turned bright red and struggled to drop down and hug him. "Eeeh good morning!" Tristin slowly wiggled out of his grip and rolled onto the floor. "Today's a big day for some stuff I think. Where's Katherine?"

@Shammy the Shamrock


Katherine was at the bottom of the pool, still deep in thought. She organized things in her head for about five minutes at a time and kicked to the surface, putting a hand over her stomach.
"Still need to remember who that was. Where is he now? Hmm...Randy something..."

Thomas titled his head "Why is it a big day?" He asked believing he had forgotten something. He jumped off the bed and onto the floor "I don't know....should we find her?"


Tristin nodded. "She seemed a little off, she wasn't flying the carrier. Where do you think she is?" Tristin put on the jumpsuit and the GLASS badge.

@Shammy the Shamrock


Katherine took another deep breath and sank to the bottom, cross legged. One hand was on her knee and the other was over her mouth. She was still deep in thought about the man, and also something else entered her mind. How the man got his power. Or what his power was.
Thomas shrugged "I'm going to the pool for a bit. See if anything could trigger my dragon breath," he said walking towards the pool and jumping into the water.

When Ann woke, F.A.I.E. turned around in her seat and faced the girl, though seeing that she just slumped back down on the mattress, the robot left the girl alone. Akira was still outside talking with William, and though she was not as tense as she had been before, Akira skill never took her eyes off William. F.A.I.E. would continuously be scanning the van for anyone possibly trying to break in, though it would seem like their crisis had been averted, for now.

@SirGrey @YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock

Tristin followed Thomas and jumped in as well, noticing Katherine was sitting on the bottom. "Watch this." Tristin then swam down to Katherine and sat on the floor in the same position she was, and then copied what she was doing.


Katherine heard two splashes. She was currently about three minutes into thought and she heard water moving in front of her. She opened her eyes quickly to see Tristin, which actually surprised her a little. Katherine would've tried to say something but she just looked up and around and then back to Tristin before putting a hand on her chest and her other hand on her stomach.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas tilted his head as he went to the bottom and looked at the two. He floated there with his legs crossed 'What are you doing down here!?' he thought to himself, slowly turning upside down.


Ann was messing with her slingshot, letting the marbles she shot hit the ceiling. She caught every one that fell back to earth, no t fazed by her catches.

@Crystal Cali
@SirGrey[/URL] @YoungX
After a long pause, Akira crosses her arms, and raises an eyebrow as she watches William for his reaction to what she had said. @SirGrey @YoungX


F.A.I.E. watches Ann for a moment before asking, "What purpose does this action serve?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
F.A.I.E. takes a moment as she tries to compile an answer to what she perceives as a very vague question, while also avoiding saying things that "moral code" deemed inappropriate to say to small children. "He was likely delusional," was the answer she finally came up with. "Do you have any more specific questions?" @Shammy the Shamrock

Katherine closed her eyes at the sight of Thomas. She didn't feel weird at all sitting ten feet underwater with two teenagers. Instead she just took the time to keep thinking back to who the man was. And that didn't work because two people were there. Katherine adjusted the top of her swimsuit and went back to thinking, although the two subcommanders were distracting.


Tristin was upside down in a handstand, although neither of her hands were touching the bottom. She then went behind Thomas and wrapped her arms around his stomach, squeezing it and wrapping her legs around his so he couldn't move.

@Shammy the Shamrock


The woman picked up a video and looked at it, sighing. It was labeled Tape SVK. SVK was...an odd tape, which didn't have much to it. It had the R and N labels but were peeled off. A warning was on the side about instilling fear and alien rights. Lithium never had the problem of an alien, and Lithium already learned to accept aliens from another city. This tape could be used two ways. The man with the breather could use it to show what could happen of him, or the woman herself could use SVK to show why it shouldn't.
Jonathon would be curious about GLASS and would read more books about them. He wondered how much history GLASS covered in its lifetime. There had to be at least millennium worth of information.

YoungX said:
Jonathon would be curious about GLASS and would read more books about them. He wondered how much history GLASS covered in its lifetime. There had to be at least millennium worth of information.
(Yeah that's what I'm writing up rn prepare for backstory overload)

1682, May 2nd: Captain Gray Starling

Where are we today? GLASS is in the middle of the ocean. An ocean that shouldn't exist. But, I can't write that because the world isn't ready for it. Why isn't the world ready for anything? Everything we come up with. There is no such thing as witches, we were just trying to experiment with teleportation and fire manipulation! Either way, I have deliberately created a script that will predict the next GLASS leader for the next two thousand years. If you are to come across this should GLASS disappear, and scoff about how we didn't exist forever, check the list. I can't approximate dates, just an order. Now, here goes nothing since once I start the process it has to continue until it's done. I...will lose my life in the process. Not die, but the life as I know it. I will be forever damned writing names in a dark corner on my little crazy person list about who's going to run my company when I'm gone. When I say forever, I mean forever. If you are to find the List Of Starling, let's just say you won the world. We're everywhere, and if you are capable of finding my list, please do. I will be...hunched over in a corner...writing. For the rest of my life. A corner somewhere, be it in space, or in a desert....but I will be. Now, this is Captain Gray Starling, writing for the last time. Preparing for a hellish reality that will soon become my world. There is no turning back.

1892, October 3rd: Captain Gray Starling


The script cut off promptly, seemingly by Starling's blood splattering across the page.

JPax42 said:

1682, May 2nd: Captain Gray Starling

Where are we today? GLASS is in the middle of the ocean. An ocean that shouldn't exist. But, I can't write that because the world isn't ready for it. Why isn't the world ready for anything? Everything we come up with. There is no such thing as witches, we were just trying to experiment with teleportation and fire manipulation! Either way, I have deliberately created a script that will predict the next GLASS leader for the next two thousand years. If you are to come across this should GLASS disappear, and scoff about how we didn't exist forever, check the list. I can't approximate dates, just an order. Now, here goes nothing since once I start the process it has to continue until it's done. I...will lose my life in the process. Not die, but the life as I know it. I will be forever damned writing names in a dark corner on my little crazy person list about who's going to run my company when I'm gone. When I say forever, I mean forever. If you are to find the List Of Starling, let's just say you won the world. We're everywhere, and if you are capable of finding my list, please do. I will be...hunched over in a corner...writing. For the rest of my life. A corner somewhere, be it in space, or in a desert....but I will be. Now, this is Captain Gray Starling, writing for the last time. Preparing for a hellish reality that will soon become my world. There is no turning back.

1892, October 3rd: Captain Gray Starling


The script cut off promptly, seemingly by Starling's blood splattering across the page.

Jonathon looked at the page wide eyed. "What on earth is this? This is... something of mystery. What could it mean?" He had absolutely no idea what this was... so he decided to take it to Katherine. Jonathon carefully carried the page with him, and would go see Katherine.


The blood splatter at the end of the page began to glow slightly as Jonathon moved more.


Katherine realized there would be more important things to think about than a breath holding contest with two teenagers, so she simply turned and swam to the end of the pool on the other end of the door. There she started thinking about the man who put the strange knife against her. She put both her hands on her stomach and lay back slightly, letting out a few air bubbles. Being ten feet underwater definitely helped her think.

(@Shammy the Shamrock) @YoungX
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JPax42 said:
The blood splatter at the end of the page began to glow slightly as Jonathon moved more.


Katherine realized there would be more important things to think about than a breath holding contest with two teenagers, so she simply turned and swam to the end of the pool on the other end of the door. There she started thinking about the man who put the strange knife against her. She put both her hands on her stomach and lay back slightly, straining slightly from not breathing. Being ten feet underwater definitely helped her think.

(@Shammy the Shamrock) @YoungX
Jonathon would stop to see that the blood splatter began to glow more. "What could this mean?" He was worried about what this entailed, but he felt that Katherine had an answer. He headed to the swimming pool to find her and would show her the page. "Katherine I happened to find this. Do you know what this is?"


Katherine heard Jonathon's voice and waited for about thirty seconds before standing and swimming to the surface. She looked at the page and spoke between heavy breaths. "Yes...I think...it...the one with blood...a lot..." Katherine pushed her wet hair out of her eyes and leaned against the rim of the pool, hold a hand out for the paper. "Don't worry, any documents after 1320 are waterproof. We waterproofed them too so anything that says don't touch can be touched."

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