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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Since Tristin wasn't wearing a swimsuit, Thomas's poking made her want to laugh even more. She held her mouth with one hand and sank down to eye level with Thomas's stomach, where she attempted to tickle him by letting out air bubbles up along his stomach and chest. To make it probably work, Tristin was also tickling him with her nose. The lines did end up glowing again, but Tristin still didn't know their purpose. Maybe it was a mark for something? Maybe that's how her heat vision worked?

@Shammy the Shamrock (Thomas can get one more power if you want, he only has 2 at the moment I think)


Katherine looked down and started balancing the book she was reading on her chest on top of the other. She was about to take them off when the door opened and James was standing in the corridor. James's mouth fell wide open as he saw Katherine balancing two books like that...and Jonathon sitting across from her. "What are you guys doing here...?" Katherine calmly narrowed her eyes and took the books off and put them back on the book holder. "Robert, return to your work station." "My name is-" James was about to interrupt, but Katherine's glare made him walk away, muttering something. Katherine turned back to Jonathon. "The cockpit is usually quiet. Anything in particular you want to do?"

JPax42 said:
Since Tristin wasn't wearing a swimsuit, Thomas's poking made her want to laugh even more. She held her mouth with one hand and sank down to eye level with Thomas's stomach, where she attempted to tickle him by letting out air bubbles up along his stomach and chest. To make it probably work, Tristin was also tickling him with her nose. The lines did end up glowing again, but Tristin still didn't know their purpose. Maybe it was a mark for something? Maybe that's how her heat vision worked?

@Shammy the Shamrock (Thomas can get one more power if you want, he only has 2 at the moment I think)


Katherine looked down and started balancing the book she was reading on her chest on top of the other. She was about to take them off when the door opened and James was standing in the corridor. James's mouth fell wide open as he saw Katherine balancing two books like that...and Jonathon sitting across from her. "What are you guys doing here...?" Katherine calmly narrowed her eyes and took the books off and put them back on the book holder. "Robert, return to your work station." "My name is-" James was about to interrupt, but Katherine's glare made him walk away, muttering something. Katherine turned back to Jonathon. "The cockpit is usually quiet. Anything in particular you want to do?"

"Well... nothing in particular. Ever since GLASS came about the city has been a lot more peaceful." Jonathon just sat there as he would think about the city. Indeed... things have been peaceful. How long will it last though?
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Thomas actually laughed, he couldn't hold it anymore. The lines glowed bright blue, crawling up from his chest to his mouth. He covered it as he felt heat....something clearly wanted to get out as he swam back the surface. He finally let out if ray of energy for his mouth before passing out on the rim.


"Crime will always find a way around. My officers aren't perfect, crime still gets around them quite easily. They're just there...to remind Lithium that we are here and if they need us we will be there for them." Katherine smiled warmly at Jonathon, expecting an opinion on that.



Tristin almost shouted when she went to the surface and put an arm around Thomas after seeing the ray of energy. It seemed to be heat energy, similar to heat vision. She turned him onto his front and shook him lightly.
"Thomas! Are you alright?" Tristin pressed herself and her head against Thomas, listening for his breathing.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas was breathing, heavily but breathing, he was limp as he leaned on the rim. The lines had seemed to have faded and anyone could see his neck was red and hot.


(Thomas is a dragon xD )
JPax42 said:
"Crime will always find a way around. My officers aren't perfect, crime still gets around them quite easily. They're just there...to remind Lithium that we are here and if they need us we will be there for them." Katherine smiled warmly at Jonathon, expecting an opinion on that.



Tristin almost shouted when she went to the surface and put an arm around Thomas after seeing the ray of energy. It seemed to be heat energy, similar to heat vision. She turned him onto his front and shook him lightly.
"Thomas! Are you alright?" Tristin pressed herself and her head against Thomas, listening for his breathing.

@Shammy the Shamrock
"That makes sense. We will be there if we are needed," Jonathon said nodding. In any case he does have this strange feeling... but he wasn't sure what it was. A premonition? In any case he just looks at Katherine. "I suppose there isn't much to do except balance books."

Tristin was about to put her nose on Thomas's neck but felt the heat. She yelped and felt the heat, but she still went through with it and held onto him through other parts. "That was amazing! You're like a dragon! A...relatively low powered dragon but still a dragon!"

@Shammy the Shamrock (Well, Tristin was basically completely naked so maybe she just awkwarded the fireball out of his mouth xD )


Katherine sighed and slid in her chair unprofessionally.
"Well, we're refueling. This is going to go fairly smoothly." Katherine looked at the monitors and saw the three airliner sized planes were loading fuel all fine and dandy. "We may need to make another round around Lithium's outskirts after this. After that, we'll take a break alone in the quiet or something." Katherine smiled faintly and pushed a set of three levers without looking.

JPax42 said:
Tristin was about to put her nose on Thomas's neck but felt the heat. She yelped and felt the heat, but she still went through with it and held onto him through other parts. "That was amazing! You're like a dragon! A...relatively low powered dragon but still a dragon!"

@Shammy the Shamrock (Well, Tristin was basically completely naked so maybe she just awkwarded the fireball out of his mouth xD )


Katherine sighed and slid in her chair unprofessionally.
"Well, we're refueling. This is going to go fairly smoothly." Katherine looked at the monitors and saw the three airliner sized planes were loading fuel all fine and dandy. "We may need to make another round around Lithium's outskirts after this. After that, we'll take a break alone in the quiet or something." Katherine smiled faintly and pushed a set of three levers without looking.

"I see. Well then for now let us be at bay," he says with a light smile. There wasn't much that was of concern so he felt fine.
Thomas felt a giant amount of pain in his throat, he would have yelled but he couldn't speak. He tried to touch his throat but that made him wince in pain. "B-bed," was all he was able to say before trying to drink pool water, it just caused more pain.


Tristin lifted him up and rushed him to her bed, and put him down. "I'll get you some water or something!" Tristin grabbed a glass of water and put ice cubes in it before handing to Thomas.

@Shammy the Shamrock


Katherine finished fueling the carrier and the airliners flew away. "That was smooth. Anyways, we should take a break. I'll be at the pool...or something if you need me." As Katherine walked out, she messed with the doors so they would close if James tried to do anything.

JPax42 said:
Tristin lifted him up and rushed him to her bed, and put him down. "I'll get you some water or something!" Tristin grabbed a glass of water and put ice cubes in it before handing to Thomas.

@Shammy the Shamrock


Katherine finished fueling the carrier and the airliners flew away. "That was smooth. Anyways, we should take a break. I'll be at the pool...or something if you need me." As Katherine walked out, she messed with the doors so they would close if James tried to do anything.

Jonathon nodded and decided to head on out to... wherever he would go on the Carrier. He, for some reason, decided to look around for a bit. Then he wanted to know if there was a sort of library. The reason is because he wishes to know more about... the sorts of things he had done last night. It got him wondering about things... not in a perverted way. So he would go looking for a map.

Thomas drank the water and took a deep breath. He ate one of the ice cubes which came back as steam. "T-Thanks....that really helps. What the hell happened?" His voice was rough as he talked, he rubbed his throat which was still a bit warm.


(Remind me if this rp gets a reboot to make a reincarnation of Threat who had dragon powers xD )
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Katherine's jumpsuit shattered and reformed into a swimsuit and she slid into the pool and sank down, meditating at the bottom. She didn't really wait for anyone, just needed to clear her thoughts.


A muscular old lady that was seven feet tall walked down the hallway, adjusting her glasses. She was holding a library directory in her hand as she passed Jonathon.



Tristin put a hand gently against Thomas's throat. "You did a heat breath? I don't know, probably not heat breath. Like...you did heat vision from your mouth when I made you laugh in the water." Tristin laughed slightly and quickly realized she forgot to put clothes on. "Oh yeah...apparently awkward things turn you into a dragon."

@Shammy the Shamrock
JPax42 said:
Katherine's jumpsuit shattered and reformed into a swimsuit and she slid into the pool and sank down, meditating at the bottom. She didn't really wait for anyone, just needed to clear her thoughts.


A muscular old lady that was seven feet tall walked down the hallway, adjusting her glasses. She was holding a library directory in her hand as she passed Jonathon.



Tristin put a hand gently against Thomas's throat. "You did a heat breath? I don't know, probably not heat breath. Like...you did heat vision from your mouth when I made you laugh in the water." Tristin laughed slightly and quickly realized she forgot to put clothes on. "Oh yeah...apparently awkward things turn you into a dragon."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Jonathon happened to run across a muscular old lady. He noticed that she was carrying a library directory and took the chance to ask her a question. "Excuse me ma'am... do you know where if there is a library on this vessel?" For some reason he had to urge to call her Helga.
Thomas turned a bit red "W-We don't know that. Shouldn't you have clothes on," he asked leaning back on the bed. "I'm a dragon? That actually sounds amazing! Maybe I can grow wings!" He lifted his hands as no wings came out, only disappointment.

It took quite a while for MA50N to properly repair and reboot his systems. Exchanging the processor wasn't exactly easy with his vision on the fritz. MA50N managed though. He had made his way to a bridge in town, which he now stood underneath. After the events of today, MA50N had come to the conclusion that Tristin and Thomas were bad, just like GLASS.

MA50N had already decided that he wanted to fight GLASS. Their presence in the city gave him more then enough targets. Speaking of which, MA50N didn't trust their sudden support. There was GLASS agents everywhere, making the local police force essentially useless. MA50N didn't trust that their intentions were all good. He was going to send GLASS a message, in his own special way.

With his revolvers hidden beneath his artificial skin, and his MP5 tucked away in a duffel bag, MA50N proceeded to walk back up onto the bridge. He looked left, then right, and continued down the street.

The librarian turned to Jonathon. "We do haf library aboard sheep." The librarian lead Jonathon to a library room, a room with rotating bookshelves of all shapes and sizes. "Help yourself. And no talking." The librarian walked away, being as Russian as ever. Nobody but Katherine knows her name.



Tristin put on her GLASS jumpsuit.
"Better. I still like your reactions." Tristin thumped Thomas on the forehead before flopping down next to him and letting out a long sigh. "There's still something about you that's...interesting. I can't explain, you're interesting."

@Shammy the Shamrock
JPax42 said:
The librarian turned to Jonathon. "We do haf library aboard sheep." The librarian lead Jonathon to a library room, a room with rotating bookshelves of all shapes and sizes. "Help yourself. And no talking." The librarian walked away, being as Russian as ever. Nobody but Katherine knows her name.



Tristin put on her GLASS jumpsuit.
"Better. I still like your reactions." Tristin thumped Thomas on the forehead before flopping down next to him and letting out a long sigh. "There's still something about you that's...interesting. I can't explain, you're interesting."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Jonathon nodded and politely bowed as a means of thanking her. He then would use the system to find books on... human intercourse. The worst that could happen was Katherine coming to see him read these.

(@JPax42 Inb4 her name is Helga who happens to be Igor long lost sister.)
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"I'm the dullest person you will ever meet." He chuckled before rolling a bit closer to Tristin. "Which do you think our children will inherit heat vision or dragon breath." Thomas asked, hoping to get a good reaction.


Tristin turned bright red. "Oh...um...as long as one of them has something something about me and something something about you. Imagine a child that's amazing at singing and is amazing with anything circus related!" Tristin laughed again and rested her head against Thomas. "Dragon breath is cool though. At least you can see properly while you do it."

@Shammy the Shamrock


The library had maps and blueprints as well as books, and a lot of other things too. It even had some shady looking books that had weird facts about Trinity and a rumored project coming up for GLASS.

JPax42 said:
Tristin turned bright red. "Oh...um...as long as one of them has something something about me and something something about you. Imagine a child that's amazing at singing and is amazing with anything circus related!" Tristin laughed again and rested her head against Thomas. "Dragon breath is cool though. At least you can see properly while you do it."

@Shammy the Shamrock


The library had maps and blueprints as well as books, and a lot of other things too. It even had some shady looking books that had weird facts about Trinity and a rumored project coming up for GLASS.

Jonathon took out some books about human intercourse as well as a few interesting books. Some shady books as well as those that contain a rumored upcoming project for GLASS. "These seek intriguing subject matter. Whatever could they be about?"
Thomas smirked "At least yours doesn't make your throat feel like it's on fire." His voice was sounding better as he talked more "Thought of any names for children?" He asked enjoying the fact she was a bright little tomato.

The Android trudged onwards, heading downtown. His eyes moved quickly, scanning for GLASS Officers. Whenever he saw one, their location was marked in his memory for reference. Normally, MA50N would feel guilty, considering he was planning to murder these men and women. But he had already reverted to some of his original programming. He was here to do a job. He was going to do his job. And anyone that interfered would be dealt with. Collateral damage didn't matter much to MA50N. He simply wasn't human. Taking a human life, for whatever reason, didn't phase him in the slightest. When MA50N got like this, he was nothing more then a weapon. Sure, he could think and solve problems like a regular man, but in his 'Mission Mode' MA50N could be exceptionally cruel.

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