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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Anella followed Akira. "Language, please!" Anella was one to talk. She flashed her breasts in front of a kid. Well, she didn't aim them at the kid. Just at a man the kid was watching. "Now what was that?"

@Crystal Cali @SirGrey

??? and ????

The woman was sleeping on a nearly destroyed wooden bed. Her two children, the girl with blue eyes and the boy with red eyes, were happily sleeping on top of her chest, the boy had his hand in his mouth. The man looked at the peaceful sight and turned off his breather. He crept in with a needle...raised it to the woman's arm...and...
"NGRK!" The man barely managed to choke out any words as within quite literally a millisecond, the woman's hand wrapped around the man's neck and lifted him in the air. The children both woke up and started screaming in panic. "Mmom what's happening?!" The boy dove under the bed, clutching his sister. His sister was crying. "T-Threat...W-what about m-mom?!" The boy just held her sister. The woman lifted up the man by the neck. "Who are you to barge in on my family..." The woman slammed the man into the side of her wall, cracking it. "Lower that hood of yours and look me in the eye and tell me what you're doing is wrong." The man gave a defeated grunt and lowered his hood. A hideously cracked face near the top had orange crevices, and the breather had created a membrane around his head. His hair was burned off at parts and there were more scars along his face. "I'm doing this...for the future of Lithium...people like you...abusing people...like me..." The woman narrowed her red and blue eyes before dragging the man downstairs. She pulled an abandoned pick-up truck and stuffed the man inside, then bending the doorframe so he would be trapped inside. "I could drop you from low earth orbit into Lithium right now, so I suggest that you get lost." The woman gave a swift kick to the pick up and sent it hurling towards Lithium. The man, however, held in his hand a tape. The tape SVK was going to go online when he stopped speeding away at six hundred miles an hour in a pick up truck.
Akira throws herself into the front seat, and pulls a toolkit out of the console. "My A.I. is malfunctioning," she explains as she taps the LCD screen on F.A.I.E's chest to try to get a response. No luck. Akira takes a narrow tool, and pokes it into a small button on the side of the robot's head, which stops the noise and forces her system to reboot. "She's still a prototype, and I don't exactly have the money to be making leaps and bounds in my research, so I'm likely behind the big co.panies, so still really glitch."

Anella sighed and looked out of the parking garage to see a heap of metal giving another terribly loud screech. There was a trail of sparks following the object and it halted to a stop a few meters outside the parking garage. Anella knew that there was no way in hell that a pick up truck could accelerate that fast without wheels and her eyes widened. "Oh...my...god what was that..."


The man in the pick up truck slid past a parking garage, covering his ears at the terrible metal screeching. He had been accelerated to six hundred miles an hour and had skidded fifteen miles just from a kick. The back of the pick up was completely battered and the wheels were destroyed, so he was basically in a burning cabin. However, he simply kicked the door and stepped out, rubbing his neck. His hood had been lowered over his head again, and he was clutching the SVK tape, looking up at the parking garage. Anella caught the man's eye, but he stayed against his burning heap of a truck.

@SirGrey @Crystal Cali
"Looked like a I don't know a truck but not on rocket power or something" Pike said bewildered for once. He stood over but unlike Anella didn't catch a glimpse of the man. He saw it stop. He clutched his umbrella. "Should we take a look?" He asked as he saw it. A man of some kind. "Who or what could survive that?" @Crystal Cali @JPax42

Anella was frantically pacing. "Yes we should check it out..." She gave a worried look to Akira, then to Pike. "I can only make fire, I can't put it out!" Anella began walking down the parking garage, cautiously to check it out. "Someone keep the kid away, something tells me that wasn't natural."


The man looked at his fingers and scraped the top of the pickup truck. The metal of the truck dented under his weight.
"Hhh...the fire...I can't snort it...let's see...business card..." The man pulled a business card out, with the label of GLASS. He disintegrated it and snorted it.


Tristin was running along the sidewalk almost as fast as the cars when she skidded to a stop next to a burning pick up truck. The GLASS subcommander badge on her jumpsuit was glowing slightly as she stepped towards the fire. Her suit was fireproof, but she didn't know about the man.
"Sir, step away from the burning wreckage."

@SirGrey @Crystal Cali
The thief walked down along side Anella. He too was there to cautiously check it out. Pike spotted Tristin there helping out which caused him to mutter "Oh look are oh so gracious protectors are her" to Anella in a sarcastic tone. "Also you can make fire, there is a joke in there about you being hot that you'll be glad I won't make" Pike said trying to calm her down. @JPax42 @Crystal Cali

Anella blushed a bright red color at Pike's comment. "Oh, um...I can actually make fire." Anella laughed and stepped even further when she noticed a teenage girl in a GLASS uniform. Not just any uniform, a subcommander uniform. "Seriously, there are probably five hundred more people more capable for the job than THAT."


"Huh? Oh, this isn't my truck...do you have any shrooms girl?" The man stepped towards Tristin, his orange eyes completely covered by the hood. He had his hands above his head, as if he was being arrested.


"I do not have shrooms." Tristin pulled the man to the side, much to the man's discontent. She then proceeded to go through the door of the burning truck. A breather had appeared on the top of her mouth, and she looked around the truck for anything of interest. She quickly saw the SVK tape and tucked it in an invisible pocket before focusing her vision around the truck. She crawled out and gave the thumbs up to the air, stepping away from the truck. Suddenly, a sphere of energy appeared around the truck and an explosion was muffled. The truck was completely disintegrated. "Clear." She then angrily dragged the man by the arm towards Pike, the breather around her mouth shimmering and disappearing. Tristin also handed the man his tape.


The man was angrily clutching his fists and holding the SVK tape.
"I would've hit you by now...but I don't hit girls...or people in general..." He stumbled away from the street away from Tristin's grip and angrily looked at Pike. He held his hand out as if expecting blood of sorts. The SVK tape was in an iron-tight grip and would be impossible to pry from his hands unless someone used a crowbar of sorts.

@SirGrey @Crystal Cali


Tristin sighed and started running again, zipping down the streets nearly as fast as the cars.

"Oh well that hasn't stopped you being so well you" Pike said deciding to turn his attention from flirting to well action. As Tristin left the mysterious man in front of him. As the outstretched his hand Pike grabbed hit by the wrist. "Our contract is at an end, you shall get no blood from, and a further note..." Pike said as he held the arm ever tighter nearly breaking the wrist "Leave these people alone, you have waste you time and thus wasted away, accept it" Pike said in an almost angry voice. He let go before gripping his umbrella and standing tall. @JPax42

The man's wrist felt like concrete to the touch, and it wasn't capable of breaking that easily. "Ah...if it was that easy I would've gotten blood myself...looks like it's going to take more than that, little man." Technically, everyone was a little man to him, since he stood six feet and nine inches. He grabbed Pike by the wrist and clutched tighter. "How about you-" The man was interrupted by his hand burning. He stared at the burning hand in wonder before frantically waving his hand to put out the flames.

Anella and ???

Anella's eyes were glowing bright orange as she stared at the man's hand, causing it to catch fire. She closed her eyes and blinked as she walked forward towards him.
"Well, I see who it is. Lower the hood and I'll tell you your name, unless you want a dishonorable mention." No matter what Anella was doing, she walked like what someone could notice as either a confident woman or a prostitute. She stepped towards the man, her gaze looking up at the man. "Doctor Randall Starling."

The man's eyes widened in anger and he landed a painful backhand slap across Anella's face. He didn't flinch as Anella fell to the ground, blood dripping from the side of her mouth. "That there is a dishonorable mention, woman." Dr. Starling placed a foot on Anella's stomach, feeling it with his foot. "A toned body, hm? Comes with the alien genes, doesn't it." He pulled out a needle and grabbed Anella's arm. "I promised myself I wouldn't use force, but you're oh...so special to me." Anella looked up and saw the man, her eyes widening. She seemed to be trying to burn his head but that wasn't working as the beams from her eyes were just reflected off. "Hhh...do your own d...dirty w...work without my blood..." Anella was trying to pull her arm from the man's grip.

@SirGrey @Crystal Cali
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Pike held back a scream for as long as he could while the good doctor clutched his wrist. It didn't feel broken, or perhaps that was just wishful thinking. Still he couldn't just sit, well stand there and watch while Anella was hurt. Grabbing his umbrella he fired the cables into onto the Starling's foot. Hopefully 4,000 volts would give him something to think about. While doing that he pulled the sword from the umbrella slicing across the breathing device the doctor used. @JPax42
Dr. Starling

The doctor increased the pressure on Anella's stomach and had moved another foot to her neck. "Mmm, some blood is mi-RRRGH." The electricity knocked the doctor down the street slightly. When he stood up he was greeted by a slice across the metal breather. While metal to metal didn't cut the breather, the impact made him spill cocaine from his pockets. He quickly picked up the cocaine and snorted it before running away at tremendous speeds.


Anella gasped and rolled over, coughing. Her vision was blurred and there was pain shooting up her stomach. There was blood where Starling put his foot on her stomach. The slap mark on her face was leaking blood, but when she turned it to the sun the blood began to disappear and the wound began to heal. However, the wound on her stomach was larger and hurt far more. Anella coughed some more before looking up at Pike, with a hand over her stomach.
"T-Thank you."

Pike knelt down beside to were Anella was saying "How badly are you hur-Oh". The thief had seen superpowers of all kinds but never super-photosynthesises. As she smiled the thief smiled back saying "A pleasure, now lets see" the thief began calling the emergency services. "I take it you know him and before you say anything if its private its private" Pike said knowing that the past can hurt and be something to be guarded. "Besides with how tough you, I'm not sure I could make you". @JPax42

Anella put a hand on Pike's phone. "N-No need to call them. I'll be fine." Anella lifted the bottom of her shirt and tucked it over the top so that her stomach was exposed to the sun. Starling's foot reached the top of her waist to almost the bottom of her chest, and the bottom of his shoes had created a mark. The sun touched her stomach and the rays of light created a small field of darkness. It would take Anella an hour to regenerate the wound completely but the surface wounds only take five minutes. During that time, she decided to talk to Pike. "Starling's dangerous. You must be a brave superhero to attack him like that."


[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock](Ray: I will kill you (*^*))

(Anella: Well...er...this is awkward...but...you know...we're not...a thing...fifteen years...)
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"Kaaattherineeeeeeeeeeeee." Tristin annoyedly stepped into the elevator pod and launched back to Trinity. "Fru fru decided to accelerate a pickup truck across the streets. But it's been taken care of." Tristin smiled happily and walked back through Trinity. "Thomas, guess what! We have a job to do!"

@Shammy the Shamrock
Ann just sat on the ground, having no idea what was happening. She looked like a dog not knowing what the actual fuck to do "Where did everyone go," she asked still keeping that blank stare.

@JPax42 @SirGrey

Thomas had dried himself before hearing Tristin talk about a job. "Really!? What's the job!?" He asked in excitement, a smile on his face and his eyes beaming bright blue.


JPax42 said:
(Anella: Well...er...this is awkward...but...you know...we're not...a thing...fifteen years...)
(Ray: *Heart breaks* I will kill you as well (*^*))
Pike halted the call, sitting next to Anella while she healed up. He put the sword back away from his umbrella, and retracted the cables. He wasn't sure if she had heard of the The Whisper but a man having that umbrella well it made deniability hard. "Well I would rather say... reckless thief" he said with a smile. He whisper to her "Tell me, have you ever heard of the skilled and might I say handsome thief, The Whisper". @JPax42

Tristin held up a picture of the masked man from before. "Doctor Randall Starling, according to the woman who was there. We need to watch him and monitor him. He seems...suspicious." Tristin's smile kind of faded. "I also...took something from him. I regret it, but..." Tristin held up a tape labeled SVK. It was somewhat battered but looked functional, and it would probably get working in a few minutes. Tristin curled up on the wall, staring at the water with the tape in her hands. "He was in a burning pick up truck...it went so fast and made no sense. Maybe this tape has something to do with it, and it's our job to keep the public...happy? We should also tell Katherine."

@Shammy the Shamrock


Anella blushed a red color. This man was smooth. She had heard riddles like this before. Pike was The Whisper. Still, he was brave.
"Oh, well, I think you just stole something of mine." Even when Anella had been stepped on by a five hundred pound man, she still responded well to flirting. She leaned her head towards his ear and whispered "I think you just stole my heart." Anella didn't bother checking if the fifty dollars were still in her pockets. For once, she was glad she left the prostitute business cards at home.

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"You know I have never in my long dangerous life, kissed someone outside a car-park on a sidewalk, while they heal from the rays of the sun" Pike said leaning towards, almost face to face with her. He whispered "I think now is a perfect time to start" Pike said kissing Anella. He wasn't sure how long it went on or who was watching. For once he didn't try and pick the women pocket, for now he just put them on the side walk. @JPax42
"At least we have a job. Why don't we check what's on the tape before going over and going our job." He said patting Tristin's back "Are you alright?"


Ray had gotten back and flopped on Anella's floor "Ugh! It's so hard to kill," she mumbled to herself, tired of all the chasing and fighting. She curled up and went to sleep gently kicking at the air like a dog.

Anella turned a bright red color when Pike's lips touched her. So far, the most romantic experience she ever got was when a man tried to use a cheesy pick up line instead of just asking her to strip for them. Pike was by far the most respectful, and definitely the smoothest. Anella wasn't used to talking in a charming manner, but she tried her best. "If that was a dangerous risk you just took right there, you're definitely the bravest man I've kissed." Anella put a hand on Pike's face, still not caring about who was watching. She kissed him again, trying to contain her blushing.



Tristin nodded.
"It's nothing. Just...the man was disabled. He had breathing trouble." Tristin stood up and walked to Katherine's bedroom, looking at the closed door. "We'll ask Katherine first, maybe she wants to watch it with us. We can just watch it in her room I guess."

@Shammy the Shamrock
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Thomas walked into Katherine's room "Let's hope we don't find her balancing." He said before going in "Hey do you wonder where Paige is when she's not around with us?"


Tristin shrugged. "Probably practicing to be a Ringmaster. If I had the time I could show her a thing or two. Or...yeah no I don't know. She's usually reading right?" Tristin knocked on the door.


Katherine was lying on Jonathon, chest to chest and naked, when she heard a knock.
"Come in!" Katherine's face went completely red when she realized what she just said. "Augh!" Katherine quickly rolled off of Jonathon and pulled her blanket over her chest and lower half. She put on a serious face.


Tristin walked in holding the tape when she was Katherine on the bed.
"Katherine why are you na-..." A smile spread across her face when she was Jonathon. "I won't comment." She held up the SVK tape.

@Shammy the Shamrock

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