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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
JPax42 said:
Tristin shook her head. "No, I don't even want to sleep. I just need a minute to breathe." Tristin then sat up on the bed cross-legged. Tristin couldn't get over the fact that she saw through dimensions and didn't even understand it. However, the image of whatever she saw was clear in her head. Tristin put a hand over her chest and felt the rise and fall of her breathing, trying to focus on what she saw.

@Shammy the Shamrock


Katherine's expression didn't falter as she began rummaging through books and scripts. She flipped through contents, multiple at a time. She looked for anything that had anything about Gray Starling, or Starling at all. Nothing was found and Katherine let out a sigh of frustration, leaning forward and putting her head in her arms.
"This is annoying. Nothing about Starling in twenty seven books most related to him." Katherine shook her head in her arms.

@Shammy the Shamrock[/URL] @YoungX
"Hmm... perhaps we should look for other sources." Jonathon said as he looked around.

Sky would still try and figure out to contact Jonathon.
Akira raises an eyebrow, and smiles. "See, that's something most kids wouldn't be able to do. You're pretty special, Ann." Akira looks over to Sky, and seeing that he hasn't really done anything to contact his friend yet, she asks "Do you even know how to get a hold of your friend?"

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX

Katherine closed her eyes and let out a sigh. "It's no use. We don't have enough information ourselves." Katherine moved to next to Jonathon, looking out the window of Trinity. The ground was moving slowly under them. "I think we should hold another rally. This is probably going to be the saddest rally I'll ever give. It seems that people actually hate us more than like us." Katherine was going to apologize to the public for GLASS's mistakes, the ones even she didn't do herself. She leaned against Jonathon's shoulders, and her voice became shaky. "I don't know what to do." She closed her eyes and a tear ran down the side of her face.


Thomas couldn't help but laugh "You look lovely. Just don't body roll," he said kissing Tristin's head before looking at Paige. "What is with you and glowing," he chuckled as his jumpsuit shattered, looking like his original performer outfit except silver and white with blue around the chest to contrast his sister.

"You both look lovely today! Anything planned," she asked, putting her whip away and putting her hands on her hips. "Did I miss anything special?"


Ann blushed "Thanks! I'm done watching my show," she said sitting back down on the mattress. "What's the plan for today?"

@Crystal Cali @YoungX
JPax42 said:
Katherine closed her eyes and let out a sigh. "It's no use. We don't have enough information ourselves." Katherine moved to next to Jonathon, looking out the window of Trinity. The ground was moving slowly under them. "I think we should hold another rally. This is probably going to be the saddest rally I'll ever give. It seems that people actually hate us more than like us." Katherine was going to apologize to the public for GLASS's mistakes, the ones even she didn't do herself. She leaned against Jonathon's shoulders, and her voice became shaky. "I don't know what to do." She closed her eyes and a tear ran down the side of her face.


Jonathon would then gently embrace Katherine as he helps comfort her. "Just be the Katherine I know. The confident beautiful Katherine. Your GLASS's leader and I believe in you. We all do."

@Shammy the Shamrock[/URL] @YoungX
Sky looked to Akira and said, "Seems he has his communications turned off. At any point we should just try and handle this ourselves for now. He may be strong, but we have more than a single brain. Let's try and come up with a plan."

@Crystal Cali @Shammy the Shamrock @JPax42
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Tristin gave a confident smirk. "Remember that night club? Let's claim that for GLASS." Tristin did a small body roll on Thomas and giggled. She pressed her badge and five GLASS officers in sequin two-pieces appeared. Thankfully they were all female, but they were wearing helmets. "Uhm..."

@Shammy the Shamrock

Katherine and Laura

Katherine just leaned against him and wiped tears from her eyes. She had at least calmed down.
"It's great...that you all believe in me but the public doesn't." At that moment, Laura walked in and saw her mom and Jonathon. Laura was a little sad that her mom was upset, and she ran up to both of them and wrapped them in a hug. Katherine shifted so Laura was sitting on her lap. Laura didn't say anything and smiled at Jonathon, mouthing the words 'Nice catch Jonathon.' Katherine smiled faintly at the sight of her daughter. "Thanks...both of you..."

JPax42 said:
Tristin gave a confident smirk. "Remember that night club? Let's claim that for GLASS." Tristin did a small body roll on Thomas and giggled. She pressed her badge and five GLASS officers in sequin two-pieces appeared. Thankfully they were all female, but they were wearing helmets. "Uhm..."

@Shammy the Shamrock

Katherine and Laura

Katherine just leaned against him and wiped tears from her eyes. She had at least calmed down.
"It's great...that you all believe in me but the public doesn't." At that moment, Laura walked in and saw her mom and Jonathon. Laura was a little sad that her mom was upset, and she ran up to both of them and wrapped them in a hug. Katherine shifted so Laura was sitting on her lap. Laura didn't say anything and smiled at Jonathon, mouthing the words 'Nice catch Jonathon.' Katherine smiled faintly at the sight of her daughter. "Thanks...both of you..."

Jonathon would smile back at the two as he continued being hugged. While he was a bit confused by the whole nice catch thing, he had some understanding. For now he would just stay silent and enjoyed the tender moment.
Akira sighs. "Well..... if we're going to rely on GLASS..." she pulls out the business card someone had thrown into her van earlier. "We can try calling the front desk." she did not sound happy about the idea, especially if she could be walking Ann into a trap. @YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock
Sky nods. "I understand your concerns, but yes we should try calling them. Right now they may be our only way to help defeat this Starling. Though... I feel like I've heard of him before but... from where? In any case let's just contact them."
Thomas smirked "Alright let's take it over." He spun his cane and locked his arm with Tristin's. "Shall we head off madam," he laughed at this and the fact he did a awful British accent.

Paige looked at the woman "Do they honestly need to wear the mask?" She asked trying to hold back her laughter "So what's the plan anyway?"


Ann got hungry and decided to eat parts of the mattress. "This is great!" She said chewing on a pillow, it didn't taste like marshmallows.

@Crystal Cali @YoungX
Tristin, Laura, and Katherine

Tristin started walking forwards when she remembered something. "Actually...I think we should be prepared for duty. I gave a business card to another lines kid. Let's just go to the library and find Katherine and Jonathon." Tristin ran down to the library.

Katherine was holding Laura and was about to kiss Jonathon when Tristin burst in through to see what just happened. "Hey Tristin, what's the hurry?" Tristin didn't care and jumped into the hug pile. "Group GLASS hug!" Katherine struggled against Tristin's grip but eventually let out a defeated sigh. "Tristin, any reason you have a tendency to sandwich yourself and other people against me? And what are you wearing..." Tristin laughed and waited for Paige and Thomas. Laura was currently mashed against Tristin's stomach. "Why do you smell like chlorine all the time? Also..." Laura then pulled up one of Tristin's 'disco balls.' "I think that strange demon woman was right, you do have nice lungs!"

@YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock
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JPax42 said:
Tristin, Laura, and Katherine
Tristin started walking forwards when she remembered something. "Actually...I think we should be prepared for duty. I gave a business card to another lines kid. Let's just go to the library and find Katherine and Jonathon." Tristin ran down to the library.

Katherine was holding Laura and was about to kiss Jonathon when Tristin burst in through to see what just happened. "Hey Tristin, what's the hurry?" Tristin didn't care and jumped into the hug pile. "Group GLASS hug!" Katherine struggled against Tristin's grip but eventually let out a defeated sigh. "Tristin, any reason you have a tendency to sandwich yourself and other people against me? And what are you wearing..." Tristin laughed and waited for Paige and Thomas. Laura was currently mashed against Tristin's stomach. "Why do you smell like chlorine all the time? Also..." Laura then pulled up one of Tristin's 'disco balls.' "I think that strange demon woman was right, you do have nice lungs!"

@YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock
(Timing 2 stronk.)
Ann let go of the pillow "I can't help it! I'm hungry all the time," she said looking down at the ground, letting out a weak sigh.

@Crystal Cali @YoungX

Thomas saw Tristin hugging and smirked "You really are a hugger, you know that," he chuckled and just watched the hug play out.

"Hugfest!" Paige yelled grabbing Thomas and jumping into the hug. She laughed and looked at Katherine "One big happy family."

@JPax42 @YoungX
JPax42 said:
(*When Paige and Thomas join GLASS hug, Katherine shoves everyone off and answers a call*)
Sky would then talk to whomever was on the phone. He would explain the situation with Akira, Ann and a Starling. He then requests that GLASS help him and Akira protect Ann and defeat Starling together.

Meanwhile Jonathon was stuck in the hug.


Katherine smiled and Laura wriggled out of the hug when a phone rang in her ear. "Oh. Suits on, and Tristin please shatter into something that covers your midriff." Katherine then turned and answers the call. "GLASS commander. Got your situation. The man's named Randall Starling. I would advise you to tell us everything that he's done when we arrive."

Katherine then smacked the badge on her chest teleporting Jonathon, Thomas, Paige, Tristin, and herself to the parking garage. They were teleported into formation, and Katherine stepped forward with her hand out for Sky to shake. "Katherine Cardinal, commander of GLASS. These are my subs. Jonathon, Tristin, Thomas, and Paige."


Tristin kept her expression blank as she shattered into a subcommander jumpsuit. She kept a professional face when she saw Sky, although narrowing her eyes ever so slightly.

@YoungX @Crystal Cali @Shammy the Shamrock (We made a big interaction group! Hype!)
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Thomas refused to change, he looked fancy and that's what mattered. "So why are we here?" He asked before glancing at a small girl in a black dress.

Paige fell to the ground and got back up "Tell us when you do that alright!" She dusted her clothes off and stayed silent, trying to look professional.

Ann yelped and hid behind Akira "Who are these people!?" She asked taking out her slingshot and aiming for Tristin.

@JPax42 @YoungX @Crystal Cali
JPax42 said:
Katherine smiled and Laura wriggled out of the hug when a phone rang in her ear. "Oh. Suits on, and Tristin please shatter into something that covers your midriff." Katherine then turned and answers the call. "GLASS commander. Got your situation. The man's named Randall Starling. I would advise you to tell us everything that he's done when we arrive."

Katherine then smacked the badge on her chest teleporting Jonathon, Thomas, Paige, Tristin, and herself to the parking garage. They were teleported into formation, and Katherine stepped forward with her hand out for Sky to shake. "Katherine Cardinal, commander of GLASS. These are my subs. Jonathon, Tristin, Thomas, and Paige."


Tristin kept her expression blank as she shattered into a subcommander jumpsuit. She kept a professional face when she saw Sky, although narrowing her eyes ever so slightly.

@YoungX @Crystal Cali @Shammy the Shamrock (We made a big interaction group! Hype!)
Sky would shake her hand as he notices the others, especially Jonathon. In any case Sky would say to Ann, "They are here to help us. Akira mind filling Katherine in on the situation?"

@Crystal Cali

Jackson stretches rubbing his eyes and wincing as the sun hits his face when he walks out of the airport curiously looking around the area before he goes to pull his phone up curiously checking his messages before shrugging "Welp...New city...ehhh...new life?" He says warily. After a little confusion he quickly grabs a taxi asking him to take him to the motel he had rented for himself to stay in for the time being and on the way there he would fiddle with his phone playing a few games and looking up the local hang outs in Lithium, soon he would reach the motel and climbs from the taxi. After he paid the man he would give a nod and head into the lobby quickly getting his key and heading off to his room to get situated "Now...crap what should I do now I didnt think this far.." He groans rubbing his neck as he looks around his okay room.

Tristin smiled at Ann and made her face lines glow all the way up to her eyes. She then softly spoke. "Hello Ann, nice to meet you." She then returned to looking forwards.


"Well, while we wait for the information I think we can all agree that Randall Starling is to be taken down. Has anyone given him blood, or had blood forcefully drawn?" Katherine stepped forward and looked at everybody's arm. Finally, she looked at Ann. "You must be Ann Muenir. I have to talk to you privately with one of my subcommanders." Katherine needed Tristin when questioning a child because Tristin was most skilled at calming children down. On top of that, Tristin also had the lines. "Jonathon, you're in charge of getting information from Sky and Akira. And in charge of Paige and Thomas."

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX @Crystal Cali
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JPax42 said:
Tristin smiled at Ann and made her face lines glow all the way up to her eyes. She then softly spoke. "Hello Ann, nice to meet you." She then returned to looking forwards.


"Well, while we wait for the information I think we can all agree that Randall Starling is to be taken down. Has anyone given him blood, or had blood forcefully drawn?" Katherine stepped forward and looked at everybody's arm. Finally, she looked at Ann. "You must be Ann Muenir. I have to talk to you privately with one of my subcommanders." Katherine needed Tristin when questioning a child because Tristin was most skilled at calming children down. On top of that, Tristin also had the lines. "Jonathon, you're in charge of getting information from Sky and Akira. And in charge of Paige and Thomas."

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX @Crystal Cali
Jonathon nodded and would look to Sky. "It's been quite some time hasn't it? You seem well." Sky would be a bit silent before speaking. "You seem well too." In any case, Sky would tell Jonathon what he knew of the situation. It would be Akira to fill in the rest of the details.

@Crystal Cali
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