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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Ann slowly walked forward, looking at the woman. "If you try anything," before anyone could blink she had her scythe out and pointed at Katherine. "I will make you pay," she said through clenched teeth, her lines appeared except only in the face and chest.

@JPax42 @YoungX @Crystal Cali

Nearly instantly after Ann took out her scythe, Tristin had a hand around the scythe as well. She spoke slowly "Protocols to detain weapons. Sorry. You can trust us, weapons just remove that trust." Tristin made her voice sound as calm and warm as possible.


Katherine stepped forwards and lead Ann and Tristin. She signaled Tristin to release her scythe, to which Tristin did. Katherine lead the two out behind the van. "Ann Muenir. It seems that you have been targeted by a man named Doctor Randall Starling. Six foot nine inches tall, five hundred and fifty pounds, wears a breather, likes drugs. Now, here's something a little personal, but I know of your extraordinary veins. Three of my subcommanders personally have the same veins, and Tristin is the one out of them who understands what hers is for. Any logistical details will go to me, but otherwise the conversation between you and Tristin is private." Katherine then walked away back to the rest of the people.

@YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock @Crystal Cali


Tristin held her hand out.
"Tristin Winters, subcommander." She sat down next to Ann, waiting for the girl to say something. Tristin was used to Harmony, but she wasn't quite used to loud children, and she wasn't sure which one Ann was.

@Shammy the Shamrock
"You already got my name. How does she even know it," she asked refusing to make eye contact. "What am I?" She asked looking as the lines spread to her hands. "Why won't they turn off?"


Tristin put a hand on Ann's hand, speaking softly and quietly. "Katherine knows everybody by the way. Those are veins, Ann. I'm sure they influence a part of your body, noticeably one on your face. For example, mine influences my eyes. What does yours influence, Ann? Any tricks or things you can do that humans, er, other people can't?" Tristin was still talking boldly, but now her voice had shifted from a professional subcommander tone to a caring older sister type voice.

@Shammy the Shamrock
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Jackson sighs weakly starting to put everything away in their respectable area's before he nods slowly "Oookayy...now..." He says looking around his room seeming a little proud for a minute before deflating with a sigh "Now I need something else to do" He mutters before pulling his phone up curiously looking over the areas around town before shrugging and grabs his wallet stuffing it into his back pocket before he fixes his clothes and hair. Once he was ready he quickly left the room locking it behind him and leaving motel moving towards Flinn's Diner feeling hungry but he wouldn't take a cab so he would simply walk humming softly as he takes a walk around the town towards Flinn's Diner eyeing some of the larger buildings curiously.
JPax42 said:
Tristin put a hand on Ann's hand, speaking softly and quietly. "Katherine knows everybody by the way. Those are veins, Ann. I'm sure they influence a part of your body, noticeably one on your face. For example, mine influences my eyes. What does yours influence, Ann? Any tricks or things you can do that humans, er, other people can't?" Tristin was still talking boldly, but now her voice had shifted from a professional subcommander tone to a caring older sister type voice.

@Shammy the Shamrock
(Gtg for like 30 minutes :) )

A man walks up to Jackson, his orange eyes glowing. There is a slight stumble in his step, and he is muttering things. "Give...me something...anything..." The man had a gun in his hand, and the end of it was glowing blue. Every one of his steps thumped on the ground. He was also angry, clearly, and his breather was making loud noises. He stood at six foot nine inches...


Jackson blinks stepping back slightly "Errr...Listen dude I dont want any trouble..." He says eyeing the strange looking gun in his hands as he raises his palms in feint fear "But...I dont think I want to give you anything...I think you need help" He says warily staring at the gun as he shifts around backing up a bit his palms smoking faintly as he stares the man down..well..up..as he shifts around slightly nervous due to the massive height difference.

The man ignores the smoke from Jackson's hand. "You must be new to Lithium...when I ask for something...you deliver." The man stepped forwards, a faint whirring heard from the gun. The man wasn't referring to money. "Anything like this..." The man mashed his hand against a mailbox door and tore it off. He then shot the mailbox door into a fine powder, putting it in a bag. "You...have any...nosebleed powder?" The man then proceeded to snort the entire bag of mailbox door powder.


He blinks watching the big guy literally demolish then snort a metal mailbox thing "Ooookaayyy then...errr....I dont...really have anything...you can smash apart um...err...Hold on.." He says trying his best to think before looking at his jacket "Err...Would you take a jacket?" He chuckles weakly blinking as he stares at the stranger in confusion unsure really what to give him but he hands continue to smoke faintly as he shifts around ready to move if need be.
??? and Igor

The man grabs the jacket and destroys it completely. He then proceeds to snort all of Jackson's jacket. "Ahh...the traces of cocaine in this...was great." The man began walking backwards when he bumped into an even larger Russian man. The man raised a hand and started groping the seven foot tall Russian's face. "Ahh...you must be Igor." Igor looked down at the man. "What are you doing, abusing new kid. Get out." Igor pulled the man by the arm and pushed him away. The Russian then looked down at Jackson. "Are you of alright?"

Rory had just rounded the corner, beer in her hand, buzzed smile on her face. She spotted the three men; one hulking and one utterly terrifying. The other seemingly normal. You never knew in Lithium...

She squared her shoulders, green eyes lowering in a glare. God, if they intended to have an intimate moment, which was how it appeared, they might as well get a damn room...

"You three! Take it somewhere private. You're in the middle of the street!" She huffed, crossing her arms in an annoyed and sassy pose, one curvy hip popping out of her tiny jean shorts with a bevel, her crop top with images of Harley Quinn diamonds printed across it lifting to reveal the hard planes of her abdomen. The scarlet haired vixen seemed unamused,

"Well? I'm waiting, gentlemen."

@JPax42 @IndigoBlue
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The Russian turned and narrowed his eyes at Rory. "Rory. Did you forget? I am Doctor Vasiliev. Your boss." He crossed his massive arms. Igor decided not to look at the rest of her. Igor didn't decide that the so called doctor he had hired was so repulsive and scandalous looking in public. "Well, anything you have to say?"

@Rui @IndigoBlue
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He looked a little deflated at the fact he actually lost his jacket and tilts his head looking at the two huge guys chat with each other before the bigger guy moved him away "Errr...Yyyeeaaa just uh...had my jacket..get..snorted..?" He says still looking fairly confused as to what just happened with the jacket and metal mail box before he blinks hearing another people calling over to them and tilts his head again "Wait wah!?" He yells out over to Rory "We're not in the middle of the street we're on the SIDE walk! And I dont swing that way!" He calls out huffing a bit as he crosses his arms and fixes his black-ish shirt before looking between the two hearing they apparently worked with each other "Uuhhhh...huh..." He says eyeing Rory with a very faint blush before he shrugs stuffing his hands in his pockets "Thanks for uh telling that weirdo to go away I guess, He broke a freaking mail box and snorted it! Thats not normal is it?!" He says looking between the two in confusion the smoke coming from his hands having faded as he calms down.
She rubbed her temples, "Doctor, why exactly did a man, who snorted what I'm fairly certain was his jacket, just grope your face? That's the better question." She shook her head tiredly, "And kindly, don't give me that look. I'm still in my twenties, I have the right to attend a party, yes?" She cocked her head to the side, eyeing him questioningly.


She glanced back towards the relatively normal man, "Of course. The comment was more directed at my boss and sir-snorts over there." She glanced around, "Who appears to have fled. Hm." She deadpanned, "And please, don't check me out. I just met you and I really don't appreciate it."

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Ann sighed "I don't know! I'm just a kid who's been looking for her father!" She became agitated but soon calmed down "I can eat things people can't. My eyes change color, it's hard for me to get tired, even if I run three miles and I am fast." Tears ran down her face "I-I just want my dad."


Igor shrugged. "You Americans and your weak alcohol can't hold party. Anyways-" Igor turned quickly to Jackson, then to Rory. "You cannot say don't check you out if you are walking around wearing like that. This is embarrassing." Igor narrowed his red eyes at Rory for a second before turning to Jackson. "I am sorry for her attitude, she is...well actually she is like this in workplace too."

@Rui @IndigoBlue


Tristin calmly wrapped her arms around Ann.
"It's okay to let it out, and that's a neat set of things you got there. Here, look at me." Tristin looked at Ann, her own eyes glowing amber. She then picked up a stick off the lot and glared at it for a second. It ignited, and Tristin stood up, spinning it around. In the dark, it made cool waves and lines with the fire. "That's nice. Look, I'm also really fast. In fact, I like racing cars in my free time on the main streets. On foot. Also, I'm never..." Tristin spun the stick three times and then caught it. "...Ever..." Tristin threw the stick backwards, flipped onto her hands and caught the flaming stick by the base. "...clumsy!" Tristin then sat down next to Ann. "We'll find your dad. We heard about him..."

@Shammy the Shamrock (Also, I updated Tristin's appearance. Check it out :D Page 1)
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Ann clapped "That's wonderful!" She grabbed her scythe and threw it in the air, the blade was about to his her but she grabbed it by the blade. "Oh! Maybe you know," she took out the picture. "Have you seen him! His name is Threat.....Akira said he knows i'm here but hasn't taken me. What does that mean?" She asked, her excitement going back to sadness.

"My apartment is a block away, and the party is literally around the corner!" She grumbled, crossing her arms, "It was my friend's 21st, and it was DC themed, all girls. I didn't plan on running into anyone on the way there, really. None the less my boss." She clarified, obviously fancying herself asexual.


"Uhm...No its alright" He says shaking his head with a smile as he stretches "I just recently got here so I am just checking out the town" He says clearing his throat a bit "And well she isnt really my type especially" He shrugs a bit giving a slight chuckle "I am Jackson, Nice to meet you" He says holding a hand out with a pleasant smile curiously looking around the place "It always bugs me meeting people taller than me to be honest, but you dont seem that bad" He nods.

@Rui @JPax42

Tristin looked at the picture. "Damn, you had to get them looks from somewhere." Tristin blinked hard, and her eyes changed to Kirstin's eyes for a second. "I want to talk to him about a famil-wait...what? Oh, maybe he just...wants to keep you safe from a distance." Tristin then pointed to her eyes. "Did you recognize my eyes just a second ago, at all?"

@Shammy the Shamrock (Tristin had three appearances but I think this one is so far the best?)


Igor shook Jackson's hand.
"Doctor Igor Vasiliev. That's Doctor Rory Leighton." Igor stepped back to let her introduce herself. Igor knew that there was something going on between Jackson and Rory, at least on Jackson's end. He'd just observe how this turned out.

@Rui @IndigoBlue
Rory shook her head, "As he said, I'm Rory." She glanced back to Igor. "Well, I'll take this as my cue to go home. I'll see you at work, when I'm more sober, and more modestly dressed as you so obviously prefer me to be." She nodded to them both in acknowledgment, then headed off towards her apartment, trying to keep the natural swing out of her hips as she walked away.

Of course it was Igor...oooof course.

Thanks universe. The only person she'd ever been mildly interested in, despite her awful way of showing it.


That was quite a sobering experience.

@JPax42 @IndigoBlue
Ann eyes changed to match the ones that appeared a second ago. "They remind me of how my father use to describe a girl he once knew. Use to talk about his adventures and how she seemed to be a main part of them." She tilted her head "Why do you have her eyes?"


"You could leave the city but I ain't. I left this place once and I ain't leaving it again," he said while walking through the streets. "Something is bound to turn up." He shot at a bird as it fell to the ground "How good are you with a weapon?"


"Well..She's..a nice person" He says awkwardly as he watches her walk off before shifting around "Sooo err...Hey...I just got here and I actually have well...I have no job...do you perhaps no of any place that might need some one to help out?" He says shrugging as he weakly rubs the back of his neck looking up at Igor.

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