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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
"Sea cow?" She asked, more than a little curious, "Why would you put a manatee in their beds?" She tried not to beam at his compliment, "And uh, thanks Igor." She smiled shyly, taking the mop.

He looked at me! Yessss!

JPax42 said:
Katherine crossed her arms. "Funny. The woman who tried to have my head is still a surprisingly nicer person. Nontheless..." Katherine turned from Sky and then looked at Akira. "My daughter is about Ann's age. They can play together." Katherine just realized what she said. She had publicly announced that she is 22 years old, and having a 9 year old daughter would definitely gather attention. Well, so what if she was pregnant at 13 maybe she liked to have fun? Either way, she handed Akira a teleportation badge. "Have everyone in the van and attach it to the wall of the van. It'll take a minute to codify the van and it will teleport the entire vehicle to the hangar bay. Also, I'm sorry but if Sky comes along...fine. He will have to stay with you though. As for the robotics, you may continue your research and I will put my best assistant, Robert, on the job with you." Katherine held back a laugh as she said James's name as Robert. "Sky, if you so much as touch my quarters' door when I'm asleep...who am I kidding you're going to be in my residency. I'm not going to sleep. Anyways, so, are we ready to teleport then?"

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX @Crystal Cali

"I'm not even going to kill you. Relax

In any case I'll come with because my client requested so." Sky just gets in and waits with everyone else. Jonathon does the same thing.
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Akira looks slightly annoyed as a whole bunch of strangers jump in her van. "Don't break anything," Sha calls over, then looks to Sky, and says in a very low voice, "I could use someone I can trust. You sure you can't come?" She was clearly desperate and also worried about this whole venture, but she refused to say so loud enough for the jumpsuit squad to hear. (I tried to edit out the part of the request that included Sky since I saw his post after posting mine. Too slow. xD ) @YoungX @JPax42 @Shammy the Shamrock

Katherine teleported the entire van into Trinity, into the hangar. She then opened the door to show the massive living area. "Welcome to Trinity. The door at the end of the car hangar leads to the rooms. The pool is on the third floor and each room comes with a fold out laboratory." Katherine turned to Tristin, then to Ann. "Do you all want to take your new residency in or do you want to get directly down to business and meet Kirstin. If Tristin's up to it."


Tristin nodded to her and clutched Katherine's hand and whispered to her.
"I'm ready to do it, but are you sure they're ready to see?" Tristin then walked forwards towards Thomas.

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX @Crystal Cali


Igor shrugged.
"Because a bear is too much work." Igor then started cleaning around the lab, sweeping chemicals and other things. He wasn't really sure why Rory jumped in to help him. Igor normally didn't fire people anyways. Igor figured it could be buttering for a promotion, but Rory could be next in line for that promotion. After all, she was nice, right?

JPax42 said:
Katherine teleported the entire van into Trinity, into the hangar. She then opened the door to show the massive living area. "Welcome to Trinity. The door at the end of the car hangar leads to the rooms. The pool is on the third floor and each room comes with a fold out laboratory." Katherine turned to Tristin, then to Ann. "Do you all want to take your new residency in or do you want to get directly down to business and meet Kirstin. If Tristin's up to it."


Tristin nodded to her and clutched Katherine's hand and whispered to her.
"I'm ready to do it, but are you sure they're ready to see?" Tristin then walked forwards towards Thomas.

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX @Crystal Cali


Igor shrugged.
"Because a bear is too much work." Igor then started cleaning around the lab, sweeping chemicals and other things. He wasn't really sure why Rory jumped in to help him. Igor normally didn't fire people anyways. Igor figured it could be buttering for a promotion, but Rory could be next in line for that promotion. After all, she was nice, right?

Jonathon would head to Katherine and said, "I'll do whatever you do. For now I'll wait." Meanwhile Sky would need Akira and asked, "Well what's the next step?" At this point Sky is more of a guard to Akira than anything.

@Crystal Cali
She giggled, "Classic Russian." She murmured, grinning. She helped him clean up, sighing contently when the work was done.

"Alright. All clean," she glanced up at him, "what now?"

Passionate makeout session over my desk? I could get into that...

Bad thoughts! Bad thoughts!

Ann waved her hands frantically "I want to meet Kristin....if it isn't too much." She said jumping off the mattress and running out the van.

Thomas stretched "Home sweet home." He looked at Tristin as he walked out "What did the little girl say? She seems very excited for something."

@JPax42 @Crystal Cali @YoungX
Akira gives Jonathan a more irritated look than intended. "The next step is I find a place to sleep for the next 8 to 10 hours," she said in an irritated tone and hops out of the van. Akira then opens the passenger door, and has FAIE follow her to find her room. @YoungX (gonna go for the night.)

Tristin turned to Thomas. "She said she wants to meet Kirstin. I'm ready to do it, we'll talk to her soon." Tristin began walking towards the pool.


"Alright, let's go do it then. Ann, follow me. You probably don't have to get in the water if you don't want to, I'll just tell Kirstin to direct her words towards you. But it's better if you do." Katherine smiled and followed Tristin to the pool.

@Shammy the Shamrock


Igor looked at how clean the room was.
"That was, um, very...fast." Igor stepped next to Rory and smiled at the entire lab, which was almost spotless. "Uhm...anything you want to do right now?"

"I'm going to take a nap in the room. See you in a bit," he said running through Trinity and to his bed. He slipped in and soon dozed off.

"I want to go into the water! It's so hot so this will help," she said grabbing Katherine's hand and lifting her feet so she could swing from her.

(@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX @Rui If I suddenly disappear it's not because I've gone to sleep but it's because my friends broke into my house and dragged me out of my room. Apparently I'm going to perform some dancing thing at some junior's house party... I don't want to go but meh, I'll get paid. And no @Shammy the Shamrock I won't be wearing disco balls xD )

(@YoungX about your chars...Thomas and Paige, or can go to the pool. I don't think Sky would do that though because sketch. That and Katherine would probably hold him at the bottom until he drowned xD )


Igor looked at the bottle. It would be setting a bad example if he got drunk at the workplace, but he had already done it before. On accident. And on purpose. He had surprising tolerance to toxins like alcohol. But, he could still get drunk. "One bottle not enough for me. Besides, this laboratory is of bad place to get drunk. We should do it somewhere else."



Tristin sighed and walked over to the pool. She waited for a second before her jumpsuit shattered into a swimsuit.
"Okay Katherine, whenever we're ready. I'll get a mask for Ann." Tristin handed Katherine a small mask device that went around Ann's mouth and nose. It had two metal sticks at the end of it.


Katherine laughed lightly at the girl and set her down next to the pool.
"Alright Ann, this thing basically sucks up oxygen from the water. Tristin can't have any metal on her and we only have one of these breathing things. Anyways, just breathe normally in the water. Do you need anything covering your eyes?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
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Ann kicked her feet in the water "No! I'm good, let's do this," she grabbed the mask before spreading her arms and falling into the water. She face planted into the water, sinking down before going to the bottom.

JPax42 said:
(@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX @Rui If I suddenly disappear it's not because I've gone to sleep but it's because my friends broke into my house and dragged me out of my room. Apparently I'm going to perform some dancing thing at some junior's house party... I don't want to go but meh, I'll get paid. And no @Shammy the Shamrock I won't be wearing disco balls xD )
(@YoungX about your chars...Thomas and Paige, or can go to the pool. I don't think Sky would do that though because sketch. That and Katherine would probably hold him at the bottom until he drowned xD )


Igor looked at the bottle. It would be setting a bad example if he got drunk at the workplace, but he had already done it before. On accident. And on purpose. He had surprising tolerance to toxins like alcohol. But, he could still get drunk. "One bottle not enough for me. Besides, this laboratory is of bad place to get drunk. We should do it somewhere else."



Tristin sighed and walked over to the pool. She waited for a second before her jumpsuit shattered into a swimsuit.
"Okay Katherine, whenever we're ready. I'll get a mask for Ann." Tristin handed Katherine a small mask device that went around Ann's mouth and nose. It had two metal sticks at the end of it.


Katherine laughed lightly at the girl and set her down next to the pool.
"Alright Ann, this thing basically sucks up oxygen from the water. Tristin can't have any metal on her and we only have one of these breathing things. Anyways, just breathe normally in the water. Do you need anything covering your eyes?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
(Got it hue.)

Sky would just follow Akira to wherever she went while Jonathon would head off to meditate in Katherine's room. For now Sky would be outside Akira's room just guarding.

(Open for interacrion. Both of them.)

Katherine sighed and shattered into a swimsuit before looking at Tristin. "Ann is graceful. Anyways if you ever feel uncomfortable just...well there's nothing you can do about it we'll just have to resuscitate you if you drown. No pressure though. Ann, give the thumbs up when you're ready to meet her." Katherine stepped into the water and sank down to the bottom, looking at Ann. She then got into a cross-legged position with her hands on her knees.


Tristin took a breath and dove all the way down to the bottom, and mirrored Katherine's position. She was slightly more ready but in a way a little bit nervous about the whole thing. Tristin turned to Ann and waited for the thumbs up. Tristin wasn't entirely sure if Ann knew she could talk through the mask.

@Shammy the Shamrock

James (Robert)

James walked past Sky and immediately turned back, looking at the mercenary through his helmet.
"Hello Sky, welcome to GLASS." James was standing in a straight position, and his tag read the name 'Robert.'

JPax42 said:
Katherine sighed and shattered into a swimsuit before looking at Tristin. "Ann is graceful. Anyways if you ever feel uncomfortable just...well there's nothing you can do about it we'll just have to resuscitate you if you drown. No pressure though. Ann, give the thumbs up when you're ready to meet her." Katherine stepped into the water and sank down to the bottom, looking at Ann. She then got into a cross-legged position with her hands on her knees.


Tristin took a breath and dove all the way down to the bottom, and mirrored Katherine's position. She was slightly more ready but in a way a little bit nervous about the whole thing. Tristin turned to Ann and waited for the thumbs up. Tristin wasn't entirely sure if Ann knew she could talk through the mask.

@Shammy the Shamrock

James (Robert)

James walked past Sky and immediately turned back, looking at the mercenary through his helmet.
"Hello Sky, welcome to GLASS." James was standing in a straight position, and his tag read the name 'Robert.'

Sky would also greet him. "Hello there...," he would look at the man tag. "Hello there Robert. It's nice to meet you."

Katherine looked incredulously at Ann. Katherine's lips were pressed together with slight tension when she simply pointed out that she couldn't say anything. She did make motions with her hands that did resemble floating on one's back though. Katherine then turned to Tristin and closed her eyes. She then moved a hand to the top half of her stomach and held the other hand out.


Tristin put her hand on the other half. Ann would be able to hear the thoughts between the two because the mask came with a mental translator.
"Alright, she'll be here any minute. For now I'm just going to hold my breath. And probably mess with Ann." Tristin reached a hand out to tickle Ann, but quickly realized the girl wasn't wearing a swimsuit. "Are you sure you don't mind that your clothes are going to be wet?" Tristin then pointed to herself. "Whatever, we'll get you a cool changing jumpsuit after this." The lines on Tristin's body began to glow a bright golden color and snaked up to her eyes.

@Shammy the Shamrock

James (Robert)

James looked down at his tag and sighed inside his mask.
"Yes. It is I. Robert. My name isn't James in any shape or form. I am, Robert. What brings you to Trinity?"

JPax42 said:
Katherine looked incredulously at Ann. Katherine's lips were pressed together with slight tension when she simply pointed out that she couldn't say anything. She did make motions with her hands that did resemble floating on one's back though. Katherine then turned to Tristin and closed her eyes. She then moved a hand to the top half of her stomach and held the other hand out.


Tristin put her hand on the other half. Ann would be able to hear the thoughts between the two because the mask came with a mental translator.
"Alright, she'll be here any minute. For now I'm just going to hold my breath. And probably mess with Ann." Tristin reached a hand out to tickle Ann, but quickly realized the girl wasn't wearing a swimsuit. "Are you sure you don't mind that your clothes are going to be wet?" Tristin then pointed to herself. "Whatever, we'll get you a cool changing jumpsuit after this." The lines on Tristin's body began to glow a bright golden color and snaked up to her eyes.

@Shammy the Shamrock

James (Robert)

James looked down at his tag and sighed inside his mask.
"Yes. It is I. Robert. My name isn't James in any shape or form. I am, Robert. What brings you to Trinity?"

"Well James I was asked by my client, Akira, to be tagged along with her. Tristin Winters doesn't like me and Katherine doesn't due to Kirsty Summer having contracted me to take her out. Just like you James we both live in a harsh world." He would just stand there giving James his full attention.


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