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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Ann studied the lines "I'm going to be fine. These clothes were already ripped and torn," she spun in the water before going back to sitting down cross legged on the bottom.

YoungX said:
"Well James I was asked by my client, Akira, to be tagged along with her. Tristin Winters doesn't like me and Katherine doesn't due to Kirsty Summer having contracted me to take her out. Just like you James we both live in a harsh world." He would just stand there giving James his full attention.
(Sky X James....I ship it c: )

James went off into thought. "Katherine says I'm incompetent. She's not wrong, though. Tristin, um, I kind of saw her walking around the carrier wearing...I don't know. A swimsuit with sequins? Kirstin Summers...she went to my middle school for a few weeks, believe it or not. This one girl, Avery, got into a fight with Kirstin. Avery hit her in the face and her wrist broke. Insane, right?"



Katherine finally managed to get Kirstin inside of Tristin. "Hello Kirstin. This is Ann Muenir, we brought her down here. And yes, you're in Tristin's body." Katherine shifted slightly forward in the water, pushing her hair out of her face before looking fully at Tristin.


Tristin didn't have such a violent 'intrusion' by Kirstin, rather she just opened her eyes and revealed Kirstin's eyes. The three pupils whirred around and she ran a hand down her chest and along her sides.
"Seriously, I'm glad she volunteers so often for this. This is like perfect! She has nice lungs. And a nice pair of-oh, hello Ann. Ann Muenir. Huh, how are you doing today?" Tristin turned to face Ann.

@Shammy the Shamrock
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Ann waved "Hi! They told me you knew my father. His name is Threat," she said placing her hands in her lap. "Why do you like Tristin's chest so much...." She felt awkward since it was like a stranger touching a child's body.

JPax42 said:
James went off into thought. "Katherine says I'm incompetent. She's not wrong, though. Tristin, um, I kind of saw her walking around the carrier wearing...I don't know. A swimsuit with sequins? Kirstin Summers...she went to my middle school for a few weeks, believe it or not. This one girl, Avery, got into a fight with Kirstin. Avery hit her in the face and her wrist broke. Insane, right?"



Katherine finally managed to get Kirstin inside of Tristin. "Hello Kirstin. This is Ann Muenir, we brought her down here. And yes, you're in Tristin's body." Katherine shifted slightly forward in the water, pushing her hair out of her face before looking fully at Tristin.


Tristin didn't have such a violent interruption, rather she just opened her eyes and revealed Kirstin's eyes. The three pupils whirred around and she ran a hand down her chest and along her sides.
"Seriously, I'm glad she volunteers so often for this. This is like perfect! She has nice lungs. And a nice pair of-oh, hello Ann. Ann Muenir. Huh, how are you doing today?" Tristin turned to face Ann.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Sky gave him an intrigued look, but through his helmet that was impossible to tell. "Is that so? I've heard she was strong, so this confirms it I suppose. In any case don't sell yourself short James. If you call yourself incompetent then that's what you are. Everyone starts somewhere." Sky thinks back to Project Soldier. It reminds him of the lower recruits who lagged behind in training. Still... everyone has potential.

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Katherine rolled her eyes. "Ann's right. It's Thomas's job to touch those, not yours." Katherine looked at Ann. "Any questions you have for her? She's here, and I think she's willing to answer your questions."


Tristin shook her head.
"Sorry, it's just that she reminds me of back when I was fifteen. Anyways, your father, Threat, was really...it was interesting. Roller coaster ride. There's a lot to talk about and I only have..." Tristin bent down so that her head was almost touching the skin on her stomach. "Five minutes of air." Tristin jerked into a normal sitting position and looked at Ann. "I also can't tell you everything."

@Shammy the Shamrock


James nodded.
"Thanks. I'll just try to be more competent I guess. Anyways, she was fast too. She ran a mile in thirty seconds, or so I heard. The school spent days trying to make people forget about it." James adjusted the mask on his helmet. "And there was the time I asked her out to a dance...that was crazy."

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"What am I? Like Akira said i'm clearly different from others also what happened to that one city near the farm dad use to go to a lot?" She asked trying to get as many question she had in the time that was left.

JPax42 said:
Katherine rolled her eyes. "Ann's right. It's Thomas's job to touch those, not yours." Katherine looked at Ann. "Any questions you have for her? She's here, and I think she's willing to answer your questions."


Tristin shook her head.
"Sorry, it's just that she reminds me of back when I was fifteen. Anyways, your father, Threat, was really...it was interesting. Roller coaster ride. There's a lot to talk about and I only have..." Tristin bent down so that her head was almost touching the skin on her stomach. "Five minutes of air." Tristin jerked into a normal sitting position and looked at Ann. "I also can't tell you everything."

@Shammy the Shamrock


James nodded.
"Thanks. I'll just try to be more competent I guess. Anyways, she was fast too. She ran a mile in thirty seconds, or so I heard. The school spent days trying to make people forget about it." James adjusted the mask on his helmet. "And there was the time I asked her out to a dance...that was crazy."

"I see. Kirsty Summers is an interesting individual. All sorts of fellows in Lithium. What do you think of this city?"

Tristin and Katherine

Tristin slightly shook her head. "I'm afraid the name of our race isn't okay to say on Earth. But I can tell that both you and Tristin are hybrids, meaning one of your parents was a human. Judging by this logic, your mother was a human. Threat clearly wasn't since he can run...really fast. Also, Sanfield was...um...vaporized...by me...oops. Heat vision. A lot of it." Katherine looked at Tristin with a slightly annoyed face. "Okay, well, summoning you is fun and all but what exactly can you withhold?" Tristin shrugged. "I'd be alright telling the kid anything but we have a strict code right now. Any other questions, Ann?" Tristin looked at Katherine and then to her own stomach. "Xray vision says that Katherine has two minutes and Tristin has about a minute fifty. Hurry up with the questions."

@Shammy the Shamrock


"I've not been to the city other than the rally. I just spend all my time up here. You?" James was fiddling with a remote in his hands.

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JPax42 said:
Tristin and Katherine
Tristin slightly shook her head. "I'm afraid the name of our race isn't okay to say on Earth. But I can tell that both you and Tristin are hybrids, meaning one of your parents was a human. Judging by this logic, your mother was a human. Threat clearly wasn't since he can run...really fast. Also, Sanfield was...um...vaporized...by me...oops. Heat vision. A lot of it." Katherine looked at Tristin with a slightly annoyed face. "Okay, well, summoning you is fun and all but what exactly can you withhold?" Tristin shrugged. "I'd be alright telling the kid anything but we have a strict code right now. Any other questions, Ann?" Tristin looked at Katherine and then to her own stomach. "Xray vision says that Katherine has two minutes and Tristin has about a minute fifty. Hurry up with the questions."

@Shammy the Shamrock


"I've not been to the city other than the rally. I just spend all my time up here. You?" James was fiddling with a remote in his hands.

"Lithium is my home. Before GLASS came crime came and went around here. I'm a mercenary who takes jobs to take out the criminals. Throughout recent events I asked myself 'why did I become a mercenary?' I believe the answer is clear now. I protect this city through the way only I can. No other mercenary who takes all jobs won't commit crimes under my watch. My reputation alone was what kept other mercenaries out. Now there's a new mercenary in town, Ying Yang. She told me to get out, I say no. I'm here to stay and protect this city. That's all." He then just stands there looking like some bad ass hero who gave a great speech.

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James nodded slowly. "Okay then...well...you do know the crime syndicate still exists right? We can't just wipe them off the grid entirely, we'll be making many people homeless. Katherine doesn't feel comfortable when there are homeless in a town. That, and it's just plain bad." James tilted his head slightly before righting it and standing tall. "Any questions you have? I mean, usually when someone visits they flood us with questions."

Ann had to think fast "Uh....Where you and my dad closer than friends, are there anymore hybrids? Who is Auntie Peace, how are you alive when he said you were dead? Uh, uh WHAT THE AVERAGE WIND SPEED VELOCTIY OF AN UNLADEN SWALLOW!?" She yelled taking a deep breath from all the talking.

JPax42 said:
James nodded slowly. "Okay then...well...you do know the crime syndicate still exists right? We can't just wipe them off the grid entirely, we'll be making many people homeless. Katherine doesn't feel comfortable when there are homeless in a town. That, and it's just plain bad." James tilted his head slightly before righting it and standing tall. "Any questions you have? I mean, usually when someone visits they flood us with questions."

"Questions? Well...," Sky realized it was his chance to learn a few things and decided to take it. "Then I'll start with the crime syndicate. What other organizations of crime still exist in Lithium? Or if that can't be answered then do you know what GLASS has plans in regards to crime?"


Tristin was visibly faltering slightly, but she managed to get the answers out. "Yes we used to date and I wanted to start a family with him. The only other hybrid I knew of was Tristin's mom, Auntie Peace is his other half and likes to pretend she's his sister. I can't die unless you tear my heart out and put me in a radiation proof box. AND THE ANSWER IS ELEVEN METERS A SECOND!" Tristin closed her eyes and her mouth opened, and she went limp.


Katherine pulled Tristin close to her and grabbed Ann by the back of her shirt. Katherine then got into a standing position and pushed off the pool floor. She made it to the surface and gasped before taking a few deep breaths and swimming to the rim, holding Ann and Tristin.
"Well...I...I did not think that would work..."

@Shammy the Shamrock


James suddenly put his helmet against Sky's.
"I see you are yet again another one of the typical conspiracy theorist hillbillies who walk around telling everyone that we're aliens or something. Looks like we're done talking here." James turned away.

JPax42 said:
Tristin was visibly faltering slightly, but she managed to get the answers out. "Yes we used to date and I wanted to start a family with him. The only other hybrid I knew of was Tristin's mom, Auntie Peace is his other half and likes to pretend she's his sister. I can't die unless you tear my heart out and put me in a radiation proof box. AND THE ANSWER IS ELEVEN METERS A SECOND!" Tristin closed her eyes and her mouth opened, and she went limp.


Katherine pulled Tristin close to her and grabbed Ann by the back of her shirt. Katherine then got into a standing position and pushed off the pool floor. She made it to the surface and gasped before taking a few deep breaths and swimming to the rim, holding Ann and Tristin.
"Well...I...I did not think that would work..."

@Shammy the Shamrock


James suddenly put his helmet against Sky's.
"I see you are yet again another one of the typical conspiracy theorist hillbillies who walk around telling everyone that we're aliens or something. Looks like we're done talking here." James turned away.

"What are you talking about?" Sky had no idea what Jame's problem was. In any case he just stands guard for now. "Conspiracy theorist? How were my questions even related to a conspiracy theorist? I was just wondering about the crime syndicate." It's like most of the time he meets people who come to strange conclusions.

Ann took the mask off "Thanks! Wait.....his other half? Jesus now I have more questions than answers now. Is Tristin alright?" She asked nervously before climbing up the rim and flopping down like a dead fish.


James blew up. That's it. He just exploded. He was done. Glass shards went flying everywhere.



Katherine nodded and held Tristin in her arms. Katherine looked up to Ann. "Tired, huh? Oh, and yeah Tristin will be fine. As for your questions, I'm sure we'll find an answer for them later." Katherine let out a long sigh and rested her head against the rim. "Also, you wanted to learn how to float?"


Tristin opened her eyes, which were Kirstin's eyes again. She winced slightly and covered her ears as she could hear every detail she could see. However, she didn't closer her eyes. Either way, it seemed like a highly accelerated brain was needed to deal with this so Tristin closed her eyes even tighter. She did calm down in a second though and started breathing heavily.
"What-oh...that was productive..." Tristin slid out of Katherine's arms and pushed out into the water, looking at Ann with a faint smile.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Katherine pulled herself out of the water, leaving Tristin alone in the pool. She then looked at Ann. Katherine quickly shook the water off of her head and lifted Ann, walking her to Akira's room. As she walked, she looked down at Ann. "Little kid metabolism means you'll be hungry when you wake up, obviously. Anyways, we'll put you in Akira's room." Katherine lay Ann on Akira's bed and walked out back to the pool. She then slid back into the water, closing her eyes and leaning against the rim. "Tristin, thank you for letting Kirstin here. Without her we couldn't do much of anything." Katherine smiled before sinking to the bottom of the pool, crossing her legs and putting her hands on the outside of her thighs, getting deep in thought.


Tristin smiled.
"It wasn't much of a problem. Okay, it felt a little weird, but I was okay with it." Tristin took a breath and sank down to where Katherine was, sitting across from her. For some reason, she expected Thomas to tackle her and sandwich her in some odd way.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Thomas woke up and yawned "Mo-oh it's still night," he got up and went to the pool, he dipped his head in to stay awake and saw Tristin. He waved, wondering if she would see.


(GASP! You got a new picture :o )

Tristin was about to beat Katherine at a three minute breath holding contest when she saw Thomas. She smiled at him and swam over to him in a way similar to a dolphin. Tristin then floated up to meet his face right under the water before planting a kiss on his lips. She waved again with a smile on her face.


Katherine smirked in victory when Tristin left. 'I win...again. But she is good for someone that small...' Katherine continued to think about life in the water.

@Shammy the Shamrock

(Tristin's face claim :D )
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Pike smiled at Anella saying "Well I get to see you, and you unfortunately get to see me, so I think i know who is getting more rewarded". He went back to the kissing. At some point they moved to the bedroom but Pike's head was in ecstasy. (Fade to black)

The thief woke up, his head lost in about last week. Checking his bed side clock, Pike whispered "Anella, you up?". @JPax42
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JPax42 said:
James blew up. That's it. He just exploded. He was done. Glass shards went flying everywhere.



Katherine nodded and held Tristin in her arms. Katherine looked up to Ann. "Tired, huh? Oh, and yeah Tristin will be fine. As for your questions, I'm sure we'll find an answer for them later." Katherine let out a long sigh and rested her head against the rim. "Also, you wanted to learn how to float?"


Tristin opened her eyes, which were Kirstin's eyes again. She winced slightly and covered her ears as she could hear every detail she could see. However, she didn't closer her eyes. Either way, it seemed like a highly accelerated brain was needed to deal with this so Tristin closed her eyes even tighter. She did calm down in a second though and started breathing heavily.
"What-oh...that was productive..." Tristin slid out of Katherine's arms and pushed out into the water, looking at Ann with a faint smile.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Sky looked in utter confusion. "Did he just... explode?" He would just go back to guarding Akira forgetting what just happened.

(@JPax42 Rip James. Was known as Robert.)
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Thomas grabbed her by the head and kissed her again, doing a front flip as he did. 'You look so pretty underwater.' He said to himself, looking her in the eyes.

(UUUHHHG that was the most wut? dancing I ever did in my lief so many boys so many aah I'm going to sleep for a bit.)


Anella woke up next to Pike with a devilish smirk on her face. She looked at his eyes softly. "I'm up." Another smile spread across her face.



Tristin just decided to enjoy the moment and wrapped around Thomas. She put her head against Thomas's shoulder and started stroking his face before floating over to the wall.

@Shammy the Shamrock


Katherine shrugged when she saw the two teens...yeah. Katherine stood up and pushed herself to the surface and climbed out, shattering into a professional jumpsuit. She walked down the halls of Trinity where her new guests resided, waiting to answer any questions they had.

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX @Crystal Cali

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