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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
JPax42 said:
(UUUHHHG that was the most wut? dancing I ever did in my lief so many boys so many aah I'm going to sleep for a bit.)


Anella woke up next to Pike with a devilish smirk on her face. She looked at his eyes softly. "I'm up." Another smile spread across her face.



Tristin just decided to enjoy the moment and wrapped around Thomas. She put her head against Thomas's shoulder and started stroking his face before floating over to the wall.

@Shammy the Shamrock


Katherine shrugged when she saw the two teens...yeah. Katherine stood up and pushed herself to the surface and climbed out, shattering into a professional jumpsuit. She walked down the halls of Trinity where her new guests resided, waiting to answer any questions they had.

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX @Crystal Cali
(Later. I'm gonna sleep soon too. Then I'll wake up to a plethora of notifications. Hue.)

Sky would just guard Akira's room forgetting that James exploded. Jonathon would be in Katherine's room meditating.
(Woe for us who live in other time-zones)

Pike looked back at Anella, a smile on his face as well. "Glad to have you back, I thought you returned to where ever it is you came from" Pike said in a coy manner. "Because no normal person could do the things you did" he said with a coy smile. @JPax42
(Me: *is on bed* Sleep: *looks* well there is nobody there bye *flies away* Me: wait but I was up all night Sleep: suck a cock)


"Your gentleman like touch extends to even the most tense of moments of intimacy." Anella put a hand on Pike's face before placing a soft kiss on his lips. As she stood up to put her clothes back on, she wondered about what was going to happen during the day. "Got anything planned today or am I putting my clothes on for no reason?" Anella turned to Pike and gave another smirk.

@SirGrey (what if Owen walked in through the door right now xD )
JPax42 said:
(Me: *is on bed* Sleep: *looks* well there is nobody there bye *flies away* Me: wait but I was up all night Sleep: suck a cock)


"Your gentleman like touch extends to even the most tense of moments of intimacy." Anella put a hand on Pike's face before placing a soft kiss on his lips. As she stood up to put her clothes back on, she wondered about what was going to happen during the day. "Got anything planned today or am I putting my clothes on for no reason?" Anella turned to Pike and gave another smirk.

@SirGrey (what if Owen walked in through the door right now xD )
(Smoke spectre hype?)
Sky wondered how James blew up in the first place. Then he remembered that he couldn't do anything about it. "I don't know what happened... but that was a needless death." He would continue standing in front of Akira's room. As for the whole conspiracy thing.... he didn't give a single crap. James could've called him whatever and it wouldn't matter.

(Gonna sleep. Later guys. Be back in hours to see notifications.)
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Akira wakes up to see Ann had been brought in and placed on the bed next to her. Carefully, she sits up and slips off the bed, then turns to pull the covers over Ann before heading out the door. Akira nods to Sky as she comes out. "Anything interesting happen while I was asleep?" she asks with a yawn, stretching her hands above her head.


Katherine completely dried herself off and went to the cockpit. She decided to be a little hospitable to her guests so she decided to personally make them breakfast. Katherine set the flight path for the day and walked down to the kitchen and brought out ingredients. Since most regular people hate eating condensed food with 500 calories in a pill, she figured she'd make something called an...uh... "A pancake? So...you put the cake in the pan...and flatten it...wait I need help." Katherine wanted to ask Kirstin right now but she wasn't sure if Tristin was up to drowning again. Besides, breakfast can't be that hard, right?

Five minutes later...

A terribly loud buzzing noise was heard from the kitchen, GLASS pistols went off, a flash grenade blinded everyone in the kitchen, moans of a whale and the mooing of a cow was heard, and Katherine stepped out of the kitchen, carrying two GLASS officers that were coughing their lungs out. She was fully covered in flour and powdered sugar.
"Are you two alright?" Katherine quickly shook the flour and sugar off of her body and got on the ground and leaned the officers on her lap, checking their lungs and air filters. The officers nodded weakly and pretended to fall asleep on her lap. 'Really guys?' Katherine put the officers down and walked back into the powdered haze of flour and sugar. She covered her mouth with one hand and decided to give breakfast another shot.

GLASS Officers

Two GLASS officers walked past Akira's room, completely covered in powdered sugar and flour. They were saying something about pancakes and harmful radiation that could destroy a child's thyroid gland. Probably not the best move on their part but it was completely out of context. The harmful radiation would only be emitted if pancake making went wrong.

@Crystal Cali
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Akira gives the officers a curious look as they walk by, and the bits of conversation she heard weren't really comforting. "Yeah.... I'm gonna see if I can get some Chinese take-out delivered up here," she says, then starts to walk off towards the hangar where her van was parked. F.A.I.E. followed close behind. "I'll be back in a bit," Akira called to Sky over her shoulder.

@YoungX @JPax42
"You keep faltering me like that and I'm gonna faint" Pike said as Anella gave him a rather tender embrace. He had to keep telling himself that this wasn't going to be serious. As Anella got up to get dressed Pike gave a wolf whistle. At least things weren't serious in some regard. "While I'd love to and believe me I would, I do have some 'work' to be doing"Pike said as he started to get dressed himself. @JPax42

Katherine walked out the kitchen calmly holding a lighter. She was covered completely in more strange powder, and more flour. Katherine was also covered in a ton of sticky liquid that she didn't want to explain. She smiled at the officered who walked past her, who just nodded their heads in acknowledgement. Her odd calm made it seem like she wasn't even breathing. "No pancakes today, it seems." Katherine flicked on the lighter and threw it in the kitchen, slamming the door quickly after. The roaring of flames was heard as Katherine sank into a sitting position with her back against the door, breathing heavily. A fire alarm was soon heard throughout the carrier, and Katherine got annoyed. A mask materialized over her mouth and nose, as well as a membrane surrounding her head. She calmly walked into the burning kitchen and opened the window at forty thousand feet, causing a slight pressure drop in that room. The breather was designed to deal with fire, not low oxygen. Katherine was starting to feel a little bit faint as the fire was sucked out of the carrier. Katherine blinked hard as the mask and membrane shattered and she opened the door to the main carrier. Katherine took a few deep breaths and closed the door, letting out a relieved sigh. She then walked to the cockpit, where she got weird looks from officers through their helmets. "What are you all looking at?" Katherine looked down and saw that she had gotten flour and illegal powder quite literally everywhere. She then turned to the officers and narrowed her eyes, when they all immediately got up and left the room. "That's what I thought." Katherine took her seat and called an announcement.

"Good morning passengers. We are experiencing some, er, pressure differences in the kitchen area so it would be advised to stray away from that area for the next two hours until we get the situation under control. Thank you for your cooperation. On a completely irrelevant note, breakfast today will be served an hour later than our usual time. You may help yourself to snacks that are currently situated in on the second floor hangar. Morning statistics. Wind speed is a calm breeze of fifty five miles an hour at thirty two thousand and five hundred feet. We will perform a maintenance landing in two days and refueling will commence in thirty minutes. During the time we refuel the carrier, we advise you to keep all personal electronics in the off state as the incompetent boobs that run the refueling branch didn't bother to plate their aircraft. Thank you for flying with GLASS today."

Katherine shut off the transmission and ran a hand through her hair before leaning back in her chair.

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX @Crystal Cali


Anella spent a few minutes staring at her undergarments, which were torn and ripped from the fight a few days ago. She just figured out the best angle to put them on.
"Oh, you have work to do. Sounds like a plan. If you want, I can help if you need it." Anella got her undergarments on and dug around in her pants before pulling out a gun. She spun it around in her hand a few times and licked the back of the weapon. "It tastes like cherry if you need a taste of it." Anella had actually put that one lipstick that some guys liked the taste of on the back of the gun. While she personally hated lipstick, it still did taste pretty good on a gun. Anella held the gun out for Pike in case he wanted to use it. Or taste it. Anella was fine either way.

Pike spent a few minutes trying to find out where his hat fell to. Eventually he found it lodge behind the headboard of the bed. He dusted it off and put it on. Then had to take it off again to put his shirt on. "Well work in the loosest terms, I could go looking for a new mark, hell if you have any suggestions I'd be grateful" Pike explained as he did his tie up. Pike smiled an bemused smile at the offer. At first he thought that she was going to shoot him. Force of habit form having guns pointed at you alot. "I'm going to guess that came about because of your living, and yes I have gather what your living might be, you have alot of experience behind your embraces" Pike said as he stood up. He grabbed the gun an examined it. "Not bad in a emergency I guess, though I won't be licking it" Pike explained handing it back. @JPax42
Akira had gone to her van, and started digging around in her belongings, planning on taking the boxes of things back to her room, when she heard the announcement. Akira pauses, and looks to F.A.I.E. with a deadpan expression. "Yeah, I'm sure everything is perfectly safe and professional up here. These guys seem totally trustworthy," she says with heavy sarcasm in her voice.

"Are you sure? To me the situation seems to be the exact opposite," F.A.I.E. stated.

"That was sarcasm, you dummy. Anyways, I'm sure the snacks are safe to eat, if they're offering them to everyone and not just us. Let's go see what they have before moving all this junk out of here." Akira arranges the boxes neatly in the middle of the van's floor so she can get them easily, and then would follow signs to that hangar that has the snacks.

(hmmm i kind of want valentina to get influenced by someone whose not too morally good but :P mostly everyone here seems pretty good though. anyway)

Click. Click click click.
Her fingers moved quickly over her keyboard as she "worked". Not really on something important... After all, the girl wasn't aiming for world domination or anything like that. Just a simple rough draft for a book, something she'd never taken thought to doing.

It wasn't too easy getting her ideas down though. Her word document looked like a jumbled mess of English, Spanish, and scattered Italian phrases. Just a collection of word vomit, that may or man not have meaning. For her sake, she wanted there to be some sort of meaning... Some sort of... something.

"This is a big city. I can make a name for myself though, if I really wanted to." While she spoke, an odd thought occurred to her. The girl laid her chin on top of her laptop's mouse pad, grinning like a maniac.

[open, for now or later idk]

Anella put the gun back when she was putting the rest of her clothes on. "Well, there's this really nice artifact called um...a red...cell or something? It's only fifteen years old and it's pretty new. It's in a bank vault and will probably fetch a lot of money if you can get your hands on it. Just a thing I've heard." Anella gave a warm smile and pulled some pictures from her pocket. There was a red glowing container with swirling energy inside. It was under a bulletproof glass cage as well as some high security. It seemed like everyone had to stay at least three feet away from the cell at all times to not trigger an alarm. "I mean, it's also really pretty. It'll look nice on your table if you want it."



A message appeared on Valentina's computer. It wasn't much of anything, just a blank tab that belonged to no program. The words the message showed was "
I am typing...there we go. Pleasured to meet you, Valentina Tejera. I am a fan of your works, like what you were just writing. Yes, I can read it."



Katherine began setting up the snack bars with a bunch of other officers. The other officers then began eating snacks through their helmets, shoving food down their filters. Katherine herself stood professionally, directing people who wanted snacks. She waved at Akira, her expression not faltering.
"Sorry about the inconvenience, things usually don't go amiss like this." Katherine smiled. She was clean, at least and no longer covered in syrup and flour. However, if someone decided to stick their nose against her stomach or something and smell her then they could probably smell the sticky flour. At least she had to just look decent a professional. "Akira, do you have any plans for today until Ann wakes up? We may talk to Kirstin again, and we might like to have you there."

@Crystal Cali
"Well I'm sorry to say that most of the pretty things I come across end up being sold to my fences, unless they happen to be rather enchanting creature like yourself in which case they can stay wherever they like" Pike said with a coy smile. He then look over the photos. His over love took over, the love of stealing the thrill the adrenaline. "Yes, yes it would be a most considerable challenge" Pike muttered as he walked out the room. Going to his bookcase, he pulled a fake book, opening the secret room. Inside Pike rushed to the computer, he began to pull up as much as he could on the said bank. "High class, high security, though if..." Pike muttered before writing down his notes. He then remembered something. "Sorry about going all professional but then you would understand that... what has this been business or pleasure?" Pike yelled. @JPax42
Rory smiles, holding up the bottle in triumph.

"Alright then. My place, perhaps? I have some Ben and Jerry's, too." She awaited his reply, nervously playing with a loose curl.

Startled, she sat up, back straight against the chair she was in. Immediately, Valentina tried to exit out, find some way to alter the text, SOMETHING, but she found it impossible. Had she been hacked by someone? Or... Something? Never really know in this city. Resigned to being able to do nothing (and to satiate her own curiosity, of course), she decided to respond by going back onto her word document and typing.

You are? I'm flattered. She debated putting "//sarcasm" at the end of the sentence, but honestly it didn't matter all that much. Her mysterious contact could take it however they wish.

Though I have to wonder why you are invading my privacy. After all, I would have had public book signings eventually. More sarcasm.


Business or pleasure? "Well, pleasure. I'm not charging you." Anella gave a light smile and leaned against a doorframe. "But if you do need someone to help you on the job I'm more than happy. I just...sort of need a place to stay. My apartment is running out of rent and it's a run down place anyways." Anella paused for a second, hoping to get a good answer



Igor smiled.
"I never been to someone's house on short notice." Igor then took off his lab coat and hung it up. Even outside the workplace he wore something formal. "Won't you be of cold with skirt that short?"



The drafts are better. People cut too much of their writing. I like your draft. In fact. I want to get close and personal with your work. I'm ready now if you are. A doorbell was heard a few seconds after the message. Told you.

@rosehearted (you asked for bad influences what about scary ones?)
She pushed down her skirt, a bit, giving him a side glance that said 'drop it' in all caps. She'd been criticized for her wardrobe by him enough already today. She hung her lab coat as he did, and began out the door.

A few minutes later, they arrived.

"Welcome to my humble abode."

It was meticulously cleaned and organized, a large book case beside the Tv holding DVDs, CDs, VHSs, and predominantly comic books.

"You mean you wish to stay with me you... I have only one thing to say" Pike got up the angry easy to tell in his voice. Walking right up to Anella he said "We are going to go shopping, you could do with some new clothes, and yes you can stay with me as long as you wish" Pike said with a smile. He couldn't wait for her reaction. "Only thing is I need to withdraw some money, I've the national bank is a great place, I've heard they even have energy cells" The thief said with a smile. Grabbing his umbrella and shoes, Pike went to the door saying "I'll explain the plan on the way". @JPax42

Igor apologetically waved his hand and followed her to her house. He took a minute to take everything in. "Many comic books I see. In Russia we used to have one store full of superhero comic. Also, did you know there are superhero in Lithium as well?" Igor stepped inside and looked around, looking oddly at various things. He then turned back to Rory and gave a light shrug. "Do you just drink in here?"



Anella followed Pike out the door, nodding. "Oh okay you're gonna withdraw some money..." Anella took a minute to process that. She was about to exclaim a minute later but that would make her seem dumb. "So, are energy cells like...so you don't pay the electricity bill and all that stuff?" Anella walked a bit closer to Pike, her hand almost touching his.

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(oooh scary ones. possibly even better haha)

The young woman's eyes widened. The one day out of the week her dad decided to go help her abuelita set up the shop. Perhaps this was planned? Maybe by her father? The thought made a bit of anger flare up, but it replaced by calmness a second later.

Still, she maintained some level of cautious, getting up to lock her room door before sitting back down.

Would be nice if you had scheduled a time with me. I'm afraid you might've wasted your time. Ha ha.

"Yes, I know there are superheroes here. When batman comes to town, you let me know." A waved her hand dismissively. "Well, the couch is free, and I have some movies we could watch, or Netflix." She shrugged, grabbing two glasses from the kitchen.


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