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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Akira scoffs at the man while glaring at him. "Accept help from a drug addict who will snort anything he can make into powder, and wants to take blood from a girl to heal his likely self-inflicted illness? No thank you." Akira turns to the table, takes out her wallet, and leaves a tip for the waitress. She would then pick Ann up, assuming she was still sleeping and/or cooperated, and then would go to the counter to pay, and leave.

@JPax42 @Shammy the Shamrock

The man shook his head. "Expect a visit from someone...important...in a few hours...or days..." With that, he walked off into the back of the store. The disemboweling of people was heard, and then the crash of a wall. The man had gone, completely.

@Crystal Cali
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JPax42 said:
(Laura: *eats a part of the Trinity's engine much to her mother's discontent*)


Katherine nodded and pointed to the one window that had a platform on it.
"I don't mind a performance but judging by what you were wearing at the night club, it's best I put Laura to bed before you do so. Until then, have fun getting ready." Katherine handed Tristin and Thomas both a small vial of intense alcohol. She then left them in there with each other.


"Alright, anyone got any song requests? Should be something that can be danced to and fun." Tristin smiled and prepared to down all the alcohol. She then looked at Thomas and gave a light smirk.

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
Jonathon would follow Katherine for he wasn't really interested in the whole night club thing. As he did he would ask her, "Well... I suppose there isn't much to do right now. What would you suggest we do?"

@JPax42 (May it go deeper. Hue.)
Thomas shrugged "Something fast and fun. I have no song request," he said finishing his food and cleaning himself with a napkin. "As long as I can dance with you," he said extending his hand, the other behind his back as he slightly bowed.


Jason sighed "Don't want to ask questions that won't be answered." He placed his revolver on the table "You know, this is the gun that made me want to help people. It was the one that almost killed me as well."


Jason sighed "Don't want to ask questions that won't be answered." He placed his revolver on the table "You know, this is the gun that made me want to help people. It was the one that almost killed me as well."

"Huh. I think whoever saved me wants me to kill the pimps, I remember five names Francis, El Leo, Juliana, Brianna, and Gunther. Strange names, but I don't want to kill. I want to heal, though if I see them I'm afraid I won't be able to help myself. I don't know, but is good that you want to fight the injustice in this world. Can you promise me, that if I ever murder anyone without a reason to arrest me? Or something like that."

@Shammy the Shamrock
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Katherine finished tucking Laura in Laura's bed when a voice rang from behind her. "Oh, um. I wasn't planning on going back. The performance was great and I'm glad at least one of my subcommanders can sing." Katherine gave a warm smile and walked to her bedroom. As she walked through the door, she had changed into very casual outfit and looked around the room. "Well...I was going to ask you something. Since...you know, we just did the whole family thing. How do you feel? About that sort of stuff?"

@YoungX (Hue)


"I liked the song I did last time, but I don't want to think about MA50N. But I liked that song...Paige, any requests?" Tristin hopped on the stage and her jumpsuit shattered and reformed into the sequins thing. She signaled for Thomas to step up.

@Shammy the Shamrock

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JPax42 said:
Katherine finished tucking Laura in Laura's bed when a voice rang from behind her. "Oh, um. I wasn't planning on going back. The performance was great and I'm glad at least one of my subcommanders can sing." Katherine gave a warm smile and walked to her bedroom. As she walked through the door, she had changed into very casual outfit and looked around the room. "Well...I was going to ask you something. Since...you know, we just did the whole family thing. How do you feel? About that sort of stuff?"

@YoungX (Hue)


"I liked the song I did last time, but I don't want to think about MA50N. But I liked that song...Paige, any requests?" Tristin hopped on the stage and her jumpsuit shattered and reformed into the sequins thing. She signaled for Thomas to step up.

@Shammy the Shamrock

"You mean about a family? I think it's a wonderful thing." Jonathon told her an honest opinion about what he thought about family, but Katherine most likely meant something else. Hue. In any case, as it is now Jonathon was still in his samurai attire.

@JPax42 (Hue.)
Akira payed her bill, and walked out of the restaurant grumbling as she carried Ann to the back of her van (that sounds creepier than intended, but I'm leaving it like that). She laid sleeping Ann down on the mattress, and then walked around and hopped into the driver's seat. F.A.I.E. climbed into the passenger seat, and hooked herself into the charger that looked similar to a booster seat. Akira drove off, a good distance away from anywhere she had been that day. She finds a parking garage, and parks her van on the top floor, then climbs into the back seat.

So many thoughts were racing through Akira's head right now. She pulls out the card Threat had given her, and starts to inspect it. She had seen the message written on it, but how was she supposed to ask the man questions if she had no way to contact him.

"F.A.I.E. scan this and see if there are any indentations, or invisible ink on the card," Akira says, and hands F.A.I.E. the card. She then takes out her cell phone and calls a certain mercenary she met not too long ago.

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX

Katherine walked up to Jonathon, turning bright red and looking down. "Well, that was the most fun, I've had in a long time. I've always had to keep this professional look to the outside world, but that's not me. You're the only person it seems I can open in front of." She twirled her commander badge in her fingers, looking at the color and the logo. "It's...a particularly weird...thing."

Jason nodded "On my word as a cowboy if you ever do kill I'll arrest you." He crossed his heart before the food came "Looks like the foods here," he said already eating his food. "If anything if they came back, I would kill them. People who use women for money don't deserve to live."


Paige was surprised someone noticed her "I was wondering.....what if I sang with you guys. I've never done it, it might be fun." She said rubbing her arm and looking down nervously.

Thomas tilted his head "You want to sing?" He was curious of this, his sister never really spoke up like this. "What do you think Tristin?"


@Shammy the Shamrock[/URL] @YoungX
As Sky planned his vacation he would get a call from a number the hadn't gotten before. He would then answer and asked, "Hello you have reached Sky the mercenary. I'm about to take vacation, but if necessary I'll listen to what you need." There was curiosity on his face as he wondered what someone could possibly want now that GLASS can basically take care of things. Plus... as it is now even he won't be able to take on GLASS by himself even if they did turn out to have a hidden agenda.

@Crystal Cali

JPax42 said:
Katherine walked up to Jonathon, turning bright red and looking down. "Well, that was the most fun, I've had in a long time. I've always had to keep this professional look to the outside world, but that's not me. You're the only person it seems I can open in front of." She twirled her commander badge in her fingers, looking at the color and the logo. "It's...a particularly weird...thing."

"Is that so? Well... there's no shame in having someone to open up to," Jonathon says as he would look at her. He then realizes that Katherine was... sort of close to him and not only that... well she looked beautiful about now. It could be seen on his face really. "In any case... if you have any problems then I'm here to listen."

Tristin nodded and cracked a smile. "You know what, singing is really easy. You just kind of do it! I'll guide you through. Although, I'm assuming you can dance, Right?" Tristin held her arm out and waited for Paige to come onto the stage. This was about to get really interesting. Tristin spun a microphone into her hand and winked at Thomas.

@Shammy the Shamrock


"Well, I'm not sure how professional this feels, but it would be nice if you didn't mind. It's not a problem..." Katherine leaned in and kissed Jonathon on the lips and just held it there. Her cheeks turned an even more red color while she was doing it. She stepped back a little bit and gave a small smile, turning red. "It was really just a feeling."

JPax42 said:
Tristin nodded and cracked a smile. "You know what, singing is really easy. You just kind of do it! I'll guide you through. Although, I'm assuming you can dance, Right?" Tristin held her arm out and waited for Paige to come onto the stage. This was about to get really interesting. Tristin spun a microphone into her hand and winked at Thomas.

@Shammy the Shamrock


"Well, I'm not sure how professional this feels, but it would be nice if you didn't mind. It's not a problem..." Katherine leaned in and kissed Jonathon on the lips and just held it there. Her cheeks turned an even more red color while she was doing it. She stepped back a little bit and gave a small smile, turning red. "It was really just a feeling."

Jonathan sort of flinched at being kissed upon and his face was basically red as can be. "Oh um... Well... I... um...," he didn't know what to say at this point. For a guy who can cut bullets, fight off a squadron of terrorists, take acid to the face, and can take a kick to the crotch... a kiss basically made him off-guard. Rip.
Akira's gives a deadpan expression as she hears the bit about vacation. "Ah... hi. This is Akira Chino, we met at a restaurant the other day. I have received what seems to be a threat from someone who may or may not be involved with GLASS, so naturally, you're the first person I thought of who could help. I've been told to expect a visit from 'someone important' within the next few hours, or possibly days. If that was a threat, I'd rather have an extra gun on my side." Akira's tone was a mixture of worry and annoyance as she laid out the situation she was in. "Can you help, or not?"

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He thought about it for a moment and would consider the option. After thinking he would say, "Well I can help. After all it's not like I need to take a vacation right now. Still... if this man is involved with GLASS... then that is extremely suspicious. Where is your location? I'll be there very soon." Sky then prepped up on his equipment and would set on out to find Akira by grapple hooking through the city like Spiderman.

@Crystal Cali
YoungX said:

Paige grabbed the hand and went up stage. "I also don't know how to dance. I have two left feet," she said looking down at the ground. "S-So what do I do?"

Thomas held his hands behind his back, wondering what his sister had planned.

"I am on top of a parking garage on the outskirts of the city. F.A.I.E. can give you the coordinates." she says, then hands the phone to the robot, who gives the coordinates and the names of the intersecting streets below.

"All right I'll be there very soon then," and Sky would continue grapple hooking through the city. Eventually he reaches the outskirts of the city and sees Akira and F.A.I.E. He descends downwards and arrives by slamming onto the ground and getting up in a very badass way. "Alright I'm here. Now then I could use more details about this mysterious individual you happened to meet."

@Crystal Cali

Katherine laughed lightly. Katherine shifted slightly towards Jonathon. Since Katherine was someone who spent their spare time balancing books on their breasts while spinning in swivel chairs, her movements were pretty smooth as she ran a hand against Jonathon's face. "In a way, it's a family thing." Katherine kissed Jonathon again and fell onto her bed. The commander who was once shown as professional was invisible, and all that remained was a laughing red-haired woman who definitely was the last person anyone would think of as professional. "Don't stand around bored like that. Come here!" Katherine giggled and rolled onto her back.



Tristin spun the microphone again and held it to Paige's mouth.
"Just sing the words to the song however your voice does it. If you're going to be a ringmaster, you gotta sing. And be confident about it!" Tristin put the microphone to her mouth and sang a note. "Any song you want to sing? I can't think of one."

@Shammy the Shamrock
YoungX said:
He descends downwards and arrives by slamming onto the ground and getting up in a very badass way.
(Kirsty has a track record of the most superhero landings. She did her first landing on page 17 or so when robbing a bank on IFKNKMN, and then it just escalated from there. On top of that, she can fly. Hue)
JPax42 said:
Katherine laughed lightly. Katherine shifted slightly towards Jonathon. Since Katherine was someone who spent their spare time balancing books on their breasts while spinning in swivel chairs, her movements were pretty smooth as she ran a hand against Jonathon's face. "In a way, it's a family thing." Katherine kissed Jonathon again and fell onto her bed. The commander who was once shown as professional was invisible, and all that remained was a laughing red-haired woman who definitely was the last person anyone would think of as professional. "Don't stand around bored like that. Come here!" Katherine giggled and rolled onto her back.



Tristin spun the microphone again and held it to Paige's mouth.
"Just sing the words to the song however your voice does it. If you're going to be a ringmaster, you gotta sing. And be confident about it!" Tristin put the microphone to her mouth and sang a note. "Any song you want to sing? I can't think of one."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Still red, Jonathon would simply nod and followed her to her bed. "Is that so? Well... um...," he was still flustered over the whole kissing thing especially now that she had done it twice. "I suppose it's a family thing... it's just that... I've never done anything like this before..." Right now his heartbeat was basically accelerating beyond a normal human since... Jonathon was trained after all. Still he didn't know what to do so he would get on the bed and would get on his back.


Paige was surprised someone noticed her "I was wondering.....what if I sang with you guys. I've never done it, it might be fun." She said rubbing her arm and looking down nervously.

Thomas tilted his head "You want to sing?" He was curious of this, his sister never really spoke up like this. "What do you think Tristin?"

"Aww, thanks man." Katrina said digging into her food. "Anyways when we get back I'm going to go straight to bed. You fine with that." She asked.

@Shammy the Shamrock
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Katherine rolled over him and shook her head. "You mean to tell me you never made out with a woman on a bed before? With a handsome face like yours I thought you'd be experienced." Katherine laughed and kissed him again. She could see the look in his eyes but she still felt like it was attractive.


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