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Realistic or Modern [Always Accepting] Cold Wind Blows (A Villian/Hero RP)

Villain or Hero

  • Villain [For the lols]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hero [why u so serious]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]
(Ray: Ha! Sorry pal but my A.I. was the first Soldier: Hello, I am that A.I. :3 My dad made him but I improved it when I was 10 so *Does L sign with fingers)

(Brendan: Ahem. GLASS...was actually first. It was the AI that spied on Harmony and Nick doing it. *does the L sign to both Ray and FAIE)
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]
(Ray: Ha! Sorry pal but my A.I. was the first Soldier: Hello, I am that A.I. :3 My dad made him but I improved it when I was 10 so *Does L sign with fingers)

(Akira: Hey now, I've been working on F.A.I.E. for nearly five years now! F.A.I.E. I am the first Akira has ever made *Does a quick search* Also, I can find no public records of when you were created, so your account is disqualified. :P )
JPax42 said:
(Brendan: Ahem. GLASS...was actually first. It was the AI that spied on Harmony and Nick doing it. *does the L sign to both Ray and FAIE)
(F.A.I.E. I can also find no records of this AI made by GLASS, as all of your records are classified, so I am just going to call this BS ;) )
@Shammy the Shamrock[/URL] @Crystal Cali


Katherine turned away from Jonathon for a second. Her swimsuit shattered, revealing two scars along her back that were previously covered by the swimsuit top's strap almost perfectly. It then formed around her again as a normal outfit.
"We're ready to go, I take it?" Katherine began to lead everyone to a dining room, which was directly across the pool room.

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
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JPax42 said:
(Brendan: Actually, in the old RP the GLASS AI was the first. It had a body and messed with a ninja cyborg who was the mayor at the time. LoozEr! LOOZER! YOu"RE ALL LOOZERS! *gets shot by Kirstin* Kirsty: AIs are stupid anyways. *flies away at the speed of sound*)


The man stood up, slightly more relaxed. He then walked over to a random table and picked up some left overs. He pulled out a gun and shot the food, which was instantly disintegrated into a powder. He then put them in a small container and attached it to his mask. "Ahh...this is the second time I snorted pancakes and bacon." The powdered pancakes and bacon disappeared in a whoosh into the guy's mask, who then rubbed his stomach satisfied. "Anyone have any other leftovers I can snort or smoke?" The man rested his hands on the table with Akira and Ann. The man's hands sunk into the table, as if he was made of concrete.

@Shammy the Shamrock @Crystal Cali


Katherine turned away from Jonathon for a second. Her swimsuit shattered, revealing two scars along her back that were previously covered by the swimsuit top's strap almost perfectly. It then formed around her again as a normal outfit.
"We're ready to go, I take it?" Katherine began to lead everyone to a dining room, which was directly across the pool room.

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
Jonathon nodded and would follow Katherine to the pool room. It is important to keep in mind that he closed his eyes when Katherine's swimsuit shattered. In any case, he would follow her and wondered what the food was like. For now he wondered if they had rice... not because he was a samurai... but because that was what he mostly ate.
Thomas saw Laura on his back "Oh hey there. Alright let's go get food!" He asked walking away from the pool and looking down at Tristin. "Why do people like using me as transportation," he asked laughing and resting his arm on her shoulder.

@JPax42 @YoungX

Jason sighed "Hey you want to go get something to eat. With the last of my money I could do that. My treat." He tipped his hat and pointed to a small restaurant near the park.

@JPax42[/URL] @YoungX

Jason sighed "Hey you want to go get something to eat. With the last of my money I could do that. My treat." He tipped his hat and pointed to a small restaurant near the park.

"Does it include a dessert?" She said sarcastically. She began to head towards the restaurant, stopping to check out a clean looking prostitute, she paused looking in her pockets, "Damn." Katrina said as she walked away, still eyeing the girl. "Next time." She said under her breath.

@Shammy the Shamrock

JPax42 said:
The card in Hibikini's hand exploded and the pyramid fell

Tristin shrugged and looked up at Thomas. "I don't know, cause you're kind of big and you smell good." Tristin laughed and leaned onto him as she followed Katherine to the dining room. She looked at the dining room for a second before taking a seat on the sides.


Katherine had suddenly started acting slightly professional again.
"Everyone, take a seat." Katherine walked over to the table in the carrier and waited for everyone to take a seat. She purposely took a convenient chair which she assumed Jonathon would sit next to her.


Laura hopped off of Thomas and into a seat at the end of the table kicking her feet expectantly.
"Are we doing the food thing with the middle of the table?"

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX

JPax42 said:

Tristin shrugged and looked up at Thomas. "I don't know, cause you're kind of big and you smell good." Tristin laughed and leaned onto him as she followed Katherine to the dining room. She looked at the dining room for a second before taking a seat on the sides.


Katherine had suddenly started acting slightly professional again.
"Everyone, take a seat." Katherine walked over to the table in the carrier and waited for everyone to take a seat. She purposely took a convenient chair which she assumed Jonathon would sit next to her.


Laura hopped off of Thomas and into a seat at the end of the table kicking her feet expectantly.
"Are we doing the food thing with the middle of the table?"

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX

Jonathon would take the convenient chair and would sit next to Katherine. From there he would look around admiring the room's design. Then he would wait for the food to appear. It was an interesting scene for sure.

Sky decided that he would eat some food and then would prepare to take his leave. "There isn't much for me to do in this city. Plus... I haven't seen that mercenary as of late. What will she do now that GLASS is here?"
(Akira: *pretends to be upset* Whatever, F.A.I.E. is my first A.I. and I'm proud of her, gosh darn it!)

Akira glares at the man for a moment, then looks around, noticing that the man was making everyone else uncomfortable. She would carefully slide away from Ann, trying not to wake her up, and stand next to the man. "Sir, I think you should leave now," she says, while her left hand types a command into the tablet on her belt. Once she hits enter, F.A.I.E. walks to the other side of the man.

"You are making the people here uncomfortable. It would be best if you leave," she says.

Akira rolls her eyes at how redundant F.A.I.E.'s statement was, given that she had just said the same thing. She'd have to program a redundancy protocol at some point.

@Shammy the Shamrock @JPax42
Thomas sat down next to Tristin and looked around the room. "This place is FANCY. I feel like i'm in a sci fi movie." He leaned back in his seat, wondering where the food would appear.

@YoungX @JPax42

Jason saw her eyeing "I'm not paying for that, it would be very awkward to have fun on a bench." He chuckled as he went into the place and went to a table. "You can order first," he said resting his head on his hand.


Katherine pressed a button and a raw chicken dropped out of the container. It should've been cooked. "Oh, well. That's awkward." Katherine turned red, as if not trying to mess up in doing something in front of someone. Probably Jonathon.


Tristin politely raised a hand.
"Allow me." She glared at the chicken, which soon started to heat up after a haze of heat erupted from her eyes. However, the heat from her eyes faltered as the chicken didn't cook perfectly. 'Damn, this chicken is so raw it should've been running around the room headless...' Tristin fell into a trance as she continued focusing on the chicken, which started finally cooking under her vision.


Laura stared in surprise.
"Wait, you mean to tell me she's cooking the chicken with her eyes?! That's a first." Laura pressed another button and plates slid to a stop in front of everyone. It was at that moment when the rest of food dropped down perfectly. Bread, sushi, even milkshakes.

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX


The man stood up angrily and looked FAIE in the eye.
"There is so much you can't see. You're forming a group with a child. Big mistake, said everyone ever. Be careful out there, against GLASS. GLASS won't be against you...but if you piss them off. They like children, but only ones that are, well, more mature." The man raised a gloved finger at Ann. "She possesses something that reminds me of one of my previous...er...subjects. Hand me a vial of the girl's blood, and I can show you everything. I take it, you need someone important..." The man tapped his breather slightly before looking up slightly. "The effects...of Angle Dust let me see...everything."

@Shammy the Shamrock @Crystal Cali (I got inspiration for his powers from Job in the old RP. Job has powers with pain, he has powers based off of drugs)
JPax42 said:
Katherine pressed a button and a raw chicken dropped out of the container. It should've been cooked. "Oh, well. That's awkward." Katherine turned red, as if not trying to mess up in doing something in front of someone. Probably Jonathon.


Tristin politely raised a hand.
"Allow me." She glared at the chicken, which soon started to heat up after a haze of heat erupted from her eyes. However, the heat from her eyes faltered as the chicken didn't cook perfectly. 'Damn, this chicken is so raw it should've been running around the room headless...' Tristin fell into a trance as she continued focusing on the chicken, which started finally cooking under her vision.


Laura stared in surprise.
"Wait, you mean to tell me she's cooking the chicken with her eyes?! That's a first." Laura pressed another button and plates slid to a stop in front of everyone. It was at that moment when the rest of food dropped down perfectly. Bread, sushi, even milkshakes.

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX


The man stood up angrily and looked FAIE in the eye.
"There is so much you can't see. You're forming a group with a child. Big mistake, said everyone ever. Be careful out there, against GLASS. GLASS won't be against you...but if you piss them off. They like children, but only ones that are, well, more mature." The man raised a gloved finger at Ann. "She possesses something that reminds me of one of my previous...er...subjects. Hand me a vial of the girl's blood, and I can show you everything. I take it, you need someone important..." The man tapped his breather slightly before looking up slightly. "The effects...of Angle Dust let me see...everything."

@Shammy the Shamrock @Crystal Cali (I got inspiration for his powers from Job in the old RP. Job has powers with pain, he has powers based off of drugs)
Jonathon would look to Katherine and said, "Well nothing is perfect after all. Shall we eat?" He then proceeds to politely fill his plate with food, preferably salmon sushi. From there he would start eating while maintaining table manners. Then he would look to Katherine and would wonder if she had tried sushi before. He would take one using chopsticks and would offer it to her. "Have you tried salmon sushi before? It's quite delicious."

@JPax42 (Glad to see someone remembers Job. Hue. But that druggie hue... who could it be?!?!?!?)
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@YoungX[/URL] @JPax42

Jason saw her eyeing "I'm not paying for that, it would be very awkward to have fun on a bench." He chuckled as he went into the place and went to a table. "You can order first," he said resting his head on his hand.

"Aww come on man!" She said sarcastically sitting down opposite of Jason. "Okay, uhm," once she saw the waiter Katrina immediately got quiet. "I'll have a st-steak with a baked potato, p-please." She said sheepishly. Avoiding eye contact with the man taking their order. "Maybe, an iced t-tea if you d-don't mind. Uh, please." Still looking down. It's almost like most men she meets she doesn't like, unless they have an animal of course.

@Shammy the Shamrock
YoungX said:

(When you see da naked fairy. Question did anyone actually listen to the song?)


Katherine graciously accepted the food. "Yes I have, thank you. It's one of my favorites." Katherine smiled lightly and continued eating in silence, observing how everyone else handled the situation.


Tristin finished cooking the chicken and it was ready to be served. Tristin herself managed to eat food nicely for the most part, but was gracefully stabbing her food with her knife and eating like a pirate.


Laura was in the worst situation. She was holding the fork weirdly and she didn't use the knife, so she was just eating chicken off of her plate.

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
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Akira frowns as she considers everything the mystery man just told them. The comments about GLASS liking children, and experimentation seemed to lead Akira to believe that she could trust GLASS about as much as she trusted TEST. "The blood you'll have to do without. I'm not sticking a needle in this girl unless it's needed, and I'm certainly not trusting a druggie to perform a science experiment on the girl in my care. I would like to know, though, what GLASS does that requires children... I saw one of them today, and she had... well, superhuman powers." Akira takes out her tablet, and taps a few things on it. A quiet ding sound emitted from F.A.I.E. as the robot began to record the conversation. "Are you saying that GLASS is performing genetic experiments on children?" she asks. She had done the same thing with the man in front of TEST. Now, if this man confirms her suspicions about GLASS, she'd be able to expose both companies suspicious behavior.... Though the man from TEST said something about children playing with weapons, rather than experiments. That was still a concerning statement.

@JPax42 @Shammy the Shamrock
Thomas ate his food "Nice work there," he whispered to Tristin patting her back. "This is really good! Well everything is good," he said still eating, being precise and careful with his utensils.

@JPax42 @YoungX

Jason ordered steak as well "I never asked you. What's your story, why were you outside the city," he asked trying to pass time while he waited for his food to arrive.

JPax42 said:
(When you see da naked fairy. Question did anyone actually listen to the song?)


Katherine graciously accepted the food. "Yes I have, thank you. It's one of my favorites." Katherine smiled lightly and continued eating in silence, observing how everyone else handled the situation.


Tristin finished cooking the chicken and it was ready to be served. Tristin herself managed to eat food nicely for the most part, but was gracefully stabbing her food with her knife and eating like a pirate.


Laura was in the worst situation. She was holding the fork weirdly and she didn't use the knife, so she was just eating chicken off of her plate.

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
(I have hue. It triggered my memory.)

Jonathon continues to eat with grace as he enjoys his food. "Quite delicious if I do say so myself. Thank you for the food Katherine," he said smiling. He continues to eat and wonders what they would do next.

Meanwhile... Sky is at the hideout wondering if he'll even get contracts. At this point there was no need to be a mercenary while GLASS is still here. It was then he decided he would take this opportunity to take a vacation. Still... where should he go? He was considering Seoul, South Korea as a good vacation spot.
JPax42 said:
(When you see da naked fairy. Question did anyone actually listen to the song?)
(I did.....I will never forget the magical muscular gay koolaid fairy who melted fat police officers. Threat:AND MADE ME KIL-*Covers mouth* It's all in the past :3 )
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The man waved his hand dismissively. "There is so much you don't understand...that's TEST. GLASS has moved past genetics...they have stopped after the 17th century. Do I have to experiment on her? No...I just need a vial of her blood to restore myself to my former glory." The man shook his head. "I don't...need it, though. GLASS...you know the subcommanders...Tristin Winters. Heat vision girl who runs really fast...impeccable coordination. Thomas Martinez...even faster...very very sturdy. Both minors. Fifteen and seventeen. And they are holding higher ranks than adults. Something about children that GLASS admires. But, I'm talking about this child...there is someone important attached to her...that you have lost. Do you accept...my help?"

@Crystal Cali


Tristin continued eating like a pirate, smiling at everyone.
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but this is the first time I've ever eaten dinner while sitting at a table. Usually I got food through a metal slit for the first few years of my life. Then I had to go hunting in the mess hall. Sometimes bamboo. But this is amazing." Tristin finished her food. The only utensil that she had used is the knife, and she even ate the bones of the chicken.


"I'm delighted to hear that you all are enjoying your meal. Clearly, Laura is as well." Katherine pointed to Laura, who had dozed off. Laura had eaten all her food, including most of the plate. Katherine continued eating. "Does anyone of you want alcoholic beverages? I doubt that most of you have taken any."


Tristin jumped back to the time she basically sang and danced on a stage around a boy while wearing what was a two piece swimsuit covered in sequins. All under the influence of alcohol.
"I will take the strongest alcohol if you are alright with me performing."

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
JPax42 said:
The man waved his hand dismissively. "There is so much you don't understand...that's TEST. GLASS has moved past genetics...they have stopped after the 17th century. Do I have to experiment on her? No...I just need a vial of her blood to restore myself to my former glory." The man shook his head. "I don't...need it, though. GLASS...you know the subcommanders...Tristin Winters. Heat vision girl who runs really fast...impeccable coordination. Thomas Martinez...even faster...very very sturdy. Both minors. Fifteen and seventeen. And they are holding higher ranks than adults. Something about children that GLASS admires. But, I'm talking about this child...there is someone important attached to her...that you have lost. Do you accept...my help?"

@Crystal Cali


Tristin continued eating like a pirate, smiling at everyone.
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but this is the first time I've ever eaten dinner while sitting at a table. Usually I got food through a metal slit for the first few years of my life. Then I had to go hunting in the mess hall. Sometimes bamboo. But this is amazing." Tristin finished her food. The only utensil that she had used is the knife, and she even ate the bones of the chicken.


"I'm delighted to hear that you all are enjoying your meal. Clearly, Laura is as well." Katherine pointed to Laura, who had dozed off. Laura had eaten all her food, including most of the plate. Katherine continued eating. "Does anyone of you want alcoholic beverages? I doubt that most of you have taken any."


Tristin jumped back to the time she basically sang and danced on a stage around a boy while wearing what was a two piece swimsuit covered in sequins. All under the influence of alcohol.
"I will take the strongest alcohol if you are alright with me performing."

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
"That is fine I do not need alcoholic beverages. As a samurai I refrain from drinking such," he then takes a moment to drink some green tea. For now he would just relax at the table with everyone else. The moment seems calm but for whatever reason... he feels that something... unexpected will occur.
@JPax42[/URL] @YoungX

Jason ordered steak as well "I never asked you. What's your story, why were you outside the city," he asked trying to pass time while he waited for his food to arrive.

Katrina got quiet, she seemed to look into the distance. "Uhm, I-I, it's not a fun memory. I guess the gist of it is, when I was 23, I think, I was kidnapped, and sold into a human trafficking ring, next I know I got knocked out and woke up a while later, it might've been years or weeks, I found Misty, she was just a kitten at the time, anyways she said to head west, so I went west, now it's been three or four years, I don't really remember." Katrina said patting Misty as she curled up next to her, "Oh, hold on Misty, here." Katrina reached into her backpack and took out a 'Service Cat' vest. "So that's my story, you can ask questions, but I probably won't know the answer." She said as the food finally came. "I'm pretty sure I've had a miscarriage once or twice, I know that I've had a few forced abortions. You know I think I got my burn scars from some crazy foreplay shit."

@Shammy the Shamrock
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